GT Sport Impressions

  • Thread starter Corsa
OK I've done something of a 180 on this game.

Physics are still bland and unsatisfying (it makes me think of GT4), and the content is anemic (less then GT3 even). Those are big drawbacks that cannot be overlooked.


I think the Sport mode has a chance to make high quality pickup races a norm rather then the exception. If Kaz pulls this off then its going to take alot off the sting of no career mode. Waiting 20-30 minutes for the next race is going to have to change though.

Also Im going to get lost in the livery editor. I can think of dozens upon dozens of liveries I'd like to make, not to mention the chance to download those that others make.

So yeah, I think Sport mode can salvage this game. I really do. Track DLC needs to come quick though. Le Mans first, of course.
So the open beta has since ended, and I managed to clock in a few more hours.... having the flu really didn't help the experience, but I gave it my best shot anyway!

That 30 lap endurance race in the 911.... probably the most intense single player race I've ever done.... ever... (I'm not joking). Let me start off by ranting a bit though. The AI is definitely more competitive than before, but the amount of times I've been spun out by the other cars is not funny.... Either I'm very bad at placing the car or the AI is intentionally trying to ram me off the road. Either way, it was frustrating as hell, to the point where I had to force myself out of the cockpit view just so I could watch the other cars and keep my distance from them. So that kind of killed the immersion....

There was one driver in particular that was grinding my gears, having made contact with me twice in the race. He spun me out first time and he instantly became my nemesis. I got a bit carried away and may have just nudged him off the track (I payed the price with a ten second time penalty), but the second time he tried to overtake me, I was certain he was going to spin me out again, so I had no choice but to keep the car straight and prey that I wouldn't lose control. He ended up hitting a wall and spun out ( he still managed to finish 3rd somehow....)

Aside from that, the tension of balancing speed with tyre and fuel preservation was insane. I had to make an additional stop near the end of the race just to make sure I'd have enough fuel to get to the end. Negotiating the slower GR4 cars was also a challenge, if not problematic at times (one dude in a Subaru just wouldn't get out of the way, no matter how many times I flashed my lights at him....)

So the racing aside from these oddities? Pretty bang on I'd say. I also managed to squeeze in several online races, finishing 2nd, 1st and 2nd respectively. The racing was tight and the competitors were mostly very sporting. Qualifying DOES make a huge difference though. In the last race, I didn't get enough time to set a good enough lap time and payed the price by starting 5th on the grid. If I'd been one place higher, I felt like I could have had the momentum to win the race.

In between all the races and feeling terrible with flu, I spent a long time just going through the museum pieces and learning new stuff about the manufacturers. I will definitely be spending more time reading the museum pieces when the full game comes out.

Finally, to end with disappointment, I spent a bit of time tinkering my GTR rally car. Increasing horsepower and reducing weight by 'levelling up' your cars made me think back to just how cool it was to take a slow car in GT games of old and turn it into an undriveable monster. Sure, the level up system in GT Sport makes the whole upgrade process a lot faster and more convenient, but it's nowhere near as fun. If anything, it's a copy paste of the 'upgrading' system that was used in GT5 prologue, where you used sliders to change the horsepower and what not. How very fun.... As much as I'd like to think they'll revamp the system with proper performance modifications, chances are, it's been set in stone now. We probably won't see bolt on superchargers or custom exhaust systems until the next GT.... which saddens me.... I am at least glad that we can modify the performance of our cars, at least a little bit.

Overall, I've really enjoyed the open beta and it's made me more hyped for the full release, but sadly the limitations of the game are already being showcased to me. I'm sure I will enjoy the game regardless, but I do hope that future updates provide innovation, in addition to just cars and tracks.

Also, is it me or is the penalty system in GT Sport too generous? When I got the ten second penalty in the 30 lap endurance race, I had gotten rid of it in plenty of time before the finish. All I needed to do was go into low speed corners slightly slower than usual. As long and difficult as that race was, I felt like I should have been disqualified for full on ramming someone off the track :lol:
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The demo was nice, looks great. Livery editor and scapes etc all good. That's where the goodness ends for me. I had low expectations for GTS but this was more disappointing than I expected. I didn't expect hardcore physics but these physics are pure arcade. The ghosting online is an absolute joke, racing online with friends and have them just drive through me on the apex and make no attempt to go around me is a real face palm moment.

Having a Bugatti and Megane grouped to the same regulations as group B tells me the real nature of the game,along with those other points mentioned. It is arcade game that is desperately trying to hide it and paint itself as a SIM. It is a game that aims to make players feel like racing gods. I predict a few people getting frustrated with snap oversteer spin though.

The mission on test 6 ( or whatever it was) with the rally car on the inside of the oval really shows how bad the physics are, the car was moving sideways around corners from the center, the wheels were not propelling the car forward. It simply did not behave like a real car. The physics are a step in the wrong direction, it's no better than driveclub, in this regard. All the cars felt the same, just with less/more speed and longer/short braking.

Sport mode was no better, people ramming me in the back and then I get a penalty, that's after my bewilderment in the cart race where I started in 20th in a rolling start with massive gaps between each player which resulted in me starting a quarter of lap behind the pole starters. Not an issue on an oval in NASCAR with 300 odd laps, but here it is ridiculous.

The track surfaces are butter smooth too, even Brands which I assume is laser scanned?

Another issue on sport mode. I was in the Porsche Hybid LMP1 on Tokyo going flat out, and out of nowhere another car comes flying passed me leaving me in the dust as if I were going only 120 mph while they were doing 220. Wtf is this? All of these things combine to the failure to give me that feeling I'm playing a game trying to recreate racing, or driving a race car or even a road car on track. It fails to recreate almost all if not all feelings of being sat in a race car, and I have Driveclub for that (which doesn't fail in all of these areas). I will pick it up for the livery editor when it's cheap as chips. Maybe.

GTS, it's time to come out of the closet! We won't judge, and you might just be a better game for it too.

The presentation is all very slick & polished, as you'd expect for Gran Turismo, & I'm really quite blown away with the Dynamic Scenes; I've not come across that technology before & really like the way that PD have implemented it. However, the game itself isn't drawing me in & making me want to play it. If I want to race online I can always do that in GT6 without having to pay Sony £50 for the pleasure of using my own internet, & there are loads more cars & tracks. The slight graphical upgrade is no reason for me to part with £50 as well, as GT6 still looks good when racing online. So, £100 for less cars & tracks, or continue to play GT6 at no extra cost? It's a no-brainer for me!
I did about 4 miles ( edit, 40 miles a day) a day between getting the daily miles and online with friends. My only incentive was to get cars for the livery editor, the driving was mind numbingly boring ( similar to driveclub in this regard too, only driveclub has a couple enjoyable cars). Not once did I have the erge to go to track once I tried it.
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More thoughts:

Now that there’s more incentive to use the arcade mode to gain credits and XP, the lack of day/night transitions is really glaring when creating endurance events. So we’re basically back to GT4 in this respect. At least it’s the best event creator they’ve ever made with plenty of options. PD seems like the Green Monster when they go from title to title; “they giveth, and they also taketh away.”

I’m also going to really miss the course creator and most of the cars in their catalog.

Still, this game has lots of promise and I’ll definitely be playing it!
Car exhaust sounds 4/10
Driving experience 4/10
Graphics 10/10
Fun 8/10
Definitely not giving you the best racing experience ,but there are definitely a lot
of things that i like, Yes ! I will definitely buy it.
I almost written of GT sport, because the game that originally got me into cars Gran Turismo, was going to ditch SP content to be a e-sports orientated game. I'm a causal gamer and like games like AC, PC and PC2. Although AC lacks a lot of content.

Because of GT, I starting dreaming of driving the "green hell" (Nurburgring) before I even had a driving license. I eventually got the opportunity on a whim and it was an amazing experience. The drive to the Eiffel region was truly amazing and a lot of fun. Arriving at the track We were welcomed by amazing looking and very rare koenigsegg agera and ccx. The experience was intense but intensely satisfying. Driving on that track surrounded by super cars (I was driving a modest benz C200) was scary and exciting. At that point I fondly remembered it all started with playing GT, with a pad on the original Playstation.

Not long after this amazing experience I finally got a wheel (DFGT) and got GT5 and eventually GT6. Which I really enjoyed but didn't have time for because of work and of 2 beautiful children entering my life.

The kids got a little older and GT sport was anounced. And was really looking forward to it! I bought a PS4 pro, g29, playseat especially for GT sport. In the mean time I could play PC which already released its GOTY edition. I also applied for the closed beta, but wasn't selected and as a true GT fan, was disappointed. At that point I was convinced GT sport was going to flop and would be the end of PD. No GT mode? No campaign! No car collecting! No 1000+ cars? Limited PsVR mode? Only 17 tracks!?! I was very pissed.

After playing PC2 for a while, to my surprise, a free demo was going to be made available before release. I decided to be open minded and give it a chance even though I hated the idea of GT going the e-sports route.

After a long download, after hearing the familiar GT chimes and sounds I got a feeling of nostalgia. And after playing through the driving school, the missions, the galleries, museums and arcade mode. I finally "get" what GT sport is trying to do in this new direction. It is entirely focused in making you a better racer. Every detail, driving school chapter and mission is focused at making you get a better feel for driving and when you nail it reward you accordingly, while having fun doing it. It never takes it myself too serious like some games that try to emulate real life a little too much. I never had this much "fun" playing AC, PC with SP content in a long time since GT6 released. I preordered GT sport and I am planning to upgrade my wheel (either T-GT or CSL elite). I'm looking forward to release and counting the days. Never felt like this for any video game. The level of polish, compared to other titles blew me away and I hope all others will have fun with GT sport in the coming weeks!
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The demo will help sales a lot . While Forza is lately a reliable brand (so the demo is a plus) , GT needed a demo because the last entries were disappointing . It was a smart move by them .

It's not a legendary game like GT3 but they are going back at that kind of fun . Forza on the other hand is slowly following the same mistakes of GT but i understand T10 , they have to make a new game every 2 years while Kazunori and his team f----- up with 5 years and brand new hardware which was the PS3 at that time .
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Just wanted to share a positive experience (for me anyway) in the last online race I managed before the demo ended. It was in the MX-5 race at Brands Hatch, and I'd done enough in the qualifying time trial to start 4th on the grid.

I managed to get into 3rd reasonably early and set after the lead two, one with a British flag and one with a Spanish flag. I was closing in as they battled, and moved into second as the Spanish driver just eased my fellow Brit onto the gravel exiting the first corner. We both closed further as the Spaniard started sliding out of the corners.

I got a run on him out of the last corner of the last lap and pulled alongside as well headed for the line. In a desperate move, he veered right towards me as we crossed the line, but the game sensed the unnatural move and ghosted him through me into the pit wall.

On track, I crossed the line 0.006 seconds behind, but the Spaniard got a 2 second penalty, demoting him not just behind me, but also the other Brit who was barely a second further back! For me, a very satisfying application of the penalty system!
LMP1 cars at Tokyo drive like a Ridge Racer or some arcade racer , i don't know but the changes of directions don't feel realistic at all , they seems to be F1 cars . I guess that they are better at simulating road cars handling .
SONY didn't give a .... about the game though , was it at E3 or something ?

LMP1 cars actually do change direction that fast. In fact they are rivaling F1 cars, at least the pre 2017 cars, in terms of grip.
Before I go on to describing my experience regarding the demo, I would just like to point out that in the R3 region, the demo was not available for pre-loading. A bit unfair if you ask me, because other region were able to download the demo before it was playable. So what happened in my case was that, in the time span of the demo being 4 days, I was downloading it for the first 2 days before being able to actually play the demo.

Moving on...!!

The demo is really something. Had pretty good and pretty bad experiences but I would still give it a positive note. First thing I did when I booted up the demo was drive a GT3 car in Arcade Mode to get a feel for the physics. It's good that the AMG GT3 is available, but bad that it's the only one available. Still, a GT3 car. Better than nothing. I had no choice but to drive using an Automatic transmission because I haven't gone through the menus yet, but the physics surprised me a lot. I find it better than previous games, because the car feels planted to the ground more firmly. Although the snap oversteer has returned, and has left a nasty impression on me. Never liked that snap oversteer, never will. They need to fix that. So after a few laps I went and looked for the Options menu where I can manually configure my controls, so that I can truly get a feel for and appreciate the physics. This is where I encountered my first road block. As soon as I clicked on the Options menu, the demo crashes. Weird, I thought. Maybe it just was a random bug or something. So I started the demo again, and went to the Options menu again. Boom, it crashed again. Tried it a third time, made my PS4 freeze. I sincerely hope that game-crashing bug gets patched on Day One. I was a bit irritated for a moment but then that thing on the bottom-right corner of the main menu (the one where you collect awards for certain milestones) allowed me to go into the Options menu without crashing, and allowed me to manually set my controls. NOW we're getting somewhere. I find the physics to be really different from past games, and here in GT Sport I find it to be better than GT5 and GT6. Driving race cars around the Dragon Tail circuit felt really good, though again, snap oversteer. As I was going around the game doing some offline races, I like how the game rewards you in just about any offline driving you do, may it be the Driving Missions, Arcade races, or a Custom Race (it also rewards you with 50% more cash if you drive cleanly, which is a good way to encourage clean racing). That Driving Mission in Interlagos was very tough for me, and took me a good 1hr 30mins before I beat it. Came out tired, but felt pretty good.

Online experience was surprisingly good. I'm not quite sure but the netcode seems to be better here compared to GT5 and GT6. I have yet to see the full extent of the online experience once the main game comes out. Also, can I just point out the fact that you can adjust the cockpit and chase cameras to your liking. Especially on the cockpit cam. The moment I found out that option, I zoomed out my camera and raised it a bit, which really made my cockpit driving experience better. Chase cam feels good too, as my settings were 0-0-Near.

Pet peeves, yeah I have 2. First are the rewards cars. For some reason, the game likes to award me with Gr.B rally cars (I have no idea why). I had the Ford Focus Rallycross, the Audi Quattro S1 Pikes Peak, and another one which I forgot. I did get 2 Gr.4 cars though, which are the Megane and the M4. Wish I had at least 1 GT3 car but I guess I'll have to wait for 2-3 more days.

Overall... cant get enough of the demo, can't wait for October 17. :D:cheers:
This game is really fun, I will buy on release but can't make time due to exams all week. Nevertheless it's funner than AC and PC2. AC on PS4 is dead online unless you're into drifting lobbies. And when you do find a race the qualifying time is too long, and if you wait it out, some jerk totals everyones cars on the first corner and 3/4 of the lobby quit. PC2 has serious FPS drop issues on standard PS4. It's fun driving but the game overall isn't a good package. You can tell those two games were optimized for PC. GT sport on other hand is an awesome package that will only get better. The graphics are the best on the standard PS4, the driving is realistic but not overdone(you won't spin out randomly and unexpectedly like in AC/PC2). The racing is full and pretty clean, and not too difficult to those who played all kinds of sims, might be difficult to those not used to sims. Even though it's not a full on sim.

I can't wait to play this game, I'm going to have a garage full of Camaro's, lol.

  • Sport Mode - only had time for two attempts at this, but felt like a real event, with consequences. Most people were fair, and what I thought was an unfair shunt, on replay inspection was just a coming together of 4/5 cars, catching me. Quite realistic I thought, and not unfair. Felt amazing to come 4th, then 6th. Very impressed and a lot of fun.
  • Handling: as @Brend mentioned, the handling is forgiving enough to allow you to concentrate on driving technique. While not an expert on physics, a downgrade from AC does seem like good thing here. Works like a dream on controller.
  • Visuals: very occasional jaggies but stunning overall.
  • Offline stuff: more than I'd anticipated
  • Livery editor: amazing

  • No offline saves: saywhutnow?
  • No weather: (hope this is incoming)
  • Rally: doesn't seem to be very well done, will be avoiding this. However, blasting a lowered Audi Pikes Peak in a custom livery around Dragon Trail was wild, a bit silly, and great fun.
$60 well spent for me, I reckons.

Maybe see some of you lot racing soon :)

Sorry for GTS at this moment. I prefer Project Cars 1 & 2 over GTS at this moment. Great graphics, better handeling, better setup options for my Thrustmaster T500RS Wheel, pedals and shifter (this all is missing in this game). And a lot of great cars.