Episodes from Liberty City - DLC for PS3

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I get 80gig but it has been known to be all used. 2 gig takes about 4 hours top speed to download on my net, 500mb and hour. I only have ADSL1 so....
Why not buy the disc, it would be so much easier and Turbo Lag and I will be able to join your games on TLaD. As for GT_Pete, not sure what he is getting yet.
I'm gonna buy the disc version as well. 👍
And yes, the friend list in GTA IV doesn't show the whole friend list and invites could have a delay, to like 5 minutes or more.. that's incredible. :crazy:
^^ You have to sign out and in, both of the players (if both have over 50 friends) to make it work straight away if at all.
I don't think that works... from what I read the game just doesn't look after your first 50 friends-- so in the order they are added, the ones above 50 don't show in game (online or not)... If the above does work, please post back... I'm constantly running against my 50 friend limit.

and back a few posts....I plan on getting the disk too-- at least on the xbox version, there was slightly more content-- radio stations and stuff-- and if you ever want to resell the game-- you can't resell the DLC-- silly not to get the disk at the same price.

The difference between the 2... the disk is stand alone-- does not need GTA IV installed to work... the DLC requires GTA IV to be installed and the disk in your PS3 to run.
If it didnt work, why would I post it? Turbo Lag and I do it all the time, if the person still doesnt show up you might have to sign out and in more than once. If the person inviting you can see you but you cant see the invite, sign out and in, as I said, if it doesnt work try again...
If it didnt work, why would I post it?

Maybe you like to mess with people-- make them waste their time... (J/K)

Sorry but I've played this for ages-- I'm a constant troll on the GTA forums IV Mutiplayer section (pretty active for GTA IV multiplayer) and have never read of a work around for this-- the issue is programming by taketwo-- they didn't make it so the phone would support more then 50 friends (since that was the PSN limit when they created the game).

How would signing out and back in affect it?

You are signing out and back in but staying in game?? Perhaps the order the friends pop up when you sign in will make them show up in game as long as the game is already running... will have to give it a try (sorry I'm cynic)-- if I've believed something for so long, hard for me to accept a strangers assertation.

Did you read about this somewhere?

How many friends to you typically keep on your list?

Hopefully they will just patch the game and fix it (although it has been 16 months since we got a patch)-- still waiting for the BDB drop bug fix-- although that one can be worked around to a certain extent.
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I can finally get enough money for the disc.

Selling BO:P to friend for 20 dollars.
EBgames is offering 22 each for WaW and MC:LA. That gets me enough for the disc with 4 dollars to spare.

EDIT: Or not, I thought it was 60 but it turns out it is 68, not really a big deal, I will have another 4 dollars by march 30.
According to a post on GTAForums (dont have the link, sorry) the PS3 and PC versions of this game will not have the compatibility issue the 360 had. Downloaded TLaD will work with the disc version, that doesnt happen on 360.
According to a post on GTAForums (dont have the link, sorry) the PS3 and PC versions of this game will not have the compatibility issue the 360 had. Downloaded TLaD will work with the disc version, that doesnt happen on 360.

Did they post a link back to rockstar? Or was it an anecdotal post "I heard..... or my friend says....."?

I will definitely give it a look see but still may wait a day after release to verify.

Thanks for the info/follow up.
I was reading a thread on GameFaqs where the guy mentioned another guy on GTAForums but no link, it sounded legit.
I was reading a thread on GameFaqs where the guy mentioned another guy on GTAForums but no link, it sounded legit.


If I find anything "official" like say from Rockstar, I'll post a link...

This is great news... was going to suck if there were 2 multiplayers.. still don't understand why they can't patch the xbox versions to fix this
On the 360's the maps are apparently different. The disc version uses TBoGT's map where as the download uses some other map (possibly the original GTA IV one). The patch would have to be the size of the whole map, that could be a big download.
1. Watch what you say about other countries.

2. Microsoft sure demanded a sequel(s) from GTA. But more is better. Short delays are alright.
Better then the original GTA IV release delay... was originally scheduled for Sep of 2007 and got pushed back 7 months....

I'm sure the delay will eliminate any and all glitches from the game ;)
Ahh, god damn. I have the preorder now waiting for another month :/. At least it isnt a huge delay. I will try and get Just Cause 2 as well.

EDIT: If it was fine on 360 why does Sony have to be so picky, they always nitpick.
Not to mention Europe isn't even a country.

Some people think so.

i was really hot for the dlc. but i hesitate to buy.
1. not really cheap for dlc.
2. not liking the delay for ps3/pc when xbox got it a year ago.
3. Gta sucked too bad on pc. I always ran out of video memory . and i got 1gb and 10gb ram :ouch:
4. GOW3 will be first
5. Not a supporter of DLC. 10-5 years ago, dlc were free. so called updates!!

maybe just maybe i buy it, just in the case i don't get in the beta of gta online (apb)