(ETZ)Esattezza Autosport! Lancia Stratos "La Italiano" Model added

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That's awesome news suker. I've been playing with a Ren 5 in this series but having trouble with a few of the races, and only on about 150-170 Aspec.

I'd also like to make a request (I figure I've a few tickets up my sleeve but haven't checked). Something to do either/both of the BMW manufacturer's race for 150 or more Aspec. Feel free to just copy/paste from your personal notes and, as always, take your time cause I've a million or so things to do before then (including cleaning the oven on a rental house...) so you can take a few weeks on this one.
Hey Sukerkin, are you guys still running? I haven't seen your work for ages... Hope your all good.

Things in real life have been very bad for quite some time now. Starting to climb out of the pit, I am happy to say but for the present GT is on the back-burner.

The bright spot is that I am definitely missing the track time, so maybe I shall eventually throw off the shroud of despondency and get back in the driving seat.

I have to be honest tho' that the lack of feedback for the work ETZ put in was dispiriting. We worked hard to finesse suites that function at the sharp end of the A-Spec spectrum and are targeted at competing in specified series. But all people seem to want is max-HP, min-weight, Race Tyred monsters that, to be truthful, are faster than what we make and which we have no interest whatsoever in producing.
Fair point Sukerkin, I would contribute, but as most people know, my real life interferes and makes me unreliable on GTP.

I would however, like to personally give you my respect for the spectacular tunes that this garage has produced over time. I believe that the rest of us tuners would agree that this respect is warranted, as along with MFT, Shogun Motorsports, and GME (Aussie Tuners as well, but they closed), you are one of the major marques of this forum.

As for making fast, maxed out cars on slicks: Some of us do produce these cars, but in moderation. Remember, we all deliver a different experience, and while your garage does one of the most difficult things in GT4 tuning, and consistently as well, not every garage aims to do the same. We all respect what you do, and if we all did the same thing, there would be no variety in this forum!

Hope things are looking up,

A wonderful post, Semanic :applause:. I thank you greatly for the kindness of your words and wholeheartedly agree that it is good that the various Tuning Houses have different approaches and targets.

I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't being critical of the output or style of any of the other Houses - what I was referring to was the tastes of the 'market', so to speak i.e. that players in general seem more attracted to getting the most out of a car as opposed to getting the best out of it for a given A-Spec (or so it seems to me).
As a dyed-in-the wool A-spec nutter and amateur tuner, I give sukerkin a double thumb's up for his A-spec setups. I've learned more from him than any other. But more seriously, I give sukerkin a triple thumb's up for his high ethics, humor and candour, and general sense of high purpose he brings to his life and to his game. He is sincerely appreciated by myself and, I'm sure, many others. Some of us are just more effusive than others!

Long may he reign in the realm of tuners and in the hearts of A-spec nutters alike.
If we speak in terms of the 'market' for tunes at gtp, ETZ is very much a 'high-end' or specialist garage, much like the cars you tune.

Just as you aim for quality over quantity, I think those of us who avidly follow your work aim to give feedback that's meaningful and useful, rather than the "this car is soooo fast lol lol 11/10" that the other garages tend to get sometimes.
I've always thought that ETZ was an underrated garage based on the pure effort they put in and the results of the tunes themselves.

It's hard times for all the tuners though, well, except for one.
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I've always thought that ETZ was an underatted garage based on the pure effort they put in and the results of the tunes themselves.

I'm actually surprised that you and suker think this way. I've always seen this garage as a sort of hangout for the dedicated ones, and perhaps a bit of a freakshow for the newbies (based on my observations of usernames browsing the thread while I was in here). Honestly, I think this is the best garage for GT4 on gtp, even though I don't have the skill to race 70% of the tunes where they were intended.

If it's "underatted" (needs more rats?) that just means the rest of the gtp members need to drink a cup of cement and harden the **** up. If they want a Skyline/Impreza/Viper on R3s they can go elsewhere. If they want to test the game to the limit under the tutelage of a great tuner, then shut up and listen, and don't post crap. Perhaps the fact that many of us do "shut up and listen, and don't post crap" makes it seem like there is little activity on the thread.

It's hard times for all the turners
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I take your points to heart, gentlemen and beg your forgiveness.

Thank you indeed for taking the time to let me see that the perception of little activity or response was not actually an indicator of a lack of interest. I am more than a little aggrieved at myself at the faintly self-pitying tone in my first post above after a lengthy absence :embarrassed:.

I shall endeavour to get things running again in here; it's been far too long a lay-off. Perhaps I'll have a look at the BMW Manufacturers races as noted by PF many months ago and see what can be done (if memory serves it could be tricky and, therefore, a good challenge to get the spanners whirling once more).

Perhaps I'll have a look at the BMW Manufacturers races as noted by PF many months ago and see what can be done (if memory serves it could be tricky and, therefore, a good challenge to get the spanners whirling once more).

Welcome back to the Great Game, sukerkin! You've set yourself a noble task here. By coincidence, today I have completed La Sarthe II 24hrs, my last event needed to arrive at 100% game completion in A-spec. From this current perspective, the Club "M" event at Apricot Hill stands out in my memory as one of the most challenging of all GT4 events -likely one of the All-Time Top 25 GT4 A-spec Problems. For A-spec nutters, it's like a pianist attempting to play a Liszt etude.
today I have completed La Sarthe II 24hrs, my last event needed to arrive at 100% game completion in A-spec
7000 Aspec and you've (essentially) completed the game, is that correct?

Btw, there's an Aspec tune I need to thank you for but can't remember which one. Thanks anyway.
Actually, maximum A-Spec points are 111813 - you probably confused it with 118113. :) So Dotini is very close to attaining the "magic number." 👍

More on-topic, I'd like to say that even though I've never used a tune from a tuning garage, I can tell by reading each of them that sukerkin's are probably the best there are. The care with which you both refine the setup and present it in this thread is very evident, and does not go unnoticed. 👍 The cars you pick also tend to be some of the hardest to tune, which is probably another reason that your substantial efforts are underappreciated.
Hey how have you been sukerkin. Im really happy to see the old ETZ still running strong. Forgive me for my absence, but im finally done with school (for now). I graduated this past Sept. with an associates degree in automotive technology. Im back home with mom until I find a job in this dreadful economy we have here in the States lol. But anyways I should have a bit more free time nowadays, though im sorry to say I sold my PS2 and X360 for rent money (desperate times) while I was away for school. I still have my GT4 and my memory cards with all the ETZ vehicles including my favorites from your own presentations. As soon as I get few bucks ill pick up another Sony and redeem the old times. Once again thanks for all you've done.

Respectfully, Mark
Hi Mark. Excellent news on your graduation :bows:.

Sorry to say I've been most inactive on the GT front for a while now - hard times in real life eroded away my will to put in the dozens of hours necessary to really hone a car down to it's purpose.

I shall try and return to 'duty' - however, LOTRO has crept into the vacuum left by stopping playing GT and so I have even less time available than I used to have :embarrassed:
I completely understand how life can throw dilemmas your way while on the road to success. Their's no need for you to be sorry or even be concerned because without your work here ETZ wouldn't be the milestone it is. We both as real-life professionals must put our occupations and daily deals first before all other entities (with the exception of family of course). So feel no guilt about your absence and do what you have to do because ETZ will always be here :cheers:.
Things in real life have been very bad for quite some time now. Starting to climb out of the pit, I am happy to say but for the present GT is on the back-burner.

The bright spot is that I am definitely missing the track time, so maybe I shall eventually throw off the shroud of despondency and get back in the driving seat.

I have to be honest tho' that the lack of feedback for the work ETZ put in was dispiriting. We worked hard to finesse suites that function at the sharp end of the A-Spec spectrum and are targeted at competing in specified series. But all people seem to want is max-HP, min-weight, Race Tyred monsters that, to be truthful, are faster than what we make and which we have no interest whatsoever in producing.

Hi, I'm new here in this thread, as I have only just found it, but I'd like to support what you do. The work you have put in is phenomenal, and when I've finished the damn La Sarthe II 24 hour, I hope to have time to test out some of your tunes.
I am currently about 13.5 hours into the race, but as the PS2 is in the same room as the baby at the moment, I'm having precious little time to race. I aim to get it finished in the next 3-4 days, and then I'll be able to get into the other tunes.
Sukerkin, take heart, I hope you're getting over the stuff that has happened. I always found that driving, either in real life, or GT4 helps take my mind off stuff.
Keep up the good work
Edit: I'm working towards the magic 100,000 mark, I'm at 49% and 50,000+ points, with a few races at 0 points due to needing cars and racing with the dreaded B-spec Bob... so I appreciate 100% the efforts you are making to make 200 point races acheivable. I don't much like green cars though!!!
Hey guys just to keep you up to date, expect a tune in the next couple of weeks.
:cheers: sukerkin and I appreciate the support dearly!

Respectfully, MKTurismo
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^Thanks, but actually I had to edit that las post due to some unfortunate events today (saturday).

I was supposed to replace my broken PS2 with one a guy was selling, and we initially agreed on a price of $50.
This morning I called him to ask him what time I could pick it up and out of the blue he tells me that he doesn't want to sale just the console, he wants all his games (which were all poop) and accesories bought with it.

So long story short he changed the price to $40 more than what we agreed upon :grumpy:. As of now I don't have that money to blow on games, but with in the next 2-3 weeks i'll just get a new or used ps2 from gamestop that way its legit and I can get a warranty.

Sorry for the delay once again, but i'll stay focused until then with GT PSP :P

Thanks, MKTursimo
That's okay man, take your time. Remember, we love you guys for your quality, and quality is worth waiting for!
It would be ever so wonderful if you made a return to the stage, sukerkin! Do you have a particular new tune in mind? Recently I've been doing the Nurburgring 4hr endurance race in a variety of cars for 200 A-spec points. We know you love the Nurburgring, especially on normal or sports tires. It would be great to see a new tune for this event.

Respectfully yours,
Hey! I'm trying not to brag, but on the ZZII 'Ring record Challenge, I got my Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak around the ring in 6 minutes dead. :) I know that you are using a road car, but i beat the record. Keep trying though!:)


If you had done it in a tuned road car it'd be worth saying something but you didn't. Race cars are in a vastly different league when it comes to grip.
Cheers RJ.

And "Hi" to Saleen - if you don't mind me asking, what were you responding to in your post above? Did you post in the wrong thread by accident? Or were you talking about the ZZII that is buried in the garage somewhere :D.