GT5 Dynamic Theme Redeem Codes INSIDE!!! More codes coming 10/28!

  • Thread starter eSZee
If there are any more codes going spare I would absolutely love one! Something else to add to my GT Collection :)
I would love that dynamic theme on my PS3! If someone could send me one! What info do you need to send me the code if you have one available? What do I have to do to get one?
I bought a razor to get a code but now I can't register on the website. Every time i try to register it gives me a white screen with some crappy error message! I hope its just a temporary thing.

Here is the error report

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

/gt5/register.asp, line 76

Ok it worked today!
hi , tomorrow is my birth day please if you give me a code im really happy and best gift for me from your site :) im waiting for your message . thanks .....
I'd appreciate a code if still possible, I've been on GTP for quite some time! Thanks!

I'd buy a razor, but I'm a beard guy...
seriously someone post a video on youtube of the theme?

It has been requested so many times?

All you people do is beg and run when you get it!

seriously someone post a video on youtube of the theme?

It has been requested so many times?

All you people do is beg and run when you get it!


How about just searching there is one already on youtube.

I see, so no icons work at all. That's good for me I guess :D Just need to get a code so I can have the dynamic background use only :embarrassed:
hmm its not that impresive.. actually its kinda dull. HOWEVER its way better than no GT-related theme! :P

i dont care though, i dont spend my time in the menu
Hey, Dave. Would you mind giving me a code for the "GT5 Theme"? I have an HD Camera, so I would make a HD video of it, so people can see it clearly. I just uploaded the "GT5 - Qore Episode 30" video on

Thank you.
Hi again, please if some one have code send me please, i really want it, im not live in US :guilty: i'm from Europe and can't buy a Schick..., but i have US PS account. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
okay I just downloaded the theme on my psp and ps3 (it's 2 in 1) and I would rate it a 6 out of 10. I didn't get the suit because I don't know what it's good for.. Anyways the razor is a 8 out of 10 in my opinion, but GT5 should've teamed up with Gillete Pro Glide..
I know I'm new here, but I've been a big GT fan since 1998 when the first installment came out. Would anyone be so kind as to send me a code?
I cant even figure out how to preorder the CE version in the first place, so yeah, Im a pretty long way off from getting this code. lolll

EDIT: Wait I see it on amazon, there is nothing about a dynamic theme there. How do you actually get this code?