GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
Official standings as of now. OP has been updated as of this post. E.&O.E. Please inform ASAP if any discrepancies are noted.


These are Whoosier-ruled events; only one title may be won from this section by any one individual. If a driver wins more than one title he may pick one - the other(s) go to the runner(s)-up.

Whoosier Rule On. Event designed by smoothbore12
Winner gets Design-an-event Ticket for ARCADE Time Trial Event using car and track of their choice

smoothbore12: 0:43.953
RMan72: 0:44.002


Whoosier Rule On. Event designed by bjl23
Winner gets Design-an-event Ticket for any National Level event.

RMan72: +1:12.556 (P1/P6 - 507 '57)
bjl23: +1:00.494 - (P1/P6 - Corvette Convertible C1 '54)
smoothbore12: +59.201 (?)


Whoosier Rule On. Event designed by photonrider
Winner gets Design-an-event Ticket for any Event from S-Class

lfm58: +0:50.055
RMan72: +0:47.708


The gloves are off; no Whoosier-rule. Bag all the trophies - it's a free-for all, all players legal to enter. Grab what you can, fighting it out tooth and nail with every advantage you got, and no quarter asked. This is where you find your spot on the Trophy Board.

Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by photonrider. Winner gets to pick next Goodwood Hillclimb event.
lfm58: 56.188
smoothbore12: 56.795
RMan72: 56.928


GT DRAFTMASTER - 2011 Monster Sport SX4 Pikes
Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by RMan72
Winner gets to pick next car from any of the cars the AI uses in the event for next round.
lfm58: 4:17.714
RMan72: 4:20.350


Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by photonrider
RMan72: 6:56.940
bjl23: 7:00.456


Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by photonrider
RMan72: 1:41.268
lfm58: 1:41.676
smoothbore12: 1:43.886
bjl23 1:44.995


Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by photonrider
lfm58: 1:42.464
RMan72: 1:43.122
smoothbore12: 1:44.845


Exclusively for new Hunters at the AI HUB. Eligible entries will be accepted only from players with no (or less than 3) titles. These are Whoosier-ruled events; however, it is independent of other Whoosier-ruled sections, and players may also claim titles in those sections.

Whoosier Rule ON. Event designed by photonrider. Winner gets Design-an-Event Ticket for any International A Licence event
Awaiting entries


Whoosier Rule ON. Event designed by photonrider.
Racin510s: +30.969


Whoosier Rule ON. Event designed by photon rider. Winner gets Design-an-event Ticket for any Career Mode race event eligible for VGTs, with player also using a VGT.
D. Molinari - V12 LMR '99 - Racin510s


Only the tried, tested, and true play in here - this section is exclusively for Licenced GTHunters who have persevered tirelessly to get those first 3 kills that earns them Vic Reign Rights. Entries eligible only from players qualified with 3 or more titles on the Trophy Board.

Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by photonrider. Eligible entries from Licenced GTHunters only (player has 3 or more trophies.)
lfm58 : P1 + 3 rabbits = 6 Pts
smoothbore12 : P1 = 3 Pts


Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by photonrider. Eligible entries from Licenced GTHunters only (player has 3 or more trophies.)
RMan72: +55.237
smoothbore12: +30.255
bjl23: +28.310


Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by smoothbore12. Eligible entries from Licenced GTHunters only (player has 3 or more trophies.)
lfm58: P1 (4:46.931)
RMan72: P1 (4:47.312)
smoothbore12 : P2

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I don' t know how many times try the VGT ........ just stop when my thumb ( gas pressing ) feels like wood .
Use to quit on the begining of the 3 lap when i was about 20 and sometimes more sec. behind Molinary.
I finish one race and watch the replay and i realize that this guy looses about 10 sec in last lap !!!!
Also the gap from me drops significant.
Sometimes also ( after finishing all the trys from then) the gap remains about the same and he did times down
to 11.26.....24.
I don' t know how or when i will be lucky to give him the banana

But ill try it.
I don' t know how many times try the VGT ........ just stop when my thumb ( gas pressing ) feels like wood .
Use to quit on the begining of the 3 lap when i was about 20 and sometimes more sec. behind Molinary.
I finish one race and watch the replay and i realize that this guy looses about 10 sec in last lap !!!!
Also the gap from me drops significant.
Sometimes also ( after finishing all the trys from then) the gap remains about the same and he did times down
to 11.26.....24.
I don' t know how or when i will be lucky to give him the banana
View attachment 741702

But ill try it.

Fortunately @Racin510s did the PEAK SPEEDVISIONARY event - and we have an alternate leader board to compare with.
The AI in this game are - in short - unpredictable.
"You never know with rabbits.' (As explained in Post #2.) :dopey:

Molinari was playing with Racin510s - check his time.
Then he unleashes hell when the spikes are off and the runners are barefoot in the ALPINE VGT TROPHY
As soon as players start to hit the upper limits of the rubber band he gets all sorts of magical speed (obviously speed left in reserve and not used in the race against Racin510s)
But how fast can the LMR really go? That depends on a non-licenced player taking the Alpine to the max (for an eligible entry) and dragging Molinari along (till Molinari loses control of the LMR :lol: )
We've proved over and over that the AI can only go as fast as permissible; if they push the limits of physics they lose control of the car as much as any human driver (however logical and dextrous) would. To get him to go as fast as possible (and meet the challenge the PEAK SPEEDVISIONARY event calls for) would be to practically nursemaid him through the track at his (and the particular car's - with whatever tune PD has applied to it) optimum performance via simulation to find out how fast he can go.
Easier said than done.
For now - he's holding back in the PEAK SPEEDVISIONARY event while pushing Licenced Hunters to the max in the ALPINE VGT TROPHY.

Licenced Hunters have a different mission using this same car at the same track - vying for the ALPINE VGT TROPHY.
Finding all the 3 top rabbits on the grid is first a challenge in itself.
Then (sans SRF and in a stock vehicle) taking on those top rabbits and seeing how fast they can go is the next layer - beating them at it while leading them along.
When we look at @lfm58's leader board we see that Molinari was nudging the Gladiator along to the max, Faulkner hot on his tail.
If lfm58 went faster would Molinari go even faster? How good is that LMR?
These are the lovely questions we like to ask in understanding the game, the potential of the cars as we simulate them (and their relative performances at the different tracks) and the quintessential idiosyncrasies of this AI - as they evolve into future generations of AI.

I have to add, smoothbore12, that your attacks on the various challenges are a sight to behold - never quitting to get as close as possible to the astounding aliens that frequent this thread. Nicely done. 👍 Some of your times are only thousandths of a second behind the leaders - and that's saying something!

Well . . . we're heading into that final weekend - the time when all those MTM cards suddenly appear (MTM Cards = stashed leader boards with phenomenal times thrown in at the last moment, for any newbies in here.)
Some of the events are still touch and go when we're looking at P1 - thousandths of a second apart - and still room for that final upset.

Obviously a bit of tension in the air then till midnight on Sunday. :cheers:
Good luck with grabbing a title but - above all - enjoy the events.
Reading Racin510s report on his ride in the Alpine at Sarthe assures me that the enjoyment level is high - and that makes this whole effort worth it. :)
Boss druida @photonrider ......... don' t know about the big boys but......but i drive molinari on his limits :lol:

Molinari gets crazy


My time isn' t what was meant to be cause of a heavy crash in last lap ( put reverse twice to get out :lol: )
And not that i was about to win...... with or whithout that crach 3 was my place anyway.

Ill find the way to give him the " banana".
Looks like you skinned the whole bunch, @smoothbore12.

So - the latest standings for this trophy:

Whoosier Rule Off. Event designed by photonrider. Eligible entries from Licenced GTHunters only (player has 3 or more trophies.)

Venue: CAREER MODE/International A/Dream Car Championship/Race 4 - Circuit de la Sarthe
Objective: Highest points. If tied then faster finish by player. POINTS: Win = 3 Points. For each of the following AI in the field =1 Point ; Faulkner, Molinari, Carpentier. Maximum : 6 Points
Vehicle: Stock ALPINE VGT Race Mode (599 PP/443 HP - RH tires)
Regulations: No Car Settings allowed. SRF off, all other Driver Settings as desired.

lfm58 : P1 + 3 rabbits = 6 Pts ( 11:27.723 )
smoothbore12 : P1 + 3 rabbits = 6 Pts ( 11:30.779 )
Looks like you skinned the whole bunch, @smoothbore12.

These rabbits are totaly unpredictable , usualy molinari fights faulkner but in the card above he puts a 10 sec. gap on him and did 11.17!!!!! Which is impossible to go down there ( at least for me).
What i remeber from that attempt is that i was higher than usualy in the first lap ( am in 7 place most of the times) and pass the AMG earlier .
Molinari then...... unleashed hell and i wasn't even close .

Some comments after hours of trying .

My Alpine feels a bit better when has more miles on it.
Seems have better top speed in the track.
My laps as i realized playing this in time trial ( i did that also :lol:) there in no way to consider as " white ones" and i want to be honest with that.
Touch a plastic column and you are red.....get slightly out of track and you are red.
Of course my opponents touch the columns ( find them on my way ) and sometimes i did ,but what i use to do most is at the 2 S in the big straight was:
First S full inside near the right wall , second S far outside to the left side and in one left turn close to the end with the wall to the right ,there i am on far left allover the kerb and shaving the wall to keep up the speed for the final approach.
To win this one you must "convince" somehow the frond runners that you are not a threat and have the luck to move in a lazy rythm.
To win this one you must "convince" somehow the front runners that you are not a threat and have the luck to move in a lazy rythm.

Bingo! You are truly sussing out this AI.

The more you play, the more you'll understand - if you were lucky enough to save a replay of the race in which Molinari did 11:17.686
and get into the cockpit with him for the whole race you'll be riding with quite a fabulous driver - a simulation of perfect reflexes and an almost ultra-cool savour faire in handling the car.
Something you did in the early part of the race spooked him and he took off like a . . . rabbit. :lol: He drove the car to its optimum performance for that race.
Compare to the speed he did to win the race with Racin510s - 11:40. + . In that race he was 'pacing' Racin510s - dragging him along, making Racin510s work as hard as possible to the limits of his driving skills.
The game does this to improve your game.

There's is so much more to address in your post - but later!

Following @photonrider advice to upset Molinari and then watch the replay .........

Just took other car and start the chase , follow him in all the 3d lap.
He did 10.58 easily !!
Comments from the replay :
Its not only the fastest in the field , his driving is untouchable, never ive the track, never hit Faulkner or me ,never was out of line , so " clean " that even @skeagracing will envy him .
If i have the time ill try to find out the scenario that @Racin510s hypnotize him with the Alpine .



@smoothbore12: 0:43.953
@RMan72: 0:44.002


@RMan72: +1:12.556
@bjl23: +1:00.494
@smoothbore12 +59.201


@RMan72: 55.605
@lfm58: 56.188
@smoothbore12: 56.795

GT DRAFTMASTER - 2011 Monster Sport SX4 Pikes

@RMan72: 4:16.443
@lfm58: 4:17.714


@lfm58: 6:48.344
@RMan72: 6:56.940
@bjl23: 6:59.266


@RMan72: 1:41.268
@lfm58: 1:41.676
@smoothbore12: 1:43.886
@bjl23: 1:44.995



@Racin510s: + 30.969


@Racin510s: V12 LMR ‘99 - 11:40.922


@RMan72: 6 points - 11:15.188
@lfm58: 6 points - 11:27.723
@smoothbore12: 6 points - 11:30.779

@RMan72: +55.237
@smoothbore12: +30.255
@bjl23: +28.310


@RMan72: P1 - 4:44.076
@lfm58: P1 - 4:46.931
@smoothbore12 : P2


@RMan72: 1:41.639
@lfm58: 1:42.464
@smoothbore12: 1:44.845


@RMan72: 52.419
@lfm58: 50.055
@bjl23: 45.860

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Wow..... bodies are falling there.
@RMan72 took a last night ride to gather all the " candy" , confirming once again the Boogeyman name.

Me taking a late chance , trying to avoid penaltys - sand and finding the brake marks .....

Prance instructor endry
You're technically 100% correct so.....

Just for clarification purposes & so that everyone is clear about this, it might be a good idea to establish exactly when a deadline expires.
In the B-SPEC HUB and CHALLENGE HUB I put the deadline as 11:59pm so there is no confusion and a countdown link like photonrider did in his last post.
As i wrote above the time comes to share my tune for nascar single hot lap.
I read almost everything for the nascars in the gt planet ,try many things, different tunes ,potencial of the cars from different years etc.and that started with the very first " fight" with @lfm58 and at the end with @RMan72
Which i was the lucky one.
I want to ad some comments first.

Its not all the cars the same ,some have a bit higher speed as is what i use for it and its all about precision to maintain the speed at the end of the turns making very small moves to straight it up.
This car hit 337-338 khm and can go in the finish line at 329-330 which is the tip to start a magic lap passing as close to the left side and do the minimum corrections to go straight hiting easy 335 before the first turn.
May sounds easy but it isn't.
After so many trys i saw gain from my record but loose it in the second turn, must glue everything together.
My perpose was to go to the 43 and feels nice to turn very close here.
Last night try to brake it , was in the mood but just repeat the same time at the end.
Its different at the end from what i use in the beging and post here ,did a lot of experiments and end up very " loose" with the car cause can deal with it better.

So thats it



And for the truth of
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Midnight the 10th is 12am (6 plus hours ago)

To all players:

My bad :embarrassed: - sorry for the confusion. I should have specified 11.59 PM on the 10th of June, or 12.00 AM on the 11th, instead of rounding it off and calling it 'midnight'.

To be fair we must follow what was posted as the rule - and leader boards posted after #2898 will be disregarded.

Once again - apologies for the mix-up; formally we would close off with the Seasonals being taken down, but we have to settle on a time now that everybody around the world will be able to understand and we will get this right soon so that all players are on the same page.

Thanks for your understanding. 👍
What a pity since I was working to catch @RMan72 records… for sure challenging and funny issue
Anyway, just for statistic, a couple of scores at Monza and Big Willow Springs:

#1865 AIHUB IAMSMNZ S590RH FER458IT09 S590RH P1-P2 54644 20180610_103644.jpg

#1865 AIHUB IADCCBWS A720RH CCSC714 S600RH P1 444939 20180610_185407.jpg

I terminated a GTS TT @ Monza just yesterday therefore on fire enough to be very fast in my home circuit.
About desert circuit driving I was getting close to record before dinner and truly motivated to grab the last second gap… maybe…
