Elite: Dangerous

  • Thread starter marky5244
One thing I haven't figured out yet is the whole Pledge thing, I see that you can get specific rewards that vary by person and special ships if you join the Federation or the Empire, but is it better to wait until you are further in the game to Pledge? I'm noticing that I can't do many missions from the Bulletin Boards because I don't have a 'Friendly' relationship. I am in a Federation controlled area and the nearest Empire system is at least 125ly away so maybe it just makes sense to join the Federation?
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I was just getting into this as I stopped playing because of school. So each faction leads and functions in different manners, as is explained in each systems information page. These differences lead to different focuses of mission types, such as delivering goods or propaganda, attacking certain figure heads, etc. If you aren't prepped make the trek to which ever system you want to join, you can side with the system you are in so you get the bonuses of working and such. Then, when you are ready, you can defect to the new system. The other system will not be happy, but you probably weren't going to align with them in the end any way.
Thanks rallywagon, I think I am just going to join the Federation then. I'm up to about 1.7 million credits with a well kitted Viper mk III, I think I am going to get a Keelback next, I want a decent hauler so I can make larger cargo runs. I received my first two promotion missions and earned a Recruit rank, I guess I am doing something right.
I just bought this on Xbox One. But I'm totally stuck haven't a clue what to do. I've completed all training except Combat training: Incursion and :Incursion Advanced. My problem is I went to Full Game and clicked Solo Play. Now I find myself at Trevithick Dock. If I go to Star Port services and to Bulletin Board, it says "Available but unobtainable missions." So I have 1,000CR and there are no jobs available. What am I supposed to do? Can anyone give me any help?
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You came to the right place this time around! Sounds like you need to go to a different port. Actually, my advice can be found a page back, where I instructed Dastardly to head to a planet with a ring, hit up the high hazard area and pop shots just before someone who is wanted is destroyed, gather the bounties and cash them in at a local port.
The reason you see jobs that are available but unobtainable is because your ship or your rank disqualifies you. Depends on the mission and mission type. At the beginning, the easiest way to earn money is bounty hunting. Search elite dangerous bounty hunting on YouTube, some great tutorials there on how to do it.
Yes, wraith of horus definitely check out the High Hazard zones (Low-Hazard works too). You can also go to Nav Beacons and make money quickly too, just look for Laser Fire and approach it, scan the ships and find one that says "wanted" and take it down.

The Bulletin Board will refresh at each station after a time. If you select one of the unattainable missions if will have text in red telling why you don't qualify for the mission yet. In some cases you need a higher combat rank or you need to be friendly with a system or station in order to be able to accept it. Always check the distance of each mission BEFORE you accept it, I tend to shy away from the ones that are more than 20lys away since I don't have a ship with more than a 8ly jump range yet.
You came to the right place this time around! Sounds like you need to go to a different port. Actually, my advice can be found a page back, where I instructed Dastardly to head to a planet with a ring, hit up the high hazard area and pop shots just before someone who is wanted is destroyed, gather the bounties and cash them in at a local port.
The reason you see jobs that are available but unobtainable is because your ship or your rank disqualifies you. Depends on the mission and mission type. At the beginning, the easiest way to earn money is bounty hunting. Search elite dangerous bounty hunting on YouTube, some great tutorials there on how to do it.

Yes, wraith of horus definitely check out the High Hazard zones (Low-Hazard works too). You can also go to Nav Beacons and make money quickly too, just look for Laser Fire and approach it, scan the ships and find one that says "wanted" and take it down.

The Bulletin Board will refresh at each station after a time. If you select one of the unattainable missions if will have text in red telling why you don't qualify for the mission yet. In some cases you need a higher combat rank or you need to be friendly with a system or station in order to be able to accept it. Always check the distance of each mission BEFORE you accept it, I tend to shy away from the ones that are more than 20lys away since I don't have a ship with more than a 8ly jump range yet.

Yeah I went to facebook elite dangerous group, they tried to help me but they are on PC not xbox we found out that open play doesn't allow PC and xbox user to see each other online on different platforms. Ben recommended the same, he said "if he can get to Zaragas, he has all he needs to make millions without leaving that system.. A nav beacon, a low intensity RES, A high Intensity RES, a HazRES all within 30 seconds of the station." i just bought an E1 fuel scoop so I have upgraded fuel tank.

But its still 35 jumps to get there. He also said "beside fairborn station are some fields you should be able to bounty hunt in.... remember for the start just snipe targets that are near dead" and "well thats a good thing and a bad thing.. it shows the depth of the game... The common way to start is to go snipe some kills at ether a nav beacon or a res site.. Then upgrade your winder a little and go back and do that again and again until you have enough to upgrade the ship... Take it slow... This time next year you'll be a millionaire!"

So he recommended "you tube.. sidewinder to anaconda in 24hrs... Its funny but worth the watch and set you started." So i'll try this out and watch the videos. I had a hard time trying to land at a port at Trevithick Dock in the LHS 3447 system. Not much to market here. In the meantime I gonna try and ugprade my frame drive but doubtful I have enough credits meh 309 for a fuel scoop which leaves me with pitiful 982 CR. cries :(

EDIT: If anyone is in the uk and is on xbox and is starting out, add me on xbox live we'll try do some stuff together online maybe.
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I just bought this on Xbox One. But I'm totally stuck haven't a clue what to do. I've completed all training except Combat training: Incursion and :Incursion Advanced. My problem is I went to Full Game and clicked Solo Play. Now I find myself at Trevithick Dock. If I go to Star Port services and to Bulletin Board, it says "Available but unobtainable missions." So I have 1,000CR and there are no jobs available. What am I supposed to do? Can anyone give me any help?

There are a few guides on Youtube. I found this one helpful when I used to play this. (Laptop RIP) It's the one you referred to.

Language warning though.

I personally wouldn't bother with trying to get an anaconda in 24hrs, it's better to take your time and get your piloting skills down first as that is a large ship and difficult to doc for a beginner.

Basically what I did is score a couple of bounties and I did a few low-paying delivery missions then I upgraded my fuel scoop first then my Frame Shift Drive (like you did). Then I went back out scored a few more bounties in Low res and at the nav beacon, then I upgraded my lasers to Burst Lasers an bought a better power supply.

This was the point that I ventured off to systems further out from Trevithick Dock area, I took a delivery mission not looking at how far it was away, something like 60ly, I made several jumps, 10 or 11, I forget, finally arrived to make a measily $15,000, but this ended up actually being helpful because I scanned a bunch of systems along the way, see, you can sell your Cartography data at stations and make more money that way. I also found that I was making more money the further I was away from the starting area on delivery missions. I found a nav beacon that frequently spawned higher paying bounties and I made $150,000 plus, each in two separate runs, soon I was well over $300K, at that point I bought a Viper mk III for $142K and upgraded it, which is great for what I am focused on right now and that is bounty hunting.
I went the viper route as well, and dumped a bunch of loot on it, rigging it out for bounty hunting. Once school wraps up, I need to make a few additions to my gaming chair so I can start using my dual stick set up. Get ready for some PvP arena battles.

Oh, hey, @JvM remember the discussion we had about NMS and their use of galaxy and universe? its covered in the first 2 and a half minutes of this video.
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The servers were pretty bad last night, they are doing something behind the scenes I guess, still somehow I managed to make $280,000 and raised my Trading rank about 10% in between getting continuously disconnected before I finally gave up and played The Crew.

I'm trying to get my trade rank up to Merchant, I'm currently at Dealer rank. I'm also trying to save up for a good Hauler, I want something better than a Type 6 because I want more combat capability to fend off pirates; I'm thinking about going with a Keelback. Not much cargo capacity with only 36T, but that's plenty more than my Viper with 8T capacity.
I personally wouldn't bother with trying to get an anaconda in 24hrs, it's better to take your time and get your piloting skills down first as that is a large ship and difficult to doc for a beginner.

Basically what I did is score a couple of bounties and I did a few low-paying delivery missions then I upgraded my fuel scoop first then my Frame Shift Drive (like you did). Then I went back out scored a few more bounties in Low res and at the nav beacon, then I upgraded my lasers to Burst Lasers an bought a better power supply.

This was the point that I ventured off to systems further out from Trevithick Dock area, I took a delivery mission not looking at how far it was away, something like 60ly, I made several jumps, 10 or 11, I forget, finally arrived to make a measily $15,000, but this ended up actually being helpful because I scanned a bunch of systems along the way, see, you can sell your Cartography data at stations and make more money that way. I also found that I was making more money the further I was away from the starting area on delivery missions. I found a nav beacon that frequently spawned higher paying bounties and I made $150,000 plus, each in two separate runs, soon I was well over $300K, at that point I bought a Viper mk III for $142K and upgraded it, which is great for what I am focused on right now and that is bounty hunting.

I tried the mission safe and sound in open play but was eventually blown up. So Should I start in solo play to make money because I'll only be battling in game npcs not real people? Because everytime in open play I try to do a mission I killed. Just until I'm comfortable with fighting real people. All the times it has happened it was a surprise and i panicked and my shields were knocked out almost straight away. Also I know how to scan ships but none of them ever say wanted. Am I looking for ships rank dangerous / clean or some other rank / category?
I'm pretty new to the game so I have been playing in Solo play to get money and a to get a few ships going then I will start playing in Open play. From what I've heard there are some 'individuals' that camp out in the starting areas and grief new players with 'lesser' ships than theirs.
I'm pretty new to the game so I have been playing in Solo play to get money and a to get a few ships going then I will start playing in Open play. From what I've heard there are some 'individuals' that camp out in the starting areas and grief new players with 'lesser' ships than theirs.
Hey dastardly i joined ed facebook group and 2 guys have joined me in an open play to show me the ropes and help me make some money. And how to outfit best my sidewinder. Before yesterday I had 2,000 cr today I have 568,340 cr after splashing out on my first ship, an eagle.

Basically all the money was earned in a wing of two of us. Sharing bounties at low and high extraction sites. Basically search for wanted solo ships carrying bounties. What till the feds start firing at them and then join in, you don't even have stay in the battle. If it's heated and you take damage because ship is stock or not upgraded so well flee into super cruise.

I earned bounties of 6,000, then 8,000, the ,30,000+ then taking down vipers or anacondas by stepping in at the right time when the feds take them down and their hull damage and shield s are down to like 10% join in get some hits. They are worth anywhere from 130,000 cr to 188,000 or more I've seen over 200,000 bounty last night on an anaconda. Not just huge ships though with massive bounties. My combat rank has gone from 2% harmless to 26% mostly harmless in one day. And now 588,340 cr.

What I learned is you start off with poor class E modules so upgraded only the important parts which are power plant, power distributor, sensors for better scanning, shield generator and if you can afford it, buy a shield booster too. Also fuel scoop is the first thing I could ever afford at the start of the game.

One thing to look out for is when you upgrade and buy parts you no longer are loaning. If you die or your ship is destroyed always make sure you have enough money in your bank balance to afford an old loadout to re buy your ship if you get blown up. This is essential because buying parts will put up the cost of buying back your old ship with each new parts bought, fitted and upgraded.

The re buy will get more expensive the more you buy and upgrade your ship. Also as an awesome gadget I bought a docking computer yesterday awesome no more manual docking. For combat I'm just using gimballed lasers. No secondary weapon or multi cannons are equipped on my sidewinder just lasers.

Basic necessities first are shields, sensors, gimballed lasers, fuel scoop, then later on lesser but still fairly important necessities are power plant, power distributor. For your two empty hard point utility mounts I added shield booster. If you want add me on xbl it join our elite dangerous Xbox group or the PC elite dangerous facebook group, you can. Because I'm super new to the game but those guys are super helpful.
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Hey Wraith, glad you are getting further ahead in the game, it sounds like you are using the same techniques I am. I usually go right for the Vipers and Cobras now rather than waiting for the other ships' help, well now that my Viper is well equipped anyway. But I would definitely still need help on an Anaconda, those are tough ships to take on by yourself. The other one that gives me trouble is the Federal Drop Ship, those give up a 6 figure bounty usually too but it's also easy to get killed fighting one, even if you have help. I learned last night (the hard way) not to get too close in a dog fight because it has good tracking lasers that will cut your ship in half even if you are not in front of it. Normally if I take a dropship on, I use Torpedoes, which cost 15K each and I can only carry two of them, but the bounty is worth it. My combat rank is currently at Novice, though I should rank up again soon to Competent. I am currently focused on trying to get my trade rank up to Merchant but I will return to bounty hunting soon.

I'm just under 3 million dollars and I still have my two ships, the Viper mkIII and the Sidewinder. I have my eye on an Asp Exporer or a Keelback for my 3rd ship, I want a larger cargo capacity for better trade runs. After that I want to learn Mining and I will need a good ship for that too.

I can't wait for the Horizons DLC to hit the Xbox, planetary landings look fun. I'm also loving these new Fire Base concept art shots, hope we have the ability to take on those land missions by the end of the year.




Damn, all these new space sims coming out, Elite, Star Citizen and some others I think. I would buy one of the two but I run a regular Dell PC and those games would probably not run, or nuke it trying. It's good for pretty much just Star Trek Legacy with full mods on medium settings. I think I'm opting for No Man's Sky on the PS4 like the console peasant I am. I will be following this game closely on YouTube though because it looks really cool.
Damn, all these new space sims coming out, Elite, Star Citizen and some others I think. I would buy one of the two but I run a regular Dell PC and those games would probably not run, or nuke it trying. It's good for pretty much just Star Trek Legacy with full mods on medium settings. I think I'm opting for No Man's Sky on the PS4 like the console peasant I am. I will be following this game closely on YouTube though because it looks really cool.

I don't have a PS4 but I will be following NMS intensely, Star Citizen might be epic as well from the looks of it. Yes, it is a very lucky year for Space sims. I opted to go for Elite because it seems like it is more of a sim than NMS will be, in NMS you can land at the touch of a button (from what I understand anyway) while in Elite you have to pilot the ship and land it yourself and you are in control of all aspects of the ship, Landing Gear, Exterior lights etc. I also like that Elite has multiplayer while NMS does not and I like the graphical style a bit better, but if I had a PS4 I would definitely buy both. NMS looks very intriguing for all it brings to the table.
Ughhhhhhh I worked so hard for 800.000 bounty and then stupid fur de lise blows me up. Lost it all. Still have just over 600.000 though. So could try upgrade my eagle bit more not sure it's worth it. Might sell all parts on my eagle and buy a better battle ship. The guys on elite dangerous facebook are telling me to upgrade to a viper mk4 because much better armour.
The shields are better on the Viper mkIV but the mkIII has superior maneuverability so I went with it instead. I love dog fighting so I wanted a very agile ship. The mkIII is also the fastest ship in the game so there's that too. The mkIV has better cargo capacity though so that should be mentioned.

so I ranked up again last night to Cadet....on my way. I upgraded my Viper mkIII's cargo hold to a class 3 which upped my available cargo space to 12t, not exactly a hauler but enough to make a little money. I made 14K on a Palladium run last night. I watched a tutorial on trading which was helpful, learning things like trading from and agriculture system to and Industrial and such. Though I would love to buy an Asp Explorer, think I might go with something like an Adder first, you can upgrade the cargo hold enough to make a decent Hauler out of it, for cheap too.
The shields are better on the Viper mkIV but the mkIII has superior maneuverability so I went with it instead. I love dog fighting so I wanted a very agile ship. The mkIII is also the fastest ship in the game so there's that too. The mkIV has better cargo capacity though so that should be mentioned.

so I ranked up again last night to Cadet....on my way. I upgraded my Viper mkIII's cargo hold to a class 3 which upped my available cargo space to 12t, not exactly a hauler but enough to make a little money. I made 14K on a Palladium run last night. I watched a tutorial on trading which was helpful, learning things like trading from and agriculture system to and Industrial and such. Though I would love to buy an Asp Explorer, think I might go with something like an Adder first, you can upgrade the cargo hold enough to make a decent Hauler out of it, for cheap too.

I bought a Viper MkIII and IV sold them last night, the guys on ED facebook recommended the Cobra MK111. Also because they offered to take me on in their wing while they do some trading. They are in the system that makes the most money from slave labour. They make millions every hour. I could take some dividends at around between 110.000 300.000 - 400.000 thousand a pop and 5 trips an hour or so. I mean Daves Imperial ship has 700 tons of cargo space lol. Just one catch, daves friend recommends I join an empire. Since the faction in an an empire is where you can make the most money from slave trade or labour. So I kitted out my ship for traveling and made a 151 LY trip to V491 Persei system.

It's a Li Yong-Rui where get goo availability of parts for your ship and 15% discount on prices. Also the cobra can be fitted out for me to make it into a better cargo ship than the Vipers for when I do the runs with the Fireteam guys on facebook ED. The Cobra has some better maneuvering capabilities too. These guys Im going to run with have billions and hundreds of millions spent on ship. Dave has an Imperial Clipper which costs 140.000.000 and that alone can be kitted out with 1 billion worth of credits dished out parts.
wraith of horus, that's great feedback on the ships, thank you, I may have to look into get a Cobra MKIII now. Wow that's serious money they are making, if I bounty hunt non-stop, usually I can clear about 300-400K in about an hour, that is providing I don't die of course. But I usually don't do that, I like to mix in light trading and exploration too and I make far less doing that. I would say on a good night I am only making about 300K, I only have time to play about 2 hours max a night. I am in Federation controlled territory but I still have seen a few Slave transport missions. I usually avoid them because my riduculous in-game morales bar me from partaking in them, lol. Well, that and I'm pretty bad at smuggling, I get scanned almost every time I enter a port and if I am carrying Salvage then I get fined every time. I really need to do what Rallywagon suggested and watch a Smuggling training video on youtube so I can get better at not getting caught.

For now I want to stick with the Federation, I haven't pledged yet but I am working my way up through the ranks so I can get the Federal Assault ship and eventually the Corvette, maybe one day I will defect so I can unlock the Empire ships too, like the Cutter and Clipper.
Soon I will be buying a Python

You might like to hold off on that until you can afford to equip it with good components, they're terrible out of the box. I traded my way to one way back and promptly stopped playing immediately afterwards because it was such a disappointment, then when they added the Fer-de-Lance I sold it to buy one which was a much better choice. In case it's not obvious I got pretty sick of trading and wanted a combat ship, the stock Python is not that, but even so an upgraded Type 6 is far more fun to fly.

If I do ever get back to playing again I might be tempted to strip everything out of my FdL and Vulture (which would leave me with about 30M) to fund a trading ship again.
I just started playing this game earlier this week. I really like it a lot. I have a fully upgraded Cobra right now. I just put an advanced discovery scanner and detailed surface scanner on, and am trying some exploring. It doesn't pay the best, even finding rare metal planets and earth like planets, but it's a nice change of pace.

I love the combat, for the first few days I did nothing but bounty hunt at Nav beacons and hazardous RES sites. The RES sites are packed full of super powered ships, and with my cobra it can get dangerous if I don't choose my targets wisely.

I'm starting to do bulletin board material as well, and going to try to get some federation ranks. I haven't done a lot of trading, I know that's where the major credits can be had, it just seems like that would bore me a lot.

I haven't decided what ship I want next, I would like to have a multipurpose ship, one that can trade and do combat, multitask. Asp explorer may be that ship. But
I also thought about getting a Vulture for straight bounty hunting, or maybe a Fer-de-lance. I've been reading up a lot on ships, the really expensive ones look awesome, but it seems like you'd have to trade a bunch to have the credits to maintain and upgrade them, buyback etc.

I'm sill learning a lot, the first few days I crashed a lot docking, now it's pretty easy. I rarely get destroyed in this Cobra, if it gets hairy I can boost out and run away from almost anything, and it super handy for getting to fights quick at Nav beacons or RES sites to get in on the bounty.

That's one thing I'm really looking at when upgrading to a new ship, I know the cobra is one of the fastest, I'm going to have trouble flying anything slow. Lol.

Great game, I see me spending lots of time in it, thanks to @wraith of horus for getting me into it. :)
I made Petty Officer in the Federation last night, killed 8 pirates in the Chimba system to get it. The Viper is still my favorite ship, I have Dual Torpedoes for both Medium Hardpoints and Beam Lasers for my small Hardpoints, it is my primary Bounty hunting ship. I also have an Adder for light Hauling an Eagle just for fun and an Asp Explorer which is my primary trading and exploration ship (current cargo cap is 48t)/.


I haven't bought a surface scanner yet, I need to soon. I have 8 million credits right now, not sure what I want next but I'm liking the idea of the Fer-De-Lance (once I get up to that level).

Tried my hand at mining but it didn't work out, when I first bought the Adder I equipped it with a 4-dropper Refinery and a decent mining laser. I didn't have any collector limpets I just used my cargo scoop. I collected gold, and 3 other minerals, flew back to an outpost and that's when I noticed my cargo was empty. I had stuff in the refinery but it didn't not put into canisters and fill my cargo hold. Somehow I accidentally ejected everything I mined from the ship and lost everything. That's when I convert the Adder into a hauler and said maybe I'll give mining another go some other day.