General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Just wondering - does anybody know what causes fluctuating barbell bench press performance?

My bench press performance fluctuates a lot, I'm very consistent in strength in all of my lifts, even on ''bad days'', and those bad days usually have a specific cause like bad regeneration, stress etc. But with bench it seems to happen randomly, and very severely. And it gets even weirder, when I have those bad bench days my dumbbell bench press is hardly affected!

For example, after warming up my working set is 3-4 sets of 286lbs flat barbell bench presses, first set 8 reps than 7 and then 6-7 and then 5. Then I usually do a couple sets pause presses or speed presses etc. with lighter weights as finishers. Then I move on with triceps exercises and chest flyes etc.

Like I said, I do those sets, next day I do cardio, followed by leg day etc. 5 days after that good bench session I do bench presses again but I struggle with getting just 3 repetitions of 286lbs on my FIRST set. Hopeless. I fail at the bottom of the lift, there is no explosiveness, and the weight feels already very heavy when I unrack it.
I have to reduce the weight by 30-40lbs to get sets with 7-8 repetitions, and it feels bad. But weirdly enough, I can do 8 reps with two 120lbs dumbbells easily, which is my usual performance.

I have ruled out exercise splits influencing chest by simply taking 12 days off and starting with bench presses - and that resulted in a very bad bench press day.

The ratio is also weird, its like I can do 2-3 very good bench press sessions which are followed by 4-5 poor sessions, and then I suddenly peak again. I have no other lift that fluctuates like that, and by so much weight, and I squat and deadlift heavy like a maniac.

Does anyone have an idea what the cause could be?
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I have a bench program I have used in the past with great success if you’re interested for increasing consistent PR’s to your bench.

Also, often overlooked is how your back effects bench. Try warming up with a few rows first to get some blood in your lats. There are so many variables from splits, to recovery (not just chest), food and sleep that can all make a difference.
Been a minute since I've posted anywhere on here, but I've been lifting through the injuries.

My hand feels better, less pain. I only have some pain in my shoulder. It's much, much better, but only noticeable under certain loads when my rotator cuff is moving (bench press, etc). The lateral load of shoulder presses doesn't have much effect, so that has been nice. I've been doing other things to get it warmed up so that it doesn't impact my lifts.

All I've been doing is 4 days a week and 5x3 reps and sets with only 4/5 exercises per day in the gym. Everyone has their program and this just works for me and has shown results that I am happy with. They're relatively heavy lifts, so they hit the spot pretty much each time.

Overall, since the last time I've posted, I've definitely gained some regained strength and some and my technique has improved a lot. I don't really have a goal from weightlifting apart from getting stronger, but since June 7th, I've lost 10 lbs +/-, so that means my diet has been really good. Mainly berries, chicken for protein and complex carbohydrates, with some nice and hardy cheat day mixed in every week or two.

Also, @Michael88 @Pako - thanks for staying active around here. When I was doing research on what I should do, I circled back to notes I took from you two back in 2016 - basic knowledge that is still relevant in this world of influencer lifters :lol::cheers:
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I have a bench program I have used in the past with great success if you’re interested for increasing consistent PR’s to your bench.

Also, often overlooked is how your back effects bench. Try warming up with a few rows first to get some blood in your lats. There are so many variables from splits, to recovery (not just chest), food and sleep that can all make a difference.
I AM interested! :dopey: - Though its probably very hardcore, I'm just a regular lifter not a professional, I probably need a lot more recovery.

And yes, I'm guilty of not warming up enough, I usually do a couple of lighter presses and jump right into it. But that used to work for me until now.- Not sure whats going on.

Maybe I've been overdoing it with the bench presses. Thinking about it, I always rotate main exercises around with main lower body and isolation exercises, but every time I do upper body I do regular flat bench presses same weight same repetitions (mixed with triceps and chest isolations)
Now I just did 4x8 incline bench presses and it was fun, I moved a lot of weight and felt my chest a lot, a lot more than on flat bench - From now on I'm going to diversify / rotate my main upper body exercises a lot more and see if that helps.
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I AM interested! :dopey: - Though its probably very hardcore, I'm just a regular lifter not a professional, I probably need a lot more recovery.

And yes, I'm guilty of not warming up enough, I usually do a couple of lighter presses and jump right into it. But that used to work for me until now.- Not sure whats going on.

Maybe I've been overdoing it with the bench presses. Thinking about it, I always rotate main exercises around with main lower body and isolation exercises, but every time I do upper body I do regular flat bench presses same weight same repetitions (mixed with triceps and chest isolations)
Now I just did 4x8 incline bench presses and it was fun, I moved a lot of weight and felt my chest a lot, a lot more than on flat bench - From now on I'm going to diversify / rotate my main upper body exercises a lot more and see if that helps.
Sent program in PM. 💪🏼
Am I doing myself a disservice by not using any supplements?

All I use is a bit of caffeine through espresso and a light meal before going in.

I know there’s a lot of things out there that can improve performance, but I’m a bit weary about using that stuff because I don’t want to be dependent on it just to build strength.

And I’m mainly talking about créatine, etc.
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Am I doing myself a disservice by not using any supplements?

All I use is a bit of caffeine through espresso and a light meal before going in.

I know there’s a lot of things out there that can improve performance, but I’m a bit weary about using that stuff because I don’t want to be dependent on it just to build strength.

And I’m mainly talking about créatine, etc.
Most active ingredients in supplements can be obtained through the foods we eat and can provide the benefits through diet. Supplements are meant to “supplement” what we aren’t able to adequately get through what we are eating. Specifically talking about creatine, it’s one of the safest out there 5-10mg per day. Mix with your favorite beverage or shake.

Even vitamins can be considered a supplement. When we’re not givimg what the body needs through the food we eat to perform, we have to supplement our diet.

Hope that makes sense.
Just wondering - does anybody know what causes fluctuating barbell bench press performance?

My bench press performance fluctuates a lot, I'm very consistent in strength in all of my lifts, even on ''bad days'', and those bad days usually have a specific cause like bad regeneration, stress etc. But with bench it seems to happen randomly, and very severely. And it gets even weirder, when I have those bad bench days my dumbbell bench press is hardly affected!

For example, after warming up my working set is 3-4 sets of 286lbs flat barbell bench presses, first set 8 reps than 7 and then 6-7 and then 5. Then I usually do a couple sets pause presses or speed presses etc. with lighter weights as finishers. Then I move on with triceps exercises and chest flyes etc.

Like I said, I do those sets, next day I do cardio, followed by leg day etc. 5 days after that good bench session I do bench presses again but I struggle with getting just 3 repetitions of 286lbs on my FIRST set. Hopeless. I fail at the bottom of the lift, there is no explosiveness, and the weight feels already very heavy when I unrack it.
I have to reduce the weight by 30-40lbs to get sets with 7-8 repetitions, and it feels bad. But weirdly enough, I can do 8 reps with two 120lbs dumbbells easily, which is my usual performance.

I have ruled out exercise splits influencing chest by simply taking 12 days off and starting with bench presses - and that resulted in a very bad bench press day.

The ratio is also weird, its like I can do 2-3 very good bench press sessions which are followed by 4-5 poor sessions, and then I suddenly peak again. I have no other lift that fluctuates like that, and by so much weight, and I squat and deadlift heavy like a maniac.

Does anyone have an idea what the cause could be?
I was going to suggest a deload week, but you somewhat covered that with the 12 days off.
Am I doing myself a disservice by not using any supplements?

All I use is a bit of caffeine through espresso and a light meal before going in.

I know there’s a lot of things out there that can improve performance, but I’m a bit weary about using that stuff because I don’t want to be dependent on it just to build strength.

And I’m mainly talking about créatine, etc.
I would say save the money. A protein supplement, preferably with the shortest ingredients list, would probably be the most helpful if you can't get to your target with regular meals.

I have taken creatine before, and I never noticed anything anything that made me think wow I definitely need to keep taking this. Personally, I would nail down the exercise plan before introducing other variables, so you can better see if it has any noticeable effect.
Just wondering - does anybody know what causes fluctuating barbell bench press performance?

My bench press performance fluctuates a lot, I'm very consistent in strength in all of my lifts, even on ''bad days'', and those bad days usually have a specific cause like bad regeneration, stress etc. But with bench it seems to happen randomly, and very severely. And it gets even weirder, when I have those bad bench days my dumbbell bench press is hardly affected!

For example, after warming up my working set is 3-4 sets of 286lbs flat barbell bench presses, first set 8 reps than 7 and then 6-7 and then 5. Then I usually do a couple sets pause presses or speed presses etc. with lighter weights as finishers. Then I move on with triceps exercises and chest flyes etc.

Like I said, I do those sets, next day I do cardio, followed by leg day etc. 5 days after that good bench session I do bench presses again but I struggle with getting just 3 repetitions of 286lbs on my FIRST set. Hopeless. I fail at the bottom of the lift, there is no explosiveness, and the weight feels already very heavy when I unrack it.
I have to reduce the weight by 30-40lbs to get sets with 7-8 repetitions, and it feels bad. But weirdly enough, I can do 8 reps with two 120lbs dumbbells easily, which is my usual performance.

I have ruled out exercise splits influencing chest by simply taking 12 days off and starting with bench presses - and that resulted in a very bad bench press day.

The ratio is also weird, its like I can do 2-3 very good bench press sessions which are followed by 4-5 poor sessions, and then I suddenly peak again. I have no other lift that fluctuates like that, and by so much weight, and I squat and deadlift heavy like a maniac.

Does anyone have an idea what the cause could be?
Probably some combination of neuro, pain, and fatigue. I don't know for sure, but it's very common and has been studied by the exercise scientists. You don't do some kind of periodization scheme? It's better to track trends, not performances.
It’s fun finding out you’ve been holding off by pushing yourself.

I’ve been relatively conservative on my bench press, but I’m clearing 245 now after not going past 225 for a long time.

Feels good, especially knowing benching isn’t my strongpoint, I’m just okay at it.

I’m also incorporating deadlifts back into my routine… I knew having not done them in a while would be bad, but I didn’t expect it to be that bad:scared::lol: - got some work to do.
Results: 1st Masters 40+ BB, 2nd Light Heavy BB Open, 2nd Classic Physique Open. Time to make some corrections, address some concerns then it’s off to nationals!
Just ran 3.25mi in 31 ish minutes. Not bad considering I have never been much of a runner, relatively short and still pretty heavy.
I actually weighed in at 219 recently - the lowest my weight has been since 2016 (?) or even 2010.
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Score sheets just released. Light Heavy Weight that I took second place was really fricken close. Missed over all best of class by one point. View attachment 1203620
That's crazy. Do they give you feedback on areas of weakness? Imo, you were clearly superior from the pack from an upper body perspective but probably didn't have the best glutes or quad sweep. Could be just the pose but your lateralis is looking flat in that photo above and nothing really pops like it does during your back double biceps.
That's crazy. Do they give you feedback on areas of weakness? Imo, you were clearly superior from the pack from an upper body perspective but probably didn't have the best glutes or quad sweep. Could be just the pose but your lateralis is looking flat in that photo above and nothing really pops like it does during your back double biceps.
It was so close man. I honestly should not have lost against the Classic Physic guy. Him and his coach were both very apologetic about winning. He was actually pissed he won. He is also a TikTok celeb with over 7 million followers so there my have been some politics there.
In regards to the BB kid I lost against, the feedback I got was I needed to be thicker, wider lats, wider quad sweeps to give my mid section a smaller/tighter look. While I agree with that, my conditioning was way better, way more striated, with deeper tissue separation. If I wasn't as conditioned, I would have been thicker too. Oh well, it was a small town show with judges that would be used in a national show.
I went to qualify for nationals and to beat my physique from 5 years ago, both of which I blew out of the water. I qualify for Masters BB, Open BB, and Open Classic Physic on the national stage with a chance to get my pro card. All in all a very successful weekend.
That dude is ugly as hell. His beard is SO whack. Like, what is he training for, the next season of Vikings? Aquaman's lieutenant general? At least braid it for the show or something. You can't even see his chest lol. I dunno, every pic I see of you is like "damn, that guy is shredded." Some of the other guys looked like they didn't finish their cuts by comparison. Your conditioning was amazing, and you and your coach should be proud.
That dude is ugly as hell. His beard is SO whack. Like, what is he training for, the next season of Vikings? Aquaman's lieutenant general? At least braid it for the show or something. You can't even see his chest lol. I dunno, every pic I see of you is like "damn, that guy is shredded." Some of the other guys looked like they didn't finish their cuts by comparison. Your conditioning was amazing, and you and your coach should be proud.
Even if the judges were blind, we fricken won man. Everyone in the audience knew, all the competitors back stage knew it, hell yeah, the whole Pako team is very proud, no regrets and nothing we could have done differently. 👍
Wow congratulations, that's a very impressive result - that went really well despite the controversial politics - and getting a chance to get your pro card is just ace. Did you celebrate with a cheat meal? Some Pizza or cake? :D

So how long till Nationals? Do you have time for a short break or is it right back to bulk and improve upon your weaknesses?

Also I hope you learned your lesson - you need a TikTok account, that may give you the edge. PR should not be underestimated and I am only half-joking here.
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Wow congratulations, that's a very impressive result - that went really well despite the controversial politics - and getting a chance to get your pro card is just ace. Did you celebrate with a cheat meal? Some Pizza or cake? :D

So how long till Nationals? Do you have time for a short break or is it right back to bulk and improve upon your weaknesses?

Also I hope you learned your lesson - you need a TikTok account, that may give you the edge. PR should not be underestimated and I am only half-joking here.
😂, I ate like a garbage compactor post show Saturday and all day Sunday. By Monday night I was up 24 lbs from Friday nights weigh in. 🤮

I’m back to lifting and eating clean again and feel so much better.

I have until the end of the next calendar year to enter in a national show. There is one the 2nd week in November that I’m looking at for next year which should give me a chance at bring up some of my weaknesses. 👍🏼
I’m starting to feel the impact that my shoulder is having on my workouts.

It’s a really tight feeling in it, throwing off my balance. It’s much better months after my bike accident, but there’s still signs that it needs to heal longer.
I just found out something weird that might be linked to my temporary dip in bench pressing. I'm back on track benching 330lbs+ and deadlifting 500lbs for 2-3 reps -but today I bought a new scale because my old scale broke last year and weighed myself. Last time I weighed myself I was around 225lbs - now I weigh 198lbs.

A 27lbs weigh loss in a couple months is not insignificant. I admit I suffer from depression and I have been doing a special diet for two years now because a health issue requires it, which basically cuts out pretty much all the food I like including all spices but salt. But why I lost so much weight NOW is a mystery to me.
Weird thing is I don't think I look any different and none of my lifts are down (anymore) but I have verified the scale with my weight plates, its spot on.

Well, I guess the only upside here is that I can bench 339lbs while weighing below 200lbs, that's actually not bad for a 6'1'' natural athlete that hardly arches at all, has long arms and a horrible diet. Got to see the good in everything. :lol:
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Today I did bench presses and easily managed a set of 7 repetitions of 130kg / 287lbs followed by one set 5 reps and then a set of 4.
7 repetitions of 287 was my personal best before my bench press power and body weight dwindled dramatically - and this time I felt even more stable. Weighed myself and I gained a little bit of weight, I'm at 205 lbs now.
Having a weird injury now. My bench pressing went really well until I started to feel a weird pain in my arm pits one day.- I'm pretty sure that's where the tendons of the chest muscles attach to my arms - its right below the shoulder where the biceps starts but inside my armpit.
Does not feel like a full blown tendonitis or a tear but like having the feeling of sore muscles from a hard training that does not want to go away. Took 10 days off, feeling went away, came back right during my first very light bench session. Strange thing is during training it slowly goes away and I can even do a 148.5kg / 326lbs very easily with very little pain but after training it comes back worse.

Went to my doctor and I'm going to get it checked out with ultrasonic. Right now I'm doing heavy floor presses to prevent my arms from going below 90° and putting too much stress on my tendons.- Still getting a surprising chest pump from that exercise, its pretty hard starting with the bar 20cm or so off your chest.

Hope I'm not going to have to take a long pause from conventional presses. :crazy:
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Could also be a biceps tendonitis. Try not pressing or pulling for a week or two. A little rest and some anti inflammatory meds does a world of good. They're going to do all this investigating and just wind up telling you to do that, anyway. Better to rest something that's inflamed than to get a full-blown injury.
Could also be a biceps tendonitis. Try not pressing or pulling for a week or two. A little rest and some anti inflammatory meds does a world of good. They're going to do all this investigating and just wind up telling you to do that, anyway. Better to rest something that's inflamed than to get a full-blown injury.
Its weird, I got an ultrasonic screening and they did not find any indicators of an inflammation or damage in my shoulder / pec / biceps tendons and muscles. Yesterday I continued with my bench press program and lifted 135 kilos 5 & 4 reps and a final set of 137 kilos for 2x and the pain did not get any worse, it was just there. I did biceps curls as well and they did not hurt either.

My theory right now is that I stretched something in my arms by doing squats, to lowbar squat I have to bend my arms back to the absolute max, maybe that's causing it. I'm going to use a safety squat bar and see if it improves.
I’m finally back in the gym as well as back into running. Muscle memory is definitely real. It’s taking me very little time to build back to where I once was two months ago.
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Vile, retched, putrid deadlifts.

There’s something so alien about this movement for my body. Guess I need to get comfortable and find the form that is best for me.

The sumo form is most natural for me.

Anyone have any tips?
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