Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.41 Now Available: Fixes Custom Race Reward Glitch and Other Issues

  • Thread starter Famine
PD won't feel the need to properly fix the payouts, as long as there's some level of praise for any minor (minuscule really) improvement they make in that regard. "PD finally fixed the economy", some said, once they saw the quick/custom races with a 400% boost to payouts. While in reality, that boost can't even keep up with similar campaign events.

One example: set up a 2 lap race in Catalunya National layout, and notice that it barely grasps the payout of one of the campaign events in that same track, that pays 25k (37.5k with clean race bonus), for 2 laps also. A race that you can do in 2 minutes over and over again, with any road going european car, including the Ferrari VGT. This race in Catalunya (25k for 2 laps on a short track) should be the minimum benchmark for custom/quick races, and pretty much for the rest of the game. Then you should have tougher races that pay above that.

If they don't want people to grind the same race over and over again, instead of nerfing the few good races there are to grind, make the rest equally as good.
One thing I noticed (even before this grind surfaced) was that putting engine swapped car pits your Quick Race opponents as if the car was stock.

Here's an unswapped Mazda3, with all stock and right down to default (CS) tires:

And now, with 787B's engine installed, and the car fully tuned (including all weight reductions and turbo installed). Before the update:

After the update:

With the update installed, the swapped Mazda3 now faces high-HP hypercars (LaFerrari, P1 GTR, Vulcan, and FXX-K).
PD fixed the one thing that didn’t need fixing.

Clear cut proof it’s about maximising revenue. It’s not about a fun game where you can drive the cars you want in the vents you want. Cause to do that you won’t have enough money unless you have been LIVING in the game
I think the question we're all wondering about is who pays for the microtransactions? Does Polyphony actually make that much money from those people, is this an order that's coming directly from Sony(remember the PS5 itself isn't very profitable and Sony makes money from DLC stuff), or does Polyphony genuinely believe that we need to grind?
I'm probably one of the few ok with this fix. After the announcement that it was a known issue and it was going to be fixed I've done nothing but grind for money. I've made a fortune and now it'll be nice to go back to just playing for fun.
After racking up so many millions and buying the expensive cars currently at Haggerty's I will now just spend slowly and keep a nice big buffer of cash.
Rather thank working between 0 and 20 mil, I'll stay between 80 and 100mil.
I'm probably one of the few ok with this fix. After the announcement that it was a known issue and it was going to be fixed I've done nothing but grind for money. I've made a fortune and now it'll be nice to go back to just playing for fun.
After racking up so many millions and buying the expensive cars currently at Haggerty's I will now just spend slowly and keep a nice big buffer of cash.
Rather thank working between 0 and 20 mil, I'll stay between 80 and 100mil.
I also got a ton of money, but I'm still not totally okay with the fix (even though I expected it and I'm fine money wise now) because of what it says about PD and their priorities.

They go after the ways we try to get around the ****ed up system and then consistently refuse to fix the ****ed up system that causes it in the first place.

Cutting the payment for the Daytona race by 10 times.... That was a very strong "back to Sardinia for you" statement, whether they intended it to be that overt or not. They are not interested in fixing the economy.

And this far off from release their inaction on the things that matter is unforgivable.

And I say all this as someone 1200 hours into the game and will keep playing. Since I've already bought the game why wouldn't I.... But GT8 will not be a release buy for me. Will wait to see what happens.
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Because the easier it is to make money in the game, the less likely one will be to buy microtransactions.
If they didn't charge 27.99 CAD for 2 million credits, I'd be all over it. I spent a bunch of money on GT Sport because I could just buy a cool car for five bucks. So, uh, thanks, PD, for saving me a bunch of money.
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.41 Now Available: Fixes Custom Race Reward Glitch and Other Issues

A new update is now available for Gran Turismo 7, addressing a number of minor game issues including a popular money-spinning glitch in custom races...
It is custom race just like custom setting in most games, not a glitch. Stupidity is blessed

I also got a ton of money, but I'm still not totally okay with the fix (even though I expected it and I'm fine money wise now) because of what it says about PD and their priorities.

They go after the ways we try to get around the ****ed up system and then consistently refuse to fix the ****ed up system that causes it in the first place.

Cutting the payment for the Daytona race by 10 times.... That was a very strong "back to Sardinia for you" statement, whether they intended it to be that overt or not. They are not interested in fixing the economy.

And this far off from release their inaction on the things that matter is unforgivable.

And I say all this as someone 1200 hours into the game and will keep playing. Since I've already bought the game why wouldn't I.... But GT8 will not be a release buy for me. Will wait to see what happens.
I feel you its all about the grind, and for hours i use a controller and not a wheel.
It is custom race just like custom setting in most games, not a glitch. Stupidity is blessed
I've got no idea what you're talking about here.

There was a glitch in Custom Races that meant Performance Points were not properly accounted for - allowing an exploit to earn money more quickly. The update has fixed this glitch.
If they didn't charge 27.99 CAD for 2 million credits, I'd be all over it. I spent a bunch of money on GT Sport because I could just buy a cool car for five bucks. So, uh, thanks, PD, for saving me a bunch of money.
I am with you on that if I could 20 million credits for 20 bucks I would do it
Reminds me of this old meme I've commited months ago :

I would exchange a much nicer and consistent game economy + cars locked behing a skill wall with what we currently have (plus the cars locked behind invitations you may never get)

I got three Pagani invitations in one week for a Huayra of which I already had two. Couldn't have gotten the ones I need.

Another thing is that it always seems the car I'm working for sells out before I can get it. Not by a lot - like I need one more race and then it's gone when I finish. Then I blow all of those savings collecting other cars just in time for them to be back. Rinse, repeat...
If they didn't charge 27.99 CAD for 2 million credits, I'd be all over it. I spent a bunch of money on GT Sport because I could just buy a cool car for five bucks. So, uh, thanks, PD, for saving me a bunch of money.
I didn't play GTS so when I saw GT40 is 5 bucks in PS Store I get mad lmao
I haven't had the time to simply play GT7 for the fun of it lately, always been practicing for upcoming leagues or series im involved in.

Anyway, I hopped on for some Clubman Cup Plus races tonight, and I noticed that the High Speed Ring race no longer has false start check on the grid start. Did they mean to remove it? Maybe it was accidentally removed in this update for some reason?

It just seems like an incredibly random thing to remove from a race, and there doesnt seem to be any reasoning behind it. I don't mind false start grid starts, it keeps my reaction times sharp! :lol:
The original Gran Turismo's were all about the money grind... you had to redo events more often than not to buy upgrades for existing cars to make them good enough to win. Granted you got prize cars everytime you did a championship/race combo which helped... but the more modern gamer seems to be adverse to doing something more than once to achieve a goal. The only reason the current GT7 grind is solely money related is because they throw so many cars at you via the menu system there is often no real need to upgrade a certain car to do an event as you will most likely already have another one gifted to you that does the job.
How many damned Demios did us original lot have to sell in GT1 just to get anywhere?!
GT2 - 5 lap race at red rock which netted you a Speed 12 that youo could sell for 500,000 - I did so many of those races.....
Should be fun to compare the time it takes to buy the most expensive car in each GT game 😊
I think someone already did but I forgot who.


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I think someone already did but I forgot who.
If anyone could dig this up I would be very interested. I know that GT 5 and 6 are quite the grind to get all cars too. In GT 3 you had to do races many times to win all four available cars from the prize car roulette for winning a championship.

My guess would be that GT 7 blows them out of the water though.

The following are some opinions about game economies, micro transactions and pay to win in general for those that are interested in this topic :

There is a well established fact with pay to win (or pay to collect in GT 7) games. Usually there is a tiny proportion of so called whales among the player base. They spend obscene amounts of money and for some their willingness to spend is truly enormous. Their spending completely overshadows all the Joe Shmoes who are willing to spend maybe 10 bucks total.

(Anecdote: more than 10 years ago even I talked to a guy who was involved in a game that is a bit similar to a mix of clash of clans and settlers. You build an empire and there is player vs player combat. It is online and progressing all the time. They had a sizable amount of whales who spent 5 figures on the game. Top spender might have even been 6 figures. It is truly insane how profitable these players are for the game makers.)

The following distribution of player types is completely made up and the lesser amount of 100 is just an example. However this is supposed to illustrate that the existence of whales drives this insane economy. Comparing GTS (5 bucks for a nice car) and GT 7 (220 bucks for a legendary) the math is this:

1% whales spend 3500 rather than maybe 100 bucks because they still buy everything no matter what
10% Joe Shmoes now buy nothing because their 10 bucks now get them nothing.
89% don't buy anything no matter what.

1% * 3500 + 99% nothing >>> 1% * 100 + 9% * 10.

To make the economy fair for the average player the publisher would need to make a conscious effort to implement an economy which would hurt their revenue. Unfortunately that's never going to happen unless they are an indie studio which truly and honestly cares about their players first. This in the other hand is of course never going to happen if a corporate giant like Sony is calling the shots. Share holder value laws might even get them sued for consciously not maximizing profits if I'm not mistaken.

Just to be clear: I personally hate this. But I am very certain that this is the reality of gaming in the current age. This inequality in spending ability is a fact of life and directly related to the huge inequality in society and across societies in the real world. In the guilded age this inequality was only expericed on a local level. In the digital age it engulfs every aspect of everyone's personal life no matter where you are.
I missed out :(

How do you even come across these things? It took me weeks to spot the Tomahawk glitch and GTP's front page to know about the engine swap/ticket thing.
Usually pops out in my Youtube feed. :D There is a money making thread here on GT planet, but it was dead last time I checked.

Oh well, putting GT7 on ice again until the next glitch. I was able to buy all but one 20M car with the Tomahawk grind at Tokyo, but only invitation cars (when they were all unlocked as an apology from PD for screwing up the game) and cars below 300k from brand central. Haven't played since they fixed it. I managed to buy two F1 cars worth 12,5M added after that with the new glitch. But I have another 10+M worth of cars needed just for the cafeteria and I'm out of money again. I've been finishing the championship races they added for career, but that made around 1M in 2 weeks. At this rate, I'll have the money in 10-20 years. Thanks PD, I don't think I'm buying the next GT.
It's not a case of "need" but of "want" - and I can see several cases where you might want 10 (or more) of the same car (particularly as the game doesn't let you select an alternate livery for multiple instances of a given car).
When I finally got my Pagani invitation I bought all of the two tone colored Huayras :) .
If anyone could dig this up I would be very interested. I know that GT 5 and 6 are quite the grind to get all cars too. In GT 3 you had to do races many times to win all four available cars from the prize car roulette for winning a championship.

My guess would be that GT 7 blows them out of the water though.

The following are some opinions about game economies, micro transactions and pay to win in general for those that are interested in this topic :

There is a well established fact with pay to win (or pay to collect in GT 7) games. Usually there is a tiny proportion of so called whales among the player base. They spend obscene amounts of money and for some their willingness to spend is truly enormous. Their spending completely overshadows all the Joe Shmoes who are willing to spend maybe 10 bucks total.

(Anecdote: more than 10 years ago even I talked to a guy who was involved in a game that is a bit similar to a mix of clash of clans and settlers. You build an empire and there is player vs player combat. It is online and progressing all the time. They had a sizable amount of whales who spent 5 figures on the game. Top spender might have even been 6 figures. It is truly insane how profitable these players are for the game makers.)

The following distribution of player types is completely made up and the lesser amount of 100 is just an example. However this is supposed to illustrate that the existence of whales drives this insane economy. Comparing GTS (5 bucks for a nice car) and GT 7 (220 bucks for a legendary) the math is this:

1% whales spend 3500 rather than maybe 100 bucks because they still buy everything no matter what
10% Joe Shmoes now buy nothing because their 10 bucks now get them nothing.
89% don't buy anything no matter what.

1% * 3500 + 99% nothing >>> 1% * 100 + 9% * 10.

To make the economy fair for the average player the publisher would need to make a conscious effort to implement an economy which would hurt their revenue. Unfortunately that's never going to happen unless they are an indie studio which truly and honestly cares about their players first. This in the other hand is of course never going to happen if a corporate giant like Sony is calling the shots. Share holder value laws might even get them sued for consciously not maximizing profits if I'm not mistaken.

Just to be clear: I personally hate this. But I am very certain that this is the reality of gaming in the current age. This inequality in spending ability is a fact of life and directly related to the huge inequality in society and across societies in the real world. In the guilded age this inequality was only expericed on a local level. In the digital age it engulfs every aspect of everyone's personal life no matter where you are.
I found the threads.

I put up the links in my previous comment.
I think the question we're all wondering about is who pays for the microtransactions? Does Polyphony actually make that much money from those people, is this an order that's coming directly from Sony(remember the PS5 itself isn't very profitable and Sony makes money from DLC stuff), or does Polyphony genuinely believe that we need to grind?
I was wondering this too. In the likes of CoD or GTA: Online, which make absurd amounts of revenue from that nonsense, the dynamics are completely different:

1) Younger playerbase with less concept of money (awful but true)
2) Pay to win / pay to "show off". I don't think that applies to GT7 where you can rent cars for free for online mode
3) Streamer culture, whereby streamers' income is based on them having all this microtransactions ****, for which they get donations, which then in turn funds future microtransactions....and the cycle repeats. GT7 does not have this; interest in GT7 streamers/content creators is comparatively tiny and based massively on skill alone (Super GT is a good example).

So I agree -- I cannot see how PD/Sony are making significant $$$ from microtransactions or who the hell would be buying them.
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I was wondering this too. In the likes of CoD or GTA: Online, which make absurd amounts of revenue from that nonsense, the dynamics are completely different:

1) Younger playerbase with less concept of money (awful but true)
2) Pay to win / pay to "show off". I don't think that applies to GT7 where you can rent cars for free for online mode
3) Streamer culture, whereby streamers' income is based on them having all this microtransactions ****, for which they get donations, which then in turn funds future microtransactions....and the cycle repeats. GT7 does not have this; interest in GT7 streamers/content creators is comparatively tiny and based massively on skill alone (Super GT is a good example).

So I agree -- I cannot see how PD/Sony are making significant $$$ from microtransactions or who the hell would be buying them.
Feels like #1 is probably the common one.
Feels like #1 is probably the common one.
That's what I want to think too, but wouldn't someone of that age(I am one of them) just switch to Forza Horizon/Motorsport instead if they didn't want to grind for miniscule amounts of money? Not to mention that even the most middleclass of parents wouldn't be ok with kids spending $20 on a terrible payout either.
I was wondering this too. In the likes of CoD or GTA: Online, which make absurd amounts of revenue from that nonsense, the dynamics are completely different:

1) Younger playerbase with less concept of money (awful but true)
2) Pay to win / pay to "show off". I don't think that applies to GT7 where you can rent cars for free for online mode
3) Streamer culture, whereby streamers' income is based on them having all this microtransactions ****, for which they get donations, which then in turn funds future microtransactions....and the cycle repeats. GT7 does not have this; interest in GT7 streamers/content creators is comparatively tiny and based massively on skill alone (Super GT is a good example).

So I agree -- I cannot see how PD/Sony are making significant $$$ from microtransactions or who the hell would be buying them.
I guess we will never know the real reason until a Polyphony employee speaks out or something leaks from that side.
I missed the majority of the money glitch, but last night I decided to let the game run to try to earn credits while I was asleep. Woke up this morning and the 9 hour race was done. Not sure if this was already something that has been covered but I earned 0 credits for the race. I had previously done a 6 hour race and received credits for that so I'm not sure what's going on.


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