"GT Sport will require an internet connection for the majority of functionality"

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Only online competition requires PS Plus.

There will be an arcade mode, but it makes sense this will include offline and online options.

Set-up an offline arcade race against A.I, no PS Plus required.

Set-up a online arcade race, PS Plus required.
Again, not according to Sony.
Portions of the Arcade Mode, including limited two-player split screen, single-player races on select tracks, and time trials can still be played in an offline environment.
The implication is clear if this statement proves to be accurate. Some offline functionality, including portions of Arcade Mode, will be limited, in the absence of an internet connection.
ie. Time trial leaderboards.
Do you think we will need PS Plus for that?
No idea. My best guess is no but it all depends on how PD/Sony structure the game and how much they want to steer people towards PS+ with their game design, if at all. The warning on the box is quite ominous and I wouldn't take it lightly if I didn't have an internet connection. For sure I'd be waiting until after release to see how it all works if I was in that boat. They are making a definitive move away from offline and towards online so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they went down the route of designing the game with a series of roadblocks and withheld content that steered you in the direction of playing online.
No idea. My best guess is no but it all depends on how PD/Sony structure the game and how much they want to steer people towards PS+ with their game design, if at all. The warning on the box is quite ominous and I wouldn't take it lightly if I didn't have an internet connection. For sure I'd be waiting until after release to see how it all works if I was in that boat. They are making a definitive move away from offline and towards online so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they went down the route of designing the game with a series of roadblocks and withheld content that steered you in the direction of playing online.
Fair call.
Apologies for putting you on the spot like that.

I think I've said my piece.
So I'll leave it for you guys to discuss it further.
I've got 3 PS4's
I had the Beta installed on all three of them. I only kept One of them fully Updated.

I still have the 1st Beta release on one of my PS4's that had the Off line races against the AI.
I disconnected that PS4 from the internet, and I can still start the Beta and use it.
( eventually, though, the PS4 will force you to re-acquire your Game Rights. You can't stay off line indefinitely )

So while the events that would have an affect on your Rank, might require an on-line connection.
I think the Offline, vs the AI events will not.

Won't know till it is released I guess.
I think I was looking at the EU one originally, so either it changed or the GTP article changed its link from US to EU.
The EU one was the only one with the mention of the second beta (now removed) too.

I might change the link in the article though as that comma bothers me. And it should be a semi-colon, but the full stop in the US version will do I suppose :D
No, that doesn't make sense, you don't set up arcade races online. Playing online in a lobby eliminates that completely.
Arcade mode simply means it's not part of the campaign/career. Now your career is online, it makes sense to put an online lobby amongst the arcade options. Neither do we know if you can set-up an online arcade race with a mix of A.I, much like shooters use bots.

No idea. My best guess is no but it all depends on how PD/Sony structure the game and how much they want to steer people towards PS+ with their game design, if at all. The warning on the box is quite ominous and I wouldn't take it lightly if I didn't have an internet connection. For sure I'd be waiting until after release to see how it all works if I was in that boat. They are making a definitive move away from offline and towards online so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they went down the route of designing the game with a series of roadblocks and withheld content that steered you in the direction of playing online.
Being online does not require PS Plus. It's only when you compete against other gamers online you require it.
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every one calm down this dosen't
make any sense because the only place you can gain exp for your rankings is in Sport mode which is online only anyway they are not going to be like you want to buy a car? must be online you want to make a livery must be online etc as for the career it died after GT4 really
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The EU one was the only one with the mention of the second beta (now removed) too.

I might change the link in the article though as that comma bothers me. And it should be a semi-colon, but the full stop in the US version will do I suppose :D

Then the EU one definitely changed from a full stop.

It really depends what they mean to say! A semi-colon would imply that PS+ is required for some of the other stuff, but I think they're just trying to say that online will be (for Seasonal Events, leaderboards, etc).
Here we are on the internet, arguing about a game that requires internet.
Go figure...
Oh and I've had PS+ forever. The free games on both the 3&4 monthly have more than covered the monthly cost as far as I'm concerned and don't forget the discounts.

Internet is how it is in the gaming world now. I wouldn't be playing anything if it wasn't for online.
Repeating the same race/mission or replaying the same story gets old.
If PD do respond to a game mechanic that a majority of GT fans disagree with, they could pull out another delay to amend it. It will at least be for the best but knowing PD this wont be a short delay.

Anyway I'm just speculating, though I feel the consequences for this distressing fact will be dire for fans and for PD.:(
that a majority of GT fans disagree with
Maybe on GTPlanet, it seems like people here resent the change.

But until we get a poll or statistic featuring the millions of people and their opinions regarding the GT series, we can't really blanket a large portion of the fanbase with "yay" or "nay".

Here we are on the internet, arguing about a game that requires internet.

Being online does not require PS Plus. It's only when you compete against other gamers online you require it.
Didn't say it did. Not sure what that has to do with my respose though.
Here we are on the internet, arguing about a game that requires internet.
Go figure...
Oh and I've had PS+ forever. The free games on both the 3&4 monthly have more than covered the monthly cost as far as I'm concerned and don't forget the discounts.

Internet is how it is in the gaming world now. I wouldn't be playing anything if it wasn't for online.
Repeating the same race/mission or replaying the same story gets old.

Exactly. This game from its very first announcement has always been clear that it is primarily an esports title that is heavily reliant on its online racing section given it has FIA accreditation for its main online championships. It is built from the ground up around this premise.

Anyone who is now just under a month away from release seeming shocked that an internet connection is needed to fully utilise the game is incredibly naive. Decent internet connections are not difficult to access for a vast majority of the potential playerbase, and that would undoubtedly have been a factor in signing off the game in its feasibility study phase.

I frankly can't wait for a GT title that is properly organised around online racing, especially with the features that aim to make it into a console version of iRacing, where the racing is taken seriously and those who apply themselves can succeed on it.
Lots of speculation on the meaning of several ambiguous statements put out by PD and Sony. Could it be that they're just beginning to realise that maybe not everyone is happy about a majority of online play and they're making a feeble attempt to mislead us into believing that those of us (who may be in this minority) have nothing to fear? So let's all get our wallets out and pre-order this right away. Or just patiently wait until release and see what the real deal is.
They were never billed as 'offline', just 'single player'. There is a difference in those labels.
Not really, there isn't. Single player aspects of a game are usually, for the most part, offline components. So if you're going to avoid the question because of simple wording, let me rephrase it. It's naive to think that the segments of the game that are not part of the online/multiplayer segment were going to be able to be played without having a forced online connection?
As if the lack of any decent career and a proper track list wasn't bad enough already, if PSN+ is required then this is hands down the final nail in the coffin for me. I have Gold on my XBox One and all my online games are there, I don't have PSN+ since all games on my PS4 Pro are singleplayer games.

So forget what I said before about maybe picking up the game on sale in 2018/2019 or something, if PSN+ is required then I lost all interest.
My biggest problem with always-online requirements for single player portions is that it severely limits the lifespan of the game. At some point in time the servers for GTS will be taken down and at that point the only reason to play is obviously single play and depending on how much they have locked away there may literally be nothing to go back to.
How do you even operate a console in this day and age without an internet conection?

Yesterday I got a Firmware 4.76 update, which if I didn't install, wouldn't let me go online or view the PSN store. I had a Battlefield 1 update, which again prevented me from playing online before the update, same for Rocket League. I even had Tricky Towers automatic update that prevented me from playing until it was installed.

Your stats and driving standards all need to be tracked to ensure you are paired up in races that match your ability.

I've played Dark Souls 3, Assetto Corsa, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us (R) and The Witcher 3 without connecting my PS4 to the internet.

If you buy a PS4 and a physical copy of any game you'll be able to play it offline. How someone doesn't know this is beyond me.
Exactly. This game from its very first announcement has always been clear that it is primarily an esports title that is heavily reliant on its online racing section given it has FIA accreditation for its main online championships. It is built from the ground up around this premise.

Anyone who is now just under a month away from release seeming shocked that an internet connection is needed to fully utilise the game is incredibly naive. Decent internet connections are not difficult to access for a vast majority of the potential playerbase, and that would undoubtedly have been a factor in signing off the game in its feasibility study phase.

I frankly can't wait for a GT title that is properly organised around online racing, especially with the features that aim to make it into a console version of iRacing, where the racing is taken seriously and those who apply themselves can succeed on it.
Can you explain then, if all this has been known from the beginning, why there was a recent announcement that the online portion of the game is only 15% of the game?