Import Tuner Challenge - Tokyo Xtreme Racer 10 ( Wanderer list in first post )

  • Thread starter Max_DC
Well, see, you're already familiar with Genki's games -- you weren't expecting anything special with the graphics. :lol:
:D nah but seriously, I don't think that the grafics are bad.... am I just fan-blind or what?
Well, see, you're already familiar with Genki's games -- you weren't expecting anything special with the graphics. :lol:

Kaido battle 3 is one of the best looking racing games on the ps2 imo. Well it took them that long to get it right.

Ok I just watched the trailer and man yeah the graphics don't look that great. But still everything else made me want this game. It looks like they've taken the crappy vinals from Kaido battle 3 and the different gauges from C1 racing battle though. Also I liked the fact that the cars had full interiors and they actually show you whats going in the engine when you buy the tuneups.

If this is a 360 Exclusive game it's a system seller for me though.
Well, I'm obviously a bit late to this thread... Anyway, my two cents:

After the rather dissapointing and laughable attempts at playing the first game that was on the PS2, I have absolutely no reason to even consider in the back of my mind a game such as this. I am prepared for the worst as it seems, expecting something worse than L.A. Rush (easily the worst game I played last year).

Yes, this franchise may have a following, but so does the Ford Pinto. Love it or hate it, the cars suck, as does this franchise, no iffs ands or butts about it. Hopefully the folks at Microsoft are smart enough to keep their hands off of this title completely, and let this company dig it's own grave. It's predecessors carved out a market because it was cheap and apparently "fun to play."

Did I miss something? I must have been on acid at the time...

Anyway, it will probably be dropped into the bargin bins at Best Buy pretty quickly, so if you're looking for a $20 360 title in the near future (that is, if it comes to the US), this will probably be there...
Aww, c'mon, YSSMAN...the cars may handle like bars of soap on buttered-up frying pans, but the games are still fun to play if you don't expect anything better from the physics... :lol:

Oh well, I still like the series, and I can't wait to be able to play TXRX on XBOX Live.
Well, I'm obviously a bit late to this thread... Anyway, my two cents:

After the rather dissapointing and laughable attempts at playing the first game that was on the PS2, I have absolutely no reason to even consider in the back of my mind a game such as this. I am prepared for the worst as it seems, expecting something worse than L.A. Rush (easily the worst game I played last year).

Yes, this franchise may have a following, but so does the Ford Pinto. Love it or hate it, the cars suck, as does this franchise, no iffs ands or butts about it. Hopefully the folks at Microsoft are smart enough to keep their hands off of this title completely, and let this company dig it's own grave. It's predecessors carved out a market because it was cheap and apparently "fun to play."

Did I miss something? I must have been on acid at the time...

Anyway, it will probably be dropped into the bargin bins at Best Buy pretty quickly, so if you're looking for a $20 360 title in the near future (that is, if it comes to the US), this will probably be there...

Wait I agree with this person, this game looks terrible and also every other genki racing game I have played is also terrible. Genki suck and make terrible games and I hate them so much and god they are so lame and only nubs would want to buy them. I can forsee genki going bankrupt because of this terrible abortion of a game and i'm not suprised that they haven't folded earlier with garbage games like Kaido Touge No Densetsu and C1 Racing battle which are both realy realy crappy and I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.

Well, I'm obviously a bit late to this thread... Anyway, my two cents:
Others might say that you are here too early ;)
After the rather dissapointing and laughable attempts at playing the first game that was on the PS2,
Did you ever consider the fact that you just suck at TXR ? ;)
I have absolutely no reason to even consider in the back of my mind a game such as this. I am prepared for the worst as it seems, expecting something worse than L.A. Rush (easily the worst game I played last year).
I never played LA Rush, and I usually don't comment on games I did'n play a few hours... Maybe others should do the same ;)

Yes, this franchise may have a following, but so does the Ford Pinto. Love it or hate it,
Well I can live with that statement...
the cars suck
Oh really? Well I'm sorry that a game by a japanese developer which takes place in Tokyo,Japan doesn't feature 200 American cars ;)
So the Sti, Evo, Supra, RX7, Skyline GT-R and various European cars btw suck? Ok, if you say so
, as does this franchise, no iffs ands or butts about it.
No if's and but's? Because Yssman the champion and all mighty gaming god says so ? What qualifies you to judge on racing games you didn't even play? Or do you own a modded PS2 with 60 jp-import games like I do.... I surely have played more racing games in my life for my 15 consoles than you...
Hopefully the folks at Microsoft are smart enough to keep their hands off of this title completely,
They will

and let this company dig it's own grave.

I doubt that, don't forget... they market is Japan, and that's where they succeed.
It's predecessors carved out a market because it was cheap and apparently "fun to play."

Again, not in Japan. Full priced and always a Top 10 seller... Oh you didn't know that? Now you do.
Fun to play indeed btw.

Did I miss something? I must have been on acid at the time...
Well I somehow have no reason to doubt that ;)
Anyway, it will probably be dropped into the bargin bins at Best Buy pretty quickly, so if you're looking for a $20 360 title in the near future (that is, if it comes to the US), this will probably be there...

Maybe, maybe not....
Did you ever consider the fact that you just suck at TXR ? ;)

I don't know if you're joking around, but that's one of the worst and most childish counter-arguments ever conceived...and almost everyone uses it when someone insults one of their favorite games.

Oh really? Well I'm sorry that a game by a japanese developer which takes place in Tokyo,Japan doesn't feature 200 American cars ;)
So the Sti, Evo, Supra, RX7, Skyline GT-R and various European cars btw suck? Ok, if you say so

Um? When YSSMAN said "the cars suck," he was referring to the Pintos. You chopped up his statement -- he was saying that people love the Pinto, even though everyone can agree it sucks.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it so much, Max_DC. From most of YSSMAN's other posts, I can tell that this one is a bit tongue-in-cheek. Either that, or I'm underestimating his utter and complete hatred for the TXR series. :lol:
I don't know if you're joking around, but that's one of the worst and most childish counter-arguments ever conceived...and almost everyone uses it when someone insults one of their favorite games.
I added a ;) to make sure everybody understands... Still it might be an over used argument, often it is the truth nevertheless. Probably not in this case, since TXR is not that hard

Um? When YSSMAN said "the cars suck," he was referring to the Pintos. You chopped up his statement -- he was saying that people love the Pinto, even though everyone can agree it sucks.
Well I might have understood this wrong.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it so much, Max_DC. From most of YSSMAN's other posts, I can tell that this one is a bit tongue-in-cheek. Either that, or I'm underestimating his utter and complete hatred for the TXR series. :lol:

Well, it's not that I want him to love Shutokou Battle 10 or Genki games. He could have said : "I don't like it. I think it sucks. The grafics are too average for my taste. I prefer games with American cars. I want more tracks than Tokyo at night."
But saying this game IS rubbish, no "if's but's" is no high quality post. It is sth many people do and I can't stand that.
They take their opinion and they make it absolute. It is always personal choice and preferences and it is simply wrong to say "it is" a bad game. It isn't. He doesn't like it. So what ? Others might love it and they are as right and as wrong as he is.

The grafics might not be perfect, but honestly, those guys who say : "A game without nice grafics is automatically bad" do not really know what they talk about. They can say, "for me" grafics play a very important role. fine.

In other words, this post was not really a "quality post" and that's what I was pointing out. Not because he doesn't like a game that I like, but because he made his post look like the one of somebody who knows it better, who has the ability to ultimatly judge on sth.
I didn't say that this was his intention and I didn't say that Yssman is not able to make quality posts. This one isn't however.
Well, excuse me for taking use of my "American Clarkson" title...

Anyway, when I played XR for the first time, I found it to be frustratingly bad, but as you say, that is my opinion. I'm glad that you are happy that the game is comming and that you are a fan, but for me, this game is something that I will be staying away from. Far, far away from. Say, the distance that lies between the US Democratic Party and sanity.

I suppose I apologise if I offended you in any way Max_DC, but I'm simply stating the opinion for most folks with "common sense" when it comes to racing titles.
Well, excuse me for taking use of my "American Clarkson" title...

Anyway, when I played XR for the first time, I found it to be frustratingly bad, but as you say, that is my opinion. I'm glad that you are happy that the game is comming and that you are a fan, but for me, this game is something that I will be staying away from. Far, far away from. Say, the distance that lies between the US Democratic Party and sanity.

I suppose I apologise if I offended you in any way Max_DC, but I'm simply stating the opinion for most folks with "common sense" when it comes to racing titles.

Nah no need to apologize, really not :). I just wanted you to notice why I think the tone of your post was leading into a wrong direction. That's it, not more.
And the "most folks - common sense" thing is questionable, since last time I checked, the majority was not sth I can agree with.
I mean in the Western countries the majority is not eating healthy, is drinking alcohol etc... I mean... certainly sth you can do, but certainly not the correct and right thing, understand what I mean ? The average joe is not my quality standart... apart from that gaming preferences are never sth the majority can define. When I play a game and have fun, I have fun... and coming back to TXR, there are many obvious great things. The game is challenging : You have over 500 individual enemies, divivded into certain racing teams ( let's say a Toyoyta Supra crew) and several different bosses. You can drive around and chose your rvials whenever you want. You can customize your cars, both appearence and performance, you have a lot of setup possibilities, licenced cars, good sound and nice handling right in between arcade and simulation. The grafics are nice, maybe not what the 360 can do, but better than anything you can get on PS2/Xbox/GC, which is enough for me.
Well everybody loves Burnout, I don't. Everybody loves Lord of the Rings movies, I can't stand them... Nobody plays Tokyo Bus Guide, I do... personal choice and I'm happy that we agree :)
Replay video



The new replay video looks very nice, can't wait :drool: .... still no news about an possibly region code free asia version or a western release date though..... :indiff:
God damnit I realy don't want to buy an X360 just for this game, but man if it gets a worldwide release and is online i'll be all over this. It doesn't help that i've been playing TXR3 recently as well.

Also that video looked allot better than the other one. But god damnit the modzzz and the neons look so lame.
Cheers max_DC:)Love that green supra in the picture, Im a bit obsessed by gauges at the mo lol can't get enough of them:D
Cheers max_DC:)Love that green supra in the picture, Im a bit obsessed by gauges at the mo lol can't get enough of them:D

I can understand that. The tuning posssibilities in this installment seem to be awesome. So we get pretty nice grafics ( as I said, maybe not what the 360 can do, but better than Xbox games and that is enough for me... apart from the fact that it looks better from month to month imo....), new parts of Tokyo highway and hundrets of cpu opponents...and.... online via will rock... :drool:
I think it looks fine, I really really hope that it will be released in the us. If it is online it might be the best racer on the xbox.
it will be online and chances are more than good that it will be released in both Europe and USA... the question however is : when ? summer or xmas?....
Wow this is like a dream come true.... the tuning system is unbelievable!!! hope this will come out in Australia... love the RX-7 btw... :D
Only rumors so far, but I read that Famitsu obviously rated it with 8 8 8 8, which is 32/40... a really good game... I'll buy it anyway, but if this turns out to be true, it is even better, since 4 8's normally mean : great gameplay and little to no negative points, just not totally new and spectatacular. Racing games usually don't really get high reviews in Famitsu, so we can just go on hoping that there will be either a region code free Asian version or at least a summer worldwide release...
Like cellphones is there a way to unlock the xbox?

That is possible on almost every console ( most of my consoles are modded ), but the 360 seems to be a hard target for mod chips... MS made sure to prevent these kind of modifications since they usually also allow to play illegal copies... I don't know if there is a working modchip out there already, but I tell you sth : Even if it should work you can forget playing online with the modded one, so I'm afraid you only have two possibilities : wait for a ntsc-us/pal/regioncode free version or import both the game and a 360 from Asia....
I really don't see why the 360 was not created to be region free, it would have taken a lot of weight off of MS's shoulders with their world wide launch.

Even so, I really want to play this game, it just looks like it might be a fun arcade racer.