Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.08 is Now Available: Fixes "Serious Issue", Restoring Game Access

  • Thread starter Famine
Welcome to the new age of gaming. Gone are the days of buying a game at full price and it's a complete cohesive experience. Now it's just about business and seeing how much unethical bs you can get away with. Money is the only thing that matters now, not actual gaming or delivering a solid product. I don't even feel like playing this game anymore based on principle, there's a lot to be said for this.
I liek how everyone is backpedaling now because they realize that no game since eth elaunch of the ps3/Xbox 360 has ever been a complete game. Get off your high horses.
You're right, many recent AAA games have been released unfinished or receive a significant amount of content after release in the form of DLC or other paid content. I have accepted this as the reality of modern gaming but I don't necessarily have to be content with it.

Someone else mentioned earlier in the thread games are both time-consuming and incredibly expensive to make. They're right too, these studios and publishers are not wrong to look make money on (or at the very least recoup) their investment. Most people really don't fully understand the process and costs that goes into game development (and its only gets more expensive as time goes on). If there was a magical solution that would keep both shareholders and players happy, I'm sure most would jump at the opportunity. In fact, there are definitely ways to monetize content without totally messing with the player experience. I, like others, think that PD took a few steps over the line of acceptability. I have no problem with microtransactions in a game so long as there is a reasonably fair alternative. Grinding anywhere in between 200-350 races for one high-priced car doesn't seem to be the most fair system to me.
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Welcome to the new age of gaming. Gone are the days of buying a game at full price and it's a complete cohesive experience. Now it's just about business and seeing how much unethical bs you can get away with. Money is the only thing that matters now, not actual gaming or delivering a solid product. I don't even feel like playing this game anymore based on principle, there's a lot to be said for this.
Is that really true or is it just a particular branch of gaming? I don't buy a lot of games but the last one I got was Football Manager 21 and that seemed ideal when I got it. Project Cars 3 seemed finished (just not very good). Or is it really the case that buying games on release day is just not particularly the way to go if you want the finished article.
First race with the servers back and get 40k less for a 10 minute race than I did for a 3 minute race they took away, just completely kills any urge I had to grind for cars. Sucks because I've been enjoying gt7 a lot I really hope they do something and soon
just did a few races its killed the game for me tbh, just put my copy up listed on FB marketplace I ain't got time for this messing about with the game after seeing the Kaz update. gives me no hope for the future one bit.
Hey look at that! I could finish golding Le Mans and Sardenga Road after the patch. Last on the list (except a few races against the AI) are the drift challenges. Has anyone tried them yet?

Is that really true or is it just a particular branch of gaming? I don't buy a lot of games but the last one I got was Football Manager 21 and that seemed ideal when I got it. Project Cars 3 seemed finished (just not very good). Or is it really the case that buying games on release day is just not particularly the way to go if you want the finished article.
even tho I have a pc I honestly enjoy buying nintendo games more, they ain't a perfect company but most games I buy I honestly feel like I'm getting a complete package and they don't have all the MTX bs on top.
I liek how everyone is backpedaling now because they realize that no game since eth elaunch of the ps3/Xbox 360 has ever been a complete game. Get off your high horses.
We haven't had a complete Gran Turismo game since GT4 on PS2 GT5 had a XL version and still had a lot of updates after. I'm not sure how many updates GT6 got. I got burned out from playing GT5XL and GT6 so close together. Gran Turismo 7 is the first GT game I have played in over 8 years. I didn't get GT Sport since it was online only multiplayer.

Insulting people by way of a generalisation is still insulting people.

And perhaps they don't. Perhaps people aren't offended but simply disagree with what you did all the same. What you did was the internet forum equivilent of chucking grenade into a room and then absolving yoursel of any responsability for anyone hurt because you didn't aim it at a specific person. I get that you didn't mean to offend or insult anyone specific and it's good you've apologised for it, but just remember throwing a general insult out there will create backlash. And with that said, let's move on to the point you were actually trying to make.

I get what you mean, and if no one pays for microtransactions it could limit their inclusion in the future and it's a good suggestion, but that doesn't mean voicing concerns on here isn't also valid. We know Polyphony Digital read these forums, that's a fact, we know people have been voicing concerns on here, on metacritic and on twitter, also valid ways to expres discontent, and since then Kazunori has written a letter to fans acknowledging those concerns. I doubt that would have happened just by no one buying microtransactions, though I do agree that by not buying them you will also make a difference in other ways.
I agree 100% with everything you've said here. I went South and that doesn't bring unity.

I'm very sorry for that
PD games are usually never finished upon release because Kaz always wants to work longer on a game, but when Sony says "We want it out at that date", then it is like it is.
The GT series has established itself to be a long-term game since there is an online functionality and, if you like it or not, you need to be on the game for two or three years to see its full potential.
This is one thing that I actually like about PD. They may release some half-baked games, but they're always in it for long-term. They aren't known to just release a game and be done with it after a couple of months like companies such as EA tend to do.
Is that really true or is it just a particular branch of gaming? I don't buy a lot of games but the last one I got was Football Manager 21 and that seemed ideal when I got it. Project Cars 3 seemed finished (just not very good). Or is it really the case that buying games on release day is just not particularly the way to go if you want the finished article.
It's very true unfortunately, it's especially true for a lot these big budget AAA titles. This has been the hot thing to do for a long time now. Release and ship a full priced half baked game or nerf the gameplay to push players towards micro-transactions.
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So it’s back online now? And they didn’t fix the nerfed payouts? I don’t think I want to reinstall it then.
I’m reinstalling the game. I’m such a weak and horrible person. Thing is, I’d just gotten to enjoy Sport mode as this debacle happened, and now I’m bored, lol.

I won’t do any grinding though. Well, it’s no use any longer anyway. When I get a gaming PC next winter however, I will kiss Gran Turismo goodbye, for good. I don’t know how I could be so naive to think things would suddenly go back to being good after GT5, 6 and Sport.
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I’m reinstalling the game. I’m such a weak and horrible person. Thing is, I’d just gotten to enjoy Sport mode as this debacle happened, and now I’m bored, lol.

I won’t do any grinding though. Well, it’s no use any longer anyway. When I get a gaming PC next winter however, I will kiss Gran Turismo goodbye, for good. I don’t know how I could be so naive to think things would suddenly go back to being good after GT5, 6 and Sport.
I just sold my copy then. I don't see the point of playing if the grinds even more worse. plenty of other racers I can sink my time in and not have the mick taken out of me.
It seems obvious to me that PD were forced into releasing it before it was ready.
Even if that's true it's not like they only had a year to develop the game or something. Being forced to release the game in March 2022 is no excuse for the game having less events than GT Sport did at the end of it's life. Lack of cars and tracks, perhaps, but in terms of stuff to do, no.

What does it take to create an event? One person to make a graphic, one to come up with 20 or so parameters that define it. Another to add it into the database/UI.

Two people could knock out 300 events in a week. We could do it here if PD wanted to pay us. Again, there is absolutely no excuse for the lack of stuff to do in this game.

Besides, we already know they've got a bunch of events sitting locked on the server that they don't want to grace us with yet. We've already got people telling us they've cut menu books from the game. They're holding content back to drip feed at a later date and that's not right.

Nothing wrong with adding extra content to a game in the future to keep it fresh but creating 100% of a game before release and holding 50% back to then add as "extra" content is wrong.
There is only so much anyone can do at this point, and that is to not buy credits.
No, there is a better one, it's to make our voices heard. Why do you think Kaz released that statement today? Because people quietly weren't buying credits? No, it's because they made their voices heard over the last 48 hours.

You're a consumer, you bought a product, you have a voice. Use it where you see fit. That's how you push change. Not sit quietly and shrug your shoulders.
Even if that's true it's not like they only had a year to develop the game or something. Being forced to release the game in March 2022 is no excuse for the game having less events than GT Sport did at the end of it's life. Lack of cars and tracks, perhaps, but in terms of stuff to do, no.

What does it take to create an event? One person to make a graphic, one to come up with 20 or so parameters that define it. Another to add it into the database/UI.

Two people could knock out 300 events in a week. We could do it here if PD wanted to pay us. Again, there is absolutely no excuse for the lack of stuff to do in this game.

Besides, we already know they've got a bunch of events sitting locked on the server that they don't want to grace us with yet. We've already got people telling us they've cut menu books from the game. They're holding content back to drip feed at a later date and that's not right.

Nothing wrong with adding extra content to a game in the future to keep it fresh but creating 100% of a game before release and holding 50% back to then add as "extra" content is wrong.

No, there is a better one, it's to make our voices heard. Why do you think Kaz released that statement today? Because people quietly weren't buying credits? No, it's because they made their voices heard over the last 48 hours.

You're a consumer, you bought a product, you have a voice. Use it where you see fit. That's how you push change. Not sit quietly and shrug your shoulders.
I seen that as PR damage control too. not a single tweet yesterday the team is still working on a patch. most other companies give brief tweets for example fortnite has a twitter account for bugs etc and when ever there is a issue or broken quest they give constant updates with whats going on.
No one here knows.

I bow to your superior insider knowledge.
I don't need insider knowledge though. The game even lets us create events ourselves in game, how long does that take you? The only part missing is the graphic, and adding it permanently to the database.

GT7 has 40 events. Even if it takes an entire day to create each one (highly unlikely) they could have done those in just over a month of development. They've had years. There is no excuse.

Very disappointed with this game, and modern gaming in general. I’m 58 years old, I’ve been gaming for a long time now. We live in a greedy world.
Nearly £70 for a game and still they want more!
You should be ashamed Kaz, and all of the games that rip us off with micro transactions.
Im very disappointed, very sad.
I will never pay for extra content, ever.
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I`m happy to have FM7. Pure fun, good economy (custom races pays you!), better car-physics & any upgrade is awayable.
glad I have it too before the delisting. I'm sure turn 10 has been monitoring all this stuff and is going to learn from PD/sony/kaz and make FM (fm8) even better. it already has the stuff people want like selling cars, auction house for used cars you don't need to buy mtx to get the cars you want and online is great too.
even tho I have a pc I honestly enjoy buying nintendo games more, they ain't a perfect company but most games I buy I honestly feel like I'm getting a complete package and they don't have all the MTX bs on top.
Yeah and I’ve had way more fun playing Mario Kart with family and friends than I’ve ever had with GT.
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after what kaz wrote, do you forgive him? or are you still disappointed by the new update anyway?
I think there is some point that people are missing.
The community is being addressed as "GT fans" and, in my humble opinion, this is unacceptable and somewhat patronizing.
The community should be addressed for what they really are "CLIENTS!".
Which brings me to the point. As a CLIENT, the 30+ hours the CLIENTS could not use a product/service they have paid for should involve some kind of accountability/liability and PD should have addressed this. Which they didn't!
Although I believe that they worked like hell to have the systems back up and running, CLIENTS were not compensated for not being able to use the product/service they had paid for,
It would have been appropriate if in the 1.08 patch, PD would have included a compensation to the CLIENTS in whatever form (credits/cars/tickets or whatever else they decided), but they choose not to do it.
I'm disappointed!
Idk dudes….

I absolutely love this game. Just completed the menus today, haven’t touched the missions yet, only have done a few of the 🌶 races, haven’t touched sport mode yet, haven’t touched the custom races… and I feel like I’ve already gotten my money’s worth from this game.

I can’t wait to start really modding the cars I have, pick up a few more of my dream cars ,pick up a few of my mandatory GR.3 and GR.4 cars…. And start hitting my favorite circuits for some hot lapping and tuning sessions.

I know my standards might be lower than some… but I don’t think by much. Between how good this game looks, the dynamic weather and TOD which they completely knocked out of the park, the improved physics for any car that is equipped with Sport Softs or better. This game rocks! Yeah the economy for credits and MTX’s could be better, but then again, I’m not the type that needs every dream car of mine RIGHT NOW. Just a few of my favorite race cars, a few JDM’s, an F40, a 787 and a couple classic Porsches and I’m good!!
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