GTP WRS-Online : Event 19 : Rotary Madness - Jan 18

  • Thread starter WRP001
Unfortunately I can't make it this saturday. Better luck next time ;) Have fun guys!
Sorry for missing last night guys, but I know I had already given Tim a heads up that I was iffy due to travel. As it worked out, I could have run upstairs and jumped in the rig right when I got home from a ~2 hour drive home from the airport, but I really did not feel up to driving. In hindsight, I should have at least made a post in here, but it did not occur to me at the time. :guilty:
I had no idea what you wanted done with the last part, so I just put the same as you did, Speedy.

No problem Kevin. We had a few no shows this week but I knew of your travels so it wasn't a surprise. It also Wasn't the type of race you could just hop in and drive. It was tough. I needed the eu race to work out kinks for NA.

I think speedy is saying lounge is open so people can sign up and start their own time slots, overlap, or just put down same time as someone else. Anyone is free to race anytime on Saturday and choose the combo... More rotary.... Some Fuji... Or a historical WRS. Host for the time picks with votes from whoever is in lounge.

Awww shucks Tim the Aussie Anthem being played for me (Wipes tear from eye :( ) you shouldn't have.
:D:D:D:D Cheers Tim :D:D:D:D

Yah, we should make a weekly habit of posting the anthem video of the winner's country... funny stuff.

And speaking of funny we should start a contest. After the races on wednesday people try to find all the easter eggs that Hydro stuffs into the pics on the front page. Then on friday evening he can let us know if we missed any.

I think I found a new one I hadn't noticed before. There is a driver in a suit (stig?) in the crowd in the same picture with the plane/banner.
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Sign Up Sheet (SAT Jan 21):

1. Speedy6543 | GTP_Speedy6543 | Division 2 Silver | BE GMT+1 | ~10 PM GMT
2. jtv90069 | GTP_jtv90069 | Division 3 Silver | ACST GMT +9.5 | 8 PM GMT
3. EDK | GTP_EDK | Division 2 Goldr | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
4. Gravitron | GTP_Gravitron | Division 2 Bronze | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT

{not necessarily limited to 12 drivers so add additional lines as necessary.}

To sign up please quote the latest version of this message, remove the quote tags and add your name to the list.
Use this format to add your information:
GTP username | PSN ID | Division | Time Zone | ETA in lobby​
Any idea what you guys plan to run at 10 PM GMT?

I assume Rotary Madness? Honestly, I'm done with that one!

I might pop in at some point to run some Fuji though if you guys want to run it after your race at Eiger. My in laws are in town and staying with us [for two weeks] though so chances are slim. Don't plan anything around me, just let me know what's on the "tentative" docket.
Any idea what you guys plan to run at 10 PM GMT?

I assume Rotary Madness? Honestly, I'm done with that one!

I might pop in at some point to run some Fuji though if you guys want to run it after your race at Eiger. My in laws are in town and staying with us [for two weeks] though so chances are slim. Don't plan anything around me, just let me know what's on the "tentative" docket.

Doesn't matter to me what we run.

I did the one test race of the combo, and it doesn't thrill me to tears as an online event, so I'm fine with trying something else.
It really doesn't have to be Rotary Madness.
Feel free to pop in some requests here guys.
This way we can get a nice idea of everybody's likes.
Doesn't matter to me what we run.

I did the one test race of the combo, and it doesn't thrill me to tears as an online event, so I'm fine with trying something else.

It was fun, but way too technical to pass clean. Basically a 3 second difference in pace wasn't even enough to make a pass. Basically every pass was under "slidey" conditions and pretty much the guy had to make a mistake for you to get by 100% clean. Even then if you get a run and try to get out of the corner you can slide out into him.

I made two pass attempts on the corner after the tunnel and both times I had big runs when guys went wide and still managed to slide into them before the turn was done. The first in EU I tapped Don off track into fence and then waited for him to pass me. The second was when I was lapping pre in the NA race from the lead with Max 2-3 seconds back on my tail. I slid into him on corner exit when he went wide, but the tap wasn't as hard as it was with Don and Pre didn't go off track so I didn't wait around that time.

Sorry for the tap Pre, but given the situation and the fact that you didn't go off track I just kept going.
It was fun, but way too technical to pass clean. Basically a 3 second difference in pace wasn't even enough to make a pass. Basically every pass was under "slidey" conditions and pretty much the guy had to make a mistake for you to get by 100% clean. Even then if you get a run and try to get out of the corner you can slide out into him.

I made two pass attempts on the corner after the tunnel and both times I had big runs when guys went wide and still managed to slide into them before the turn was done. The first in EU I tapped Don off track into fence and then waited for him to pass me. The second was when I was lapping pre in the NA race from the lead with Max 2-3 seconds back on my tail. I slid into him on corner exit when he went wide, but the tap wasn't as hard as it was with Don and Pre didn't go off track so I didn't wait around that time.

Sorry for the tap Pre, but given the situation and the fact that you didn't go off track I just kept going.

It really doesn't have to be Rotary Madness.
Feel free to pop in some requests here guys.
This way we can get a nice idea of everybody's likes.

Not this week, but one of these Saturdays we should revisit TMR and celebrate the first 3D3 event ever. Maybe a good week would be the Saturday after week 25? TMR is a perfect combination of technical sections and a nice drafting section for clean passing. Would take a little practice to get back up to speed though as it's been so long. Decisions, Decisions would be another one to revisit from the early 3D3 days before the races really caught on. There aren't too many regulars today who raced in those events and they are top notch races worth a revisit at some point. But we probably want to save those for more official events.
I forgot to mention, about that screwy grid order bug, that even though I was 2nd in the driver's table (on the right side) at the end of quali, in the upper left corner of the screen, it said Position 5/7, which was probably accurate (but ignored for the grid order).

Also, I find it rather odd that racers who were lapped have to keep on racing after completing their first lap after the winner crossed the line. The cars that are done racing are still there, going much slower and acting as obstacles to those still racing. I know there's nothing anyone can do about that, I'm just venting, I guess ;)
I'm keen for any racing regardless of setup :).
Just having a play with the Aventador with 880hp now :D

P.S. TMR = Trial Mountain?
Oooh, that would be fun, and (personally) would make up for me missing all the ORCA races at Nurb last week. When picking from historical events for our official Wed races, I assume Decisions, Decisions would always trump New School Nurb, so doing New School on a Sat seems like a great pick. 👍
I'm keen for any racing regardless of setup :).
Just having a play with the Aventador with 880hp now :D

P.S. TMR = Trial Mountain?

Yes, TMR = Trial Mountain Reverse and in particular referring to this little beauty of an event we ran back in September: Mountaineering Online

But my odds are low of attending so I don't want to influence too heavily. I like the Calsonic idea even better honestly for an ad hoc race. Actually I would like it to be a substitute event at some point if the WRS is not a race ready combo... But doing it on a Saturday informal race would be a good test.

The TMR event has a few very specialized corners that take some preparation and practice to get right. Like the jump into corner 1 which is just crazy fun or disastrous. Maybe not best for a last minute thing.
Oooh, that would be fun, and (personally) would make up for me missing all the ORCA races at Nurb last week. When picking from historical events for our official Wed races, I assume Decisions, Decisions would always trump New School Nurb, so doing New School on a Sat seems like a great pick. 👍

Not for my vote at least because we've already done Decisions, Decisions and we haven't done an official Wed race at New School Nurb yet. It's a admin democracy so who knows, but my vote would be for new school Nurb over Decisions for an official wed event.

I must say though I've had requests for GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 18 : In the Mood for Some Italian from drivers via PM the next time we pick from archives.

EDIT: Ooops... double posted as i hit reply instead of edit. I hope a mod doesn't get mad at me.

Hey, I only have one vote... just saying. You guys can gang up on me with your votes. We can also definitely use Decisions for Saturdays. You realize I was just talking about official Wednesday races. There are so many we haven't done yet do we want to reuse?
Hey, I only have one vote... just saying. You guys can gang up on me with your votes. We can also definitely use Decisions for Saturdays. You realize I was just talking about official Wednesday races. There are so many we haven't done yet do we want to reuse?

Pretty sure it was just a reference to this. :lol:

EDIT: Ooops... double posted as i hit reply instead of edit. I hope a mod doesn't get mad at me.

^Some good ideas here.

Just keeping this at the bottom.
Saturday is open raceday. :)
Races can be started by everyone in the lounge in consultation with the other present racers in the lounge.
The lounge will be opened by myself around 7:30 - 8 PM GMT
Please use GMT time below.
When you're not sure if you converted your timezone correctly, try using this site.

Sign Up Sheet (SAT Jan 21):

1. Speedy6543 | GTP_Speedy6543 | Division 2 Silver | BE GMT+1 | ~10 PM GMT
2. jtv90069 | GTP_jtv90069 | Division 3 Silver | ACST GMT +9.5 | 8 PM GMT
3. EDK | GTP_EDK | Division 2 Goldr | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
4. Gravitron | GTP_Gravitron | Division 2 Bronze | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT

{not necessarily limited to 12 drivers so add additional lines as necessary.}

To sign up please quote the latest version of this message, remove the quote tags and add your name to the list.
Use this format to add your information:
GTP username | PSN ID | Division | Time Zone | ETA in lobby​
Sign Up Sheet (SAT Jan 21):

1. Speedy6543 | GTP_Speedy6543 | Division 2 Silver | BE GMT+1 | ~10 PM GMT
2. jtv90069 | GTP_jtv90069 | Division 3 Silver | ACST GMT +9.5 | 8 PM GMT
3. EDK | GTP_EDK | Division 2 Goldr | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
4. Gravitron | GTP_Gravitron | Division 2 Bronze | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
5. TwistedMetal | GTP_Twissy | Division 1 Silver | GMT (UK) | 9PM GMT
Now I probably won't make today's race, as my internet service is down again.
Now I probably won't make today's race, as my internet service is down again.

Crud. I was just about to sign myself up too! I will put my likelihood at about 75% at this point

Sign Up Sheet (SAT Jan 21):

1. Speedy6543 | GTP_Speedy6543 | Division 2 Silver | BE GMT+1 | ~10 PM GMT
2. jtv90069 | GTP_jtv90069 | Division 3 Silver | ACST GMT +9.5 | 8 PM GMT
3. EDK | GTP_EDK | Division 2 Goldr | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
4. Gravitron | GTP_Gravitron | Division 2 Bronze | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
5. TwistedMetal | GTP_Twissy | Division 1 Silver | GMT (UK) | 9PM GMT
6. WRP001 | GTP_WRP001 | Division 1 Bronze | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT (75%)
What time does race actually start?

Sign Up Sheet (SAT Jan 21):

1. Speedy6543 | GTP_Speedy6543 | Division 2 Silver | BE GMT+1 | ~10 PM GMT
2. jtv90069 | GTP_jtv90069 | Division 3 Silver | ACST GMT +9.5 | 8 PM GMT
3. EDK | GTP_EDK | Division 2 Goldr | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
4. Gravitron | GTP_Gravitron | Division 2 Bronze | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT
5. TwistedMetal | GTP_Twissy | Division 1 Silver | GMT (UK) | 9PM GMT
6. WRP001 | GTP_WRP001 | Division 1 Bronze | PST GMT -8 | 10 PM GMT (75%)
7. zrodegreesklvn | GTPcats_pajamas | Division 2 Gold | CST GMT-6 | 9PM GMT
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Thouht we were running same race as on Wednesday so the people who couldn't make it had a chance to run it.
Baron, you and jtv and twissy can run a shorter race before the rest of us come in. if you guys are up for it.
As for which race, to me it doesn't really matter. We'll get a vote when everybody's in.
Thouht we were running same race as on Wednesday so the people who couldn't make it had a chance to run it.

Saturdays are informal/unofficial and can be whatever the drivers want and can vary by week. Could do a couple different shorter races one on last combo and then something else.
Lobby still open.
Speedy, Cats, WRP, Twissy, ealirendur, Hydro, EDK, Madmax and I still present