Forza Motorsport 6 Rewards

  • Thread starter symo63
So yeah, we're getting all sorts of credits and stuff when Forza 6 hits our hdd's. All this lovliness
will automatically download to wherever it needs to when we install F6, is that right? :D
I have all the reward cars ready just need the Audi. Currently working on FM3 I have 92 of the 300 needed.

Here's a glitch if any of you need help buying cars in FM3.
OK, I just bought all my sixty-one remaining free DLC cars for FM5. They couldn't have made the menu wrap around to the left? My RB finger is getting cramps.

Think I'll leave it at just over two hundred cars for the one million CR boost. There must only be so many times I can hear that announcer chick tell me "This is your 2010 Abarth 500 esseesse" before my brains leak out of my ears.
Blarg! I give up! I'm going back to FM2/3, FM4 is too damn boring. Freaking hell, I'm like 7 hours away from level 100 if the whole one level every 30 minutes stays true.

Did T10 ever explain why they removed like 4 or 5 tracks from FM3?
So yeah, we're getting all sorts of credits and stuff when Forza 6 hits our hdd's. All this lovliness
will automatically download to wherever it needs to when we install F6, is that right? :D

Seeing it's showing in the hub, I'd say you'll be able to claim it there as soon as it's available, i.e. FM6 has been released.
I wish to point out something incredible... The game thinks I have no cars in FM5. And thinks at exactly the same time that I have purchased all the DLC for FM5 (I haven't bought the VIP).
I actually have a problem, I can't check my rewards. Everytime I click on "overall rewards" on the Forza website, the loading symbol just shows up and keeps loading. The page just refuses to load up.
I am tier 5 right now. If I want the Aventador, 458 and R18 do I need to get to tier 8 (which is impossible as I don't own a 360, the best I can do is tier 6) or can I get them another way?
Wait for them to come out as DLC? :boggled:

Now I finally see why people are missing the Auction House, club garages and car gifting. If it's any sort of consolation, VIPs will get all sorts of cars thrown at them by Turn 10 throughout the length of the game if FM5 is anything to judge by. Maybe they'll include some of the missing cars.

Sure seems unfair on those who didn't have a 360 though.
At least they didn't make the Hellcat the Tier 8 only car or there would have an internet braking problem on
Still if I get Tier 6 the other two cars are basicially duplicates.
As far as I know, all Tier Reward cars in FM6 will be in the game anyway. They're simply given to you for free with the Forza Rewards program. They won't be walled off.

This didn't require its own thread.
Thank god :)
Now I don't need to play that awful game. Anyway, only 99 more "Congratulations, this is your new Nissan Datsun (make up your mind) 510" in that voice that I hope is never used again and dumped in a pit like E.T. and then DOESN't become a famous urban myth.
Still slowly climbing up. Had a previous typo. I am at tier 6 heading to tier 7. Currently have 7959 points. Just trying to get in some more perfect passes, more days, and more miles in F5. Still have a lot to do in Horizon 2.
Maybe it's because I loaded up the game to millions of credits and all the DLC cars for free (versus them costing in-game credits as they did at the beginning), but FM5 hasn't felt like much of a chore either. The career is tedious, absolutely - due to a lack of tracks - but the cars all feel fantastic. I'm certainly not finding a non-existent game seriously attractive for another system, though. If anything, it's all the non-racing games that make me want a PS4.

Just crossed the 300 car mark in FH2 with the new DLC, so I should be entitled to the full 25 million in FM6, once they update FH1's rewards errors.
I found it really boring to drive around. And the races should be separate to the fun events. Oh, and the obvious point that there are NO drift events in career.
FH2 isn't a chore like FM5... if FM6 isn't good the PS4 and GT7 becomes seriously attractive.
Which part attracts you more, the PS2 car models or waiting two years for them to release the finished product?

Seriously, if I learned anything from GT5/6 is that I should wait 24 months to get the complete game for $20 in a bin at the drugstore.
I like them just for that moment where you find a car that you never knew existed. Although getting rid of the duplicates is a good idea.
Which part attracts you more, the PS2 car models or waiting two years for them to release the finished product?

Seriously, if I learned anything from GT5/6 is that I should wait 24 months to get the complete game for $20 in a bin at the drugstore.
That's in addition to the length of time it takes for them to release the unfinished product in the first place. Add 'em together and you could play multiple Forzas and even a couple of PCars by then and still play GT whenever it comes out.

Life's too short to spend it all waste waiting for Kaz.
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It would be nice to have a Feature, where we can choose any car in the world and just apply it to a car in the game of the same or close enough dimensions. :bowdown:
I want a 1975 Matra Simca Bagheera :banghead: or 1969 Simca 1000. :banghead:
So, I have 300 cars in FM3, FM5 and FH2. Multiples of the same car count, don't they? :nervous:

Now, if I could just find someone that knows how to retrieve gamesave data that was tranferred from a damaged USB stick onto pc, (containing a folder named: Xbox 360, with 10 files named: Data0000 to Data0009) which was then transferred onto another USB stick, but Xbox does not read the data, although there's data on the USB stick (7.67Gb) xbox reads it at 0 KB. :grumpy:
Then I could buy more cars in FM4 and FH1. :rolleyes:
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So, I have 300 cars in FM3, FM5 and FH2. Multiples of the same car count, don't they? :nervous:

That seems to be the consensus. These definitely count towards your rewards car count, which we all believe is what counts.

Now, if I could just find someone that knows how to retrieve gamesave data that was tranferred from a damaged USB stick onto pc, (containing a folder named: Xbox 360, with 10 files named: Data0000 to Data0009) which was then transferred onto another USB stick, but Xbox does not read the data, although there's data on the USB stick (7.67Gb) xbox reads it at 0 KB. :grumpy:
Then I could buy more cars in FM4 and FH1. :rolleyes:

Can't help you there. But if you want to start fresh in FM4 and just want enough money to bring your rewards car count up to 300, I could throw some cash your way. You can check your rewards car count by following the handy notes here:
That seems to be the consensus. These definitely count towards your rewards car count, which we all believe is what counts.

Can't help you there. But if you want to start fresh in FM4 and just want enough money to bring your rewards car count up to 300, I could throw some cash your way. You can check your rewards car count by following the handy notes here:

Thank you for the offer 👍, but it's really not worth it to spend all that time in starting a new FM4 and FH1 game,:banghead: just so I may get the extra 10 mill$ rewarded in FM6. I'm sure it will take me a lot less time playing FM6 to get 10 mill$. :ill:
Thanks again. :cheers:
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Thank you for the offer 👍, but it's really not worth it to spend all that time in starting a new FM4 game,:banghead: just so I may get the extra 5 mill$ rewarded in FM6. I'm sure it will take me a lot less time playing FM6 to get 5mill$. :ill:
Thanks again. :cheers:

Yeah, I don't bother with older games either. Surely, it's got to be more effort to buy a hundred cars than to actually make 5 Million in FM6. Then again, if your car counts were close to 300, it might have been worth it to check whether buying a new car adds to the current car count, or really starts all the way back at the beginning. Not sure how exactly the rewards count works, but it could be separate from the game.