DIRT 5 Free to Play on PlayStation 4 Over Easter

So I can download it for free, and continue to play it for free even after April 5th? I thought it’d be like the free PS+ games, or the free games offered through the “Play at Home” initiative.
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Seems like as good an excuse as any to see if it's worth my money. I've held off until now, on the basis it looked like leaning too much into the sort of 'energy drink culture' that was prevalent throughout, say Dirt 3. Now I can see if the various categories throughout this are actually exciting.
A little tip that isn’t mentioned anywhere, some cars in the game (like the Rock Bouncer, Audi AI-Trail and the Formula Off-road) have rear-wheel steering.

Check your controller setting to see what button activates it and then hold that while you steer to get a little extra turn-in on tight corners.
Couldn't find a free option on the PS store on my PS4, but online I found it, added it to my library, and 47 GB download further on, I can play ! Happy easter!
Will progress still be saved after the weekend, or do I need to start from scratch when I buy it?
But we've already played DiRT5...
Managed to get my hands on it today! Here's my review so far...

1: It is the full game, not just a demo or a very limited free trial (although it's the base game-no dlcs), so that's awesome on its own from Codies!

2: It's not DiRT 2 or DiRT 3 levels of awesome, but it's great on its own, the biggest (and strongest) feature it has is of course the track creator, it is literally Trackmania levels of creativity! ♥ Also, the physics aren't that bad, although I do wish so much it had DiRT2's physics (a.k.a the best ones of the franchise by far), and the damage model, and the camera configurations as well (although I did felt comfortable on the interior helmet cam, and the "zoom-out" effect while looking back gives me that awesome Motorstorm: pacific rift vibes ♥)... Also, about the graphics and the whole environment, the graphics themselves are awesome, really love the cars' crisp details and the tracks' details as well (so are the tracks' mechanics)... And, I understand why they went again to an "extreme sports festival" theme, but, tbh it feels kind of something is missing, or that it could be improved a bit more..., ngl, the only thing here missing is the X-games... remember how it played a huge role in D2 and 3, and, with the track creator, imagine the boom it could have here, hopefully, if codies makes an X-games expansion, it can give the game the bunch of fresh air it needs to keep relevant...

Overall, if you want to buy it afterward, go for it! It's a great game overall, and the custom player-made tracks really can make the game stand up more than you expected! But, on its own (without the track creator), it feels like something is missing in some points, hopefully, the X-games can make a return in the future! ♥

Also... MOA HRSPRS BABY!!! :cheers:
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Closest thing I could find when I searched on the Playstation store was a free demo (and it's only seen with the "Dirt 5 PS4 and PS5" one I found). Is that it?
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47 GB download
Surely I can't be the only one who doesn't have the patience to, nor understands the point of downloading a game I can only play for a handful of days until it expires?

Sure, Imma just spend a few hours to install the game and then I can play it tomorrow... I can understand the point if you have a PS5, but with the PS4, it's...tedious.
nor understands the point of downloading a game I can only play for a handful of days until it expires?
I think is a Great idea. Instead of a small demo you can try the full game. Than you can easily decide to buy it or not. And of course if you buy it (at least I can speak for the digital edition) you don't have to download anything else. And belive me 3-4 days are enough to almost coplete the carrier, buy most of cars, experience online and even build some playgrounds.
Surely I can't be the only one who doesn't have the patience to, nor understands the point of downloading a game I can only play for a handful of days until it expires?

Sure, Imma just spend a few hours to install the game and then I can play it tomorrow... I can understand the point if you have a PS5, but with the PS4, it's...tedious.

I see your point, but depending on the download speeds your getting, it can be done. I had it downloaded in 2 hours, and it installed right away.
Seems like as good an excuse as any to see if it's worth my money. I've held off until now, on the basis it looked like leaning too much into the sort of 'energy drink culture' that was prevalent throughout, say Dirt 3. Now I can see if the various categories throughout this are actually exciting.
I was wrong when I thought it would be like energy drink culture: it actually looks like SSX culture. Which hasn't been relevant since about 2007.
Nothing wrong with the driving, although being limited to certain cars from the start is an inconvenience. If we have to be limited to one per class, at least let us choose which one to be limited to.
It also seems like each discipline is just an elaborate way of saying 'a race'. Except for rally raid, which is 'a race in a rally stage'. And not actually a rally raid category.
I'm not sure if it's worth it, really. At least a lot of the vehicles are quite unique. But the ones that aren't don't really feel like they fit into this kind of game at all.
Played it for 3 days now, around 7 hours, but I'm just done with it. It doesnt have really standout thing. Every race is just full thrust ahead, no precision needed, grip is everywhere, even on the ice stages, and races are looking alike now. Collecting the stamps is very arbitrary, not clear why I need them, it's progressing I guess. Then there's also the chapters, no idea what I have reached at that point I clear them, did notice that the race challenges kept getting harder... Car were all right, but handling is arcade-non-plus-full. No realism there. Game looks in some stages absolutely beautiful though. Snow stage, with full lights in front in the dark and a competitor closeby, looked amazing. Will def not buy, but it was fun for 3 days...
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April 6th... Can still play...:gtpflag:

April 7th and still enjoying it on my end as I post this (Even after update 4.02). Kinda was surprised by this.
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How big is the 4.02 patch? 99MB or 500MB?
I'm asking because 3 day ago I remember it was 99MByte (I blocked it) but yesterday just before launching the game (the trial version which still runs) the counter was 500Mbyte.
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How big is the 4.02 patch? 99MB or 500MB?
I'm asking because 3 day ago I remember it was 99MByte (I blocked it) but yesterday just before launching the game (the trial version which still runs) the counter was 500Mbyte.
Don't know exactly, but does it matter? The game still running here, with patch 4.02...
Does it matter? I dont know.. that's the point. I asked because is pretty strange that
the game still works (easter is alreay finished)... and I'm sure that my patch passed from 99 megs to 500. How is it possible?
so I have started to think that something wrong happened with that trial version and I'm "scared" to download a patch which removes the trial ahahahah
Does it matter? I dont know.. that's the point. I asked because is pretty strange that
the game still works (easter is alreay finished)... and I'm sure that my patch passed from 99 megs to 500. How is it possible?
so I have started to think that something wrong happened with that trial version and I'm "scared" to download a patch which removes the trial ahahahah

Ah yes, do understand that, I also hope they don't fix this... But there is no control over it, unless you block it like you did. But then there is also the possible blockade of not running the latest patch, which the game might not like...
Just update it, and will see what happens... My guess would be they linked the wrong version of the game (the full game and not a time-bounded-demo version) to the download link...
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