"GT Sport will require an internet connection for the majority of functionality"

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2017 and there's still a pissing match about this??? Really??

Bringing up the current year doesn't make a discussion about online vs offline gaming irrelevant. Especially when all the previous iterations of the game in question were perfectly playable and enjoyable offline.
I've played Dark Souls 3, Assetto Corsa, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us (R) and The Witcher 3 without connecting my PS4 to the internet.

If you buy a PS4 and a physical copy of any game you'll be able to play it offline. How someone doesn't know this is beyond me.
And if they require it then nobody needs to buy if that is a requirement, should be of course clearly stated on package. Problem solved.
2017 and there's still a pissing match about this??? Really??

Yes. Sure if you're in a well populated area finding fast, reliable internet is easy. However if you live in a more rural area you're options are limited. There's even areas not that far from my urban area where the only internet option is satellite, which is not suited for online gaming.
As if the lack of any decent career and a proper track list wasn't bad enough already, if PSN+ is required then this is hands down the final nail in the coffin for me. I have Gold on my XBox One and all my online games are there, I don't have PSN+ since all games on my PS4 Pro are singleplayer games.

So forget what I said before about maybe picking up the game on sale in 2018/2019 or something, if PSN+ is required then I lost all interest.
It's in the article. If you don't know, playing online against other people requires PS+. I think only one account on the system needs PS+ for any other account to play it. I'm going to have to start paying my part out of fairness. GTS all day, errrday.

Can you explain then, if all this has been known from the beginning, why there was a recent announcement that the online portion of the game is only 15% of the game?
Honestly, the 15% declaration HAS to be in terms of the features included. Sport Mode (matchmaking?) is one feature out of 5, 6, 7? I don't like seeing comparisons like that. For me, Photo Mode isn't my most used feature. For the longest time, I got into time trials and raced custom tracks. I play more online now and unfortunately, based on how many fewer tracks there are and no Track Creator (that we know of), I will be playing online for the most part.

Quick Match was something that helped nudge me in that direction. Personally, Sport Mode will be a greater incentive to play online. A good incentive. I never really liked finding lobbies and I'm not a very consistent person when it comes to playing with people online. My gaming habits change week to week, day by day.

I just started thinking of the the Step By Step theme song. :D If anyone knows why, 👍.
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We've known for a while that GT Sport is primarily an online game, with some offline parts. Why is it a shock to find out that an online game needs an internet connection?
Because if they have a requirement for the offline Arcade mode to be online to allow credits/miles to be awarded so you can buy cars then they have just made the dumbest move possible to make?
Yes. Sure if you're in a well populated area finding fast, reliable internet is easy. However if you live in a more rural area you're options are limited. There's even areas not that far from my urban area where the only internet option is satellite, which is not suited for online gaming.

Except actually during online RACE against other players, you will not need constant and stable connection - for game to just occasionaly register your career progress (regarding other then competitive on-line) to their server you will easily do that with basically any connection, imo.
It's in the article. If you don't know, playing online against other people requires PS+. I think only one account on the system needs PS+ for any other account to play it. I'm going to have to start paying my part out of fairness. GTS all day, errrday.

Honestly, the 15% declaration HAS to be in terms of the features included. Sport Mode (matchmaking?) is one feature out of 5, 6, 7? I don't like seeing comparisons like that. For me, Photo Mode isn't my most used feature. For the longest time, I got into time trials and raced custom tracks. I play more online now and unfortunately, based on how many fewer tracks there are and no Track Creator (that we know of), I will be playing online for the most part. Quick Match was something that helped nudge me in that direction. Personally, Sport Mode will be a greater incentive to play online.
I also think that is what is behind the 15% figure but it qualifies as confusing at best and deceptive at worst, to paint the game as only 1/7th online one month and then to say that much of the game requires online the next month. I chalk the contradiction up to ineptitude and a lack of coordination between the PD/Sony marketing arms but it's not hard to see where some might think it's deliberately deceptive. Both companies should be operating at a much higher level of clarity and accuracy and to continue to make rookie marketing mistakes 20 years into the franchise isnt encouraging. Loyal fans deserve better.
Except actually during online RACE against other players, you will not need constant and stable connection - for game to just occasionaly register your career progress (regarding other then competitive on-line) to their server you will easily do that with basically any connection, imo.
That's pretty much what I'm thinking. They majority of GTS will require an online connection to eventually update your progress. But I do wonder how good of a connection we'll need for the races hosted using dedicated servers. I don't know how that works.
That's pretty much what I'm thinking. They majority of GTS will require an online connection to eventually update your progress. But I do wonder how good of a connection we'll need for the races hosted using dedicated servers. I don't know how that works.
What I'm wondering is if you're in the segments that are tied to an online connection, if you suddenly drop connection are you going to be booted from the mode/race you're in?
Except actually during online RACE against other players, you will not need constant and stable connection - for game to just occasionaly register your career progress (regarding other then competitive on-line) to their server you will easily do that with basically any connection, imo.

It's not just about performance though. With cellular and satellite internet plans you have to pay attention to your data usage much more closely than with your typical home internet as data caps are significantly lower. For instance one of the bigger providers, HughesNet offers a whopping 10GB of 25mbps for $49.99/month, after which it goes down to 3mbps.

Even if the game only needs to connect from time to time to update times and other info the console itself is always communicating when it's on, so even having it on is using data.
I also think that is what is behind the 15% figure but it qualifies as confusing at best and deceptive at worst, to paint the game as only 1/7th online one month and then to say that much of the game requires online the next month. I chalk the contradiction up to ineptitude and a lack of coordination between the PD/Sony marketing arms but it's not hard to see where some might think it's deliberately deceptive. Both companies should be operating at a much higher level of clarity and accuracy and to continue to make rookie marketing mistakes 20 years into the franchise isnt encouraging. Loyal fans deserve better.
I see your point. It bothers me too. PD could very well do with interacting with GT players. I raced POLYPHONY_STAFF this past week at the Monaco Quick Match (since I race/game all hours of the night). Even if it's fake (which it isn't, having seen that PSN account in the beta through streams), the feeling of knowing you're in contact with a member of a development team does something to your brain. Excitement was part of it.

I can't help but wonder what good it would have done, and could do, if they made this a focus starting with GT5 Prologue.

What I'm wondering is if you're in the segments that are tied to an online connection, if you suddenly drop connection are you going to be booted from the mode/race you're in?
I wouldn't think so. The game will still keep going, save your progress, then update it when you play online in Sport Mode where you'll need to have your progress up-to-date. Kaz is taking the online direction, so it's his decision for it to be this way. Execution might not be like what I think it is, although it doesn't look like they'll make an internet connection required for the Livery Editor, Scapes or Arcade Mode the way Sport Mode will need it for something like qualifying.
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I've played Dark Souls 3, Assetto Corsa, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us (R) and The Witcher 3 without connecting my PS4 to the internet.

If you buy a PS4 and a physical copy of any game you'll be able to play it offline. How someone doesn't know this is beyond me.
Assetto Corsa is a train wreck in standard 'off the disc' form, major screan tearing, framerate drops, UI design flaws, crashes and a significant amount of content (free & paid) missing. Likewise Witcher 3 has major performance issues. In updated form both work near flawlessly with a significantly improved gaming experience. I have no experience of Dark Souls 3, but Bloodborne launched with 45+ second loading screens between deaths and major framerate issues.

By all means people are entitled (or forced) to run their consoles offline. But lets not kid ourselves, they're in for a significantly worse experience given the complexities of today's games. Something a gamer like me (who goes back to the 8bit days) wouldn't want to go back too.
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Because if they have a requirement for the offline Arcade mode to be online to allow credits/miles to be awarded so you can buy cars then they have just made the dumbest move possible to make?

IIRC, they made a change along those lines part way through the beta. Starting it up now with the network unplugged, it tells me: "Unable to connect to the internet. Game progress data could not be saved". In my profile, all of the ratings are blank. My garage is still there though. So... a mixture?
Assetto Corsa is an train wreck in standard 'off the disc' form, major screan tearing, framerate drops, UI design flaws, crashes and a significant amount of content (free & paid) missing. Likewise Witcher 3 has major performance issues. In updated form both work near flawlessly with a significantly improved gaming experience. I have no experience of Dark Souls 3, but Bloodborne launched with 45+ second loading screens between deaths and major framerate issues.

By all means people are entitled (or forced) to run their consoles offline. But lets not kid ourselves they're in for a significantly worse experience, something no gamer would want to go back too.
Bloodborne has been significantly improved. But I was using the Destiny edition PS4 when I first started playing Bloodborne and now am playing it with a PS4 Pro. I'll play it with boost mode disabled to see what it's like.

Edit -
@TWR77 Boost mode disabled didn't negatively affect loading times. It still runs pretty smooth compared to Bloodborne at launch
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I wouldn't think so. The game will still keep going, save your progress, then update it when you play online in Sport Mode where you'll need to have your progress up-to-date. Kaz is taking the online direction, so it's his decision for it to be this way. Execution might not be like what I think it is, although it doesn't look like they'll make an internet connection required for the Livery Editor, Scapes or Arcade Mode the way Sport Mode will need it for something like qualifying.
I don't know. If you can't access these things without an online connection, it makes me think you'd be kicked out if you drop it. As for updating the stats and progression, the reason for needing the connection always on was to make sure that those are always constant and accurate. If all it needed was to be updated later, than a constant connection wouldn't be necessary at all.
I don't know. If you can't access these things without an online connection, it makes me think you'd be kicked out if you drop it. As for updating the stats and progression, the reason for needing the connection always on was to make sure that those are always constant and accurate. If all it needed was to be updated later, than a constant connection wouldn't be necessary at all.
It's the wording of it. From what I believe, offline oriented features like Scapes and the Livery Editor won't need a connection in order to use. That's fudgin stupid if Kaz makes it the other way. BUT, we'll just have to wait and see.
Assetto Corsa is an train wreck in standard 'off the disc' form, major screan tearing, framerate drops, UI design flaws, crashes and a significant amount of content (free & paid) missing. Likewise Witcher 3 has major performance issues. In updated form both work near flawlessly with a significantly improved gaming experience. I have no experience of Dark Souls 3, but Bloodborne launched with 45+ second loading screens between deaths and major framerate issues.

By all means people are entitled (or forced) to run their consoles offline. But lets not kid ourselves they're in for a significantly worse experience given the complexities of today's games. Something a gamer like me (who goes back to the 8bit days) wouldn't want to go back too.

Sure, AC had issues but I didn't miss the free DLCs in the short time I was making some races and TTs. I have to say I didn't play it extensively. With DS I had zero issues. I reached NG+ in a weekend and had lots of fun.

The point I was making wasn't that games are bug-free day one if you intend to play them offline. Rather that you could complete them and play all their features (except the online mode ofc) without an internet connection. I know that having a connection is the ideal situation for, at least, having some patches and bugfixes but to be able to play the game itself and enjoy most of its features, that's a completely different thing. And that's what will apparently happen with GTS, according to PS.
Dont know if its been said cause thats alot of comments to read through, but my guess is it has a big part to do with cheaters. As usual the few cheaters/hackers ruin it for the rest of us. They may be running some anticheat system similar to VAC or punkbusters on PC.

What does this have to do with "offline single player" you may ask? Well everyone whos asking that must have forgotten about all the modded cars that people were making in GT5 and GT6, and not just racing them offline, or in private online rooms with friends, but in all online lobbies.

My guess is they will be running checks to see not only that your not running any illegally modded cars (PD did say that yes modding them was against the ToS and they did not support it), but for people trying to find exploits that allow you to fully upgrade cars way before you should be able too. Like your level this and have ran this much, but you got a million sunk into this car, which would be impossible duebto your record type thing. As well as changing driver ratings, which would allow the trolla to come in, be trolls and not care.

This is just my guess, but it seems the most likely. Its a necessary evil, but its their way of protecting the serious community from the toxic ones. I just hope that once the day comes where they shut down the servers, that they release a patch that will unlock all play, so that people could go back and enjoy it years down the road.
I know that having a connection is the ideal situation for, at least, having some patches and bugfixes but to be able to play the game itself and enjoy most of its features, that's a completely different thing. And that's what will apparently happen with GTS, according to PS.
Exactly. According to them and without details. Nothing. We'll have to wait and see how it works. Reviewers, help us out.

Dont know if its been said cause thats alot of comments to read through, but my guess is it has a big part to do with cheaters. As usual the few cheaters/hackers ruin it for the rest of us. They may be running some anticheat system similar to VAC or punkbusters on PC.

What does this have to do with "offline single player" you may ask? Well everyone whos asking that must have forgotten about all the modded cars that people were making in GT5 and GT6, and not just racing them offline, or in private online rooms with friends, but in all online lobbies.

My guess is they will be running checks to see not only that your not running any illegally modded cars (PD did say that yes modding them was against the ToS and they did not support it), but for people trying to find exploits that allow you to fully upgrade cars way before you should be able too. Like your level this and have ran this much, but you got a million sunk into this car, which would be impossible duebto your record type thing. As well as changing driver ratings, which would allow the trolla to come in, be trolls and not care.

This is just my guess, but it seems the most likely. Its a necessary evil, but its their way of protecting the serious community from the toxic ones. I just hope that once the day comes where they shut down the servers, that they release a patch that will unlock all play, so that people could go back and enjoy it years down the road.
That's some good guesswork. I don't think anyone has brought this up. If the required internet connection means going through checkpoints and weigh stations, I think that would be great.
Dont know if its been said cause thats alot of comments to read through, but my guess is it has a big part to do with cheaters. As usual the few cheaters/hackers ruin it for the rest of us. They may be running some anticheat system similar to VAC or punkbusters on PC.

What does this have to do with "offline single player" you may ask? Well everyone whos asking that must have forgotten about all the modded cars that people were making in GT5 and GT6, and not just racing them offline, or in private online rooms with friends, but in all online lobbies.

My guess is they will be running checks to see not only that your not running any illegally modded cars (PD did say that yes modding them was against the ToS and they did not support it), but for people trying to find exploits that allow you to fully upgrade cars way before you should be able too. Like your level this and have ran this much, but you got a million sunk into this car, which would be impossible duebto your record type thing. As well as changing driver ratings, which would allow the trolla to come in, be trolls and not care.

This is just my guess, but it seems the most likely. Its a necessary evil, but its their way of protecting the serious community from the toxic ones. I just hope that once the day comes where they shut down the servers, that they release a patch that will unlock all play, so that people could go back and enjoy it years down the road.
Anything to do with only racing requires PS+. Any checking would take ace at lobby and/or race entry. Not sure why an internet connection is required for offline portions of the game to prevent cheating in areas online.
Anything to do with only racing requires PS+. Any checking would take ace at lobby and/or race entry. Not sure why an internet connection is required for offline portions of the game to prevent cheating in areas online.
To cover all the bases, I presume. PD has tended to incorporate internet connections in GT5 and GT6 (mostly GT5) in a frustrating way. They might have learned from those experiences and might have learned how to BEST prevent people from modding cars. I loved the modded tracks though.

Oh god. They better not have gone through the trouble of figuring out how to prevent track creators from uncovering the potential of their next Track Editor. First leaving behind the old and simpler Course Maker and it's locations, then disallowing cars on Kart Space. They seem to hate options. What the hell.
Anything to do with only racing requires PS+. Any checking would take ace at lobby and/or race entry. Not sure why an internet connection is required for offline portions of the game to prevent cheating in areas online.
Again this only being my guess here and not based on anything, i think its just going to be their way of combating people making these modded cars in the 1st place, and then bringing them over. Or as i said, keeping an eye on your stats vs cars/mods ect. Payday 2 has a similar system on pc. If you are a low level and are clearly running stuff that you shouldnt have been able to unlock yet, or if you level up ridiculously fast, in less time then they believe anyone could, then you will be labled a cheater both in game and on your steam profile.

Starbreeze dont "ban" people, but mark them as a cheater if they see progress that would be impossible given your time playing. So say your a low rank, dont have many hours or miles driven, and PD sees that you somehow have so and so car fullu modded, their system will detect this and do whatever they plan on doing. Marking the player as a cheater in their in game profile, banning them from online lobbies/public lobbies/esport lobbies whatever, marking them as cheaters in public lobbies, whatever their system is to punish said cheater.

Not saying this is why, but my guess is as good as any i suppose.
To cover all the bases, I presume. PD has tended to incorporate internet connections in GT5 and GT6 (mostly GT5) in a frustrating way. They might have learned from those experiences and might have learned how to BEST prevent people from modding cars. I loved the modded tracks though.

Oh god. They better not have gone through the trouble of figuring out how to prevent track creators from uncovering the potential of their next Track Editor. First leaving behind the old and simpler Course Maker and it's locations, then disallowing cars on Kart Space. They seem to hate options. What the hell.
Personally im fine with modded cars and tracks, as long as they are only used in private lobbies or lobbies spefically marked as such (such as "modded car cruise", "show off your mods" ect). I see nothing wrong with people doing crazy things and enjoying their game the way they want. PC gamers been doing it for years after all.

However i am in full support of whatever system they would need to do to keep those modded cars out of public lobbies and obviously any esports lobbies/leagues. Theres a time and place for modded craziness, and any public lobbies with me in it is neither the time nor place.

As far as trolls finding a way to manually change their driver ratings so they continue to troll, i say PD drop that ban hammer. Maybe let them run in thier own private server, but ban them from anything public.
Again this only being my guess here and not based on anything, i think its just going to be their way of combating people making these modded cars in the 1st place, and then bringing them over. Or as i said, keeping an eye on your stats vs cars/mods ect. Payday 2 has a similar system on pc. If you are a low level and are clearly running stuff that you shouldnt have been able to unlock yet, or if you level up ridiculously fast, in less time then they believe anyone could, then you will be labled a cheater both in game and on your steam profile.

Starbreeze dont "ban" people, but mark them as a cheater if they see progress that would be impossible given your time playing. So say your a low rank, dont have many hours or miles driven, and PD sees that you somehow have so and so car fullu modded, their system will detect this and do whatever they plan on doing. Marking the player as a cheater in their in game profile, banning them from online lobbies/public lobbies/esport lobbies whatever, marking them as cheaters in public lobbies, whatever their system is to punish said cheater.

Not saying this is why, but my guess is as good as any i suppose.
You could hybrid cars in previous games but you still always had to conform to the limitations of the lobby. Why could you not just do a check on the cars that you're attempting to put on to the track to make sure that they conform to the natural limits imposed by the game?
Again this only being my guess here and not based on anything, i think its just going to be their way of combating people making these modded cars in the 1st place, and then bringing them over. Or as i said, keeping an eye on your stats vs cars/mods ect. Payday 2 has a similar system on pc. If you are a low level and are clearly running stuff that you shouldnt have been able to unlock yet, or if you level up ridiculously fast, in less time then they believe anyone could, then you will be labled a cheater both in game and on your steam profile.

Starbreeze dont "ban" people, but mark them as a cheater if they see progress that would be impossible given your time playing. So say your a low rank, dont have many hours or miles driven, and PD sees that you somehow have so and so car fullu modded, their system will detect this and do whatever they plan on doing. Marking the player as a cheater in their in game profile, banning them from online lobbies/public lobbies/esport lobbies whatever, marking them as cheaters in public lobbies, whatever their system is to punish said cheater.

Not saying this is why, but my guess is as good as any i suppose.

I don't think any game on the PS4 has been "modded" or hacked in any way.

As such, it'd be incredibly hard to make a hybrid in GTS
"I hate that you need an internet connection to play this game!"

*owns a PS4 and has a GTP account

"But then what if I still want to play but my internet connection goes down?"

*Why are you even trying to play an online Esports game without an internet connection?

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