GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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The closed nature of A-Spec career mode was something that I'm sure PD had not been able to add to with updates due to the way GT5 was coded. But they say they've made the code more modular for ease of updating. I would therefore hope that they've made it possible to expand the career mode events as DLC are introduced.
I was reminded that in Prologue, when tracks were added, they were incorporated in the single player events. I've been posting occasionally that this is what they needed to do in GT5, so hopefully they took this to heart.
GT6 could have a ranking or such. Ingame you could get an email saying "Congratulations, you have been invited to a race at this track."
I was reminded that in Prologue, when tracks were added, they were incorporated in the single player events. I've been posting occasionally that this is what they needed to do in GT5, so hopefully they took this to heart.

a-spec is a progressive mode, from Sunday Cup through to professional racing. I wonder how PD could incorporate new a-spec content. I fear new tracks will just be like new seasonal events on GT5, and not really part of the career progress a-spec.
The closed nature of A-Spec career mode was something that I'm sure PD had not been able to add to with updates due to the way GT5 was coded. But they say they've made the code more modular for ease of updating. I would therefore hope that they've made it possible to expand the career mode events as DLC are introduced.

Yes ,anything to get rid of those God awful seasonals. :yuck:

Am I the only one around here(no meme intended)who sees the whole "we will add a track a month as DLC" as a very vague statement ,I mean if PD can in theory add a track a month shouldn't we already be having lots more tracks in GT5 already :odd:
I want to play a complete game, not one that has awkward bits stuck on every so often.
Yes ,anything to get rid of those God awful seasonals. :yuck:

Am I the only one around here(no meme intended)who sees the whole "we will add a track a month as DLC" as a very vague statement ,I mean if PD can in theory add a track a month shouldn't we already be having lots more tracks in GT5 already :odd:

Well in Kaz interview at Silverstone he also said he made GT6 more DLC friendly so the game is more flexible n easier to accept updates .
...Am I the only one around here(no meme intended)who sees the whole "we will add a track a month as DLC" as a very vague statement ,I mean if PD can in theory add a track a month shouldn't we already be having lots more tracks in GT5 already :odd:
How is that a vague statement? Seems pretty direct to me. The one they made after GT5 launched saying 'every few months or so', was far more vague.

This has been discussed earlier on regarding if that content should already be on-disc. My understanding was, that to wait until all, or enough of them were completed would just delay the release beyond a point that would be useful. Don't forget that they are looking (well, Sony might be) at the next-gen launch window and of course the competition will be bringing out their own next game around then too.
I want to play a complete game, not one that has awkward bits stuck on every so often.

I dont think any game ships 100% complete. More or less they are shipped as something that is satisfactory to them. Every game out always add things in and works on updates after the initial release.

You might as well go sell your console now.
Download packs are all well and good in FPS etc, but race tracks are a huge part of a driving game and are wasted as dlc if they are tagged on later without being fully utilised. DLC works fine for online play, but not for single player.
Download packs are all well and good in FPS etc, but race tracks are a huge part of a driving game and are wasted as dlc if they are tagged on later without being fully utilised. DLC works fine for online play, but not for single player.

Download packs are fine for any game, as long as they aren't already on the disc. Good DLC is not restricted to a certain genre. I'm sure if they could, they would have included every single race track in the world if they had the chance, but that cant be done. So the only way to get new tracks in after initial release is to release them as DLC. There is nothing wrong with that.

I'm half and half about the utilization, I dont really care if its added onto the Single player aspect of the game. If it is though, I'll welcome it. Although I would get almost all of my track time with that track from online most likely, that or time trials.

You are acting as if the game is going to ship with zero tracks though, which is not the case.
a-spec in Gt5 was too short. All I want to see is more longevity. More tracks on the disc can do this. If they release dlc quickly after release, then for me, it's a waste, as I won't get best use out of such tracks. I'm not that bothered about online play you see?
How is that a vague statement? Seems pretty direct to me. The one they made after GT5 launched saying 'every few months or so', was far more vague.

This has been discussed earlier on regarding if that content should already be on-disc. My understanding was, that to wait until all, or enough of them were completed would just delay the release beyond a point that would be useful. Don't forget that they are looking (well, Sony might be) at the next-gen launch window and of course the competition will be bringing out their own next game around then too.

I meant that how is it possible PD can on average have a new track ready per month :odd: GT5 launched what 2 years ago,shouldn't this mean we will get 24 different new tracks? either that or like you said they could be intentionally holding back content .
a-spec in Gt5 was too short. All I want to see is more longevity. More tracks on the disc can do this. If they release dlc quickly after release, then for me, it's a waste, as I won't get best use out of such tracks. I'm not that bothered about online play you see?

I agree with you, it was very short. Although I never really cared for the single player aspect, other then for collecting credits. Either way, it would not be possible for them to model the amount of tracks needed, to actually ad to the longevity of single player. Yes, they can most likely get a good amount of new tracks in before launch, but that will hardly do anything for the single player. If they barely have 7(supposedly) new tracks from the time from between GT5 and GT6, the I find it hard to believe that they can produce much more in time to make it before release. Its not very reasonable of an expectation.

The only way I see its single player getting a big boost, is if they use a track many, many times for different categories. Put alot of emphasis on many.

They have enough tracks(hopefully), They also have a deadline. Which can restrict how many of a certain thing gets into the game before that said deadline. So let them finish what they can, and afterwards when all that is out of the way, they can work on the extra goodies for everyone.
They're obviously holding tracks back, there is no other explanation how they can be sure of that DLC schedule SIX MONTHS before the game is even pressed.

Also DLC tracks aren't just a problem to single player, people don't buy them and so whenever they turn up online either people force the host to skip it or 3/4 of the room leave.
They're obviously holding tracks back, there is no other explanation how they can be sure of that DLC schedule SIX MONTHS before the game is even pressed.
If that is the case, then that would be pretty upsetting.

Also DLC tracks aren't just a problem to single player, people don't buy them and so whenever they turn up online either people force the host to skip it or 3/4 of the room leave.
Yup, can be said about most games to. The release of DLC like tracks and map packs in certain games usually cuts the amount of people you are able to play with if you wanted to actually play those new packs. You can really see the effect with games that have smaller community's. Although, games like COD dont really seem to be effected by things like that because there are so many blind buy's that your always going to have someone to play with.
They're obviously holding tracks back, there is no other explanation how they can be sure of that DLC schedule SIX MONTHS before the game is even pressed.

Also DLC tracks aren't just a problem to single player, people don't buy them and so whenever they turn up online either people force the host to skip it or 3/4 of the room leave.

1) Good point, if this turns out too be true I will be disappointed to see PD follow many 'greedier' developers in not releasing full games, although if the game were released with nothing held back people would just moan about the lack of DLC...

2) Also it becomes incredibly hard to find a selection of rooms on the DLC tracks (see GT5) due to this reason and the hassle it causes. It is frustrating as it leaves you feeling ripped off, you've paid for this extra content and there are barely any opportunities to make the most of it.
I understand the need to make money, but please PD, don't just dump extra tracks post release. Maybe add extra evolutions of the existing career a-spec mode. I don't mind paying, just make it worthwhile. I was quickly bored of the GT5 dlc just because there was little to do with it.
It will be especially annoying if the tracks they hold back are the old legacy tracks. They've had these tracks in their repository since day one of PS3 development ready to update, 8 years ago or more. To see most of them not utilized in that eight years over two games and then suddenly thrown at us as premium DLC over a few months following release will be a total slap in the face.
Just saying something kinda unimportant in some ways but, the official Gran Turismo youtube page changed the name of the GT6 concept video to "GT6 concept movie #1 2013 Silverstone". This means that we will obviously have more than 1 concept video and seeing as this is close to E3, we may see one there.
I'm pretty certain we will see playable demos of the game and PD will surely be presenting the game, giving further details [I hope lol]
DLC is here to stay so we'd better get used to it. DLC tracks ready to go in the first month aren't necessarily ready on launch day. You can get a lot of work done in a month if you focus on it, so while I'm sure some actually are ready to go on launch day, others are in various stages of completion. As long as we get them and the DLC is not priced outrageously I'm happy to be getting more and more content. I expect the DLC will be $15 or less.
I think I remember hearing some of the DLC (not specified) might be free. Can't remember where I heard that though.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but it is worth considering that some DLC tracks could be free updates/ downloads.

Edit: looks like killa beat me to it :)
The cost does not concern me; it's the value added to the game that's important.
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