DROPFIVE Motorsports | KDFAlliance | [HOONIGAN]

  • Thread starter SPANK
Hey keep giving me sheet about the pot okay enough im really getting sick of it i read the OP

Chill out. Everything is in the op. The dates and times are in the VDC OP pic. There is a link for registration.
Lay off the pot and stay in school. Everything you need to know about VDC is the OP.

No pot, stay in school, and use your wheel! I made a German cars nurburgring race lobby and he's ds3 drifting a 240 this is bull**** Fatman get it together.
I can use what want jeez guys give me some slack look at edub

Ok. Fine. We will stop hassling you. Just FYI Edub has been using his wheel more consistently than you and doesn't whine that its too hard. So from this point out, I dont care if you learn the wheel or not. But dont join a lobby an complain that you cant do it. Your just being lazy. I have put my controllers away, and have been using my wheel since.
Ok. Fine. We will stop hassling you. Just FYI Edub has been using his wheel more consistently than you and doesn't whine that its too hard. So from this point out, I dont care if you learn the wheel or not. But dont join a lobby an complain that you cant do it. Your just being lazy. I have put my controllers away, and have been using my wheel since.

YEEEEAAAAAHHHH *Gucci Mane voice* I'm having continuous headaches now, so I don't think I'll be on the wheel until tomorrow probably.
Dude you need to chill out. I'm trying to help you. Helped edub also. I dont mind helping, but you have to be willing.

He's right Fatman, but patience is a virtue & its something you'll need
You guys i can do the corners just need to perfect them

You wont perfect them because you never practice. Your attitude towards the team right now is very upsetting. The fact that you're smoking pot keeps you from being able to acknowledge that you're doing anything wrong. I am disappointed.
Great! but there is more to just 1 corner. You have transitions, exiting to work on. Just have some patience. Like I said earlier if you dont put the controller down, you will going 1 step forward on the wheel then you will be taking 2 steps back everytime you pick up the controller.
I'll be on later tonight. Going with the GF to get her a HDTV. So I'll be on after she goes to bed prolly.
w33d ain't gonna fix yo life! It got my friend expelled from my school so of course I am against it.

actually, it does. it has lowered the suicide & traffic death rate
Great! but there is more to just 1 corner. You have transitions, exiting to work on. Just have some patience. Like I said earlier if you dont put the controller down, you will going 1 step forward on the wheel then you will be taking 2 steps back everytime you pick up the controller.

Yup, but learning how to drift on the wheel takes a while to learn, its like learning how to ride a bike, it takes a while but once you learn you just keep getting better and better and better.
Hey Zed this was in my school today.
but it hasn't caused any deaths either

Just because it hasnt caused any deaths does not mean its good for you. In a world where productivity is key to success being layed back and high is not profitible.
Just because it hasnt caused any deaths does not mean its good for you. In a world where productivity is key to success being layed back and high is not profitible.

actually, if they legalize marijuana, there's a possibility it'll boost the economy up
No it wont, it will actually hindle the economy because of the fact that insurance companies will change more for health coverage. So medical insurance will rise, and people will have less to spend putting us further into a recession. I have studied economics. I know how these things work.
Thanks edub and u guys have no idea how my life is last night i put knife no my wrist and got into a fight with my dad so dont tell me what to do pot does this that therapy cant