Forza Horizon - Post your latest pics

  • Thread starter ImaRobot
I love this thread. Its FM4 counterpart was my favourite thread for that game, too.

I used my LCE tokens to get the new Conti GT.



That Red Bentley is the shizz. Can you change the grille colors to black or no?
to make it look like >>>

@@Bluediamond, I couldn't help but notice how nice the tire smoke looks on the Red Bull Maserati pic. Does it look that dense in game? Or does it somehow appear denser in photo mode? In my FH, it's practically non-existent..just little trails of sparse smoke that doesn't linger around for even a second.

@@Steve Forrest , the pic of the Red Mini.. I see dust trails behind the car. But when I go into photo mode while rallying, there are no dust trails at all behind the car.

Do I have a bad copy? How much space does FH occupy on your HDD after installation?
@@Steve Forrest , the pic of the Red Mini.. I see dust trails behind the car. But when I go into photo mode while rallying, there are no dust trails at all behind the car.

It takes up 1.4 GB on my Hard Drive, if thats what you're asking. Sorry, I'm a complete idiot with this kind of thing.

Also, maybe try uploading your pictures to the Forza website. I used to have a terrible tv that didn't show any details like dust trails, so I had to upload them to the website before seeing anything detailed. This might still apply even with tv's that aren't from seven years ago like my old one, but as I said, I know very little.
Hey speedster, the redbull pic wasn't mine mate but I do have one that shows off the smoke trials. I'm not sure why it worked on this shot and none of the others :/
