
  • Thread starter HoltNFrew
Amazing you did it in 3rd person view and with driving line on let alone learning to drive using a wheel and doing the challenge in four days 👍. I did the challenge in cockpit view today and don't get how you can drive using the wheel with chase camera or whatever it is called. Congratulations on that, you should have really kept the wheel though, it is not that expensive and you say yourself you enjoy the simulation part of the game and the best way that can be enjoyed is using the wheel.
That thing is so funny to watch. I'm going to be unlocking this tomorrow so hopefully i should be able to do my own commentary on top of my gold footage similar to what I have done with my licences. I will be sure to put a link in the description to this thread so my Youtube viewers can read your detailed description:)
Well played and congrats. btw how much XP does golding it give?
I hope that will help you with these challenges, cause that's really Challenging and frustating by moment hahaha In particular when you silver Suzuka with 1:10.028 and cause you are tired and bored of that challenge it took another 2h to get the gold duh! Even if I know I can do better times on all 3, I will never play them again!

I don't remember these numbers exactly, but it is something like 1 millions $ and around 1.5 million XP each... i was like 29-30 and just with these challenges I jumped 34...

Sweet! That will unlock me some new endurance races :)
and save you some endurance race time too....
someone just told me that in b spec, to go from 35 to 40 it is like 6-7X 24h lvl 35 endurance races...
Can't figure we will have to race like 120h+ endurance to get level 40 a-spec...
I tried to find a way to block the track to all opponents then, you can leave the ps3 and come back like 9h or 24h later and win in one lap, the AI is idiot, but he found a way to go around me...

Ha that's quite amusing. 24 hour races are gonna be hardcore for sure. I was really hoping there would be a save button.:ouch:

That would be a sneaky but cheap way of doing it. Id imagine that completing a 24 hour race should be kinda rewarding if done properly. I don't have a nice driving seat so i get back ache after about 30 mins so with all my pausing it would be more like 30 hours plus sleep time :nervous:
Thanks, in fact I kept the wheel 4 days, but total play time for the 3 challenges is 12h, I learned to use a wheel with a X1 on Monza.... not like i did 300 races before and knew exactly the wheel reactions...

I will buy and keep a wheel in a near future, but I don't have the setup and the place to keep one at the moment; I had to bring my Dining room's 6 places table in front of my TV in the living room cause I didn't have anything else to hold the wheel... but i agree with you, was fun for the simulation part...

I got my wheel back in February 2010 and first thing I did was drive the F2007 around Suzuka in GT5P, was immediately faster than my control pad times and became Top 250 in the leaderboards. Wheel transition was quick for me like yourself. Couldn't find a good place to put the wheel though, so bought a fold up table temporarily as I had the PS3 in the living room. Now I have it in my room.

I don't have a particularly good setup either, just the Logitech GT on a computer desk with a 22" Monitor but might upgrade in the future with the T500RS and a racing seat with wheelstand.

and save you some endurance race time too....
someone just told me that in b spec, to go from 35 to 40 it is like 6-7X 24h lvl 35 endurance races...
Can't figure we will have to race like 120h+ endurance to get level 40 a-spec...
I tried to find a way to block the track to all opponents then, you can leave the ps3 and come back like 9h or 24h later and win in one lap, the AI is idiot, but he found a way to go around me...

I think the A-Spec endurance races have twice the XP than B-Spec so it shouldn't take that many times to get to Level 40. I'm at Level 34 now without any grinding or repeating events and have the last 5 endurance events left which I have yet to complete.

That thing is so funny to watch. I'm going to be unlocking this tomorrow so hopefully i should be able to do my own commentary on top of my gold footage similar to what I have done with my licences. I will be sure to put a link in the description to this thread so my Youtube viewers can read your detailed description:)
Well played and congrats. btw how much XP does golding it give?

I wrote this down after golding all three today.
The credits you get for golding each challenge is 1,034,000 and you get 2,040,020 XP to for each one.
Obviously with a wheel, it is more smooth and easier, I never had any doubts about that, I tried it, liked it and did what I wanted to do; Gold Vettel Challenges...

I'm supposed to move in the next few months, and the setup you want is exactly what I'm looking for, Racing Seat, with a DFGT, in front of my 60" Aquos.... BUT, I will still continue to play at the 3rd person view hahahahaha
But 2, I'm still having a problem to spend 200$ for a wheel + maybe the price of a seat for only one game that I won't play that much in less than a month when I'll get the Platinum :P

And like you I'm lvl 35 without any grinding, I Golded everything; Licences, Events, Races, and I have only the 3 last Endurance races left.... 9h and the two 24h....I know the XP is better in A spec, so if it is twice B spec, I figure we will have to race the 24h at least 3-4 times.... duh...

Good job for gold on the challenges!

I agree about the wheel being easier due to the extra precision but the main thing is the fun factor for me.

I'm hoping they will add more seasonal events, so there will be need for less grinding after the first 24hr race. I also hope they add leaderboards as that extended GT5P for me as it is addictive for time trialling and even after you get Platinum, you could use your new setup to have fun on online races and time trials or practice driving different types of cars, you must be awesome if you can drive a fast tail happy rear wheel drive car in 3rd person view. X2010 is planted so countersteering is not needed but in-car view gives you a better idea on what is happening with the car.

If you will stop playing GT5 after Platinum then there is a lot of racing games compatible with the wheel, Codemaster games such as F1 2010 and DIRT 3 is coming out soon as well as Test Driver Unlimited 2 and Shift 2 so your wheel won't go to waste unless you only play GT games until completion.
I unlocked the challenge so i did Monza and Nurb. Here are my vids which I hope also help. I'm moving house tomorrow so I really need to pack some stuff meaning sazuka will have to wait, but it will be on its way in the next few days for sure just as soon as I get things set up again.

Here is Monza:

and here is Nurburgring:

HoltNFrew i have posted a link to this thread in my video descriptons so people can come over here and see your perspective as well and hopefully that should help :)

btw, im not trying to hijack your thread lol :P
saidur_ali, you say you got to Level 34 without repeating any event? Is that possible? Certainly not on B-spec. If you have then well done sir!

All the best,
I'm still in denial mode about this. I so don't want to get a wheel even if only to return it. I've got the gold on Monza. My best lap time on Nurburgring right now is 1:05.958. Nearly 2 whole seconds I have to shave off. Thanks for the vids though. Good stuff.
saidur_ali, you say you got to Level 34 without repeating any event? Is that possible? Certainly not on B-spec. If you have then well done sir!

All the best,

I have got up to Level 34 without repeating any event. I had golded all challenges, events and licenses. I have yet to touch online racing too. The seasonal events helped a lot. I also hit a wall at Level 29 but I grinded my B-Spec up to Level 30 to unlock the Vettel Challenge. I golded all three and jumped to Level 34. If only they had another challenge like that, it would help reduce grinding from Level 36-40. I got about 3 endurance events left and I'm about 70,000XP in to Level 34 so might be able to get to Level 35 without grinding. Hopefully they will add some more seasonal events. This should let me do the 24hr race and bring me to close or passed Level 36.

It is impossible to do that on B-Spec though, you need to grind around Level 8 I think even golding the challenges all before it.
For those who saw my other two vids and wondered where suzuka was... here it is:

Good job on getting Gold so fast. It took me about 1 and half hours on that one. Frustration got to me too much. This car would be so much easier to drive faster on wheels were you can lock the steering angle to about 400 degrees. I think you could a sub 2:09 lap on this around Suzuka if you really nail it with SRF On. I think if I added up my best 1st and 2nd laps, I was around 2:09:2XX-2:09:3XX.

I'll add my videos to this thread so people can compare different driving styles. I did all three in cockpit view, I think I'm one of the few people that use it for hotlapping, I find it easier to see what the car is doing. Did anyone else use this view for this car. Obviously in rain it is not the best view to use on this car ;).



Nurburgring GP/F:

Hey Guys, here is my story HOW to GOLD that Sick Vettel Challenge...


... I never noticed the 1st reference time cause it is right after and before a turn, so there is the 2nd reference time... below 34 secs


... 3rd reference time... Low 51 sec..


I was just wondering about those times. They can't be right? I got silver and been trying for gold now. I can get 3rd reference time to 49.5 ~ 49.8 but that only gives me a 1:04.8 at best ...

Do I really loose so much time in chicane? I feel that I get very fast through there ?
Damn it this is so hard. I've being trying to do this for an hour now.
I can't do that little brake trick.

I'm about 1 second off bronze on Suzuka.
I'm using a controller, you guys got any tips?
Nice vids Saidur,

I agree a 2.08 is possible on Sazuka for sure, but it took me so damn long to get gold on that one I really didn't have the energy to push the envelope. My first lap was too cautious in general and spoon was just plain terrible. Its just so hard to react fast enough to get the perfect lines.

Another tip for anyone attempting this with a wheel is to turn force feedback down a bit if you usually have it high like i do. I reduced it from 8 to 5 as I was having trouble turning quick enough to push the car to its limits on some of the tighter turns.
Thanks, in fact I kept the wheel 4 days, but total play time for the 3 challenges is 12h, I learned to use a wheel with a X1 on Monza.... not like i did 300 races before and knew exactly the wheel reactions...

I will buy and keep a wheel in a near future, but I don't have the setup and the place to keep one at the moment; I had to bring my Dining room's 6 places table in front of my TV in the living room cause I didn't have anything else to hold the wheel... but i agree with you, was fun for the simulation part...

I thought this until I bought the wheel stand pro :) Have my logitech G25 sat on it and takes up (I have just measured) 26inch in length and 15inch width.

It sits next to my little boy's high chair, he like the wheel more smearing it in banana lol
Hey, I've got Monza gold, Nurburgring silver and Suzuka bronze. Im struggling most with suzuka. Have you got any tips? I've got the G27 Steering Wheel.