GT5 Colour Database [Complete!]

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
This is wonderful OP, I've been using it alot collecting cars, and now collecting paint chips as well.

I came across an issue this afternoon, I didn't see a can-am white chip associated with the '69 stingray in the database. I'm convinced this is an error because I have the car/color with 0 switches, I've seen it in sharky's car shak, and I also compared the colors on the stingray to those on the convertible (premium) and noticed they are all the same except for can-am white.

Just a heads up. Keep up the good work!!

I can confirm that this is an issue as I have a '69 stingray in can-am white as well.

It's possible that the Dover White entry for the stingray should be Can-Am White as the premium version of the '69 corvette doesn't have Dover White (according to the spreadsheet. I have not checked the NCD.)
Bonjour tout le monde ,
Apparemment la Lotus Motor Sport Elise '99 n'est pas répertoriée dans le fichier , il en existe 8 de couleurs différente dans le jeu .
Merci pour votre aide

I believe this has been covered in this thread, the Lotus Motor Sport Elise '99 colors aren't included in the database because paint chips aren't acquired when the car is.
What is the exact color for a JDM midori green? ive found a few that are really close. One of them is "Silk Green Metallic" and the other is "Light Aqua Metallic" and i dont know where i got either of them, i want to paint my spoon ek hatch midori green but cannot find one. is there anybody who knows of a cult following that use a specific paint chip to achieve this or where i can get them? ive searched forum to find nothing. please help!:)
New paint chips, introduced with the 2.02 update:

Mini - Spice Orange Metallic *MINI Cooper S '11
Mini - Hot Chocolate Metallic *MINI Cooper S '11
Mini - Eclipse Grey Metallic *MINI Cooper S '11
Mini - Midnight Black Metallic *MINI Cooper S '11
Mini - British Racing Green II Metallic *MINI Cooper S '11
Mini - Ice Blue *MINI Cooper S '11
Mini - White Silver Metallic *MINI Cooper S '11
Nissan - Meteor Flake Black Pearl (2P) *GT-R Black edition R35 '12
Nissan - Aurora Flare Blue Pearl (2P) *GT-R Black edition R35 '12
Toyota - Satin White Pearl *86 GT '12 & FT-86 II Concept '11 (?)
Toyota - Sterling Silver Metallic *86 GT '12 & FT-86 II Concept '11 (?)
Toyota - Galaxy Blue Silica *86 GT '12 & FT-86 II Concept '11 (?)
Toyota - Crystal Black Silica *86 GT '12 & FT-86 II Concept '11 (?)
VW - Rising Blue Metallic *Golf VI R '10 & Scirocco R '10
VW - Deep Black Perleffekt *Golf VI R '10

Toyota - Lightning Red *86 GT '12 & FT-86 II Concept '11 (?) (no paint chip)
Toyota - Orange Metallic *86 GT '12 & FT-86 II Concept '11 (?) (no paint chip; color looks like the Orange Metallic from the Toyota Caldina)

Unsure about the other colors. They are already in the game, but they could have a different color hue. But I guess that's it. :)👍

Have to re-check it after I've sent myself all new colors 2x. :D
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Hello folks - sadly, this is the end of the road for this thread: with my blessing, Duck has created the much more thorough Car Catalogue, using much of this database as a rough guide. As he is working on it more regularly and keeping it updated, I'll direct you all over there to take advantage of his excellent contribution to the community 👍

Thank you for all the support with this project over the months, all involved! I'm glad I could help at some point. I'll be de-stickying this in a few days to free up space and spread awareness for the new and improved thread :)
I'll be posting here and in the other colour thread to pass on what I think is either a new bug in the 2.06/2.07 GT5 updates or else a bug that has been there before but not previously uncovered relating to apparently new unique paint chips for previously received colour paints. With the recent introduction of the new Expert level B-Spec events, I received quite a few second placings and was awarded the customary Paint Chip. For Seasonal events previously, second placings were very rare for me, so I had not received any paint chips to be absolutely sure that this bug did previously exist. Here is the conumdrum; so far for 100% of paint chips received as a prize for second place in Seasonal events any new paint chip that has been awarded for the first time, eg Black for Dodge when checked against your inventory of Dodge Black paints appears to be a new unique paint chip (no other Black paint chips ticked as a match). I didn't think much of this to begin with until I started receiving new paint chips for colours where they were previously only available for one model car only. This is why I believe that this is a bug as Polyphony would not have all of sudden & unannounced introduced a whole slew of new Paint chips after almost a year and half after game's first introduction. Has anyone else observed this behaviour in the game so far?
Like I said before not many players are going to be aiming for second place especially those who also collect the Paint Chips too, which is why this may not have been seen before. Additional testing taking place at the moment; but this new Paint chip award appears to be present for all Seasonal events which offer this as a prize, and provided you have not been awarded the same colour chip twice the new chip will always appear to be unique.

Google Docs version!

Important: This thread is out of date as of September 03, 2011: Please visit Duck's excellent Car Catalogue Megabase for all paint chip purposes.

Annoyed with PD's approach to painting cars? Join the club. Been on the hunt for that specific hue of red and just don't know where to find it? Wonder no more! I've created this as a handy tool for the colour-obsessed like me to not just keep track of what they might have in their save(s), but which colours are found where. You thought Silver Chrome was rare? Ha.

The list by default is sorted alphabetically by Make then Colour Type, followed by Colour Name. Use the drop-down menu at the top to narrow searches - selecting "Yes" for the New column will display all paints available in the NCD, for example. The 3 columns on the right are there for users to keep track of their stock in up to 3 different accounts - if you have more, just add another column! The User Total is only designed for three columns for now, though, but if you have a basic understanding of Excel you can fix that. The most important thing to keep in mind is what we'll refer to as the Order Of Availability:

New: Colour can be obtained in the New Car Dealerships. Always available, credits allowing.
UCD: This column tracks which colour was the only available colour for a specific car prior to the 1.06 patch. After that, all cars' palettes are available. Still, a UCD cycle file is always helpful!
Prize: Car is won at stated event. The entire palette is up for grabs… but you'll only get one (not entirely true, thanks to Digital Nitrate). Check Prize list!
Gift: Technically everything, including Mattes and Chromes, can be daily gifts. It's the Gift-only's that are the hard ones.

Future plans are (hopefully) an Access version, so instead of scrolling through dozens of Brilliant Black entries, users will be able to select only unique colour options, and the program would spit out a list of all cars it comes on. Perhaps a web-based edition. We shall see.

I only ask you don't try to pass this off as your own doing; it took quite a lot of time. Other than that, enjoy!

Update History:

01.18.11 - Thread created. Full list revision history available in file.
01.19.11 - 300SL and Cobra standard model chips added. Spelling errors fixed.
01.25.11 - Numerous Paint Category listings updated, new UCD finds clarified.
02.09.11 - A handful of fixes, more categorization. The halfway mark is basically hit: 36/73 makes complete!
02.18.11 - Just when I had found every UCD car... PD switches it all up. 10 paints left to be categorized. GD edition available.
03.22.11 - A large update: Unique Colours page added. Have yet to get it matched up with an autosum, but soon!
06.07.11 - Well, it took months, but finally, the Unique Colours works as planned!
08.03.11 - Massive update done; hello automation!
08.17.11 - Done!
09.03.11 - Fixed some spelling errors, erased the WiLL VS' Black.
01.27.12 - And with that, this is done.

Latest Counts:
Total Chips: 4916
Used Cars Found: Complete
Thanks sir but can you add photos? If you can just so I know what they all look like.