Destiny 2

  • Thread starter Katiegan
I'm interested to know if they'll ever bring back strike-specific loot. That's one of the main reasons I loved strikes in D1, and why I'm not so drawn to them in D2.
I'm interested to know if they'll ever bring back strike-specific loot. That's one of the main reasons I loved strikes in D1, and why I'm not so drawn to them in D2.
I'd love to see and chase some exclusive gear, like a helmet inspired by the Savathun's shrieker, a linear fusion rifle modeled after Brakion's weapon and things like that. Bungie did it in the past and I'm sure they can do it again. More difficult strikes are nice, but they also need to be rewarding (loot) and fun (modifiers) as i said before.
Disappointing there isn't an active GTP clan. Would like to do the Nightfall etc. I'm in a random clan though which gives me free Nightfall/raid loot every week so it's not too bad :)

I also hope something is done about strikes soon. Maybe make them slightly harder and improve the rewards?

It's possible to waltz through them with one random they are that easy. I used to enjoy doing strike runs on destiny 1. No point now.
"Next week the Destiny 2 team will detail the systems side of the December update. It includes: economy updates (vendors & acquiring their gear, tokens, legendary shards), investment updates (new reward systems for weapons & armor) gameplay updates, and more."

Hopefully this update will give me a reason or two to go back.
After all the bad press they received recently for their XP throttling fiasco and the negative feedback about some questionable design choices, I guess they had more pressing matters than showing off a few new weapons :
Hey, there.
Tomorrow, we had planned to conduct the final stream prior to the launch of “Curse of Osiris” to show off some of the weapons and armor the expansion includes. Instead, we are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about Destiny 2.

You’ll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they’ll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you’ll also learn about how we’re reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks.

That will appear on the Bungie Blog on Wednesday. Thank you, DeeJ

Destiny 2 was on sale at my local Shopper's for 40% off, so I picked it up. I played through the PS4 version of the first game that included up to The Taken King. I really liked the first game despite all the hate it got and I leveled up to 40.

Started Destiny 2, it's fun but I'm finding the levels to be less inventive, if that makes any sense? Perhaps they'll be more interesting in the DLC.
Destiny 2 was on sale at my local Shopper's for 40% off, so I picked it up. I played through the PS4 version of the first game that included up to The Taken King. I really liked the first game despite all the hate it got and I leveled up to 40.
Me too. I'm actually planning to buy Destiny 1 again if bungie doesn't release some much-needed improvements for D2. By the way, I just watched the legend himself's latest video about the weapon system and I echo his sentiments completely.

Upcoming Updates Overview

We previously published a list of upcoming Destiny 2 improvements we want to deliver. Some of these updates will be introduced on December 5 and December 12. Others will land in the New Year.

  • New systems and rewards to give our most engaged players additional, optional pursuits, including:
    • A new Weapon Tier: Masterworks, which will feature stat trackers, random, re-rollable stat bonuses, unique item tooltips, and item details screens (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • Improved vendor rewards, adding ways for people to purchase items directly with their Legendary Shards and Tokens (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • Adding Armor Ornaments that grant visual permutations of armor as players complete specific Challenges (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • Better incentives for players who complete challenging Prestige activities
    • We’re targeting a January update to provide better incentives to complete Prestige activities
  • Better rewards and replay value for Strikes, Adventures, and Lost Sectors
    • In December, we will be introducing a Heroic Strikes playlist and more generous Strike rewards
    • Rewards for Adventures and Lost Sectors are still on our radar, but will not be delivered for our December updates
  • Private matches for the Crucible
    • Still targeting early 2018 and expect to have better insight into exact timing in the New Year
    • We are also moving Ranked PVP to the top of our priority list for next year to support the competitive community
  • Crucible tuning like adjusted Supremacy scoring and better spawning rules
    • In December, we will introduce additional updates and bug-fixes intended to improve these areas of the Crucible
  • Better incentives for completing Crucible matches (and penalties for quitting competitive games)
    • A "Quitter Penalty" system is currently in development, and you can expect an update on the deployment of this system in the New Year
  • Continued improvements to Iron Banner and Faction Rallies, including uniqueness of rewards
    • The next Iron Banner and Faction Rally will introduce improvements in both these areas (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • Changes to make the mod economy more interesting and impactful
    • The Gunsmith will have some updates to how Mods are acquired (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • We are exploring more updates to this system in the New Year
  • Ongoing improvements to Exotics, including adjustments to reduce instances of duplication
    • We plan to tune under-performing Exotics and will continue to make targeted updates and improvements
    • Duplication protection will be added for Exotics in the New Year
  • New ways to spend surplus currency and materials (looking at you Legendary Shards)
    • Players will be able to spend Tokens and Legendary Shards on Vendor inventory (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • Xur will have new items, as well (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • An emote interface that allows players to equip Salty, Spicy Ramen, Six Shooter, and Flip Out all at the same time
    • Emote interface improvements are still on the list, and you can expect an update on the development of this system in the New Year
We will continue to revisit and update this list in the weeks and months ahead to keep you up to speed on what we’re working on. Below, you’ll find more specific detail about each of the features and updates you can expect to land in December.

December Update Details

There are four key areas we’re targeting for improvements in December. Some of these updates will arrive with the December 5 update, and some additional updates will be included in a patch that will be deployed the following week on December 12.

Both updates combined include improvements set against the following goals:

  • Deepen Rewards for advanced players

  • Provide More Player Control over obtaining rewards

  • Make Shards Useful by adding things to use them for

  • Provide General Quality fixes wherever possible
The following changes are the first steps towards achieving these goals, with more planned for our next release in January. Here is a preview of impending changes to Destiny 2. Each category is marked with a forecast delivery date.

Masterworks Image Link

Image Link

  • [DEC 12] Legendary Weapons will drop as or be upgraded to become Masterworks versions
    • Masterworks will have a few advantages over the baseline Legendary weapon:
    • Track and display the number of kills with that weapon (with choice between total count or Crucible-only count)
    • Generate orbs for you and your allies on multi-kills
    • Add weapon stat bonuses that are selected randomly from a small pool and are re-rollable
    • Masterworks drop from any source of Legendary weapons for characters above 250 Power
    • Unwanted Masterworks can be dismantled into materials that can upgrade an existing Legendary Weapon into a Masterwork
    • Raid and Trials of the Nine Weapons will have a very high chance to be Masterworks
    • We have future plans to extend Masterworks to other gear and expose your kill counts in more places (e.g. Crucible kill screen)
Armor Ornaments Image Link

  • [DEC 5] Armor Ornaments will be added to some existing Armor sets for more visual customization without losing your Shaders or Mods
    • These ornaments will be unlocked by completing objectives specific to each set, and are permanently unlocked account-wide, just like Exotic Weapon ornaments
    • They will be applied to the base pieces that you may already have collected, and can now unlock on Vendors if not
    • In Season 2, the following sets have ornaments unlocked in their respective activities:
    • Vanguard Faction Armor
    • Crucible Faction Armor
    • Trials of the Nine Armor
    • Iron Banner Armor
    • Dead Orbit Armor
    • Future War Cult Armor
    • New Monarchy Armor
    • Eater of Worlds Raid Lair Armor
Image Link

  • [DEC 12] Faction Armor and Weapons will be unlocked for purchase for Legendary Shards and Faction Tokens on most Faction Vendors
    • All five Armor Slots will always be present, and Weapons will rotate weekly on Factions that have them
    • Slots will be unlocked by claiming Reward Engrams from the respective Faction
    • You will get credit for engrams you may have already claimed since launch
Image Link

  • [DEC 12] Xur has some new offerings for players collecting Exotics:
    • Every week, you’ll be able to acquire one of the new Fated Engrams using Legendary Shards that will decrypt as Exotics that aren’t already in your collection
    • A simpler Three of Coins that boosts Exotic drop rates from any source for 4 hours
    • No obscure stacking mechanics or need to re-apply before every boss
    • These cost Legendary Shards and you can have as many as you like
General Investment Image Link

  • [DEC 5] Banshee has some updates on the Weapon and Armor Mod front:
    • For players wanting to clear some Mod inventory space, Rare quality Mods will dismantle into Gunsmith Materials and have a chance to produce Legendary quality Mod Components
    • For players chasing specific Legendary Mods (including Legendary Kinetic Mods), Banshee will offer a selection of specific Legendary Mods for direct purchase, with a selection that will rotate daily and cost Legendary Shards and Mod Components
  • [DEC 5] For players chasing a world Legendary or looking for Masterworks, Master Rahool will sell some of his rumored hoard of Legendary Engrams for Legendary Shards

  • [DEC 12] Commander Zavala and Lord Shaxx will sell Gift consumables for Legendary Shards that can be used during a Strike or Crucible Match that will serve the following functions:
    • Grant bonus rewards to everyone in that activity upon completion, friend or foe alike
    • Award anything from Faction Tokens to a round of Exotics for everyone in the match
  • [DEC 12] Exploit safeguards on Chests and Resource Nodes are greatly relaxed and players should encounter them less frequently
    • Even if they do, drop rates for Tokens is only reduced to 30% instead of 0%, and Glimmer will be unaffected
    • We want to associate a visual indicator with this in a future update, but we weren’t able to pull that off in this update (but we hear you!)
  • [DEC 12] Vendors will now beckon you to hand in your Reputation Tokens only when you’re carrying enough to earn a Reward Engram

  • [DEC 5] Changes affecting Reputation Tokens:
    • Daily Challenges will have Reputation Token awards increased across the board
    • Cayde’s Treasure Chests still offer variable rewards, but now guarantee (at minimum) a payout of destination appropriate Reputation Tokens
    • Strikes will drop a larger number of Vanguard Reputation Tokens
    • Common quality Destination Resource Tokens will have their drop rates increased to 100%, and values per Token increased as well (by 50% for common quality Tokens and 250% for rare quality Tokens)
    • On the balance, Reputation required per Reward Engram will increase for Destination Factions (+37%) and Gunsmith (+50%)
    • Leviathan Raid Tokens will be redeemed at Benedict immediately upon obtaining a Token, instead of requiring a full clear before unlocking
With the launch of Curse of Osiris, and the beginning of Season 2, you can expect to see a full suite of patch notes that will document all of the changes outlined above, as well as additional gameplay and sandbox tuning changes the team is making to improve Destiny 2. We’ll also soon be providing pre-load and launch day details, as well as a roadmap for our Season 2 content, which includes The Dawning in mid-December.

XP Mechanics

Last weekend, we disabled a scaling mechanism that adjusted XP gains up and down without reflecting those adjustments in the UI. Our intention was to keep slower-paced activities as rewarding as high intensity grinding without confusing variations in displayed XP values, but the silent nature of the mechanic betrayed the expectation of transparency that you have for Destiny 2.

We were able to disable the system with a server-side change, but a new solution is now needed to rebalance XP in Destiny 2. We have begun that work, and will continue to provide updates to you about timelines and specifics. The values coded into our website API are being updated today (and may already have been as you read this post) to reflect the removal of this scaling mechanism. In a future update, we intend to link these internal and display-only values together for greater consistency, and to ensure that when changes are made they are accurately reflected everywhere we report them.

We already see that the newly adjusted 160K XP per level value means that leveling is too slow for some activities, and we have begun the process of collecting data and recalibrating XP earn rates to improve them as quickly as possible.

XP boosts, including both consumable items and passive bonuses like the Well Rested 300% bonus, were always applied after this system and never resulted in early slowing of XP. They should be unchanged by the disabling of this system and will continue to provide their stated increase in XP gain.

Expect to see a lot of conversation from our team on this front, as XP rewards are updated and brought back in-line with player expectations.

The Future

Going forward, we plan to continue this dialog as openly and frequently as possible. This will be an ongoing process, but one that we are committed to.

This week we’ll be publishing a new episode of the Bungie Podcast where we will sound off on the current state of Destiny 2, how we think about our communication challenges, and what it takes to update the game in the wild. You’ll be able to listen on both Apple and Android devices.

Thank you for playing, for being passionate about the Destiny 2 experience, and for working with us as we look to continuously improve our game and studio communication.

Any news about a 4k Xbox One X patch? I could have sworn that they said they were working on one for the expansion release.
I believe they said it is coming with CoO. But then again who knows.:lol:
"On December 5, along with the launch of Curse of Osiris and Season Two, we’ll be deploying an update to Destiny 2 that will deliver stunning gameplay with high dynamic range (HDR) lighting to these new consoles. You’ll also see adaptive 4K resolution on the PlayStation 4 Pro and 4K on the Xbox One X."
I will say one thing. I have it on PC with a system that can run 4k and it looks really good. If that's anything to go by the OneX and PS4 Pro should look pretty nice.:)
The hunt for a decent looking titan helm continues :lol:

Any news about a 4k Xbox One X patch? I could have sworn that they said they were working on one for the expansion release.

Borrowed from Reddit

Curse of Osiris Patch Notes

Destiny 2 Update 1.1.0 - The one about Curse of Osiris




  • Increased the damage dealt to bosses from Super abilities

  • Adjusted the output of the Recovery stat so that characters with the lowest Recovery totals will start regenerating slightly faster


  • Reduced Pulse Grenade damage slightly and toned down the intensity of camera shake and controller rumble associated with each pulse

  • Reduced the recharge rate of additional grenade charges beyond the first

  • Normalized the recharge rate of Arcbolt and Firebolt Grenades to match the other grenade archetypes

  • Increased damage inflicted to combatants by Flashbang Grenade, Magnetic Grenade, Suppressor Grenade, Incendiary Grenade, Fusion Grenade, Skip Grenade, Flux Grenade, Arcbolt Grenade, Swarm Grenade, Tripmine Grenade, Storm Grenade, Firebolt Grenade, Axion Bolt, and Scatter Grenade.


  • Fixed an exploit allowing the Titan’s Rally Barricade ability to generate infinite ammo for certain weapon types

  • Fixed an exploit allowing players to chain Fist of Havok abilities indefinitely

  • Decreased the distance traveled in the air with the shoulder charge ability when it is executed without a target

  • Increased the number of solar hammers that can be thrown during the duration of the Hammer of Sol Super ability

  • Extended the timer for the Hammer Strike’s weaken debuff by 1 second and corrected an issue that was causing the visual effects not to represent the duration properly

  • The Sunspot health regeneration buff now lingers for 3 seconds after moving through a Sunspot

  • Tempered Metal and Sol Invictus no longer trigger off combatant solar shield detonation kills


  • Arcstrider dodge now briefly breaks tracking

  • The base duration of Golden Gun is now the same for both paths

  • Shadowshot now suppresses targets immediately on a direct hit

  • Shadowshot no longer tethers dropships

  • Increased the amount of time available to fire arrows while using the Moebius Quiver upgrade of the Shadowshot Super ability


  • Explosive rounds no longer receive bonus damage from Empowering rift

  • The Heat Rises perk no longer triggers on destructible objects

  • Updated the Devour perk description to correctly indicate that the ability is triggered on kills

  • The Nova Bomb created by the Cataclysm upgrade maintains its initial speed for longer before slowing down


  • Hunter leg armor with Survivalist stat package now grants Recovery

Exotic Amor

  • Mask of the Quiet One no longer grants energy when the wearer takes damage from friendly players

  • Shield Bash now triggers the Dreaded Visage perk on Mask of the Quiet One

  • Slightly increased the damage dealt by ACD/0 Feedback Fence

  • Kills with the Fury Conductors perk on ACD.0 Feedback Fence now show correct icon in the kill feed

  • Adjusted the grenade recharge granted by Starfire Protocol to compensate for the global decrease in the second grenade recharge rate

  • Improved ready and stow speed on Peacekeepers

  • Added an additional perk to Lucky Pants that loads a single bullet to the chamber of a stowed Hand Cannon whenever the player scores a precision hit with any weapon

  • Reworked Karnstein Armlets in two ways: on a melee hit, the armlets now provide heightened Mobility and Recovery and highlight low-health targets; and scoring a melee kill immediately restores a significant amount of the wearer's health

  • Fixed an issue with Dunemarchers where the Linear Actuators perk was not triggering consistently Weapons


  • Increased the base damage and reduced the precision modifier of Precision Auto Rifles

  • Slightly reduced the aim deflection of High-Caliber Rounds on Auto Rifles and Scout Rifles

  • Reduced the effectiveness of Aim Assist at higher ranges on Scout Rifles

  • Reduced severity of recoil on Hakke High-Impact Auto Rifles

  • Hand Cannon accuracy recovery now scales with rate of fire

  • Improved base Aim Assist on aggressive Hand Cannons

  • Slightly increased the rate of fire time between bursts on all Omolon Sidearms

  • Slightly increased impact damage on lightweight single-shot Grenade Launchers

  • Fixed an issue with the Tireless Blade Sword perk where players could sometimes get sword ammo from an unpowered sword attack

  • Fixed an issue where the Infinite Guard perk would drain ammo when guarding in a Healing Rift

  • The Relentless Strikes sword perk no longer returns ammo on heavy attacks

  • When comparing Sniper Rifle stats the UI correctly updates for maximum magazine values

  • Fixed an issue with Ambitious Assassin to make it more consistent

Exotic Weapons

  • Increased Fighting Lion damage and changed Thin the Herd perk to now grant bonus ammo rather than pulling ammo from the player inventory

  • Shooting destructible objects with Graviton Lance, Sunshot, Merciless, Sturm, and Drang no longer trigger the Exotic weapon perks

  • Fixed an issue with D.A.R.C.I's Target Acquired perk to make it more consistent



  • The Leviathan raid now has a recommended Power of 300

  • The Prestige Leviathan raid now has a recommended Power of 330

  • Fixed an issue causing Cabal corpses to float in mid-air

  • Fixed an exploit in the nightmare realm of the Calus encounter

  • Fixed an issue where Raid Keys could be removed from inventory when players create a new character

  • Raid Keys will once again reset alongside Checkpoints each week

  • Players traveling to the Leviathan now see proper spaceflight

  • Fixed cases where players could get out of the intended playable area on a number of maps

  • The Hot Streak challenge no longer progresses for the opposing team

  • The Capture 5 Zones challenge now progresses for zones captured by allies and requires increased numbers of captures for completion

  • Advantage and Domination stats now accumulate on assists

  • Fixed an issue causing previous kill to repeat in the kill feed prior to a new kill when a player obtains a kill streak

  • Increased the rate of Rare rewards upon match completion in Quickplay and Competitive playlists

  • Increased the rate of Legendary rewards upon match completion in Quickplay and Competitive playlists

  • Increased XP rewards upon match completion in Quickplay and Competitive playlists Strikes

  • Nightfall strikes now have a recommended Power of 270

  • Prestige Nightfall strikes now have a recommended Power of 330

  • Fixed an issue in Savathun’s Song where a crystal would fail to spawn blocking progression

  • Fixed an issue in the Inverted Spire where in some cases players who died had no valid spawn location

  • Increased Glimmer earned from strike completions

  • Increased XP rewards earned from strike completions
Public Events

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Prime Ether Servitor would not spawn during the Ether Resupply public events

  • Fixed an issue where the Cabal Gladiators would sometimes have horrific arm elasticity when being defeated during Cabal Drill public events

  • Reduced the XP rewards of some public events to bring them more in line with other activities

  • Reduced Glimmer earned from some public events to better balance them with their counterparts

  • Reduced the rate of Rare rewards to bring them more in line with other activities

  • Increased the rate of Legendary rewards from public events for level 20+ characters Guided Games

  • Leviathan Guided Games now have a recommended Power of 310

  • Nightfall Guided Games now have a recommended Power of 270

  • Improved clarity on Guide selection screen in Guided Games

  • Full clans can now queue as guides for Guided Games
Faction Rallies

  • Fixed an issue where the Tower would not properly load Faction Victory Flags for players who were in orbit when the flags were applied

  • Fixed an issue preventing some players from pledging to a faction during Faction Rallies

  • Fixed an issue where faction tokens stored within the Vault were not properly wiped between Faction Rally events
Iron Banner

  • Fixed an issue where Lord Saladin would sometimes refer to Guardians by the wrong class
Trials of the Nine

  • Fixed an issue where players could sometimes become stuck in the Third Spire when attempting to visit the Flawless space

  • Fixed an issue where the Trials of the Nine tooltip displayed the wrong fireteam requirements

  • Fixed an issue where some emotes would not play correctly during the intro cinematic


  • Fixed the missing buff icon when “The Floor Is Lava” challenge is completed

  • Fixed an issue causing level-up notifications to persist on-screen during Crucible matches

  • Fixed an issue preventing eligible Exotic infusion material from displaying properly in the infusion screen

  • Reduced the frequency of the “HUD Disabled” warning shown when the HUD is turned off via the HUD Opacity setting

  • Fixed an issue causing the player indicator on the destination map to be incorrectly positioned while the player is dead

  • The flashing nameplate indicator for a player who is unable to launch an activity now displays appropriately to all fireteam members

  • Fixed an issue where notifications could be dismissed by bringing up the character screen

  • Fixed legibility issues with waypoint icons and text that were using the same color

  • Fixed an issue causing “No Kinetic Ammo” to briefly appear when a player was swapping weapons

  • Fixed an issue where loot stream notifications would hide Challenges

  • Orbit PGCR correctly displays player tooltip information

  • Fixed an issue where players would be told they owned the Sturm Symbiosis ornament, even when they did not

  • Fixed an issue where "Competitive" was misspelled on the Give Them War emblem

  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be prevented from dismantling gear
4K and HDR Support - Upgraded resolution to adaptive 4K with high dynamic range lighting on the PlayStation 4 Pro - Upgraded resolution to 4K with high dynamic range lighting on the Xbox One X


  • Fixed an issue causing music to fail to play when players were completing the same adventure back-to-back

  • Fixed firing audio for the Hoosegow Rocket Launcher

  • Fixed an audio issue in the Memorialization replay sequence

  • Players can now exit the game using a controller

  • Players can now keybind to the NumPad when NumLock is active

  • The scroll wheel now works on gear lore tabs

  • Fixed crashing in the New Pacific Arcology area of Titan

  • Fixed a source of random crashes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented fullscreen mode from working properly in rare situations

  • Improved the accuracy of the in game framerate counter under fluctuating framerates on PC

  • Fixed an issue where Destiny 2 would crash upon shutdown

  • Improved font texture handling to address cases of stuttering or hitching

  • Fixed an issue where some SLI configurations would cause framerate stuttering Miscellaneous

  • Fixed an issue where open-world vendors would not load properly, resulting in a crash

  • Fixed an issue where two players on the same network could crash when leaving an area simultaneously

  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be launched into the wrong activity

  • Fixed an issue where hitching would occur when traditional Chinese language was selected

  • Added secondary and tertiary sorting methods for the Vault

  • Fixed an issue that could result in Beetle errors

  • Fixed an issue where Loot-a-Palooza and Dance Party keys did not recover to the Postmaster

  • Fixed an issue causing improper lighting on player ships when flying to destinations

  • Fixed many cases where players could get out of the environment in various destinations

  • Fixed an issue causing Louis to jitter erratically

  • Fixed an issue where the camera would rotate awkwardly upon character respawn

  • Added missing Omolon emblem to Gunsmith rewards

Destiny Companion

iOS / Android

  • Updated for the Curse of Osiris expansion

  • Players can now see and share Game History details from their profile page

  • Added the ability to retrieve items from the Postmaster and Gear section

  • General bug fixes

  • Improved localization
Last edited:
Sad to see heroic strikes being implemented without scoring/modifiers/exclusive loot and locked behind the dlc :(
The update is a bit underwhelming so far, in my opinion. The new Travel space is a bit disappointing and small, to be honest, and why can't I use my damn sparrow?

For the story missions/milestones, I'm up to the point of having to beat the Heroic Adventures. I finished one last night but it glitched out when I died, and put me next to the final boss. I killed him but it didn't complete the mission so I had to backtrack to the area I died and finish off that objective. Afterwards it told me to retrieve the chest for completion, but the chest was literally no where on the map and I had no marker. I couldn't even fast travel anywhere so I had to completely quit out of the game. It was such a pain in the ass to do solo too.
The update is a bit underwhelming so far, in my opinion. The new Travel space is a bit disappointing and small, to be honest, and why can't I use my damn sparrow?
Yeah, I didn't hear good things about this new dlc. By the way, those who didn't buy it can still get the new exotic gear from Xur. Prometheus Lens is so fun to use!
So what's the verdict then? I've been waiting for this update because I was mainly done with the base game but seeing a lot of the reaction it's rather lacklustre. Is it worth getting at all?
So what's the verdict then? I've been waiting for this update because I was mainly done with the base game but seeing a lot of the reaction it's rather lacklustre. Is it worth getting at all?

I have the season pass and It's good for lore but..that's it. The patrol area is short, the infinite forest doesn't live up to the hype at all (surprise, surprise) and there's no vault of glass or vex appearing out of a radiolarian lake.
Review by IGN (5.5 - Mediocre)

Brief campaign, hollow story, tiny social space with little to do but the new raid lair is good.

And here's the review by Skill Up, one of the few who defended Destiny and Bungie through the years and now he's moving on.

It's a bit long but well thought-out and worth the time in my opinion. Such a shame to see a game with so much potential (just like D1) being crippled by very questionable changes and a always more important Eververse store.

Therefore, this week, we will release a hotfix that will make the following changes:
  • The Prestige Leviathan Raid will be brought back down to Power 300, and its rewards will drop down to match the new Power Level. All players will regain access to the Prestige Raid.
    • This will allow access to “The Prestige” Achievement/Trophy for all players.
    • This will also allow all players ability to complete the final step for the Legend of Acrius Exotic Shotgun.
  • Trials of The Nine will only require Curse of Osiris when it features a Curse of Osiris map. For all other weeks, it will be available to all players.
    • This will allow access to “Lest Ye Be Judged” Achievement/Trophy for all players.
    • Trials of The Nine rewards that launched with Destiny 2 will still be accessible to all players.
    • New Seasonal Rewards that launched with Curse of Osiris, such as the new Seasonal Armor Ornaments, will require ownership of Curse of Osiris to acquire.
  • The Prestige Nightfall will remain a pinnacle activity, at the new 330 Power cap.
    • This means Prestige Nightfall will require ownership of Curse of Osiris.
    • Because of this, we will update “The Prestige” Achievement/Trophy to only reference The Prestige Raid.
    • Moving forward, we are investigating adding a 3rd difficulty to all Prestige activities, so that we can provide both a challenge that stays relevant with each new Expansion, and a Prestige version that is available to all players.
  • Normal Nightfall will only require Curse of Osiris when it features a Curse of Osiris map. For all other weeks it will be available to all players.
  • Time limited events – Iron Banner, Faction Rally, and The Dawning, will be made available to all players.
    • We will be postponing tomorrow’s Faction Rally, to ensure all of our players can access the activity and the appropriate rewards.
    • Iron Banner and Faction Rally rewards that launched with Destiny 2 will still be accessible to all players.
    • New Seasonal Rewards that launch with Curse of Osiris, such as the new Seasonal Armor Ornaments, will require ownership of Curse of Osiris to acquire.
We expect these changes to go live tomorrow at the end of scheduled maintenance to deploy Update 1.1.1. Moving forward, we are also looking to improve on Heroic Strikes, with new challenges, new Modifiers, and free access for all players.


I'm having too much fun with the Selfie emote :lol:

Whats going on with the news articles? Hasn't been a Thursday article in what, two weeks?
So music of the spheres was recently leaked and somehow I didn't hear about it.

Finally able to hear the damn thing the way it was meant to be heard.