Fanatec GT DD Pro Steering Wheel PS5

  • Thread starter reece22345
Good choice, congrats on your new Wheel :cheers: I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed, if anything you‘ll love it.
I would really appreciate it to hear back on some of your thoughts when everything is in place and ready to go.

I can imagine that it‘ll work fine on your Playseat Challenge with the 5NM Supply.
Yes it should work with the usual power supply, as I did own the T-GT 1 with the Playseat Challenge some time ago, which is 6nm and the seat was strong enough for it. After a few days of testing, perhaps I will also additionally order the Boost Kit.
So I have received yesterday the Fanatec GT DD Pro Basic Bundle and I must say, wow. It's definitely a step up and within 3-4 laps I was on par with the pace. After several hours I was already faster and much more consistent, especially catching possible understeer spins.
It was just a bit difficult to mount on a Playseat Challenge, taking a bit of time figuring out that the wheel plate needs to be inverted to fit the 3 mountings, though noticing that the bolts from the Playseat were too long, so I was only able to mount one bolt completely, with the other two like half of the length. For the pedals, nothing good was possible and aftermarket solutions are not available until mid march.
So I have just ordered myself a NLR GT Track and I hope I will have a rig handling also the future Boost Kit & Load Cell Kit.
I got my DD Pro yesterday. I am planning on using it with my Podium F1 wheelbase just for GT7. I had to update the firmware for EVERYTHING for it to work. Thankfully nothing broke.

I'm coming from the Fanatec GT3 wheel rim and have been playing ACC for over a year exclusively.

First, I think it's a good wheel rim, good compatibility and handy buttons. But I do find the DD Pro rim a little small. Adding another inch would provide more grabbing space and distance away from the paddle shifters. If you have a shifter, it is a tight fit when you are re-grabbing it constantly.

It also feels like the buttons stick out a little far. It's not a deal breaker, but it's slightly cumbersome since the wheel rim is a little on the small size. Having the buttons for BB and TCS, etc. will make it worth it.

I don't mind the inner-bottom, pseudo-metal rim, my 2018 Accord has the same kind of inner wheel trim. It adds a nice touch.

The paddle shifters are ergonomic, but made out of plastic (which I don't mind really), I wish they were pulled back a little. I may take them off(?).


I only had about 30 minutes to do some driving with the wheel, but it was what I expected. I think I need to tweak some settings to liven up the experience in GTS/GT7. Coming from ACC, the roads in GT are all so smooth and flat.

Good stuff, curious as to why you are running a lower than recommended FFB on the base and then higher than recommended torque in game?

Did you find those settings gave better feeling?
Good stuff, curious as to why you are running a lower than recommended FFB on the base and then higher than recommended torque in game?

Did you find those settings gave better feeling?
I'm just trying different things atm. I want to feel as much as I can of the road without making the car turn like the titanic. Here's the thread I found, I'll probably go down the line and try most of them and see how it goes...might save me some time.


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