GTA: SA - Have you reserved your copy?

  • Thread starter Acid X
Yeah there was just a thread made about it.

If you check the time of my post and the thread (pirated thread), you will see I made that post 2hrs before the thread was made.
Well, I put down a deposit and pre-ordered my copy today. The guy in the shop said that 400 copies had been pre-booked already and that some people had booked it six months ago. He said that even though I'd booked it, I'd be lucky to get a copy on the day of release, I'd have to wait until the next shipment arrived.

Apparently none of the game shops in town are expected to have near enough stock to satisfy demand.


Just get in straight away if you can, KM. I'm going to see what time they open and head in there as soon as it does. I did that with Vice City.
With GTA 3 and GTA VC, I just walked in the store in the morning and walked out with a copy of the game. I have never preordered and have never missed out.
Well, I put down a deposit and pre-ordered my copy today. The guy in the shop said that 400 copies had been pre-booked already and that some people had booked it six months ago. He said that even though I'd booked it, I'd be lucky to get a copy on the day of release, I'd have to wait until the next shipment arrived.

Apparently none of the game shops in town are expected to have near enough stock to satisfy demand.


Hmm You would have thought the gamming stores would have forseen the demand way before they put in there orders. Oh well, there the ones that are gonna miss out on the money when people go elsewhere, the price you pay for fiscal managment.

Also to Jimmy the only reason i was talkin about other games is bacause i was trying to get a point across.
Also to Jimmy the only reason i was talkin about other games is bacause i was trying to get a point across.
Oh no, I don't care. I was just using it as part of my joke.
With GTA 3 and GTA VC, I just walked in the store in the morning and walked out with a copy of the game. I have never preordered and have never missed out.
Some stores are less frequented than others. The store where I live is fairly popular, and copies sell out pretty quickly.
Jimmy Enslashay
Some stores are less frequented than others. The store where I live is fairly popular, and copies sell out pretty quickly.
Yeah same here, thats why i was surprised when the guy at my gamestore said everyone who pre-ordered will be guaranteed a copy.
If you check the time of my post and the thread (pirated thread), you will see I made that post 2hrs before the thread was made.
I saw this but I thought since when you would have read my reply the thread was already made, you could've added your comments there.
Event Horizon
The window was maximized. That would make no difference...

It would've missed off the Taskbar at the bottom... Sometimes the TaskBar might have something showing that you don't want the entire world to know...

Either way though it's a useful tip to people that don't know it.

Yeah, I know that trick, but since I have nothing to hide in my taskbar Why bother? Anyway this is quite off topic.
I just realised the greatest problem with the later release date :grumpy:
I start my half term holidays today, which is basically just a week off, but I also have monday and tuesday off because of teacher training days. The problem is the new date has pushed the order back to 29th (as we all know). I then have to wait for teh game to be delivered which knowing my luck will be the day i go back to school :(.
Don't ask how I only just worked this out. The other thing I've realised is that I'm going to town on Friday for a mates birthday (only found out we were today) so perhaps I can cancel my order to amazon and pick it up then. Think they will have any stock left when I get there?
Well, I just got back from my EBGames, and it looks like they will be getting their shipment of SA on Tuesday. Not a big deal to me, since the difference between getting the game Monday night and Tuesday afternoon is not a big deal, since it will only end up costing me around 2 hours of gameplay time.

But, I've got my driving test on Wednesday, the day after the game comes out. I'll be really pissed off if I get failed on some technicality... and I hope my driving habits in GTA don't transfer over to my driving test. :nervous:

Oh well, I've got all day Thursday to play SA. I'm taking the day off school since we only have half hour periods thanks to a grade 10 literacy test!
Its working out perfect for me-- I am well out of school but I scheduled a weeks vacation starting on October 29th-- I scheduled it last year knowing Rockstar likes to put out GTA in late october. I am off on the 26th, work 27th and 28th and then have 7 days off-- now if I can keep my wife off my back I'm home free. :dopey:
I just realised the greatest problem with the later release date :grumpy:
I start my half term holidays today, which is basically just a week off, but I also have monday and tuesday off because of teacher training days. The problem is the new date has pushed the order back to 29th (as we all know). I then have to wait for teh game to be delivered which knowing my luck will be the day i go back to school :(.
Don't ask how I only just worked this out. The other thing I've realised is that I'm going to town on Friday for a mates birthday (only found out we were today) so perhaps I can cancel my order to amazon and pick it up then. Think they will have any stock left when I get there?
Well if that happens im pretty sure you'll be sick that day!, "Yeah that bug thats going around thats the one" he he. Im due to meet a clent on friday here and im gonna be late for that appointment he he, can't decide whether my car is gonna be playing up or if traffic willl be to blame, hmm?.

Also on another note i just realised that even though my release date in New Zealand is the 29th and that this coinsides with Europe and Australia. If i were to pick the game up at say 8am on that day and you guys in Aus and Euro did the same i would get it 2 hours before the aussies and 12 hours before the Europeans, yay, ah bless the intenational date line, or is it time line?
Well I've already planned it. 2 of my classes are cancelled in the morning, and people are doing "Work Placement", so nobody's going to be at school. Therefore, with those 2 factors combined, there's no point going.
i would get it 2 hours before the aussies and 12 hours before the Europeans, yay, ah bless the intenational date line, or is it time line?
Time line, because it has to do with the timezones, not dates. Also, I'll get it real early in the morning, so in order to beat me you will have to have it by 10am. ;)
I am off on the 26th, work 27th and 28th and then have 7 days off-- now if I can keep my wife off my back I'm home free.
Lucky man. Good luck with the Wife. I know how annoying it was with Vice City with my ex-Girlfriend. Emphasis on the prefix "ex".
and I hope my driving habits in GTA don't transfer over to my driving test.
GT3 has integrated into how I drive. I seem to take racing lines when I'm driving at traffic speed. GTA, thank god, hasn't. Good luck wih the Driving Test.
Jimmy Enslashay
Time line, because it has to do with the timezones, not dates. Also, I'll get it real early in the morning, so in order to beat me you will have to have it by 10am.
Hmmm? i think you might get it before me then, just though!.
I'll have it Monday at 2:30 pm ( est ).
Hmm unless you know someone who is willing to supply you the game early, in breach of there contract(if they have one)to release the game to the public in the U.S on the 26th, then i beg to differ!
I just got word from the guy up at my EB store that they will be giving out SA to people who preordered at around 7pm on the 25th. I wont be able to get mine til about 9:30pm that night cuz I gotta work. Oh well. Still getting it before the 26th. w00t.