Fallout 4

  • Thread starter Wiegert
That awkward moment when you're trying to barter with a merchant in Diamond City and you accidentally steal something from their shelves behind them instead :lol:
Fiddled around yesterday, trying to make a Bruce lee from a reference image, but hard to get the eyes the same.
Fallout 4 doesn't have asian eyes with no eye fold like Bruce :(

Going for a Melee style play through
Probably will have high agility, strength and decent perception, plus good at melee perks, but setting other stuff to 1 :)

Now to see if Cosworth says my name...

edit - yes he calls me Mr Lee :cool:

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Is there any significance to the Vault Boy lunch boxes I (you) keep finding? I think I have found a dozen or so and when they 'pop' open usually a fork or other small resource item flies out, nothing seems to be exciting.....yet!
I think the only good you thing you can from them is an ice cold quantum nuka cola. It restores over 600 hp I think I havn't got one yet but I read that online.

This gun has saved me from many-a-Deathclaw and one Swan.
Started over with a new character and decided to take a much more measured approach. Spent more time refining my weapons, so I'm getting a much more efficient use of ammo, and played around with the crafting feature to build better defences for Sanctuary - I now have a metal wall ahead of the bridge, with turrets and towers guarding both it and a metal tunnel that forced invaders into a choke point.
Thats a nice plasma rifle! I was excited today and I only got a pistol version that does 43 damage for each stat lol . I also found a nice revolver that does 151 damage.
My sexy new character - Colleen
She kinda looks like Jessica Alba in some angles :cool:

She doesn't have much strength and endurance, but charisma is at 10, and she's going to charm, talk, pacify and seduce her way through the wastelands where possible :sly:

Intelligence at 1 and using luck at 5 for Idiot Savant perk, and she won't be doing too much crafting. Plus with the high charisma and associated perks in charisma and luck, she will be making tons of money/caps and buy whatever she needs at cheap prices :)

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Went mad creating drugs etc with supplies I had stashed, and went up two levels.
My biggest frustration is the Local map, in Fallout 3 it was very useful for finding entrances, but I find this one very difficult to read, still enjoying it though.
Could have done with a sniper rifle with Bi-pod, as I had a group of mutants walking along the river bank opposite Sanctuary, if only I could have gone into a prone position from the roof, would have had a field day. They were just out of reach for the turret guns to pick up.
WOAH. I need to find one of these :lol:
I tried to fight that thing on my own, 3 different times and died each time. I then found that service robot there, along with 3 other ones. They actually pretty damn good at subduing the Glowing Deathclaw while I just picked him off in the distance. It was funny watching 4 Robots beat up on the Deathclaw though :lol:


I was wary of Deathclaw attacks as soon as I found Robotics Pinoneer Park. Happened to walk right up to the front of the shack where that level-scaled Glowing Deathclaw was sleeping unbeknownst to me. Felt something rumbling nearby and turned around just as it burst through the wall. Without power armour, it was over in seconds.

Managed to take it out with missiles after a second attempt without the need for power armour. Got the first hit in as it slept, then kept running through a nearby group of trees to keep it out of reach while I fired off close range shots. Took about 10 minutes to get the job done after it mutated into a Legendary Glowing Deathclaw halfway into the fight.

Turned out that all of the Protectron bays in the other shack were empty when I checked afterwards. I probably wouldn't have had enough time to run and take cover there anyway.
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Is there any significance to the Vault Boy lunch boxes I (you) keep finding? I think I have found a dozen or so and when they 'pop' open usually a fork or other small resource item flies out, nothing seems to be exciting.....yet!

I've found some cool stuff. 2 eye-robot models and something else I can't remember right now.
I was wary of Deathclaw attacks as soon as I found Robotics Pinoneer Park. Happened to walk right up to the front of the shack where that level-scaled Glowing Deathclaw was sleeping unbeknownst to me. Felt something rumbling nearby and turned around just as it burst through the wall. Without power armour, it was over in seconds.

Managed to take it out with missiles after a second attempt without the need for power armour. Got the first hit in as it slept, then kept running through a nearby group of trees to keep it out of reach while I fired off close range shots. Took about 10 minutes to get the job done after it mutated into a Legendary Glowing Deathclaw halfway into the fight.

Turned out that all of the Protectron bays in the other shack were empty when I checked afterwards. I probably wouldn't have had enough time to run and take cover there anyway.
The first time it scared the crap out of me, and encountered it much like you did. I was picking off the Ghouls and got too close to the shack and woke him up. I had heard him through my headset, but couldn't figure out where he was until he was right in my face. 3 times I had to go through that damn death animation, and each time makes you feel more helpless then the last :lol:
I cannot offer enough compliments to Bethesda for their implementation of the "settlement" feature. This alone has kept me so busy that I have no time for the main quest. My side quests are getting backed up too!
At first I wasn't all too interested, but the last couple of days have been dedicated to finding materials just to build. I built myself a 3-story fortress that I'm currently trying to get electricity running through.

It's funny though, I only have 14 settlers, but my defense is around 200~, and the all the settlers have some type of explosive launcher. I got invaded by synths the other day, and whatever the turrets didn't destroy, the Fat Man's did. It was pretty amazing to see a couple of Mini Nukes going off in the distance.

Does anyone else get a ridiculous amount of corrupt game saves? It's almost every single time I fire my One back up. It's to the point that I save a handful of times in a row before I get off.
Does anyone else get a ridiculous amount of corrupt game saves? It's almost every single time I fire my One back up. It's to the point that I save a handful of times in a row before I get off.

Every other session since last week. It didn't happen at all during the first few days, but I've always quicksaved before leaving the game so I've never been forced to reload an older save.
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I apologize if this has been said already here but protip time:

You can quicksave during conversations. It's super helpful for Speech check dialogue as you can quick load until you pass the speech check as it's an odds-based system with red being severely low (but still possible) odds.
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I built myself a 3-story fortress that I'm currently trying to get electricity running through.
Yeah, that's what I did, I built four such towers loaded with turrets, pretty amazing when they let go.
Does anyone else get a ridiculous amount of corrupt game saves? It's almost every single time I fire my One back up. It's to the point that I save a handful of times in a row before I get off.
I assume you're on PC, I'm on PS4 and have no trouble, probably just jinxed it now.
Every other session since last week. It didn't happen at all during the first few days, but I've always quicksaved before leaving the game so I've never been forced to reload an older save.

Yeah, that's what I did, I built four such towers loaded with turrets, pretty amazing when they let go.

I assume you're on PC, I'm on PS4 and have no trouble, probably just jinxed it now.
I'm actually on Xbox One. Like @Wiegert said, it was fine the first few days, but after a while it started to become very, very consistent. I thought that maybe the amount of save files I have may have been the culprit, but after deleting them all, besides the most recent, and starting fresh, it still does it. For some reason, it's only the most recent save that's corrupted, even if I save a couple within seconds of each other.

As for my base, I actually used one of the Prefab selections under the Wooden catagory. It's the very last one, that's two stories(so actually, that makes mine 4 stories) tall, and then I started building around it, and added stairs on the top floor to connect to my two custom floors. It worked out surprisingly well.
My PS4 keeps Quicksaving, it does this so much it's ridiculous.
I've started to delete some as it has got to number 88, at that rate it would use all the memory up.
I assume you're on PC, I'm on PS4 and have no trouble, probably just jinxed it now.
I am actually on a PC, and I have no issues so far with save corruption. In fact, I have no noticeable bugs so far in my experience.
My PS4 keeps Quicksaving, it does this so much it's ridiculous.
I've started to delete some as it has got to number 88, at that rate it would use all the memory up.
I don't even use quicksave, really. I'm saving between the quick saves :lol: I save so often, really, almost every couple of minutes. Mainly because I'm always unsure of what's going to be over that next hill lol.
You can tune the number of saves the game does in the options. Although these are mostly for the 3 autosaves it does. I got rid of the autosave it does when accessing the pipboy straight away

I always make manual saves throughout the game, it allows me to go back and replay any nice quest I enjoyed etc. Plus as a nice back up, even if I do quicksaves every 30secs :)

I'm on the PC and haven't had any corrupt saves so far, over 120 hours now
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Had a good laugh with this game. While sneaking up on a Raider camp I got ambushed from behind by some Mutants, one shouting " you fight like a little", he was interrupted by Dogmeat biting his ankle and shouted " Oh no not that ".
Unfortunately it's not easy to explain, but it was funny.
Top marks to Bethesda, always finding new things with this game.
Pretty funny

My female character above did almost the same thing as below, being a high charisma build, but I didn't think of what he did when he got to the third phase of the encounter. I ended trying to tell them to go away, and failing the speech check, killing the 2 raiders instead

I have a save right before that encounter, so I'm going to try this out
That's where I took all those screenshots above :lol:

Two armed thugs are demanding a woman repay a perceived debt. She's refusing, and they are threatening her. That's when my new Fallout 4 character, Chuck B. Lucky, strolls up and points his pistol at the two goons while desperately hoping he won't have to use it. Chuck doesn't have a problem with killing, it's just that he's terrible at it. When I created Chuck, I put all his points into Charisma and Luck, maxing out those two SPECIAL stats. I've also limited him to perks from those two stats, meaning I've got precious little in the way of combat skills.

There are other ways to get by.

The two goons see Chuck's drawn gun and immediately stop what they're doing. This is thanks to Intimidation, the 10-star Perk that was immediately available to me after maxing out Charisma. It gives me a chance to pacify human enemies who are lower level than I am. In fact, the goons are so intimidated that when I demand they give me their money, they immediately do. How does it feel, jerks?

These two goons aren't the only jerks present, however, because Chuck isn't really a hero. I have the option of telling the thugs to split, but something tells me there's more money to be made out of the situation. Rather than chasing them away, I offer to help them recover the money from the woman they've been threatening. My services don't come for free, however, and I demand payment for helping the goons, who somewhat sheepishly remind me that, you know, I just robbed them. Good point, goons! I make a deal instead: I'll recover the woman's debt and we'll split it. I talk to the woman, convince her to pay up (Charisma, again), and take my cut. Then I use her money to buy some extra ammo (from her), and I use the goons' money to buy Stimpacks (from the goons). It's a little weird, buying things from three people I just robbed, but this is Fallout 4. It's a weird world.

edit - Idiot Savant even procs on the speech check passes, 3 times in this encounter!
And I gained a level
I can see how one could level up much faster with it now, even with Intelligence of 1.
Already at level 4 after bypassing Minuteman encounter at Concord

So instead of killing that guy, I now have another drug vendor here, along with all the extra cash and XP...
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So, I restarted with a new character, Ciarán Troy, and a new focus on crafting (and I have a pretty powerful 10mm pistol to thank for it). Things were going fine until Preston sent me to Greygarden when last time he sent me to the farm across the river (where you end up cleaning out Back Alley Apparel). Supervisor White sent me to investigate the water treatment plant, and I thought to myself "how hard can it be?" ... as it turns out, it was stupidly hard for a level 8 character. I got rid of the super mutants just fine, but the mirelurks wreaked havoc on me.
Shotguns work well against Mirelurks. But yeah, that one is a bit over the top for a beginner quest. :lol:
Shotguns work well against Mirelurks.
So do frag grenades. It probably didn't help that I was using a pipe pistol instead of my 10mm pistol (which is strong enough to take down a yao guai); I only had ninety or so rounds for the 10mm, but over four hundred for the pipe pistol.

After dying several times, I realised that I didn't have to do anything but get the mirelurks' attention. There's a gap in the catwalk that you can't jump - and they can't jump at all. So they come charging at you, and fall down the gap. Drop a frag grenade after them and the mirelurks become gooey smears on the walls.

The damn thing is that there's no ability to aim grenades.
Are there any weapons that use .50 ammo apart from the hunting rifle?