GT Sport Impressions

  • Thread starter Corsa
Holy crap, that endurance mission. I was in second place, on the last lap, approaching the final corner and the car behind me tapped me and caused me to spin out. I dropped from 2nd to 8th just before hitting that last corner. Thank goodness I was able to get back on the track and finish for the bronze before any more cars passed me. I would have freaking exploded if I had to do it over again. That was my first try.
When I did that race last night, the BMW and I were fighting for the top spot on the last lap. I went wide at Turn 2, and the BMW went dangerously up the inside, clipping my right rear and spinning me out. I couldn't catch up. :banghead:

Also, there was one point in the race where I got clipped from behind by AI three times in one lap. I don't know what I did wrong there. Thankfully, since I was running the race with a two-stop strategy, I was still able to get the lead up until the last lap.
Regarding Arcade Mode while Offline
In the Open Beta Test version, it is not possible to play the Arcade Mode while offline and during maintenance.
This only holds true for the Open Beta version. In the full product version, it will be possible to play in the Arcade Mode while offline and during maintenance.

We apologize for the inconvenience and we kindly ask for everyone’s understanding.
Sure but the guy I quoted said people shouldn't listen to others claiming it is online-only game but talked about Missions, which isn't arcade but campaign mode which i doubt will be playable offline. The full version will be close enough to be considered online-only if that is the case.
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I'm just so glad I pre ordered this. Loving the custom arcade races with damage, fuel and tyre wear, flags etc. This and time trial will be the bulk of my activity I think. Online was a bitter experience from the beta. Too many rammers for my liking. Anyhoo loving it! G29 with gear shifter
You sound like you will play GTS the way I will if I decide to get it, offline custom race and time trial.

In custom race can you play against a full field of 19 ai? And do you always start 20th or are there random grid positions and/or qualifying to determine grid position?
I agree but there are a lot of quality cars and tracks that got cut. I don't consider some of the new tracks to be that good meanwhile, classics like Apricot Hill, Autumn Ring, Grand Valley, Mid Field, etc are missing. I don't know anyone that enjoyed SSR7 but here it is in GT S and it even got a facelift. The new street circuit to replace Tokyo R246 is absolutely awful to drive on, let alone race.

Same with the cars- the vision cars are neat in theory but most are just absurd to drive. I can appreciate that maybe they need to update the handling dynamics of the legacy vehicles- I would have just preferred it if they had started with cars people can actually drive.

If they start releasing some of the older cars and tracks (for free), I'll change my tune right quick. I just don't feel that what we have right now feels much better than 6 and with fewer/worse cars and tracks, I can't really see how it's much of an improvement.

You just gotta be patient man. I know it's hard with the GT series, but just look at GT6. GT6 at launch was so vanilla. people said this game should have been called GT5.5 and not 6. But over time they added soo many cool stuff (Like that Ayrton Senna event was sensational), they improved the sound a bit, and just overall became more enjoyable.

I think this is a new generation of Gran Turismo so unlike Forza, they are creating these cars from scratch and not importing them from previous games anymore.
Only thing that I absolutely hate about this game is the "Always online" feature... because I personally play solo 95% of the time
In custom race can you play against a full field of 19 ai? And do you always start 20th or are there random grid positions and/or qualifying to determine grid position?
No qualifying but you can set your starting grid position.
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I have been a GT player actively since GT5 and played 2/3/4 when I was a kid (I'm 20 y/o) and I've got to say I'm very impressed with GTSport. I'm in the car business, car sales, I work 12 hrs a day, sometimes longer so I didn't have a lot of game time. I had about 6-7 hours of driving, 5 of which in sport mode. I've gotta say sport mode is incredibly fun. It was very interesting running BB Raceway as I set a 25.5 in the GTI and was damn near always in pole spot, that's a fun 15 lapper. I play using a Logitech G29 and the handling of many of the vehicles feels very similar, in a good way to all the other GTs.

I did run a few Gr.B Rally drift sessions in the Genesis coupe (I work at a Hyundai store so this was fun for me 👍 ) and I was very impressed. The graphics are absolutely stunning and I am very excited for the release of this game. However, I do understand the complaints. They tried something NEW, which after 6 games I personally think was necessary. I think they did a fantastic job and it feels fresh. On to the amount of cars, how many were really buying 800-900 cars in previous GTs? I like the fact they are doing 400-500 cars this year (from what I've heard) and am excited to perhaps own all of the cars through this game.

Anyway, all in all, solid 9.5/10 from me, been playing GT most of my life and I am very impressed 👍
Photo Travel mode is essentially replaced by Scapes. However, in a sense, you can think of it as a kind of Travel mode.

Many of the locations have quite a few Scapes, so when you look at that set of Scapes (e.g. Devil's Causeway) , it's a bit like a Travel Mode with, say, half a dozen or so predefined camera spots at each location. Ever been to one of those famous locations for getting the perfect shot and there are literally tripod marks on the ground? In Scapes, you get to use the experts' tripod holes. From those points, you can zoom in, pan, rotate, change shutter speed, three focusing options including one locked on an object. Then there's a boatload of "effects", including a thing like Photoshop's Layer Masking function. These can be used in combinations with user-defined % strengths.

You can search for Scapes under a wide range of quite detailed criteria. Geography, time of day, city vs coast, race track, too numerous to cover. The search facility is a welcome tool.

And here's probably the biggest, and most welcome surprise. You can select a saved Scape photo and be taken back from that photo to the exact Scape, with your camera framed the exact same way, same focal length, f-stop, shutter speed, same placement of cars, same post processing effects. Everything set up exactly as you had it when you pressed the shutter button! This is awesome!! It's a giant leap beyond Photo Travel. If I get a good setup in Photo Travel, I can never reconstruct exactly what I did.

So in a year's time, when someone asks "how did you do that?", you can provide an exact answer. And if you decide that it could be improved upon by a slight reframing, nudge that car a touch, intensify the contrast, add a wee bit of desaturation of the background, etc, you can do it, saving as many new versions as you like.

Here's an example, a simple one. I was looking at what others have done with Scapes, and found one I really liked. Simple desert scene, beautiful light, just gorgeous. Except the framing was a little "off". The back of the car was cropped off. Not as though it was intentional, just an accident. Had I known about this function, and this was my photo, I could have fixed it in seconds. It may even be possible to download his Scape photo and work on it on my PS4.

Imagine this capability in the real world. You travel and take many photos. A year later, you'd like to go back to that same spot and take almost exactly the same photo, just with a slightly wider angle lens. Same time of day, season, weather etc. Same people and cars. Same puddles. Maybe with the highlights not so hot. Done!

Thanks for a very detailed answer good sir! My worries are officially in the wind! :D
I like the GTS overall.


The AI is very slow in the custom race. (And only 3 options for us?!) And they cheat. They very slow, but when I beat them somewhere in the track, they will be much faster than before. (Like as GT5 and GT6...)

This is ridicilius.
Good impressions killed by the mandatory internet connection. Eurogamer's preview said something interesting: the Sport mode is more a refined quick races mode than what could have been an online career mode.
By the way, each time that I see Grand Valley East as a track logo in GTSport, I have bad words in mind...
I have been a GT player actively since GT5 and played 2/3/4 when I was a kid (I'm 20 y/o) and I've got to say I'm very impressed with GTSport. I'm in the car business, car sales, I work 12 hrs a day, sometimes longer so I didn't have a lot of game time. I had about 6-7 hours of driving, 5 of which in sport mode. I've gotta say sport mode is incredibly fun. It was very interesting running BB Raceway as I set a 25.5 in the GTI and was damn near always in pole spot, that's a fun 15 lapper. I play using a Logitech G29 and the handling of many of the vehicles feels very similar, in a good way to all the other GTs.

I did run a few Gr.B Rally drift sessions in the Genesis coupe (I work at a Hyundai store so this was fun for me 👍 ) and I was very impressed. The graphics are absolutely stunning and I am very excited for the release of this game. However, I do understand the complaints. They tried something NEW, which after 6 games I personally think was necessary. I think they did a fantastic job and it feels fresh. On to the amount of cars, how many were really buying 800-900 cars in previous GTs? I like the fact they are doing 400-500 cars this year (from what I've heard) and am excited to perhaps own all of the cars through this game.

Anyway, all in all, solid 9.5/10 from me, been playing GT most of my life and I am very impressed 👍
About the number of cars, PD will add more 350 in the full cycle of GT Sport.
This is all anecdotal (ie I don't have screenshots etc to prove it), and the comparison isn't direct because the track differs in key areas from the other title, but in my practice for the Gr3 races at Suzuka today I was looking at the apex speeds and corner entries I was able to take and generally how I could drive a GT3 car in GT Sport compared to the same cars in PCars2 at Sakitto (Suzuka minus the hairpin and chicane really) and by and large its very similar. Now I will say that in the wheel PCars2 feels way better, it communicates a lot more of what the car is doing than GT, which is perfectly serviceable, and I am not the fastest driver in the world so perhaps there is a difference when the cars are really being driven to their limits, but I feel that I'm good enough to notice a major difference, and really there isn't much. GT actually handles kerbs quite well as does PC2 (compared to older titles across the genre which didn't do so well) which was pleasing to see because that is something that better drivers can exploit in the real world as well as virtually. Generally cars in PC2 do feel more 'alive' than those in GT, but again I consider that more of a positive for PC2 than just a negative for GT.

One aspect of GT that I am a bit frustrated with is the ABS. With it off completely, hard braking is pretty much impossible, and with it on full or weak setting, I find it very inconsistent. I like to think I am pretty good at consistently hitting braking zones, and even with concentrating more on that aspect than normal just to make sure it is not of my doing, I find that the actual braking performance to be sometimes wildly different lap to lap. I much prefer the PC2 implementation of ABS and feel that it works more accurately there, in GT it seems to be a little bit wonky.
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I will probably buy the game . I didn't like GT6 and GT5 despite playing them countless hours...i love how they just don't care about realism anymore but they are trying to make an arcade game with realistic rules and fair multiplayer races . I need a racer to play online and this seems to be the best one around with a great quantity of players . There are some things i don't like though :

-VGT cars should race together and not against LMP1 cars .

-Track number is too low and rally is awful just like older games .

-pole laps are based on your track record and not on the actual lap you do before the race .

-AA is quite bad .

-Sounds are better but still need work .

-Penalties give 10 seconds sometimes when you are hit on the side of your car .
I think I will wait until it is well out of beta. If I see plenty of updates and good noises from players in the next few months I might buy. As the game is right now though - not a chance.

With the Limited Edition being $10 cheaper than before, I was set to pick it up on launch. After the demo, I'll gladly pick it up in a year when the XL version comes out.
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I just tried some Esport online racing, was surprisingly a clean race for the most part. Besides one guy that tried pushing me off the track after I took the inside. Or the occasional guy that tries using other cars to slow down his momentum, and we get a penalty for that and he manages to cut a corner and pass us all. No lag that I've noticed either. The servers are full with 24 drivers. On my first race the auto braking prevented me from several overtakes, so those trying it for first time turn it off as it is set that way by default.

Racing is pretty competitive, everyone is slowing each other down so that's kind of good news for those who want a chance to do well.
I will probably buy the game . I didn't like GT6 and GT5 despite playing them countless hours...i love how they just don't care about realism anymore but they are trying to make an arcade game with realistic rules and fair multiplayer races . I need a racer to play online and this seems to be the best one around with a great quantity of players . There are some things i don't like though :

-VGT cars should race together and not against LMP1 cars .

-Track number is too low and rally is awful just like older games .

-pole laps are based on your track record and not on the actual lap you do before the race .

-AA is quite bad .

-Sounds are better but still need work .

-Penalties give 10 seconds sometimes when you are hit on the side of your car .

Whether you set your lap time in the standalone 'qualifying time trial' section or having entered the race itself and then gone to qualifying before matching up, they are effectively the same 'mode' and if you set a better laptime in the pre-race session that will count.
This demo just gets better and better the more I play. I haven't even done more than three online races, earlier tonight I was having fun trying out the different Gr. 4 cars in the daily race qualification. I really don't care that most of them are fictional race cars, most of the ones I've tried are just a lot of fun to drive, and interior sound quite good (sound in chase cam - which I also use sometimes - a bit worse but still much better than GT5, which was the last in the series I played).

I still haven't bothered trying my Thrustmaster T150 - it's unlikely I will want to spend time and effort setting it up very often in the near future - but GTS handles really great with motion control steering, and the sensitivity increased a bit (I think I'm at 3 now, might go up one more notch).

I was completely expecting to be underwhelmed by GTS and likely not being it at all, certainly not immediately. Now I can't wait for release next week.
This demo just gets better and better the more I play. I haven't even done more than three online races, earlier tonight I was having fun trying out the different Gr. 4 cars in the daily race qualification. I really don't care that most of them are fictional race cars, most of the ones I've tried are just a lot of fun to drive, and interior sound quite good (sound in chase cam - which I also use sometimes - a bit worse but still much better than GT5, which was the last in the series I played).

I still haven't bothered trying my Thrustmaster T150 - it's unlikely I will want to spend time and effort setting it up very often in the near future - but GTS handles really great with motion control steering, and the sensitivity increased a bit (I think I'm at 3 now, might go up one more notch).

I was completely expecting to be underwhelmed by GTS and likely not being it at all, certainly not immediately. Now I can't wait for release next week.

I am using T150 and it's holding up fine, decent setup out of the box. I haven't adjusted anything or know how to.
The biggest surprise for me was having a quick dabble with the motion control using the DS4. It was bloody good. Had a quick intermediate race and wasn’t expecting to win. Was brilliant being able to hold a turn instead of dabbing the thumb stick. So glad I’ve pre ordered

Motion controls - also in Project Cars 1 and 2 and DriveClub - is a huge part of making it less of a shame not feeling like making the effort to take out and set up my wheel for my often relatively short sessions. The smooth steering makes it so much more enjoyable and almost steering wheel like, than the more or less twitchy constant corrections with the thumbstick.
The steering is too unresponsive for a DS4 and when I try to correct a spin I always end up in the other way. Also the penalties are very annoying when I slow down and the timer does not move.

But all in all, I enjoyed it. It gets addictive but it's very nice.
This demo just gets better and better the more I play. I haven't even done more than three online races, earlier tonight I was having fun trying out the different Gr. 4 cars in the daily race qualification. I really don't care that most of them are fictional race cars, most of the ones I've tried are just a lot of fun to drive, and interior sound quite good (sound in chase cam - which I also use sometimes - a bit worse but still much better than GT5, which was the last in the series I played).

I still haven't bothered trying my Thrustmaster T150 - it's unlikely I will want to spend time and effort setting it up very often in the near future - but GTS handles really great with motion control steering, and the sensitivity increased a bit (I think I'm at 3 now, might go up one more notch).

I was completely expecting to be underwhelmed by GTS and likely not being it at all, certainly not immediately. Now I can't wait for release next week.

Then get more excited. Demo out for one more day due to the technical issues early on.
Technically and fun wise the best racing game out there. Need to bring back real world classic tracks and we are good for years!
This is what really matters. Good foundations can be built on, which appears to be PD's plans.

If it was just GT6 remixed I don't think it would retain a userbase longer term.
Loving the demo.
I have traction control off but it still flashes white and it's annoying.
Going off track and getting respawned is not to my liking either.
The PS4 Pro 4k HDR looks amazing, PS4 still looks good though.
I have never saw any game s road cars physics so good as the MX5 on Bhatch today. Even AC on PS4 is far behind.

LMP1 cars at Tokyo drive like a Ridge Racer or some arcade racer , i don't know but the changes of directions don't feel realistic at all , they seems to be F1 cars . I guess that they are better at simulating road cars handling .
SONY didn't give a .... about the game though , was it at E3 or something ?
Loving the demo.
I have traction control off but it still flashes white and it's annoying.
Going off track and getting respawned is not to my liking either.
The PS4 Pro 4k HDR looks amazing, PS4 still looks good though.

Because you have automatic clutch/throttle lift/paddle shifters

More of a shift induced engine cut than TCS
I have traction control off but it still flashes white and it's annoying
You may have turned it back on by accident- if you have control mapped for the MFD, it allows you to adjust TC settings on the fly (as well as brake balance). If it's off, the light should not be flashing.
I couldn’t have cared less about this game until a day or so ago. After reading the impressions from beta players this game is a must buy for me now. As an offline player only it sounds like GTS provides an exciting, challenging,solid and complete (imo) offline experience and I’m very excited about the custom race mode which will probably be my go to part of the game.
I’ll even check out online which I practically never do, because I think it has the potential to be something quite special if it all works out.