Episodes from Liberty City - DLC for PS3

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Nope, it was switched off as I have autosave turned off in the base game. Sharing game settings = fail.
Lol damn, but seriously the missions themselves don't take too long. I'm sure if you rush through without bothering about the mission percentage you can easily finish the entire story in a day.
Yeah, after playing for five hours straight I got the story finished. :crazy: Total time from start to finish was around 7h 30.
Hmm, that sounds good actually, lets just see how many people are willing to. We could use a time like we used back in MC LA days.

EDIT: God dammit, I am literally right at the end of a mission and the game froze cause there seems to be too much water on the screen at once.
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Also is it just me or does this game lag a hell of a lot worse than the original? Sometimes buildings refuse to render sending me into "Blue Hell".
It's not just you, during TLAD I was noticing some minor graphical glitches and a bit of lag in TBOGT. I suspect the game's not completely optimised for PS3. :/
I suspect it was a quick port, thinking they could just port it over quickly and everything would be fine. I dont even think they tested the missions before they released it. The one where you drive a tank has the FPS slow right down, the tank bullets actually shoot at half speed in some places.
Weird, that mission played fine for me. Either way, it's apparent it's a poor port from the X360 version...
I did a few drug wars last night, as long as you dont take direct hits they are pretty easy, the first ones anyway.
Now the episodes are out on the store (though they have been for a while) I know what I'll be doing, downloading The Lost and Damned only to begin with. Turbo Lag knows particularly why, for the only activity I do long term free mode policing, and I think in the long run I can just download Gay Tony at a later date if TLAD bores me after a while though I think it will take a fair amount of time for that to happen. Either way I won't be rushing to download TLAD just yet, but soon.
Wow, I havent even played much of TLaD. I enjoy TBOGT because most of the stuff in there is stuff I like anyway, the music is pretty cool, the cars are great, the characters are great etc. I will load up TLaD to jump online with you guys at some stage though.

EDIT: I worked out that when my PS3 froze two nights ago on one of the missions, autosave was off and I lost a couple of missions :/
I know Turbo Lag is adamant TLAD is terrible I know that much, I knew TBoGT would be the popular one, it's tailored to a much wider audience. As a single player experience both will be around even for me, TBoGT may be better infact, but I'm investing in an online experience more and every single detail about TBoGT seems to be more and more tailored to destruction and death which I'm just not looking for.
I just finished the single player for TBoGT, the last scene is classic. Those of you who have done it know who rocks up, damn, he adds some comedy right at the end when you least expect it, definitely my favourite character :D.
He certainly has a 'colourful' personalty. I'm surprised you only finished the game now though, it took me just 2 days without even playing too much to finish the story mode without any side activities. However I didn't go for 100% on each mission. I can only assume you went deeper....?
I didnt just play Single Player, I also had school a week before you ended holidays. If I had another week of holidays I would have finished it quickly but I got piled in homework and half of the time I did play was online. I am kinda doing the TLaD story at the moment...

EDIT: EGH!!!! Yucky! I saw a mans front completely exposed in a TLaD mission, blah. How does that come under the MA 15+ rating? I also just had something annoying happen, I was speeding along on my bike and decided to cut across some grass, there was nothing on it and all of a sudden, BANG and I am flying along and died. I looked back on the death cam and saw a damn playground appearing, stupid game...
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Shh, don't talk much about that full frontal nudity scene, Legendary. Otherwise they'll ban it in AUS.

Seriously, why do they ban everything over there? 👎 Pisses me off and I don't even live in Australia.
They ban stuff because we dont have an R 18+ rating for games, we only have our games up to 15+ whereas you guys can have up to 17 or 18.

I am literally, so surprised that this was even allowed in Australia, I will read the classifications for GTA IV and Episodes and post them here:

GTA IV: MA 15+ Restricted - Strong Violence, Strong Coarse Language, Drug and Sexual References

Episodes: MA 15+ Restricted - Strong Violence, Sex Scenes, Drug Use, Nudity and Coarse Language
hey guys, did anyone here earn the 'Catch the Bus' trophy yet? the one which requires you to dance perfectly in both clubs. I don't know why, I just can't get that scene (the bus stop scene, with all people dancing together) to appear, no matter how perfect I danced with those girls, all I got was some cutscenes in the washroom after impressing the girls, or a kiss in Hercules. I wonder if this can only be earned in the early stage of the story? :dunce:

ps: I've completed the game in 100%, but still unable to get this trophy. :ouch:
hey guys, did anyone here earn the 'Catch the Bus' trophy yet? the one which requires you to dance perfectly in both clubs. I don't know why, I just can't get that scene (the bus stop scene, with all people dancing together) to appear, no matter how perfect I danced with those girls, all I got was some cutscenes in the washroom after impressing the girls, or a kiss in Hercules. I wonder if this can only be earned in the early stage of the story? :dunce:

ps: I've completed the game in 100%, but still unable to get this trophy. :ouch:

Wow dude, that was one of my first trophies, I never go to the Washroom, its always the Bus Stop for me, keep trying I guess.
Does the DLC impact upon any of the GTA4 trophies? I've heard one of the new ones as some pigeons to kill. I'm thinking of getting them anyway, but as I'm back in to GTA4 mode I'd rather know now so I don't get angry whilst trying to 100% the game without the DLC.
They shouldnt but I have had a few GTA IV trophies get unlocked while playing the episodes.
How much depth do they actually add? For £27/28, that's quite a lot for it if it isn't worth more than, say 20 hours gameplay.
Wow dude, that was one of my first trophies, I never go to the Washroom, its always the Bus Stop for me, keep trying I guess.

Well, there's another thing that I noticed from the tutorials from youtube, both videos that I watched were happened on Tuesdays, in-game. Was it just a coincidence or what? :dopey::lol:

Seriously, does the dance gauge go to full mean you dance perfectly? I knew that it requires you to press L2+R2 simultaneously several times whenever it says 'hold'.. but does it require you to press the buttons together on beat? :dunce: