Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Pro

  • Thread starter daan
A little spooked by the comments about Fanatec gear not providing track feedback in GT7. But I got over it and pre-ordered a GT DD Pro bundle.
It was the quality and yes "beauty" of the Fanatec V3 pedal set I purchased in 2017 that pushed me into ordering the GT DD Pro bundle.

I originally got the V3 pedals expecting them to work with GT Sport, Thrustmaster T300 Ferrari Alcantara (2016), through a Drive Hub on a PS4 Pro. That never worked and I did not care for GT Sport that much, so the V3 and T300 set was put away, we moved 2500 miles, and then came the pandemic and blah blah blah...

Enter 2023 and Iʻm in a position to expand my sim racing kit. Picked up a cheap bare square tube frame, adapting a office type gaming seat to it, got a Logitech G923 (had the G27 and liked it), and expecting the Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals tomorrow.

Not sure if Iʻll even open the G923 but I miss the ButtKicker I sold when we moved, so Trueforce has my interest. Thrustmaster T-GT II was on the list but $800 with crap pedals, nope. Logitech G Pro with pedals is $1350+, I bought the GT DD Pro and G923 for the same.

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Another example just this week of an experienced racer preferring an "old school" wheel & base, in this case to his DD1, is Z28 Gaming.

He was amazed that he sensed detail he wasn't getting previously. It's his old Thrustmaster he used in GT Sport. Not sure which model it is.
Received email from Fanatec today "your order has changed to warehouse processing".

I just ordered a Gran Turismo DD Pro bundle two days ago with expected availability end of February.

Going to call them later today - but has anyone else received notice of processing, or is this just because they want to charge my CC?
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I just got confirmation from Fanatec that my order has shipped. I placed my order on December 20th.

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Received email from Fanatec today "your order has changed to warehouse processing".

I just ordered a Gran Turismo DD Pro bundle two days ago with expected availability end of February.

Going to call them later today - but has anyone else received notice of processing, or is this just because they want to charge my CC?
Yes the wheels are showing available to ship now. I just ordered mine.
Received email from Fanatec today "your order has changed to warehouse processing".

I just ordered a Gran Turismo DD Pro bundle two days ago with expected availability end of February.

Going to call them later today - but has anyone else received notice of processing, or is this just because they want to charge my CC?
FYI, Fanatec charged my card when I placed my order in December.
Great news! Should be arriving much earlier then expected.

Forces me to make a decision on the Logitech G923 and shifter I just got from BestBuy - never opened and have until 31st to return, and I also have the Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals arriving today from Amazon - to pair with my T300 Ferrari wheel.
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I have run GT DD pro since release.
I didn't just want weight in a wheel, I want ffb details, including tyre and suspension feel.

I run ACC, GT7 and WRC with different settings on all to get the results I'm after.

On GT7 I'm using

In game settings are 5/1

On ACC I'm using, I have the Gain in game also adjustable on the wheel for each car, to get good feeling.


In game settings
Gain is dependant on the car, I have gain adjustable on the wheel around 60 also.
All others zero.
Steering lock 1080
Scale 100%
Linearity 1.00
Gamma 1.00

For WRC Generation I'm running

I enjoy them all, for different aspects, but the car physics have come so far it is a great experience on all. The PSVR2 for the entire GT7 experience is going to be awesome, roll on the end of Feb.

The braking weights in all settings are adjusted for the V2 Load cell pedals. 90kg is a lot for long sessions.

Hope that helps some get more feel from the GT DD.
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It blows my mind that there are people here which switch from DD Pro to G923. I have never ever heard something like this. Is the DD Pro really that bad in GT7?! Does the direct drive do nothing? I cant believe this. Reviews on the usual channels have always been so positive.
It blows my mind that there are people here which switch from DD Pro to G923. I have never ever heard something like this. Is the DD Pro really that bad in GT7?! Does the direct drive do nothing? I cant believe this. Reviews on the usual channels have always been so positive.
Nope not bad at all.
Smooth, precise, detailed ffb and strong, when tuned correctly.
Just has so many tuning aspects, that it can go very wrong and can go from heavy and numb, to being too light and lifeless, with a few changes on the wheel. Then there's tuning in game that relates to the wheel tuning. Each person likes a different feel of ffb, so it allows for that.
The only thing I don't like with mine is the rubber feel of the wheel. Nothing a set of suede work gloves can't fix though, until I can afford the WRC wheel, for a better feel.
Nope not bad at all.
Smooth, precise, detailed ffb and strong, when tuned correctly.
Just has so many tuning aspects, that it can go very wrong and can go from heavy and numb, to being too light and lifeless, with a few changes on the wheel. Then there's tuning in game that relates to the wheel tuning. Each person likes a different feel of ffb, so it allows for that.
The only thing I don't like with mine is the rubber feel of the wheel. Nothing a set of suede work gloves can't fix though, until I can afford the WRC wheel, for a better feel.
It seems some people really miss the TDFB/Trueforce effects when switching to the DD Pro. Most reviewers or "sim racing purist" dont like effects like Trueforce, though. They even advice turning then off. I think at the end of the day, it is subjective. Every person has different preferences, i guess.

On a personal note, i like the TDFB effect, but its pretty subtle. Not sure if i really would notice its abscence when switching to a DD Pro base.
It blows my mind that there are people here which switch from DD Pro to G923. I have never ever heard something like this. Is the DD Pro really that bad in GT7?! Does the direct drive do nothing? I cant believe this. Reviews on the usual channels have always been so positive.
It is all contextual.

The comments in forums all say that the dd pro in GT7 as bad force feedback but not many seems to have changed to another wheel because of « that » game. If you play other games, the DD Pro seems great or even the best of any other wheels for the price.

I have gone to a g923 from my dd pro because I only play Gran Turismo.

When it was announced as the new official wheel for GT7, I waited for this DD Pro wheel thinking it would be the « best experience » from any wheels at the time (I got it before GT7 was released)

I became frustrated after a few months, playing sometimes with the PS5 controller and feeling all that much feedback from it. (Rumble strip, tire grip loss, wheels lock (from the triggers resistance), gear shift and more)

I started to get buyer remorse reading forums and trying setup on the wheel and even tried a buttkicker…. I then decided it was enough and got a g923 again ( I tried it before with GT sport but returned it to wait for the DD Pro) and for me, the feeback from the g923 is more enjoyable experience and I feel like I have the same control of the car. The leather wheel rim is also nice.

The other thing I like better is the brake pedal, which I didn’t expect. It as more resistance and my trailbraking is better because of it.

Honestly, if you consider the reviews of the G923 by themself, they are very positive also. It is one of the best wheels for the price (for canadiens the DD pro 5nm bundle, after shipping and custom duties, is double the price of the G923) and is really great with GT7 (the trueforce implementation adds those missing FFB effects that I was referring about.)
I’ve only used cheap Logitech wheels (last one being 929) but never owned my own wheel until GT7 and I got the Fanatec DD GT pro. The FF seems to me to communicate solely what you feel via the steering column of the car. If I would use one word to describe the combination of DD Pro and GT7 I’d use: nuanced

It is also hindered by the plastic quick release that flexes, and looses the nuanced FFB. I’d recommend either a metal quick release upgrade or a third party solution to reinforce it.

In comparison I’d say the Logitech Trueforce addition feels nice but feels more of an arcade addition rather than a simulation addition as a lot of the effects communicated would be chassis vibrations one feels via the car seat not via the steering wheel. Still the Fanatec DD Pro seems like it’s made to be used with additional tactical feedback on a rig rather than the wheelbase combined with GT7 (even though Sony have no licensed GT products to do so worldwide) as the combined effects between both give a total immersion feeling.

I’ve only played ACC and AC on console as well to compare it to with the Fanatec DD Pro and those certainly give more effects via the wheelbase in comparison to GT7 wheelbase alone. So I think it’s a fair assumption to make that the negative issues people have with the DDPro are more design choices made by PD in GT7 going for a more nuanced feeling and also requiring more additional equipment to get complete immersion, rather than an issue with the wheel hardware itself.
In comparison I’d say the Logitech Trueforce addition feels nice but feels more of an arcade addition rather than a simulation addition as a lot of the effects communicated would be chassis vibrations one feels via the car seat not via the steering wheel.
That's where the Thrustmster T-DFB comes out as a clear winner, it seems. The effect is so strong that it shakes the entire rig, I have a T-GT II and had a serious WTF situation on the first try as the pedals were shaking too. For a while I thought that there's a FFB motor in them to but turns out that it was the transducer vibrating the whole thing. Having said that though, I've turned it off, the actual steering column forces are enough for me to know what's going on.
That's where the Thrustmster T-DFB comes out as a clear winner, it seems. The effect is so strong that it shakes the entire rig, I have a T-GT II and had a serious WTF situation on the first try as the pedals were shaking too. For a while I thought that there's a FFB motor in them to but turns out that it was the transducer vibrating the whole thing. Having said that though, I've turned it off, the actual steering column forces are enough for me to know what's going on.
Hm, i wonder if we have the same TDFB. Yes, you can feel it in the pedals as well but its more like a subtle vibration. Its not shaking at all neither it is strong. It feels like engine vibration to me. Pretty cool but nothing exciting.
I found the recommended settings from Fanatec for GT7 vague and lacking suspension, curb and tyre slip ffb so I found one that worked through watching Boosted Media and Race Beyond Matter to find a solution.
My settings are different for each title, to get the feel I'm after on each.
Tyre slip on the keyway is annoying, until you use the tape trick, to pack out the keyway and stop the slip.
I've come from G25-G29-GT DD and wouldn't go back to a weak belt driven wheel after getting the DD tuned.
For the pedals, I found them to be light but precise, prefer my V2's with a load cell, now I've got used to the weight.
At the end of the day, any wheel is better than none for driving sims and I've had many years of fun on Logitech wheels.
I found the recommended settings from Fanatec for GT7 vague and lacking suspension, curb and tyre slip ffb so I found one that worked through watching Boosted Media and Race Beyond Matter to find a solution.
My settings are different for each title, to get the feel I'm after on each.
Tyre slip on the keyway is annoying, until you use the tape trick, to pack out the keyway and stop the slip.
I've come from G25-G29-GT DD and wouldn't go back to a weak belt driven wheel after getting the DD tuned.
For the pedals, I found them to be light but precise, prefer my V2's with a load cell, now I've got used to the weight.
At the end of the day, any wheel is better than none for driving sims and I've had many years of fun on Logitech wheels.
I have ordered a GT DD PRO ( 8Nm ) and would really appreciate some good settings.
Especially ACC, WRC Generations, Dirt Rally 2 and GT7.

Thanks in advance,
I found the recommended settings from Fanatec for GT7 vague and lacking suspension, curb and tyre slip ffb so I found one that worked through watching Boosted Media and Race Beyond Matter to find a solution.
My settings are different for each title, to get the feel I'm after on each.
Tyre slip on the keyway is annoying, until you use the tape trick, to pack out the keyway and stop the slip.
I've come from G25-G29-GT DD and wouldn't go back to a weak belt driven wheel after getting the DD tuned.
For the pedals, I found them to be light but precise, prefer my V2's with a load cell, now I've got used to the weight.
At the end of the day, any wheel is better than none for driving sims and I've had many years of fun on Logitech wheels.
What's the tape trick?
tape really? Don’t what to be a troll, but glad i waited for psvr2 and got the Logitech Pro set that dropped unexpected however was years in development and testing. Hope Fanatec updates its firmware/implementation so you guys can get a sort of Trueforce 2!
What has PSVR2 got to do with anything?
Nothing wrong with the Fanatec other than the crappy QR Lite. More than happy with mine as are many others. If you don't want to be seen as trolling then maybe don't comment in a thread you've no vested interest in.
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Happy with mine too and with a bit of tuning I have all FFB, at high quality. Especially good in the rain on a drying track, with the precision if the V2 braking.

PSVR2 is going to take it to the next level though, one month to go.
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@kembro posted GT7 settings using LIN instead of PEAK for FFS which had been originally recommended, so I did some laps with that and find it a bit more nuanced. Needed to up Torque 1 notch from 4 to 5, but stay at 5 max otherwise clipping. If 5 isn’t strong enough bump up FOR to 110 or 120
I haven’t updated to the latest Firmware, no.
I‘m still running the previous Firmware Version.
But what I actually did, although I’ve already done it a few Months ago, I spent lots of time tweaking the FFB and found my personal Sweet Spot.
From my personal experience and countless driving and testing the following Settings provide a sensational Feedback.

8NM Boost Kit


FFB: 100


NDP: 30

NFR: 10

NIN: 2

INT: 1

FEI: 100

FOR: 100

SPR: 100

DPR: 100

GT7 in Game Settings:

Force Feedback Max Torque: 5

Force Feedback Sensitivity: 1

I‘m absolutely sure you’ll enjoy them.

Quite confident that these might be THE best Possible Settings for experiencing GT7s‘ outstanding FFB Implementation.

Actually, anyone should try and use them.
They are awesome 🙂
Hi, i played GT7 last year with a Logitech G29, than i played Dirt Rally 2.0 and switched to Fanatec DD PRO 8nm. So I never tried GT7 with "his dedicated" wheelbase. Now I'd like to try it, and after some research i discovered that a lot of people is not happy with GT7 software implementation for DD PRO, some issue with FFB.
So today, with latest fanatec firmware and GT7 patch, are this setting one of the best?
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