Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Unless they announce some new features or something GT7 is gonna be a game that you load up and say "oh wow they brought this and that back from the old gt games, that's cool" other than that you won't be blown away when you play the game. And that's disappointing because gran turismo usually have features that get you pumped for the upcoming game. Hell...even gt sport (which wasn't even a full blown gt title) ended up adding a huge feature and that was the livery editor. One big new feature would be fine at least. Muti class racing would be nice to have. It's something I always wanted to see in Gran turismo. But as time continues to pass by without any new info I'm really starting to doubt that it's in the game. Plus they listed off the games main features on the playstation blog awhile back. I think if there was anything new they would've listed it there. The only thing we can hope for is if they add features in updates which is possible. We'll see but it seem like after a week GT7 won't be anything special. Btw im hoping they add NASCAR to the game. You got Daytona and you can't have Daytona without nascar. If they can't get the actual NASCARs then add generic stock cars like pcars1. I just want stock cars to be back in Gran turismo especially since nascar console games continue to suck. Nascar was popular on GT5 and GT6.
The game is billed as the "past, present, and future". Then it should have said new feature if it's going to live up to the words.
I've known this "leaker" for a while, he pulls things out of his ass all the time and when it doesn't happen he makes something up to cover his statement.

No way it gets delayed this close to release, hell PD released a video yesterday with Kaz saying the game is coming out March 4th.
I've never heard of him before personally but it all seems rather Sus. I get that if real anyone attending would be under embargo/hush order but people can't help themselves and blab, that's just how it is.

So supposedly there was going to be a major event tomorrow and he was the only person on earth blabbing that anyone noticed? Not one other person invited or even part of organising it let anything slip? Seems pretty damn unlikely to me.

He is literally the only source for it existing and now he's the only source on it being cancelled. Like it only ever existed in his mind...
They probably delayed it because he mentioned it lol.

No filler content on GT Planet as of late, so I'm sure we'll get something soon.
I've never heard of him before personally but it all seems rather Sus. I get that if real anyone attending would be under embargo/hush order but people can't help themselves and blab, that's just how it is.

So supposedly there was going to be a major event tomorrow and he was the only person on earth blabbing that anyone noticed? Not one other person invited or even part of organising it let anything slip? Seems pretty damn unlikely to me.

He is literally the only source for it existing and now he's the only source on it being cancelled. Like it only ever existed in his mind...
Exactly, if even only one other person corroborated his info i'd take his word somewhat seriously but it's like he created this "leak" out of thin air. I don't buy it.
I have played every Gran Turismo game, I enjoyed them greatly as a youngster, but guess what? I'm not a child any more, time has moved on and my expectations have changed.
Expecting that businesses and products grow with you is asking for disappointment. Not that I disagree GT7 should rethink some of the stubborn design choices, but GT1 players beings 25 years older shouldn’t be the reason.
One user on Resetera knows somone that received an email from Sony saying that a new date for the event will be sent to the press in less than 24h. He said that the game is pretty much done, as well.

I know someone that did
I know that the game has RTM’d

I’d be honestly shocked if it got delayed. It’s mastered.
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So supposedly there was going to be a major event tomorrow and he was the only person on earth blabbing that anyone noticed? Not one other person invited or even part of organising it let anything slip? Seems pretty damn unlikely to me.

He is literally the only source for it existing and now he's the only source on it being cancelled. Like it only ever existed in his mind...
He has leaked a lot of info for Battlefield 2042 far before release and recently details about GTA 6 for example.

He was correct about almost everything for Battlefield (he leaked max players per map, scenery, release date, full cross play, the weird tornados and dynamic weather, etc.) back in February and shortly after got his Twitter account suspended and all of his YouTube videos related to it were removed.

His GTA leaks were confirmed by a few other insiders. So he is a credible source for sure and I doubt that it was supposed to be an in-person media event in the first place, probably just some online thing that was scheduled for an hour or two which has now been rescheduled or called off.
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So T7 isn't possibly delayed then? And what is TLOU2?

The Last of Us 2.

A verified game designer on the era forums said this. So most likely no delay and it was just an issue pertaining to the media event.

  • "it‘s probably an issue with the preview build or another tech issue, stuff like that happens. If it was connected to a delay of the game, they wouldn‘t cancel a media event last minute…"