Hating the graphics of GT6

  • Thread starter TomBrady
I'm sort on the same page with Brady but not 100% sure yet. Currently ps3 is running 720p on a 22" PC monitor and it does indeed look slightly poorer than GT5. Haven't checked my TV yet so don't want to jump to any conclusions.
Check my screenshot above, I just asked my dad who has no idea about videogames which he thinks looks sharper and he said "the right one" without even thinking about it. The colors are also a lot less washed out, so I have no idea how anyone can say GT5 looks better, except if you don't like motion blur.
What about them?
Wow, lots of hatred in this forum. People are d:censored:s sometime.

I am with TomBrady here. I prefer the sharp GT5 look.

Besides the lighting and some minor effects, the graphics really turned to the worse.

The higher resolution does nothing.
The shadows are mushy and flicker.
There is too much blur.
The frame rate is very unstable, especially in cockpit view.
Even in the menus, the rotating cars stutter sometimes and there are a lot of minor graphical hiccups.

And no my eyes are not bad, I am a 3D artist I work with game assets for years. And yes I have good gaming equipment and an excellent monitor. It's just my point of view.
aw man look at that blurry curb.. that's definitely motion blur (thankfully), but I still PREFER NO BLUR AT ALL. I like crisps images @ 60fps.

I don't like the idea of blurring the source. LET MY EYE blur it for itself.
you don't look at blurring curbs in real life do you? there's no way a curb could transform (blur) itself in real life. if you shake your hand fast, you will see motion blur, that is automatic blur from our eyes, not from the hand!

this is so wrong.. :( but I hope it won't matter much when I got my copy.

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Yeah, the motion blur is a matter of taste, I'm usually a fan of no blur while playing, but as far as I know, the motion blur is only applied to replays.
Yeah, the motion blur is a matter of taste, I'm usually a fan of no blur while playing, but as far as I know, the motion blur is only applied to replays.
I hope it's true!!! please anybody confirm this?
It doesn't just look alright, it looks realistic. The point of motion blur is to simulate realism; in real life your vision wouldn't be as crisp as it is when moving at high velocities like it is in GT5. Since the focal point of the third-person camera is the car, it's only logical that the rest of everything around it would be blurred during motion.

As crisp as GT5 looks, it's unnatural. The eye can't parse enough visual information to render that kind of clarity, so motion blur is used to help simulate fluid motion, both in nature and in video games/movies. In regards to the video quality, they're never going to be as good as looking at it a TV screen because of the video compression to save space and reduce loading times.

The only real way to 'deal' with it is either not play it, help man evolve so that our eyes capture more information quickly, thus resulting in more clarity, or help build video processors and cards that churn out enough frames to kill a dinosaur.

Horrible YouTube compression aside, everything that's not affected by the motion blur looks sharper in GT6.
You can even zoom in on the picture and you'll get clearer edges in GT6 (best noticable on the car).
Oh god yes. They finally put in some motion blur.

It's not motion blur. It doesn't go away no matter what speed you're going. That's blur, not motion blur.

If you want to play the "REALISM" card, then why does it not change depending on what speed you're going?
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I haven't played the game so I don't know how exactly it looks, but I'm guessing they are trying to create a better sense of speed.

That would be the case if it was motion blur, but the blur doesn't change no matter how fast you're going. It's simply poor graphics.

I would rather there be motion blur than this, and I'm not even a fan of it. This is just piss poor anti-aliasing I think. It's probably the MLAA. MLAA looks atrocious on my gaming PC too so I can't say I'm surprised that it made GT6 look soft as hell. GT5 used QAA, I wish they'd go back to that.

Strangely, flicker reduction looks best to me, not sharpen in GT6's options menu. Also, I turned the sharpness all the way up to 16 on my TV :lol:. It's normally set to 9 but it actually helps having it that high.
I'm no Audio/Visual expert, so I turn everything on my Television and PS3 settings to 'off' or 'automatic'. Anything that tries to manipulate or interfere with the image is removed and I have always been satisfied with the results. Just had a quick blip around a couple of race tracks in GT6 and I like the look of things. When I restart I shall set my PS3 to 1080p and try that, I had it set to 720p for GT5 recently just to see what it was like, same settings look sharp on GT6 so far. And when racing along all of the 2D trees look better with the blur/softening, not at any cost to visuals.......... yet!
All I wanted from GT on PlayStation 3 was a stable frame rate, especially at Zuzuka, but the odd drop won't stop me from enjoying GT6....... I hope.

(40 something inch mid range Samsung LCD, 1st gen 'Slim' PS3 - not a True Slim)
Yeah, the motion blur is a matter of taste, I'm usually a fan of no blur while playing, but as far as I know, the motion blur is only applied to replays.

You're thinking of Depth of Field. There's DoF in the replays but I haven't noticed any motion blur.

And like I've said a few times, motion blur is dependant on motion. The blur in GT6 is not. It doesn't change no matter what speed you're going. It's just poor graphics.

maybe if they had the option to turn off the motion blur, it would satisfy more people

The problem is it's not motion blur. It doesn't have anything to do with motion in GT6. The blur's there no matter what.

What would be a good option though is if they gave us the option to shut off anti-aliasing, or choose which kind because I think MLAA might be causing the blur. GT5 didn't use MLAA. It used QAA in 1080p mode and I think it used MSAA in 720p mode. I wish they'd just use 2x MSAA. 2x is probably lighter on processing power, and it doesn't introduce much blur at all, if any. On PC, I usually use MSAA for that reason. Doesn't introduce blur and it's light on the GPU even at 8x.

Try messing with the settings.

I've tried literally everything except setting my PS3 to 720p mode. It didn't help this problem for the GT6 demo, so I assume it won't for this but maybe I'll get lucky and they turned off the MLAA for 720p mode and use MSAA instead. I think that would fix the problem mostly.
Rumor has it that they switched from a "normal" type of anti-aliasing to one of the newer post-processing methods, something like FXAA or Morphological AA on a PC. The problem with this is that a LOT of people absolutely HATE these methods because they make the picture look all soft and blurry. Personally, I absolutely HATE the soft/blur effect that these methods use and would vastly prefer no AA at all. I prefer crisp and clear over soft any day. But other people have the opposite reaction and don't mind FXAA type techniques at all. In the end, what PD should have done is simply offered the option to turn AA completely off, especially since so many people dislike the type of AA they appear to now be using.
I've had a couple of mini debates on this subject, and think that applying AA at ALL at native resolution is a bad idea, because all it does is fuzz up the image, at least slightly. This is definitely one of those areas in which options are the best way to go, because not everyone perceive digital images the same, such as with video games obviously. I'm about to go grab my own copy, so hopefully my experience will be in line with the majority.
I've had a couple of mini debates on this subject, and think that applying AA at ALL at native resolution is a bad idea, because all it does is fuzz up the image, at least slightly. This is definitely one of those areas in which options are the best way to go, because not everyone perceive digital images the same, such as with video games obviously. I'm about to go grab my own copy, so hopefully my experience will be in line with the majority.

I agree. Typically I don't even use AA on my gaming PC even when it can easily handle it. It's rare that I have too.

Some games have more aliasing than others though, and although my native resolution is always 1440 by 2560, some games have more jaggies than others so if that's the case, I use 8x MSAA.

I NEVER use MLAA. I've tried it and it looks awful. Even worse than FXAA. GT6 is using MLAA, and I think that could be the issue because MLAA is garbage.

TomBrady.....What kind of TV are you using? You still havent answered that, I'm just curious.

Because my TV isn't the problem. I can tell the difference between a TV issue and a game issue.

Like I said, all other games look fine. Why would it be my TV if it's unique to GT6?

I don't get how some of you people refuse to believe that there's actually blur in this game. Seriously, look at the youtube comparisons between it and GT5. Even in 360p it's easy to see that GT6 is a lot more blurry, and it's not motion blur either because it never goes away no matter how fast you go.

And if you must know, Vizio E322VL 32 inch LCD, 1080p 60 Hz. I sit at the optimum viewing distance as well (3 times the height of the screen. In this case 45 inches because the height is about 15 inches)

Maybe the problem is some of you are sitting on your couch, too far to notice the glaring differences between it and GT5.
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The game runs at a higher resolution than gt5. It's actually a bit sharper looking in 1080p.
Yeah, in a still image!
The Frame rate is dire, motion blur is not there in cockpit view only bumper, hood and chase! Frame rate is visibly changing as you go from bumper to cockpit.
1080i is the best compromise
Sometimes games are weaker graphically in certain areas to allow for other features to be added, it's all about finding the best compromises in terms of gameplay and graphics at the end of a generation. I think the game looks fine by the way.
There is so much blur it's ridiculous. I normally wouldn't complain about graphics, but I'm really having trouble adjusting to GT6. It looks horrible in my opinion. It's one of the blurriest games I've ever seen.

I can't stand the fact that GT5 looks so much better than this. I don't understand why they would change the rendering engine just to make it look worse. I could care less if the lighting looks better or whatever.

I'd rather them have GT4 graphics rendered at full 1080p than this blurry mess. Seriously, even Vice City on my PC is easier to look at than this. So disappointed

I always loved GT5's graphics because they are crisp, clear, and detailed. What the hell happened?

My TV is so rubbish I simply cannot believe it either.. Kaz should be fired because I bought a rubbish TV set haha that's a good one.
The blur is used to simulate speed and I think it looks great... the only problem i see is that, even at low speeds, it seems to have too much blur, that's what i get from the video (don't have the game yet)
After a few hours of gameplay I'm pretty sure the PD did switch to one of the faster post-processing AA methods. I'm continually noticing how lacking in detail & "crispness" everything is, and the scenery often looks very soft to me when compared to GT5 (not just speed-based blur. Also, it looks to me as if motion blur is for replays only???). This is very-much a personal preference type of thing, some people don't mind a soft display at all, so to them GT6 looks better than GT5. Others (like myself) vastly prefer sharpness, even if that means a few more "jaggies", so to us GT6 looks worse (maybe even *much* worse). That's why it's so important to offer options. Unfortunately we don't often get options like that on console games… It's not nearly as bad as some other examples I've seen. You should see Skyrim on a PC with FXAA turned on, to me it's like you've instantly removed half the detail, and yet some people love it that way. I guess "to each his own" (again, that's why there should be an OPTION!). Unfortunately this means that GT6 looks poor to me in comparison to GT5.
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After a few hours of gameplay I'm pretty sure the PD did switch to one of the faster post-processing AA methods. I'm continually noticing how lacking in detail & "crispness" everything is, and the scenery often looks very soft to me when compared to GT5 (not just speed-based blur. Also, it looks to me as if motion blur is for replays only???). This is very-much a personal preference type of thing, some people don't mind a soft display at all, so to them GT6 looks better than GT5. Others (like myself) vastly prefer sharpness, even if that means a few more "jaggies", so to us GT6 looks worse (maybe even *much* worse). That's why it's so important to offer options. Unfortunately we don't often get options like that on console games… It's not nearly as bad as some other examples I've seen. You should see Skyrim on a PC with FXAA turned on, to me it's like you've instantly removed half the detail, and yet some people love it that way. I guess "to each his own" (again, that's why there should be an OPTION!). Unfortunately this means that GT6 looks poor to me in comparison to GT5.

Totally agree with you and Tom.
I noticed straight away that it just doesn't have the fidelity of GT5.
The cars are fine its the scenery thats soft looking.

And by the way, "sharpen &" flicker reduction" options are for SD TVs only.
TomBrady is right. If you check out the video comparisons of GT6 versus real life, (assuming the cars are going about the same speed) you'll notice that the real life video has very little blur, this is especially noticeable on the words on the walls and the red and white markers on the curb. GT5 was more realistic in that it didn't blur the things closest to the car/camera too much, thus looking very similar to the real life videos. It can be a pain to watch GT6 replays when one notice the differences. In conclusion, there's too much blur going on when not needed!
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