GTP_WRS/3D3 GT6 Career Championship

  • Thread starter hasslemoff
Well after dealing with most of the consequences of the power surge of last saturday (Still have to install a protector for the whole system and I won't be ok until I do it) I'm slowly getting back to GT.
Question Paul: In the Clubman event with tuning allowed, Is it ok to tune the car to that pp and not spend credits on a new one? Yes, I'm not giving up on the S2000 just yet...

Yes thats fine there might be a small charge to tune a car you already own though.
even though he was still a bit rough from the nights before and not much sleep
Those groupies need to GO. :mischievous:

A big thankyou to the stewards and admins for all the help before and currently with the whole setup.

My favorite racing moment though was the start at Tsukuba, with the 2 Toyota CRD's on the front row and me and Lucas on the second row, once the lights when go we both shot past them before the 1st corner and I thought they had both made a bad start but the rea
Was a real joy to read, Paul. :bowdown: You have created something special here and we're all proud to be taking part. . 👍
Hey everyone!!
I'd like to wish you guys and your families a great new year, and may all your wishes come true. I got to know a lot of you much better during the last year and I'm looking forward to sharing a lot more good times with you guys next year. WRS has become an important part of my life lately, and I guess most of us would say the very same thing.
So without further a do, have fun tonight, be safe If driving or going out, and all the best for the next year folks.

PD: I should probably have posted this on the general WRS thread but this championship has become my home here so...
With all the celebrations on his Yacht, in his mansions and in various countries we finally had chance to catch up with Hasslemoff to have a chat regarding his idea and certain moments in the Championship, even though he was still a bit rough from the nights before and not much sleep we got some answers.
Those groupies need to GO. :mischievous:
I think we found out who The Stig's Italian cousin is. :sly:
Here are a few moments I remember. Sorry no pix as I'm on my pad and the pix are on the pc.

The first was showing up with NO clue, no car, and no expectations at a practice run by Patrick and Lucas just before ( literally) the first race. Picking Patrick's TRD Celica and after lap one having the most amazing revalation....I CAN race with these guys. It was a moment that changed my racing attitude, and I started having fun, and...higher expectations of myself.

Next was the four and sonetimes five car lead train at 'buka. I remember thinking....I can can pass one or two...but what then.... idiot. When it was over I remember the greatest momement of satisfaction since my first win....actually better. It was the very first time I had raced wheel to wheel for an entire race and was VERY satisfied even though I JUST finished where I started.

Next was the absolute moment for decision making at Trial Mountain when I whistled through the final turn, checked my pace, and made the decision to go for .001. It didn't work out but the adrenalin was worth the price.

Next was watching Tyler bite the wall...he had absolutely no idea I was out of control just a teeny bit....where a teeney bit meant hiting a granite wall. The BMW tip toed through with the barely felt brush, his Camaro...not so much.

And lastly I remember a a series that for the first time allowed us all to race with each other on almost level ground...and it was inspiring....and FUN.


In the words of David Copperfield...Please sir....I want some more!
I think I'd like to join in the fun, but not sure where to start...

In the words of David Copperfield...Please sir....I want some more!

I think that was Oliver Twist... I often get them confused myself...
I think I'd like to join in the fun, but not sure where to start...

I think that was Oliver Twist... I often get them confused myself...
You are correct...I saw it live on Broadway...OLIVER of course. Man I think my memory needs its oil changed.
I think I'd like to join in the fun, but not sure where to start...
With the National B Part 2, of course. You don't have to report the cost of the GT 86 Base Model (race car).

Paul said upthread that those joining at the National A Championship (cups list here, with PP limits subject to change) will start with at least 100,000 credits.
So... the thing to do is to practice with the GT86 base model with stock settings (I assume we can change BB settings) on CH at Laguna Seca? (tire wear off?)
So... the thing to do is to practice with the GT86 base model with stock settings (I assume we can change BB settings) on CH at Laguna Seca? (tire wear off?)
Yes, you can change BB, as always in tuning prohibited events. Tire wear will most likely be on Normal, and draft will be on Weak. Laguna is a great drive with this car on CH tires. 👍
I had even more fun at GP/D and Motegi. It's very difficult to get through tighter turns quickly. I use aggressive engine braking to get the rear to slide a bit.
I'm beat right now but can't wait to get in that car. Loved the triple mix with the BRZ. Will open a practice room sometime tomorrow around 19:00 GMT
A little late but here goes:

Reporter: We finally got the chance to chat with another of the drivers in the Weekly Race Series Career Championship, Aaron, or as he's otherwise known, PHO3NIX_F1RE. Let's jump right in, what was your favourite moment of the Championship so far?

Me: There are quite a few that stand out, but I think the one that just takes it is the very first turn at London. It was hectic, messy and almost definitely had a negative impact on pretty much everyone in the race, but that was the beautiful thing about it, especially to me.

Reporter: How so?

Me: Well, this Championship is the first fully organised thing I've done online in Gran Turismo, I usually just jumped in and out of lobbies, this is completely new territory for me, and it was a reminder that regardless of the other drivers' reputations, standings or however they may perform, they are still only human and susceptible to mistakes.

Reporter: Interesting. Following on, which race was your favourite?

Me: The very first race, at Autumn Ring Mini. I've had a few good races, races that I've enjoyed, races where I exceeded my expectations of myself, but Autumn Ring Mini takes it for me.

Reporter: Care to elaborate:

Me: As I said earlier, this is my first foray into an organised event in Gran Turismo, and I honestly didn't know what to expect. I have a few issues with social awkwardness, as a friend calls it, I'm not particularly good around people I don't know, so this was a step forward for me in that aspect, although I have a long way to go. However, as a race, it was brilliant, I qualified above last, which is a victory in of itself, gained a few positions and finished sixth, which is far better than I expected to do.

Reporter: Now, expanding the scope a little more, what is your favourite thing about the Championship as a whole?

Me: The bonus events. They are a great way of making up credits for people who have missed races, or didn't perform as well as expected, and they are great little fun things to do outside of the seriousness of the Championship itself.

Reporter: Thank you. Now, in contrast, what is your least favourite moment of the Championship?

Me: Eiger Nordwand Reverse. That race was just horrible. I qualified far too fast, and in an effort to penalise myself, I ended up ruining to race for several racers. It was a black mark on my racing record, and after the debacle I caused I resigned myself to just finishing the race dead last.

Reporter: Wow, ok. Moving on. What are your thoughts on the cars in your garage, and which is your favourite?

Me: The Silvia is great. Having previously used it, and it being one of my favourite cars, I pretty much knew what I was going to get. Decent power, decent handling, a great all-round car, and I will continue to use it in the future where possible.

The Focus? The focus was bought as a direct contrast to the 106. She's a big girl, and probably has one of the biggest back ends seen so far. It's a little cumbersome in the corners, but it devours tarmac on the straights. It's probably my biggest credit winner so far, and I have used it the most.

The 106 Rallye was a great, and my favourite car so far, and it was a wrench letting it go to the auction house. It didn't pack much in the straights, but it was light and nimble in the corners which more than made up for it on two of the three tracks I used it on. It held it's own against a Neon and an RX-7 for almost the entirety of the Grand Valley race early on and performed well on the other two.

Reporter: It was a great little car. Out of all of the drivers in the Championship, who do you consider to be your closest competitor?

Me: I can't really say I have one. I think my driving over the Championship has been to consistent to allow such a thing to happen. One day I could be challenging the pack of front-runners, and the next I could be struggling to stay out of last place. There are also variables such as the track and the cars used to consider too.

Reporter: Before the final question, we have to talk about Motegi. You spent the first half of the race in first, gaining almost a 3 second lead, only to finish 10th. What happened?

Me: Ah, Motegi. I qualified first, under the cap too, which was great. I slowly built up a lead, I was worried about @Gravitron overtaking me for the first few laps, but he lost control of the car, leaving me wit quite a substantial lead. All of my laps to this point were under the cap too, so I had no need to worry about penalising myself. On lap 6, My hubris got the better of me, and while looking behind me to see how close they were (How tiny they were on my screen), I completely missed my breaking point and took a trip into the sand. I quickly tried to get out, but the pack that followed me was so closely knit that I had to let the whole pack through if I didn't want to risk a collision, which I didn't. Then, within a lap, I beached myself again, dropping down to 12th and finding myself once again behind Gravitron. He suffered another spin out, and soon after that @goofytyler found himself in the sand, and I finished the race in 10th.

Reporter: Finally, what are your thoughts on the Championship, both past and going into the future?

Me: I'm really enjoying it. It has obviously been well thought out and executed, and a lot of planning and testing has gone into setting the lap time caps at something that is both achievable and yet still feels like the drivers are pushing their cars to the limits. Going forward, I am looking forward to continuing to race in this championship, however, I am a bit apprehensive about the possible removal of caps in some races. I see them as a great mechanic to keep the races close, without letting the better drivers and faster cars to gain too much of a lead, and the removal of that cap could affect that. However, this is merely speculation on my part and we'll just have to see what the future holds.

Reporter: Thank you for your time. Stay tuned for a your highlight reel.
Cool, this one really reads like a media interview.
I'm not sure I would call the London pile up a favourite moment but it did make the race more interesting to me as I had to find my way through the field.
I think I'd like to join in the fun, but not sure where to start...

Nice to see you back :).

New Drivers or Drivers who have missed numerous events
  • There will be a starting credit available on this post for each Championship, with the month of when it applies from. This will be alter'ed before each Championship
  • Championship's were cars are provided you do not need to worry about your available credit.
  • Each Championship is separate and everyone starts on even terms
  • You need to register for each event in this post as all the WRS online races.
  • You register for Bonus Events in this post
  • When you purchase a car you need to enter the details in the form which is available by clicking register here on this post, you will also see a table on the same post which will show your total credit available overall once you have race'd.
  • Each Championship details will be available on this post once they are ready and they will also be posted in the thread.
Drivers who have missed numerous events or just wish to join when they can, can use the starting credit available before each Championship if it is more then there current Total Credit*. (*take into consideration credit spent on previous cars.)

Any questions or queries then please post in the thread or send a PM, again people are free to join when and whatever events they fancy.
I was already sitting at a booth when Crispy came in. He waved to me as he sipped from his Nantucket Nectar. He wore a wide grin on his face as he sat down. After quick introductions, he says “So, you want to know more about me?”

Crispy has been driving in the WRS Championship since it began. Though his strategy is sometimes questionable, he has had a few memorable moments. I test the waters a bit. “You’re usually a bit of a back-marker—“

“Hey,” he interrupts, “I came in third at Novice Cup London and fifth at Novice Cup Rome!”

“You also came in 18th, 16th, 17th…”


“Okay, okay,” he relents with a chuckle. “Working on consistency is why I’m at GTP WRS.”

“Does the structure of the Chamipionship help that goal?”

“It does. It really does,” Crispy says. “I love how the whole series is organized. You get the best part of the single player game with the best part of online racing; and the time caps make it anyone’s game. I’m so grateful to @hasslemoff and all the race stewards for making this happen. I’d be a sad, lonely racer if not for this. Well, my skills are still a bit sad, but you get the picture.”

I laugh again. “What’ve been your best and worst moments in the series, so far?” I ask.

“Personally?” He pauses for a moment. “Though that third place finish was nice, my best moment was getting the fastest lap at Rome during the race. I have never done that before. I didn’t even know there was a bonus for it. As for my worst, I’d have to say it was not buying a decent car for Tsukuba. I lost the entire pack within two laps!”

He laughs. I remember the race he’s talking about. At the time, he claimed he was implementing his strategy for the next cup. I remember laughing then, too. Crispy senses I’m trying to bite back a chuckle. “It’s okay to laugh. I laughed a lot during that race.”


I decide not to dwell on Tsukuba. “Was Rome also your favorite race?”

“Actually, Matterhorn has been my favorite race, so far. The short track was so ridiculous, but I think it was one of my better races. I got knocked off the track at the top of the hill, but was able to come back to finish 6th!”

He seemed very proud about finishing 6th. I note that everything he’s mentioned was early on in the series. I ask, “What about the recent FR cup?”

“It started a bit rough with the first two races. Then I had to drop out of the last two [races]. It bummed me out not being able to race in those two. I was second in the overall championship. I think I had a shot, but family comes first. Hopefully, I’ll get another chance.”

“What’s been your favorite car in the championship? The Sylvia?”


“The Sylvia has been great to drive—and I have driven it a lot—but I would have to say that my favorite car has to be the one I take the most pictures of…that black ‘Vette,” Crispy says with a gleam in his eye. “I haven’t gotten to race against it, but it sure is pretty to look at.”





At that moment, he is every 12-year-old boy, out at the track with his dad. Race on, Crispy!
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Going forward, I am looking forward to continuing to race in this championship, however, I am a bit apprehensive about the possible removal of caps in some races. I see them as a great mechanic to keep the races close, without letting the better drivers and faster cars to gain too much of a lead, and the removal of that cap could affect that. However, this is merely speculation on my part and we'll just have to see what the future holds.

When there is a removal of capped lap times there will be another system in place, either another handicap system or large Credit payouts.
Events where car choice is open will keep the capped lap times as the difference between each car is massive.
Certain Championships with restricted car(s) will not use the capped lap times but could include another handicap system.

EDIT: These media reports are great 👍, thanks for taking the time to write them. (the images in the op have not updated and just a reminder the media bonus has been extended till next week)



The National B Championship Part B

:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::


Toyota GT86 Base Model Team Championship
Sponsored By DYSON for all your engine sounds

Welcome to the first Team Championship of your Career, as you can see DYSON has Kindly provided the car for you to race so there is no need to spend your hard earned credit.

  • Team size: 2 to 3 Drivers per team (4th driver is allowed as reserve and there points will only be counted when 2 other drivers are not present)
  • Teams use the same colour cars (wheel colours are free choice)
  • Team name and Logos are allowed (ill try and incorporate the logos into the results)

Last Race day

As you can see below the last Sunday there is no track selected or race information available, this is the twist.
The last race(s) will be decided by the leading team and the track will not be known until the lobby opens on the final race day.
  • Leading Team picks how many laps and tyre wear
  • Track(s) chosen will be out of the 4 tracks already race'd
  • The last day will run no longer than our average race night length
  • In the event of a draw after the first 4 races, the team with the most wins chooses, if its still a draw then they have to make the choice together.

Time Slot Sunday January 18th /25th and Febuary 1st 2015
3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific / 20:00 GMT / Check Local

Course Settings
  • Course's: Jan 18th = Laguna Seca, Nurb GP/D / Jan 25th = Motegi East, Red Bull Ring Short / Feb 1st = Leading Team Picks
  • No. of Laps:Laguna Seca = 13 laps / Nurburgring GP/D = 13 laps / Motegi east = 14 laps / Red Bull Ring Short = 17 Laps
  • Weather: 0%
  • Weather Changeability: Fixed
  • Surface Water at Race Start: 0%
  • Time: TBD
  • Time Progression: TBD
Car Selection Method
  • Car Selection Method: Garage
  • Car Filters: FR
  • PP Limit: 410pp
  • Max Power Limit: 208 bhp
  • Minimum Weight: 1230 kg
  • Drivetrain: FR
  • Tires: Comfort Hard (C1) / Comfort Medium (C2)
  • Nitrous: Prohibited
  • Vehicle Tuning: Prohibited
  • Custom Rims: Allowed
  • Oil change: Allowed
  • Brake Balance Adjustment: Allowed
Lap Time's not to Exceed ONLY COMFORT MEDIUM TYRE'SSubject to change before Jan 9th.
  • Laguna Seca:1'53.000
  • Nurburgring GP/D: 1'56.000
  • Motegi East:1'46.500
  • Red Bull Ring Short:1'06.500

Important: The Comfort Medium tyre's are aimed at the slower drivers [D3-D4] and you are not allowed to use the power limiter, the capped time is there as a guide you do not have to run close to the capped time. Exceeding the capped lap time results in a 60 second penalty for each driver in your team, any form of lifting or sandbagging results in a Disqualification to stay under the capped laptime.
Advice: If you are running close to the capped lap times on CM the change to CH as there is no way to give the time back and you'r team will be penalize'd. After the first few races the quicker drivers should slow with the BHP loss, so dont worry if you are a few sec's of the pace in the first few races on CH tyre's

Basic Room Settings
  • Room Mode: PQR = Practice, Qualify, Race
  • Room Privacy: WRS Club
Room Settings
  • Room Comment: Career Team Championship
  • Room Type: Race for Real
  • Fixed Room Host: No
  • Max Number of Participants: 16 per lounge
  • Race Quality: Standard
  • Voice Chat Quality: Standard
Qualifier Settings
  • Qualifier Format: Race Alone
  • Time Limit: 7 Mins
Race Settings
  • Hold Races Automatically: Disabled
  • Start Type: Standing Start with false start check
  • Grid Order: Fastest First
  • Boost: No
  • Penalty: None
  • Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Normal
  • Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge: Real
  • Minimum Number of Pit Stops: 0
  • Require Tire Type Change: Off
  • Race Finish Delay: 180 sec
  • Visible Damage: Off
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Slipstream Strength: Weak
Limit Driving Options
  • Skid Recovery Force: Prohibited
  • Active Steering: Prohibited
  • Active Stability Management (ASM): Available / Optional
  • Driving Line: Available / Optional
  • Traction Control: Available / Optional
  • ABS: Available / Optional
  • Handbrake: Prohibited
  • Power Limiter: Prohibited

Team Championship points

1st Leading Team Car
  • 15pt - 1st
  • 13pt - 2nd
  • 11pt - 3rd
  • 9pt - 4th
  • 7pt - 5th
  • 5pt - 6th

2nd Placed Team Car
  • 10pt - 1st
  • 8pt - 2nd
  • 6pt - 3rd
  • 4pt - 4th
  • 2pt - 5th
  • 1pt - 6th

BHP Handicap
  • -15 bhp - 1st
  • -12 bhp - 2nd
  • -9 bhp - 3rd
  • -6 bhp - 4th
  • -3 bhp - 5th

Note: For finishing in the top 5 in any race you receive the bhp loss, if you finish outside the top 5 you gain 4 bhp if you have receive'd a bhp loss.

Credit Results
  • 25000 cr per race

Disconections: If you DC after you have completed a quarter of the race you will be awarded the points and Credits of 4 place's below the position you were in. (multiple rooms 6 places below the position you were in)

Comfort Medium Capped Lap Time Rule's
  • If you exceed the capped lap time's in the race on Comfort medium tyre's your full team receive a 60 second penalty each.
  • Please note You cannot avoid a penalty for going quicker than the capped lap time for Comfort Medium Tyre's.

Formation Lap

  • After the qualification time is complete a steward will record the results.
  • The system will place all drivers on the grid and begin the countdown timer.
  • Drivers should remain stopped on the grid after the countdown timer.
  • A steward will announce the starting order and drivers should proceed into a staggered formation in the order called.
  • Pole sitter will choose his/her preferred side of the track and other drivers will alternate sides.
  • There should be no overlap between cars in the staggered formation.
  • Speed limit on formation lap is 62 mph | 100 km/h and pole sitter should maintain this speed (or less) to keep pack together, in particular in the final sector.
  • Weaving or other tire warming procedures are NOT allowed during the formation lap.
  • Pole sitter will exit the last corner and take care to give enough time to allow all cars behind to safely exit the final corner.
  • Start marker for N/A is the start/finish line.
  • The pole sitter should start the race by accelerating to race pace at the identified start marker (track specific and may or may not be the start/finish line).
  • All other drivers should accelerate after the driver in front of you does so.
  • No passing is allowed before the start marker.
  • Be cautious and courteous in the first turn. Dive bombing will be penalized and will not be tolerated.[/B]
Track Boundary Guidelines
Drivers are expected to do their best to stay within track boundaries per the OLR. Mistakes happens over the course of a long race and the random off or two will be overlooked in most instances, but if a pattern of boundary abuse is observed penalties will be handed out which include 15 seconds for a "minor" pattern of abuse, 30 seconds for a "substantial" pattern of abuse, and a DQ for "complete disregard" of track boundaries. In cases where penalties may not impact the driver (e.g. DC), the penalty may be carried over to the next event and may be applied as a 5 (minor) or 10 (major) grid spot penalty.
It's up to the admins' discretion exactly what qualifies as "minor", "substantial" or "complete disregard". Going outside the rumble by a centimeter isn't as serious as a car length wide excursions into the run off area. Factors such as dirty air and traffic also come into play. If you find yourself going wide then the next lap you're expected to slow down a bit more to make sure you stay within boundaries. If you make the same mistake multiple times and you want to avoid a penalty you can always self-penalize during the race by lifting for a very brief period upon returning to the track. Continuing to hammer the throttle after repeated boundary overruns may very well end with a post race penalty.

General Guidelines:

  • Contact with walls should be avoided. Wall riding/bouncing to gain time will be penalized and/or can result in disqualification. This includes pit entry/exit.
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track.
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track.
  • If you overrun boundaries by accident, lift momentarily to make sure you don't gain any advantage.
  • Do not complete a pass that was made possible by going outside track boundaries.
Track Specific Guidelines:

  • Red and White rumbles and tarmac are track.
  • Do not cross the white pit-in and pit-out lines.
Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:

  • Unless otherwise specified, all rules from the original WRS event apply.
  • You are expected to drive clean at all times as if you are racing in the WRS. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
  • 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to kick out or invalidate the result of any driver from the Race Room for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are kicked out of the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
  • Contact with walls should be avoided. Wall riding/bouncing to gain time will be penalized and/or can result in disqualification.
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track including green painted concrete.
  • Limit your contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.
Good Luck, OLR Team:gtplanet:

Some early testing showed that fuel weight makes significant difference. Make sure to test the whole race distance if you decide to run CM tires.
if one finishes 1st in first race and 4th in 2nd race will the BHP loss be added for 3rd race? [208-(15+6)] BHP?

Yes :)

Note: If you wish to start a team or are just looking to join one post in the thread, once you have your team sorted post it in the thread so I can add it to the docs :cheers: