Download GT HD, still (?)

  • Thread starter CarochaMan
Is anyone still available to loan their account out for this?
I played the game in 2007, but didn't get a PS3 till 2011 (...), so it would be nice if someone could still loan it out to those who do not have it :)

That would be such a cool thing for someone to do. I would love that game too, but to ask someone for their account details? What if they asked me for my account details first, for security? Would I do it? I don't know? Sorry, just thinking out loud.
That would be such a cool thing for someone to do. I would love that game too, but to ask someone for their account details? What if they asked me for my account details first, for security? Would I do it? I don't know? Sorry, just thinking out loud.

Read through the thread, it did occur a few times. Sadly though, some incompetent fools modified the account so it couldn't be retrieved. :/
Yes one still can have still downloading, and also games, with Ranging Online, but simply only that that it in your download load..!!
Therefore question I yes whether someone can help me.

Can you not try forgot password..???

This account was made about 6 years ago, when the ps3 first came out. After buying another ps3 after a disk drive error :ouch: I had to make another account because I forgot the other one. And i tried about 5 years ago to remember it but I couldent, and if I did I would have acessed the account.
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Im not sure what your trying to say.

I believe what he's trying to say is that the online still works.
Which I can confirm that. The weekly leaderboards are still active.

Although I can confirm stuff from the game, don't ask me for account details and such as I do not have them.
Since my PS3 HDD has failed on me, I'm looking (again) for someone who could loan me an account just for the GT HD (PAL version if possible)... please?
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Any updates on this? I would really like to download it.

Either find a friend who had downloaded on their account back in 2007 or try to buy a GTHD Install disc from Japan. They're harder to find and not too cheap, plus it installs the JP version, so everything is in Japanese. I learned this recently when I used my install disc and realized I would have to navigate the menus and options by using the symbols and guesswork.
That seems a bit shady, can you provide any evidence those links aren't malware, and how to use the files within to get HD onto a PS3?
That seems a bit shady, can you provide any evidence those links aren't malware, and how to use the files within to get HD onto a PS3?
I Googled the URL and it seems those are legitimate PSN links. Maybe you could transfer those files to a flash drive and then copy them to the PS3? :confused:

I may try it myself if nobody else does.

EDIT: Never mind, he says its for CFW users, which I presume stands for Custom Firmware. As I'm on stock firmware, I can't try it. I'm still interested to see if it will actually work though.
I guess I'm just one of many people here who got a PS3 way too late to play GTHD, and like others here I've always wanted to play it. So even though it's been asked many times, I have to ask is there a kind soul willing to share an account so some of us could finally experience it?

I know it's hard to trust strangers with your account, but we can still hope, right?
Just finished installing the Japanese version. The catch is I just bought this 500 gig super slim from the shop yesterday and I am using a newly created(about 5 hours old) PSN account. ATM we can use our computers to install this demo onto our PS3 hard drives. Ill make a guide tomorrow morning if anyone will be interested.

Note for most of you this method requires a 1 gig flashdrive, a spare(blank) PS3 hard drive, small knowledge on how to use your PC and PS3 system software 4.66 which I got from
Just finished installing the Japanese version. The catch is I just bought this 500 gig super slim from the shop yesterday and I am using a newly created(about 5 hours old) PSN account. ATM we can use our computers to install this demo onto our PS3 hard drives. Ill make a guide tomorrow morning if anyone will be interested.

Note for most of you this method requires a 1 gig flashdrive, a spare(blank) PS3 hard drive, small knowledge on how to use your PC and PS3 system software 4.66 which I got from

Does this involve making a backup of the PS3? If so, I think I know how you're doing this. I'd still be interested in a guide.
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@jacnob @optiongamers and @Lubeify100


Here is the rough guide steps 9 through 11 have been blocked since firmware 4.70. If you already have the identifier saved(achieved from steps 9 - 11) and updated to 4.70 you will be fine. If you dont have it saved or you have just found this guide and your console is on 4.70 then sorry this guide will not work for you.

Hopefully I havent skipped any steps and hopefully the command prompt section is easy to follow. I've added spoiler tags to keep this tidy.
This method posted below only works with any free demo games and comes in handy for a demo like this which has had its download link removed from the store page.

First you'll need to gather a few goodies:

A phillips head screw driver
A FAT32 formatted flash drive with at least 1 gig storage
A spare blank hard drive to use in your PS3(after all is said and done you can swap between this hard drive and your original hard drive no problems)
We'll also need software for our PC, the GT HD game package, PS3 system Software 4.66 and
you need to know the private IP address of your PC... use method 3 or method 4 of this link if you dont know what your ip address is

1) Open one(or all 3 if you want to have all region versions) of the links in this post on your computer
Download GT HD, still (?)

2) Download System software 4.66 from the playstation site on to your PC. As pointed out in my earlier post I obtained my copy from here

3)We need some software for this magic to work so grab this pack.!0YliWJhQ!nBgu1N6fMxM6fov4BVVJJ3uy0M8BUCmN5Cil3eGJS-A

4) Whilst these items are downloading grab your philips screw driver and remove the screw that locks the PS3 hard drive into place. Slide the drive caddy out and swap your original drive out with your new blank drive then reattach the caddy to your system

5) Hopefully your 4.66 system software has finished downloading. Open your flash drive and create a folder in caps titled PS3. Open that folder and create a new folder in caps titled UPDATE. Open the UPDATE folder and copy your downloaded file from the playstation site which should already be named PS3UPDAT.PUP or PS3UPDAT depending on whether you have extensions on your PC showing or not.

6) Switch your PS3 on and plug in your flash drive to the console. Follow the on screen prompts and within a couple of mins you should be greeted with the set up screen.

7)Set up a dummy psn account to this profile. Open the PS Store and download the smallest demo you can find, I downloaded Digger HD Demo and started it up so my blank PS3 would create a game directory inside its file system.

8)*your flash drive should still be plugged in* Go to the settings column on your PS3 and open up System Settings. Scroll down until you find an option called Backup Utility. Open it and run the backup option.

9) Go back to your PC and extract the zip folder from the Mega link. This zip folder should be titled GTHD Set and we want to extract the contents to a convenient folder for access. In your username folder would be good so you can copy/paste my command prompt commands

Extract the zip file titled alternative. the password set by the developer is "" minus the quotation marks.
Open the the idpstealer folder and run the idpstealer gui app. choose a port number I used 30274 then hit the "Get my IDPS" button.... if your pc asks you to allow this app through the firewall click yes.

10) Go to your PS3 and scroll down to network settings. Set up the network settings as you normally would(needs to be custom not easy) but when you come across the Proxy setting option enable it rather than defaulting to disabled.
You need to enter your IP address for your computer, which you should have looked up at the start of this guide.
You will also enter the port number you used on the idpstealer gui app.

11)Save these settings and go to your PSN column and hover over the "whats new" option. Some icons should show up, open the Whats New option and click on any of the game icons. PS3 will ask you to sign in but you dont need to as there should now be a new file in the idpstealer folder called idps.bin copy and paste this new file into the ps3xport-win32 folder. Rename it to idp.bin. Inside the ps3xport folder create a new folder and name it "New". Go into folder "New" and create another folder and name it "dev_hdd0"(thats number zero not the letter oh). Go into that folder and create another folder named "game".

12) Run the PSN decryptor program that is in our GTHD set. Click on the green plus icon to browse and find your GT HD package on your PC that you downloaded earlier through one of the links that @DeviDVS supplied in his post. Change the drop down menu from "extract decrypt files for PSP" to "Extract pkg for PS3 or PSP" and hit the extract button. You will see a new folder appear in the same directory that housed the GT HD package that the PSC Decryptor app extracted. Open the folder and you should see a 6xxmb folder named: NPJA00010, NPUA80019 or NPEA90002 depending on which link you chose. Drag this folder into game folder created in step 11

13)Put your flashdrive into the PC and copy your PS3 folder and all its contents to your ps3xploit-win32 folder. Open these folders until you get to a folder which uses numbers for its name eg 201501032200. Make note of the size of this folder too.

14)Open up command prompt(use google if unsure how). For a helping hand I open up the ps3xport-win32 folder and have it maximizied with command prompt at a smaller scale so I can see the address bar of the ps3xport folder.

Have a look at the directory address bar of ps3xport folder and change/add to what I have in italics as this is how my directory is set up in relation to my user folder eg used folder>idpstealer folder>ps3xport-win32 folder.
With command prompt open type:

cd idpstealer/ps3xport-win32

Hit enter

remember to change the italic below with your folder number from step 13
ps3xport ExtractPSID PS3/EXPORT/BACKUP/201501032338/ psid.bin SetPSID psid.bin

Hit enter

Now we want to use command prompt to merge our new folder container the GTHD game files created in step 12 with our PS3 hard drive back up data
ps3xport SetPSID psid.bin SetDeviceID idp.bin AddProtected PS3/EXPORT/BACKUP/201501032338 New

You will know once the app has done its business merging your files once the command prompt screen refreshes itself and you see C:\Users\user\idpstealer\ps3xploit-win32> infront of the cursor... if the last line is still "ps3xport SetPSID psid.bin SetDeviceID idp.bin AddProtected PS3/EXPORT/BACKUP/201501032338 New" wait a minute or 2 longer.

15) Check the PS3 folder inside PS3xploit-win32 folder.
Open folders in order until you get to the actual files. There should be .dat files and .bak files we want to compare(dont skip the comparison we need to make sure that the file was actually merged!) archive2_00.dat to archive2_00.bak. archive2_00.dat should be 6xx mb larger(or close to 2 gig larger if you wanted to install all 3 versions) than archive2_00.bak. Copy this folder and over write the original one on your flashdrive. Your flashdrive directory should be:
Open the 201501032338 folder and delete the .bak files, they are not needed. You should now have four files left in this folder:
archive.dat, archive_00.dat, archive2.dat and archive2_00.dat

16) Time to install GT HD onto our PS3. Move the flashdrive over to your PS3 and load up the system settings option again. Scroll down to back up utility but this time when we open it. Use the Restore function. Follow the restore prompts and let the PS3 do its thing. At 100% you will get a database error*. Click X and accept the PS3s suggestion of Rebuilding the Database when prompted. After the database rebuild fire up that game of GT HD.

*If your PS3 restores without throwing an error and you dont see the GT HD icon in the game column jump in recovery mode and choose the Rebuild Database option from there
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