GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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i've been watching both, i own both consoles, and i'll be buying both, but i think GT4 will win this spar but Forza is gonna put up one hell of a fight. a couple points on why:

- PD has had 5 racing games to perfect their physics(GT, GT2, GT3, GT: C, GT: P), through those 5 games they have gotten everything from user reactions, real-life times, in-depth comparisons and several other game V.S real life comparisons. Microsoft is going purely on what "other" games have done, and maybe PGR, it my beleif that GT4's physics will be near-perfection, while forza's, while good, will still be second rate

- alot is still tigh-lipped about GT4, we probably don't know half of how the game will be enhanced, and we know even less about the new features and tuning options. Forza has body kits and other aero enhancements, and while that doesn't appeal to me, it will be a huge selling point for Forza, but theres no telling whether that would come out of the woodwors from PD as well.

- as for Graphics, i guess its more opinion, but even though the X-Box's graphics are more crisp and clean, you can tell that a pure love for each and every car was put into GT4, the cars look and feel more real and seem to eminate with life, this even passes though via replays and photos.

life i said, i'm buying both, i'll play both, but i still beleive that GT4 will win this round hands down

as for round 2, well, that'll go hand in hand with PS3 V.S X-box 2, we'll find out then
As a huge GT fan I'd advise you to buy the newer console...the X-box ;)

They are dirt cheap now, so buy one whilst you wait for the PS3 to come out!

You must have a mate who has a PS2, so buy GT4 in November (or January 2008!! whenever it gets delayed untill) and play it round your mates house.

Forza looks and sounds fantastic, but it is unlikely that the first incarnation of it will be without faults. I have no allegiance to any console but I have to say there is a magic about the GT series, its the love and care the developers put into their work. Polyphony don't make any other type of game and IMO that specialisation shows in their products.

Its a tough choice, have a look at the other games as well, coz I couldn't live without the Grand Theft Auto series either. ;)
I think if ur investing ur well deserved money on GT4 and Ps2 or Forza and XbOX then the best thing to do is wait till both games come out. For now we dont know which one is better. Trust me, being patient can bring u satisfaction. Hey i just made that up, the patient BS that is. Wow i can become a philospher


+ Well established
+ Amazing Graphics
+ Amazing Physics
+ Scenery (3D people in rally, in pits, crowd)
+ Photo Mode
+ 50+ tracks Plus many with reverse option
+ Car Museum
+ The Logitech DFP
+ Force Feedback (Sorry forgot to add this)
+ 500 Car's
- No Damage
- No Interiors
- No Flipping Cars
- No Skidmarks
- No Ferrari & Porsche & Lamborghini
- No reverse lights
- Some of the car's look blurred (possibe just bad screen shots) and yes it's the car in focus
- The AI runs on tracks ( make's the AI predictable)


+ Amazing Graphics
+ Amazing Physics
+ Damage
+ Ferrari & Porsche ( Lamborghini Probably ) I have my reasons for beiliving Lamborghini will be in Forza :)
+ Reverse Lights (lol)
+ You actually leave rubber down during an entire race to create a racing line and where you skided off (slow down next time you see that :) )
+ Drivetrain AI (The AI learns and doe's not run on tracks)
- No Logitech DFP (unsure the XBox doe's have USB)
- Force Feedback (no one is very clear on this XXbox is appreantly a ***** to program for)

I'd love to hear your points or experiances or if you need to clear any of my points

- No Interiors
- No Flipping Cars
- No Skidmarks
- No Ferrari & Porsche & Lamborghini
I HAVE seen interior.
look at that pic and if you can see there is interior.

flipping cars? why would you want that?
skidmarks I have to agree.
Ferrari & Porsche & Lamborghini seen pics of them so they MIGHT be in and if not road cars then racing for sure because "EA" does NOT have liscense to race cars.
Bolth games have there ups and downs, but If you could only get one or the other, I would shoot for gt4. I think gt4 will be the overal better driving experience. But i just whent ahead and got bolth, since I have bolth a ps2 and an xbox.
Honestly, the GT series has really established itself as a well known Brand for a sim game. Forza might be new, with the XBOX to power it, but it could be a 1 time thing meaning it will not continue as GT has since the PSX. Obviously you are going to get alot of pro GT4 posts on this subject, but it really comes down to what you feel would be a better investment. PS2 has been around longer and has been able to maintain a high market of customers. XBOX is more powerful, but I don't feel that it has the market like the PS2 does.

Again, what you decide is going to end up being the best decision. If I had nothing and had to choose, based on information I gathered, I would choose GT4 because of it's history and how it has progressed from a simple PSX game into an unreal driving experience. XBOX is trying to hop straight into the sim genre with Forza, so who knows how it will turn out since an XBOX driving sim has never really been created before.

Good luck in your decision.
As stated before...It's a well known fact that the PS2 has more games and diversity in games. The numbers speak for themselves (although I don't have them :D).
I see you put down 'Amazing Physics' for Forza... may I ask how you know this?

Anyway, GT4 can be used with the Driving Force Pro, therefore it wins by default.

Why anyone would want to play a sim with a controller, one will never know.
I see you put down 'Amazing Physics' for Forza... may I ask how you know this?

Anyway, GT4 can be used with the Driving Force Pro, therefore it wins by default.

Why anyone would want to play a sim with a controller, one will never know.
Maybe some people can't aford one?
First of all...Why would you need reverse lights? No good racer EVER uses his (or her) reverse button...

Secondly...Someone commented on how GT4 has had no competition until, If KY (I dont know his full name) has any clue on how to make an amazing game (which, we are all sure he does) he will take a look at the competitors game, yes, walk onto the opponents playing field and check out the game that is in development...he will see that they have some features that GT4 doesnt/will not have and will make another feature in the game that will blow the other, small, feature out of the water...I mean, who knows, he probably saw that some game coming out had, say.....modifiable cars, now if KY KNOWS that he cannot have exterior modification in his game, he will compensate, such the case as Photomode, another game had a great feature, now KY has included Photomode which will kill that small feature in any challenge it is put up to...

Basically, to sum it all up, Forza will be great for Xbox owners, its going to be the best racing game for the Xbox console, but we all know that KY will not let his game fail and fall into the dust, he will see that its good, got a feature that his game doesnt have and boom we will have another GTPlanet Headline "New GT4 Feature Added"...

So my words of wisdom, hold your money untill the games are out, go try them out at a friends house or EBGames and see which one you like better, afterall, we cannot tell you which game to like and enjoy, the descision is yours...

Oh and BTW, I Think GT4 will kill Forza in evrey way possible, Im a GT fan for life...
We don't know much about either game, we know less about Forza than GT4, until both games are out and you've actually played both of them you can't say which will be better. Whatever the case though GT4 will far outsell Forza on the basis of it's name and that it's on PS2.
First of all...Why would you need reverse lights? No good racer EVER uses his (or her) reverse button...

Secondly...Someone commented on how GT4 has had no competition until, If KY (I dont know his full name) has any clue on how to make an amazing game (which, we are all sure he does) he will take a look at the competitors game, yes, walk onto the opponents playing field and check out the game that is in development...

So my words of wisdom, hold your money untill the games are out, go try them out at a friends house or EBGames and see which one you like better, afterall, we cannot tell you which game to like and enjoy, the descision is yours...

Oh and BTW, I Think GT4 will kill Forza in evrey way possible, Im a GT fan for life...

First KY = Kazunori Yamauchi. (Spelling??)

Secondly, ur WRONG. Forza has been in the works for almost 2 yrs. Have u heard of it 2 yrs ago, i would think NOT because like GT4, the developers are being quiet about it so that the competition would not get an advantage over them. So i don kno where u got the "KY looking at competitors game".

3rd - ur right in holding on to his money until all games r out.
To GT3_master
But if PD look at the competitions games to get better, what makes you think the competition doesn't look at PD's games and improve on what PD have done in their own games? The fact is, what ever PD can do, others will try to improve on and vice versa, don't think that JUST because it's GT, that it won't and can't be beaten (hell GT4s physics have allready been beaten by GTR), Gt games certainly are not as perfect as people make out, they are usually full of silly little flaws that should have been sorted out ages ago, flaws listed many many times. Saying stuff like "oh but if you drive well you will never flip a car, so I don't wanna see cars flipping" does not count, this is 2004, not 1995. The fact that a sim actually limits the amount your car can tip over is just sad. Roll on Gt5 where I pray they can finally realise that cars CRASH :P. I may sound like a moaning little *****, but it just annoys me that pd add stupid crap like 3d people (wow I care) but misses stuff like reverse lights etc. Stupid.
but it just annoys me that pd add stupid crap like 3d people (wow I care) but misses stuff like reverse lights etc. Stupid.

This my be going into unchartered territory but how do you know that this isnt in the development? we still have a long time till the game is released, I know that none of the screen shots show half the stuff that will really end up in the final release of GT4...I do remember sombody somewhere saying they PD is going to push as hard as they can to make the rims look as 3D as possible...ive seen screenshots and movies, and to me, the rims still look flat...and to add to the quote, somebody somewher will be like "ya greate reverse lights! 👎 , but the people still look flat!"

Still, im sticking to my original post, save your money until both games are out and you yourself make the final descision
I may sound like a moaning little *****, but it just annoys me that pd add stupid crap like 3d people (wow I care) but misses stuff like reverse lights etc. Stupid.

The irony of this statement is crushing. :boggled:

Anyways. The logical thing to do, it seems to me, would be to wait till both games come out. They should come out relatively close to one another, and then you can look at tons of reviews, impressions from people who have played both, and make your choice. You state that you're mainly interested in a console because of those two games, so there's no need to rush. Also you might get a better deal if you wait as there's shure to be bundles for both games and maybe even a price drop.

Much like everyone else I don't know much about Forza, but in GT4's favor I don't see how it can compete with the sheer amount of manpower that's put into the game. I mean they walk the tracks with GPS backbacks, they model them dor months, take thousands or tens of thousands of pictures for reference, test car after car on them... and I could go on.

As a racing game fan I hope Forza turns out fantastic, because more means better, but at the moment the dedication and flat out fanaticism of Polyphony has got me primed for the latest instalment without even waiting for reviews.

Still, I'll reiterate: Don't look at this as PS2 vs. X-Box., its Forza vs. GT4, and until they're both out there's no need to hurry.

EDIT: My reading sucks :dunce: , basically I'm agreeing with GT3 Master GT4
There is no irony in my statement what so ever, cars HAVE reverse lights, they need then, a game DOESN'T need spectators that wave abit. Gt4 is simulation, a simulation of cars, not people waving. My point was why add crap like that, when it means toning down other more important bits.
First of all...Why would you need reverse lights? No good racer EVER uses his (or her) reverse button...

I'm a terrible driver, i'll be spinning out lot's so everytime I reverse I can't see any reverse lights it seems like such a small detail to miss out on.

I see you put down 'Amazing Physics' for Forza... may I ask how you know this?

I'm going on other people's opinions from E3 and the generalvibe through the community is that this game 'Forza' Handled BETTER than GT4 at E3

Anyway, GT4 can be used with the Driving Force Pro, therefore it wins by default.

The DFP is quite expensive and not everyone could afford a Luxuary item such as the DFP and I don't think it wins by default

Sorry if i'm seeming Pro Microsoft, i'm un biast and both game's look awsome does anyone here know what online play will be like in GT4 and Forza how many car's on screen etc.....
Well for some reason you seem to think that a RACING game NEEDS reverse lights. Although its not the case with me maybe you could find some one that thinks a RACING game NEEDS spectators. Both are completely subjective and in my mind equally irrelevant.
It doesn't need reverse lights, but features like this are all part of making it feel more realistic, more believible. It still looks damn silly when you revese your car, and the reverse light doesn't come on, even though the texture for the light is staring you in the face.
I doubt GTR's physics are more realistic than the latest gt4 build physics. They weren't all that more realistic than gt4p's physics.
Cobra, are you suggesting you ps2 can handle a better physics engine then my pc, because if you are, your a bigger fool then I ever thought. GTR is a hardcore sim, something that GT4 is not, nor ever will be.
So the ps2 makes the physics now? Doesnt matter, PD is making the physics and they are better than GTR's. Maybe you should look in the mirror to see the fool. As a racing sim, GTR wins but as a driving sim, gt4 wins. GTR is as hardcore as Gran Prix 4 which gt3 beat. And when I say racing sim, I mean the factors of racing like brake fade which gt4 doesnt have and other factors.
Cobra, try this, on gtp apply the handbreak, and move the cars wheels left to right. HANG ABOUT, the car doesn't move, how odd, gt4 must have magic frictionless front wheels when not moving. Now fire up the GTR DEMO, and do the same, corrr blimeh, turning the wheel actually effects the whole angle of the car even when still, just like a real one. Hell, gtr even has factors such as tyre heat etc effecting the drive. GTR is as realistic as it gets.

Physics are VERY system intensive, the simple fact is, you can do more with more power, and when your stuck with 300mhz...well...there are limits (the angle of tip limitation may possibly be one of them). [ Hardcore PC sim]

Netkar, is an intense driving experiance each car has a fully moddeled interior, beatifully rendered car's and some awsome tracks and the best Part it's FREE I know real race drivers who actually Race with this NO traction control soon weeds out the good drivers from bad and needless to say i'm awfull :yuck:

Live for speed, is a quality little title at £12 a time well priced, and the Physics are absolutly amazing with fully rendered inetriors not as good as Netkar imho

if you guys wish I have a whole list that I could post in a sepearte thread but if you have a wheel or a anolog controller give NetKar a try
Downloading netkar now! It can't be as realistic as Gt4 because ummmm ehhhhrrrr because ummm because Pd didn't make it (cobra logic)
You are talking about car dynamics, I'm merely talking about the driving. Like the turns, stops, etc. What about track times? In gt4, the final game, you will be able to get tracks times on real track, 2 to 5 sec off. What about GTR? You never know what PD has for us. I remember board member sven, telling me he had saw this vid of the PD team recording the sound of the horn from a Vanquish, kind of weird huh?