IGN Gran Turismo PSP Review

  • Thread starter Jakemania
Well when you lead people down a path of expectation and build them up, especially if they may have invested money to be ready for what you promised them (aka purchased PSP or skipped other purchases to save up money etc) you do stand to get people pissed off.

If I tell you "be good all week and diet and I will make you a delicious ham sandwich on saturday" you might be dissapointed if the store is just out of ham on saturday, but if I give you a pickle and cheese sandwich and say "I chose not to put ham in it" then you would probably be psised off.

That's the difference.
Sticking to your metaphor: They told us we get a sandwich on Saturday, but explained that it would not have ham. If anyone assumed that it would then have turkey or roast beef that is their own fault.

Now, if you want to take issue about the four year wait for GT4 on the PSP, that is a whole different story, and I can agree it was a bit of big letdown. But again, people disappointed by this news now because they were expecting GT4 for the PSP have had this "new" info since June. They shouldn't be surprised now.
^^ pfew, am I glad to be a vegitarian or what.

I think GTpsp will have enough beef to chew on.

offtopic: I am not a vegetarion, oh well sometimes if my wife cooks.

I can see how 4 dealers a day makes sense in some ways. GTPSP is generous with the credits from what reviewers are saying and the cars that a player purchases can be used in GT5.

In a way its to keep people from buying any car that they choose in GTPSP with credits earned on a different point system and game engine and then bringing them into GT5 pissing off all the online players who dont have PSPs to farm off cars and credits with. This also prevents people from just buying the car in GTPSP (since there are no prize cars) and then using them in GT5 instead of earning it from some insanely long race series.💡

What I am curious to know is if the 4 dealerships are chosen at random or if there is a set schedule (like tracks and used cars in gt4). The reviewers should try and get in touch with other reviewers and start new games just to see if there dealership cycles are the same.
The four manufacturers a day issue does keep things somewhat interesting. You would want to do another race to see if brand x comes up and your favorite car is for sale.

It does somewhat compare to the used car list, doesn't it?

I think is a horrible idea, really, i enjoy driving my favorite cars on my favorite tracks, thanks to that system i have to be lucky to find the chance to buy the car.

Some excuses about the career mode are just lame (like the battery about to die, etc), i have GT2 on my psp and you know what? is great and works great. Theres no career mode not because of hardware/portable limitation (a good save system can fix everything), is because Kaz though it was a good idea not having it, and IMO is a terrible design choice, same goes for not having UPGRADES, it just sucks.

Other reason could be that i feel this game was rushed (i know it was announced at E3 2004, but let me explain), Sony asked PD to show something at E3 2004, they had to quickly something that resembles a game with a mockup UMD and Box, after that pure silence, at every interview Kaz said that they were working but nothing more, then saying it was not their main focus (TT, GT next gen concept, GTHD, GT5p, GT5), vaporware for years, then sudenly Sony ask them to have something to release with the new PSP GO and that is GT PSP, a quick port of core GT4 racing with a few more cars and some quick cuts to make it work on PSP (less texture res, 4 cars), quick game structure.

IMO GT PSP feels really rushed and theres clear explanations for that, this doesnt look like a game that has been developed by 5 years, its a just a stoped proyect and then a quick port of the core + few addons.

Polyphony Digital is a great developer and this doesnt represent the usual quality of their previous tittles.
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Sticking to your metaphor: They told us we get a sandwich on Saturday, but explained that it would not have ham. If anyone assumed that it would then have turkey or roast beef that is their own fault.

Now, if you want to take issue about the four year wait for GT4 on the PSP, that is a whole different story, and I can agree it was a bit of big letdown. But again, people disappointed by this news now because they were expecting GT4 for the PSP have had this "new" info since June. They shouldn't be surprised now.

Maybe I just missed it, but it seems that what was said wasn't so detailed as "no career mode" I thought it was more along the lines of "easier to pickup and play" which really isn't the same thing and also the idea of no career mode goes against the promise to have the - full gt experience -...

And if we go back to the sandwich analogy, considering the time frame, it's the difference between tell you saturday at 11:30, half an hour before lunch sandwich time and 12pm lunch time.

I don't care which time it was, they are both so far down the line that all the dieting and waiting has been done already.

So why dissapointed now? Because I don't think it was ever really officially known until now what exactly the difference would be (and I don't think many expected it to be this drastic) and regardless of when it's announced, it's still a huge dissapointment.
at every interview Kaz said that they were working but nothing more, then saying it was not their main focus (TT, GT next gen concept, GTHD, GT5p, GT5), vaporware for years, then sudenly Sony ask them to have something to release with the new PSP GO and that is GT PSP

I think this is very much how this played out.

Polyphony Digital is a great developer and this doesnt represent the usual quality of their previous tittles.

I think PD have cranked out some real gems in the past and that proves they have talent, but I have to wonder if given the amount of time that has passed and what we are seeing as results, if perhaps they have hit some kind of wall...
Because I don't think it was ever really officially known until now what exactly the difference would be (and I don't think many expected it to be this drastic) and regardless of when it's announced, it's still a huge dissapointment.
I'll comment on this: Even if we had known exactly what the game was going to be like at Gamescon, meaning Kaz whipped out a PSP and started playing the game on a projector, it doesn't mean that would be what the game was like when it finally came out (I remember EGM once did an exclusive preview of MGS2 one month before it came out, and they still didn't know about the whole Raiden thing).
Therefore, I personally feel that the only proper time to talk about it is now that we know exactly, without a doubt what the game offers (and even then we won't really *know* until we play it ourselves, because games have been changed by publishers in between review and release in the past). Maybe the actual surprise of the changes to the game are odd, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't debate them now because they were announced months ago.

@ Devedander: Try not to double post.
This interview is now up on the US PSN store in 1080 / 720p (obviously without the ign watermark)

Havnt read through this entire thread, but theres a post on blog.us.playstation.com about the upcoming Gran Turismo psp tv commercials as well.
Corvettes & GT-R's racing on Leguna Seca, with the co-driver playing the psp.

I can see how 4 dealers a day makes sense in some ways. GTPSP is generous with the credits from what reviewers are saying and the cars that a player purchases can be used in GT5.

In a way its to keep people from buying any car that they choose in GTPSP with credits earned on a different point system and game engine and then bringing them into GT5 pissing off all the online players who dont have PSPs to farm off cars and credits with. This also prevents people from just buying the car in GTPSP (since there are no prize cars) and then using them in GT5 instead of earning it from some insanely long race series.💡

What I am curious to know is if the 4 dealerships are chosen at random or if there is a set schedule (like tracks and used cars in gt4). The reviewers should try and get in touch with other reviewers and start new games just to see if there dealership cycles are the same.

Thats almost exactly what I thought to. They dont want you just loading up on cars then booting GT5 with a massive car list to start. A career mode would ruin that idea. Also to the same persons unhappy the game isnt GT4 should understand this is not the NEW GT game. Pay attention to all the interviews of Kaz way back in June. He clearly describes what the PSP version is.

If you were waiting 4 years for GT4 mobile your interest should have died when the idea of GT4M died during E3 2009.
Why didn't anyone tell me that there was no career mode. Like What the #$@%??????

Looking at it now, in my opinion, my hopes for this game went down the drain like me taking a piss in the showers -_-
Thats almost exactly what I thought to. They dont want you just loading up on cars then booting GT5 with a massive car list to start. A career mode would ruin that idea. Also to the same persons unhappy the game isnt GT4 should understand this is not the NEW GT game. Pay attention to all the interviews of Kaz way back in June. He clearly describes what the PSP version is.

How would a career mode have ruined this? How is this any better? And why is it that the reasons for crippling the PSP players experience are always to do with enhancing the GT5 players game?

It seems like that's treating GTPSP as a GT5 accessory and treating the PSP customer as a red headed stepchild. It almost makes it seem like GTPSP should have been a pack in for a special edition GT5, not a PSP game on it's own.

And as I said, not everyone paid that close attention to all the news, nor read exactly this into the not always crystal clear statements KY made, but I believe he said not even that long ago this was going to be the full GT experience.

If you were waiting 4 years for GT4 mobile your interest should have died when the idea of GT4M died during E3 2009.

That's easy to say now in retrospect, but I don't think that would have been met with very pleasant results had someone really been saying that this whole time. I mean speculating on negatives around here based on less than clear statements like "We want to make it more pick up and play" doesn't get you very far.
I think it'll be a good game. Just not sure about that 4 dealership idea.
I wonder if it's random. or just set days like every monday there will be BMW dealer.
Two weeks and we'll find out :P
I suppose it would be a circular system. That would also enable someone to write it down and thus predict which dealers will be available on what day.
Why didn't anyone tell me that there was no career mode. Like What the #$@%??????

Looking at it now, in my opinion, my hopes for this game went down the drain like me taking a piss in the showers -_-
They did tell us, you weren't paying attention.
They did tell us, you weren't paying attention.

Can you point to where this is actually said? Best I can come up with is things that are vague enough to be construed as this if you wanted to but also contrued many other ways.

Also didn't they tell us conficting things such as we are getting the full GT experience?

I suppose it would be a circular system. That would also enable someone to write it down and thus predict which dealers will be available on what day.

Or could be totally random...
Can you point to where this is actually said? Best I can come up with is things that are vague enough to be construed as this if you wanted to but also contrued many other ways.
I thought playable versions being reported on at every trade show from E3 on, including two threads from GTPlanet members at GamesCom, and various articles reporting that they had a mission based single player mode was obvious.

Also didn't they tell us conficting things such as we are getting the full GT experience?
Make sure that is being translated correctly when you hear that. A video interview with Kazunori Yamauchi showed up on the US PlayStation Store yesterday with an official translation and he explains the game as a pick up and play game that still gives a full GT experience.

A and the can be two different things, especially if the creator of the game and the fans of the series have different opinions on what a GT experience is. From Yamauchi's point of view, he is creating a similar experience as what his goal has always been.
How would a career mode have ruined this? How is this any better? And why is it that the reasons for crippling the PSP players experience are always to do with enhancing the GT5 players game?

It not crippling their experience because they do not have to buy the game. If what they are looking for is a GT4 on PSP there are just out of luck and would have to settle for maybe GT4? GTPSP is an introduction to Gran Turismo according to KY. A full "scale" GT game on a handheld as.

You are still missing the point of GT PSP, The first Metal Gear for PSP got the same flak, but way before it came out when just like GTPSP they said it was a different kinda of game. I think you have to see it from a more open mined view (unlike the IGN guys) rather than seeing it for what its not.

There are many videos on youtube and also the PSN store just added another interview with Kaz explaining again what GT PSP is.
It not crippling their experience because they do not have to buy the game.

I would say not having any GT at all is the most crippling experience.

But that aside, the argument, if you don't like it, you don't have to buy it is kind of unfair considering how much the game has been hyped and how many people bought PSPs in anticipation of this game and have been patiently waiting this whole time.

If what they are looking for is a GT4 on PSP there are just out of luck and would have to settle for maybe GT4?

If settling is to be considered the acceptable end to what I believe is the longest delayed launch game for PSP ok... and it's even worse that the settling has to be done on a different system -one which not everyone even has and which isn't portable... so I am not even sure that's settling, that's just something different entirely.

You are still missing the point of GT PSP, The first Metal Gear for PSP got the same flak, but way before it came out when just like GTPSP they said it was a different kinda of game. I think you have to see it from a more open mined view (unlike the IGN guys) rather than seeing it for what its not.

No I get the point, I just think it's a flawed point to say that just because you were told (or vaguely hinted at) that you wouldn't get something means it's no longer a bad idea or should garner no negative feedback.

The problem is that GTPSP isn't a different kind of game, it's the same kind of game we have had this whole time, just less of it in an area that counts a lot.
Well Email Kaz about his Epic mistake :). I now know and understand your opinions are from a personal preference and not general so I will no longer challenge your views 👍
Hey to each their own.

Maybe this will be EXACTLY what someone out there wanted...

I personally feel my view reflects the majority of GT fans, but it's pretty hard to do something NOBODY likes (I think someone even liked ET for the atari).

I just don't like it when someone tries to say "that's not a problem because:" and then states something that only applies to them or to a select few (ie you just need to wait and get GT5 for PS3 - which is great unless you don't have and can't afford a PS3 and unless you don't care about the portable part).

Anyhow... maybe GTPSP2 will have career mode back :P
Lol @ the people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. The IGN review was way too harsh and stirred up quite a scare, but now we have countless several other reviews giving it 8/10 and saying it's a good game.

Let this be a lesson to you all that first reviews mean squat(well heck all reviews mean squat). Take Driver 3 for example, it got a 9/10 on its first review but look how the rest followed(terrible).
What I'd really like to know is where you would find the time and the battery power to play a typical GT career mode?

Game reviewers are generally jaded and bias, hardly objective.
Lol @ the people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. The IGN review was way too harsh and stirred up quite a scare, but now we have countless several other reviews giving it 8/10 and saying it's a good game.
The only way the IGN review was harsh was because the final score was low. There are reviews giving it 8/10s that completely ripped into the game.

Take Driver 3 for example, it got a 9/10 on its first review but look how the rest followed(terrible).
Unless you are saying that PD paid IGN to give a bad score, which is all but known to have been what Driv3Rgate was about, that has no real merit to this discussion.

What I'd really like to know is where you would find the time and the battery power to play a typical GT career mode?
What I'd really like to know is where you would find, in previous GT games, a career mode made up entirely of races that are over 4 hours long. Because as far as I knew most races in GT Mode in past games are around 10 minutes or less. And the PSP has a standby mode.
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What I'd really like to know is where you would find the time and the battery power to play a typical GT career mode?

The same place people find time to play other long games on the PSP... ie in short chunks.

Why do people keep bringing this up as if somehow suddenly on the PSP career mode must be done in one long stint without using standby?
The only way the IGN review was harsh was because the final score was low. There are reviews giving it 8/10s that completely ripped into the game.

Fair enough, but they still end up agreeing that it was a good game despite the flaws in the end.

Unless you are saying that PD paid IGN to give a bad score, which is what Driv3Rgate was about, that has no real merit to this discussion.

No one knew Reflections paid for that score when it came out. What it has to do with this discussion is it's the exact same situation. Everyone was super ecstatic about Driver 3 and when they saw the 9/10 it was all they needed to make up their mind on how good it was. Likewise, with GT people were all too quick to make up their mind it was a bad title on ONE review before THEY even played it.
Likewise, with GT people were all too quick to make up their mind it was a bad title on ONE review before THEY even played it.
I don't see that at all. I do see some people putting too much faith in that one review (ie. the score), but I also see people saying specific criticisms of the game that the IGN review talked about. At the same time on the other side of the coin, there are people saying that the IGN review is invalid and spouting final review scores from other sources as the sole reasoning.
In essence, I've seen an awful lot of "IGN is wrong because these other people are giving the game 8/10s," and that doesn't mean anything. As I said in the other thread, this review gave the game an 8.0, but slammed more things and more thoroughly than the IGN review did.
May I just kindly slip in that a career mode for a game like GT PSP doesn't necessarily need to be made of hour-long races? Of course, a career mode for this game should be matched with the idea of this release: short, quick races. We do have short, quick races now, but in no particular order and with no restrictions (as far as I'm aware).

A career mode for GT PSP should be severely shortened and be simple. But most of all, it should be there.
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