
  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by lHalPlPy
well i use hella just for the hell of it. its how i talk so its how i type. as for english class, so what i sucked. hella is a "slang" word i use. although its old and weak like "cool" or "sweet" its what i do. also i use my bad. not cuz "im soo like into clueless" no i use it cuz ill say my bad. im not gonna talk like a robot. yes gonna. you find my english gay, hug my balls. no im not a valley girl. no im not a surfer. im not a cholo or a "gangbanger". im just me. so while you fruits go and ANALise peoples form of speach (like a bunch of smart a)ss school girls) im gonna soooo play gt2, its gonna be hella fun, my bad if you dont like how i talk.

Uh huh... bla bla bla... *yawn*
Cool has withstood the test of time...it's 40-50 years old and still has roughly the same meaning. 23-skiddoo and totally awesome haven't, by the way; I expect hella to suffer a similar fate.