General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Excellent! What time did you go to the gym? I find that a half hour can make a big difference. Either earlier or later. For instance, the gym I go to, from 5-6:30 its crowded. If I roll in at 6:30, the machines are starting to empty and by 7pm, I don't have a problem getting through my routine. You may want to check the clock and make notes of times and such.
I started up with our elliptical machine here at home last Saturday and my stats are as follows:

Date - Program, Minutes, Distance, Calories
1/23 - Weight Loss 3, 30, 1.44, 441 x 2 (one 30 minute session in the morning, one at night)
1/24 - Aerobic 1, 30, 1.30, 494
1/25 - Aerobic 2, 30, 1.30, 494
1/26 - Aerobic 1, 30, 1.37, 510
1/27 - Aerobic 2, 30, 1.37, 502 (consistent little bugger, ain't I? :lol:)
1/28 - Weight Loss 5, 45, 1.90, 760

I'm fairly pleased with how the progress is coming so far. My wife has laid down a challenge for me - try Performance 1 on February 28. It's a beast, but I'm up for it and it's good training for my next goal.
So I've stuck to the morning gym this week with an exception on Wednesday. I went morning and evening on Monday and will do the same again today. I've noticed that my stomach area has lost some fat and especially to the side and top of my abs. Getting up early and doing exercise has given me so much energy for the day, very good feeling so far. 👍
Fantastic. It's great to hear the progress.

I've made Progress this week as well. My Lean Mass dropped a bit, but I'm still holding in the High 170's. 177lbs of lean mass this morning. I also checked in at 9.0% body fat. Slimming right down. I weighed in at 192lbs this morning. Next week, I should be down under 190, easily.

And I do get my Cheat meal this weekend. Steak and a Pile of Mashed Potatoes on Saturday night.
I'm gonna lay out my situation and if anyone wants to lend any advice, I'd certainly appreciate it.

I'm 5' 11" and I weigh around 164 lbs. My diet isn't great when it comes to nutrition - lots of red meat, not enough veggies. I have the kind of body where losing weight comes pretty easily if I put any effort at all into it, and of course gaining weight is even easier. I don't do a lot of snacking, I just eat foods that are generally high in fat. This is something that needs to change for sure.

I just secured a position with the government (woo!) and will have access to a gym in the coming months. Right now though I've got nothing except for this Iron Gym Upper Body Workout Bar and various free weights.

The reason I'm asking this now is because I currently have nothing to do until my employer gives me a start date, and so I have no excuse not to get in great shape save for not wanting to do the work (which isn't a great excuse at all, is it?). I hesitate to start anything until I have a real plan to work from, and it's hard to consolidate a good beginning workout plan from the entire web (especially with half of it just trying to hawk some workout program or supplement).

So what do you guys think? Any good resources to direct me to where I should start? I'm not the kind of bodytype that can't gain any mass, and I think my body would respond well to an intensive workout regimen (not that I have any factual basis for that, haha).

(in a nutshell:)

5'11" 164lbs
No gym access (yet)
bad diet
Zrow, I'll pitch in later tonight, but I'm late to the gym right now.

I just wanted to post these two images. I'm in my Pre Competition workout now, and this is what it looks like.

(My Apologies for the size, but they are printable.)

You're actually going to make us wait for the competition to see any pics, aren't you?
Nope, its just a matter of getting some available time and the Missus to set the camera up.

I do have to take progress shots, as I'm getting leaner every week. Although in the last week, I hit a mental stumbling block. One thing I wasn't prepared for, was the Physicaly loss of size. I have only dropped 10 or so lbs of body fat, but to see my shoulder width shrink, was shocking. I know its only dropped by a mere percentage, but it is noticeable. However, the veins on my Arms are ridiculous.
Yes, this is a double post on my part, as I specifically wanted to address Zrow's post.
I'm 5' 11" and I weigh around 164 lbs. My diet isn't great when it comes to nutrition - lots of red meat, not enough veggies. I have the kind of body where losing weight comes pretty easily if I put any effort at all into it, and of course gaining weight is even easier. I don't do a lot of snacking, I just eat foods that are generally high in fat. This is something that needs to change for sure.
Herein lies the biggest problem. I've seen many people that just can't get the results they are want, because they train like maniacs and then eat crap. First things first, You're not drinking enough water. Yes, that's pure speculation, but I can pretty much state, that you're not drinking at least a gallon a day. Which means you're body won't make the changes you want.

Second, Fat isn't "BAD". Excess Fat, combined with Excess Carbs and a Lack of Protein, topped off with no exercise is 'BAD". An easy enough change, is to get the same amount of Carbs in your system as you do Protein. If you have more protein, than carbs, you'll make changes in your body.

Take a regular day and count calories, carbs, protein and fat. It'll amaze you how much you're taking in that you don't need, and how much you're not taking in that you do need. The purpose of a diet is to fuel your body. From the post above, I can surmise that you don't want to lose weight, but rather gain muscle and strip off some body fat. Bigger and Leaner is the goal.

I just secured a position with the government (woo!) and will have access to a gym in the coming months. Right now though I've got nothing except for this Iron Gym Upper Body Workout Bar and various free weights.
OK, this great little contraption gives you some great exercises for your Back, biceps and Abs. Nothing for Legs, Chest or Triceps. For these, its easy enough. Got Two Gallons of water? Time for some "Lunges. I do these with a 20lb kettle bell, and a long hallway. You can also use these for squats. Grab a Gallon in each hand and go for it. Make sure to keep your back straight.

For Chest, nothing beats push-ups. Regular, wide stance (hands apart), or Diamonds. You can vary them, by putting a stack of books in a back-pack and doing them standing up, leaning over on a counter top. Or, horizontal, with your feet up on a chair. Triceps, can be hit heavily with Dips. ou can stack books on your lap for added benefit.

The reason I'm asking this now is because I currently have nothing to do until my employer gives me a start date, and so I have no excuse not to get in great shape save for not wanting to do the work (which isn't a great excuse at all, is it?). I hesitate to start anything until I have a real plan to work from, and it's hard to consolidate a good beginning workout plan from the entire web (especially with half of it just trying to hawk some workout program or supplement).
Here we go.
Get your diet into a good starting point. 2200-2500 calories a day. Amounts: Protein = carbs = 1/2 fat (+/-). As an example, 2400 calories = 950 calories of Protein, 950 calories of Carbs, 500 calories of Fat. This is very basic, and rudimentary but you need to start somewhere.

All that soda, juice, beer, coffee creamer, milk, can be stopped. Drink Water, Coffee (Black, no sugar) or a Protein Shake. No more Chips. Very, Very limited amounts of pasta and Sauces. You need more Green Veggies. Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Chicken, Fish, Spinach, Broccoli. Oatmeal and eggs for Breakfast.

So what do you guys think? Any good resources to direct me to where I should start? I'm not the kind of bodytype that can't gain any mass, and I think my body would respond well to an intensive workout regimen (not that I have any factual basis for that, haha).

(in a nutshell:)

5'11" 164lbs
No gym access (yet)
bad diet
Every morning, before Breakfast, 20-30 minutes of brisk walking. This is the best time to burn bodyfat and help crank up the metabolism.

Monday Evening. Chest & Triceps.
Tuesday Evening. Back & Biceps.
Wednesday Evening. Legs & Calves.
Thursday Evening. Sit-ups/Crunches/Crunch Twists. No weight, and 100-200 reps in sets of 20 reps.

Friday, Saturday, just walking in the morning.
Sunday, no Exercises. Let your body rest.

If you want to get more detailed, after you've gotten underway, please post back up on here.
I used to exercise daily. Mainly 10 repetition cycles, 30' to 1h, power training.
In the weekend 3-6 hour walks or some skeelering when I had less time.👍

After years of working life as a consultant with irregular hours and a major move, yesterday I stood on the balance + felt the exercise indicator (on the side of the belly button). Conclusion, exercise is 5 years overdue!:ouch:

For the last 5 months I've been planning to get back in an exercise habit, but working late, picking up something to eat, preparing food in the week and driving around to friends and family, house chores, racing ... in the weekend make it difficult.:ill:

Yesterday it got too late again before I could pick up the gear, I'm trying again today.

=> 4 Feb update: Did it, hope I keep up.
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I've started going to a new Crossfit gym this week with my trainer. It's quite cool - funny how little equipment they have.

They have some Olympic bars and the weights for them, some dumbbells, some kettlebells, some medicine balls, and some boxes (for box jumps). That's it. :D

Did a deadly little circuit today, which was:
200m run
10 x dead lifts (60kg)
10 x clapping push-ups
10 x medicine ball cleans (11kg)

Do that circuit as many times as possible in 12 minutes. I did it 3 times plus a 4th 200m run and was almost dead. :lol:
I've started going to a new Crossfit gym this week with my trainer. It's quite cool - funny how little equipment they have.

They have some Olympic bars and the weights for them, some dumbbells, some kettlebells, some medicine balls, and some boxes (for box jumps). That's it. :D

Did a deadly little circuit today, which was:
200m run
10 x dead lifts (60kg)
10 x clapping push-ups
10 x medicine ball cleans (11kg)

Do that circuit as many times as possible in 12 minutes. I did it 3 times plus a 4th 200m run and was almost dead. :lol:
While I think Cross-fit is way overhyped, I have discovered that the local cross-fit gym is only 2 miles from my home so will definetley try a few sessions in the holidays.
I've been doing it for months now and I think it is by far the best way to train that I've ever experienced. I do recommend it. 👍
Just another minor update from me. I checked in again with my trainer, and he's happy with the progress. My lean mass came up a 1/2 lb, and my body fat dropped another 1/2%. I'm currently 8.6% and standing at 191.8 lbs total.

I also had a bit of an epiphany last night.
In the past 14 months that I've been training, I have concentrated on moving the weight. Which, for a Bodybuilder is the wrong approach. I should have been concentrating on making the muscle contract. I figured this out as I was training side bay side with the gym owner. He can't move the same weight I can, but yet he looks twice my size. And I outweight him by 30+lbs. He's also at 10% bodyfat. he just has spent his time in the gym, ignoring the amount of weight he moves and focused very intently on making the muscle contract.


This is what he looks like when on stage.

yes, I'm training side by side with him. If I can keep up with him, I'll not look the fool when on stage.
What's that on his right knee? Looks like a nasty scar...

I've been spending a solid week on the restart of my Rippetoe program, and I'm already where I left it in April last year in benchpress, bent over rows and presses. Currently I do 65 kg in squats, and 75 kg in deadlifts. I currently weigh 85kg, which is 4kg less than I did in October. With some solid sleep and lots of food I might be able to hit my bodyweight in deadlifts next week, if not I'm going for 90kg in 2 weeks. I'm going easier on the squats as I find them much, much harder. Goal for squats is 70kg by the end of next week, and 75 in 2 weeks. I find it amazing how heavy those deadlifts seem, yet I always perform each and every rep; Back straight, and press the Earth away from you. I love the feeling I get when succesfully finished a set of weights nearly my own bodyweight 👍
Hmmm, 70kg by the end? Make that beginning, squatted 70kg and deadlifted 80kg today. Squats are getting insanely hard, so I'm going easy on the weight increase. I'l be staying on 70kg for Wednesday for a form check before going to 72.5kg for Friday. Deadlift plan for Friday is 85 kg, my bodyweight 👍
Arrrghhh I hate the inconsistency of my life.

I've being going to the gym well for the last 3 weeks, 5 days a week, decent diet, good lifts, good rest.

Now haven't been in 5 days, have to go tomorrow! Worst is the reason I haven't been is late night and long mornings.
Apparently, my current diet/schedule is paying off. Went from 103.5 to 98.5 kilograms in five weeks. :) The first week I shed two, which was probably a lot of excess water, so I think the real loss is about 3kg in 5 weeks, which is just above what's good (3500kCal/0.5kg loss per week) for a cutting diet, so I think I'll stick to it for now. :)

BTW, getting rid of stuff that rates high on the glycemic index pays off a LOT. 👍
What's that on his right knee? Looks like a nasty scar...
Indeed it is.

Some great progress up there guys.

Now, for some great progress of my own. I set two personal records at the gym last night. It was leg night, and working with him, and his freaky legs, means the weight tends to get pushed up high.

We started with 20 minutes of light treadmill to warm up. Then it was a Super Set of Smith machine squats (Legs way out in front), Leg Presses and Leg extensions. 35 Reps with 135lbs on the squats, 35 reps with 270lbs on the leg press, and 35 reps with 40lbs on the leg extensions. Second set was 185 lbs on the squats for 25 reps, 360lbs on the Press for 25, and 80lbs for 25 reps on the extensions. 3rd set was 225lbs on the squat for 15 reps, 540lbs for 5 reps on the press, and 115lbs on the extensions for 8 reps.

The Fourth and Final Set was 275lbs for 6 reps on the squat, 630lbs for 6 reps on the press, and 145lbs for 7 reps on the extensions. The Squat and Press were personal records for me.

The it was Russian Single leg squats, followed up with 200yards of Lunges.

Today, my legs are like Jello.
Now that we're talking about sparkles, I forgot to mention that on the very last rep of those heavy deadlifts on Monday I started seeing sparkles when cleaning up the weights. Felt a little bit dizzy as well, maybe it's my breathing, or maybe it's just due to the heavy weight?
Personally, I've never had it with deadlifts, but when I used to do heavy squatting, I got sparkles, lightheadedness and sometimes even nausea afterwards. I have even seen people throw up after heavy squatting sessions. But I'm not surprised you can pull it off with deadlifts too, it uses practically every major muscle in your body. When deadlifting, I usually lose grip before reaching the limit of the major muscles.

It usually happens when you push the limit when training the largest muscles in your body. Your quadriceps and hamstrings are the biggest muscles in your body, and during training, it will take your heart considerable effort to flood them with the proper amount of fresh blood.

That's the good thing about training legs, you're not just training the muscle, your cardiovascular system and central nervous system get stimulated (a lot!) as well, which benefits your entire body, not just the muscle you're training.
It usually happens when you push the limit when training the largest muscles in your body. Your quadriceps and hamstrings are the biggest muscles in your body, and during training, it will take your heart considerable effort to flood them with the proper amount of fresh blood.

This I have noticed. At these weights it feels like I'm pushing the Earth away from me with my legs, rather than pushing the weight up. Even after only the one set with 5 reps that is a part of the program makes my heart go as if I have been giving it all I have on a 100m sprint.
The elliptical machine from the last week:
date    	program	distancecalories
2/3/2010	A2	1.40	513
2/4/2010	-	0.00	0
2/5/2010	A1	1.41	523
2/6/2010	WL4	1.48	514
2/7/2010	-	0.00	0
2/8/2010	WL5	1.96	781
2/9/2010	A3	1.31	522
[B]2/10/2010	A5	1.99	836[/B]
Tonight's workout (in bold, obviously) about killed me, but I feel great now. :)👍

Eighteen days away from Performance 1... :ill:
This is what he looks like when on stage.

yes, I'm training side by side with him. If I can keep up with him, I'll not look the fool when on stage.

He could've done a better job with his cut. You said that's 10%?