Initial D Trueno

  • Thread starter dustin-19
wow...don't you think that's going a bit, well, way too far?
anyway, there aren't any episodes that give out Takumi's settings, that i know of, al least.
sorry to be offensive, but i hate all this initial d ****! I watched some episodes of it like a year and a half ago and its not that cool!

go spray paint "tofu" on your moms station wagon, haha. now that would be the next thing you will do?
Originally posted by advanR
go spray paint "tofu" on your moms station wagon, haha. now that would be the next thing you will do?

You'd be surprised some people here probably have.

I thought initial D was ok, but for god's sake do we need all these threads about Initial D?
i actually think you might be right. I cant wait until i see a civic si with tofu spelled on the side. IT WILL HAPPEN. I also bet the next initial d movie will come to the usa. And initial d will be picked up by network stations and it will be the next pokemon.

Im telling you man, atleast a few of those things will happen. I have the best BS detector. I can see how trends start, and every few years there is another bull**** trend. I swear i have seen like 50 posts about initial d. It is very popular with younger people in the usa already.
of course,I must say this...I SAW THAT ITEM ON EBAY!lol,sorry,I just had to =D


P.S. that wasn't a joke by the way...I looked it up on Ebay and it was ACTUALLY there!along with a GT-R Emblem =D
Sorry for starting all this commotion. So if what I'm asking for is stupid and impossible, then what are the parts I should buy and settings I should put to make the Trueno a good drifting car.
i still don't understand why we haven't implemented my sign-up popup idea.
lots of people would ignore it, but at least someone would read it.
*sigh* Initial "D" still has another 22 sequels to go through before it probably ends...*sigh*
does anyone else think that the newer Initial D is completely different than the first stage?

personally, i think that the graphics and character drawings are getting a lot better, but why can't they just keep the integrity of the series?
well,I must admit,Initial D did go through a pretty BIG change when they tried to make everybody have an "older" if you must..look to them.They tried to add more cheerfulness in the coloring as well,making the animation look clearer and less confusing to some.but for me,it was like,"whoa!" when I first saw the 1st episode of Second Stage,and even their voices sounded kinda different,along with the animation not looking quite as dark as it used to..but that's what I liked about it =P,then they had to go and change it -_-.oh well,they all have cycles and we have to accept them..such as the GT went from just a bunch of pixels put together without looking as if that was their best work,to known,the upcoming,life like GT4,where everything looks so real that you'll be lost from reality from the great texture of everything being as smooth as it'll minute you'll be racing on a clear course on a Free Run,then the next thing you know,then sun begins to set and the street lights turn on,then later on into the night,it begins to rain =D.see..that's what I'm talkin' about.but anyways,back onto subject..Initial D Second Stage really was different lookin' than the First Stage,but it was well worth watching,since they tried even harder to more of a storyline into Initial D,rather than just,talk talk talk,race race,talk talk,race,ya know?in the Second Stage it was more of a,talk,think about what's going on,sentimental moments,race,sentimental moment, know that kind of thing.But I do admit..and probably most other people will agree with me as well,for the ones who have also watched Initial D First and Second Stage..First Stage is funnier than Second Stage.Second Stage is pretty serious all the way don't get me wrong,there's like a couple of episodes where you'll just laugh from what's goin' on,but really..First Stage was way funnier than Second Stage in my own opinon,but that's just me =D


P.S. thanks for givin' me as a referance to people for Initial D info Thio!I'm glad to help any way I possibly can ^_^!
On a whole, I think 1st season and maybe the movie were the best in the series. 2nd season felt kinda rushed or something. The animation was kinda better, but especially in the beginning the cgi looked kinda similar to the beginning of 1st stage. The story wasn't half the story 1st stage had, I liked it better when all of the racers weren't evil. Yep, it was funnier. I prefer that over the seriousness of 2nd stage. Plus, better love stories :)
well, i never watched the second stage

i have the first stage and the thrid stage (in chinese). that's why i sorta said that the integrity isnt there

n yea the first stage was hella funny :lol:

AE86Driver: np :)

if you have AOL or Compuserve just PM AE86Driver n hell send you some episodes

im gonna do that later

props AE86!
kinda gonna quote ya here Thio,but this is just hilarious the way it looked when I first saw it,"just PM AE86Driver n hell send you some episodes" hehe,that just looks funny with the HELL typo you made,lol =D.well,anyways,onto the subject...I can't exactly send Initial D episodes through e-mails you know,cause they're over at least 80 megs a,just thought I'd let everybody know that before I get like 10 replies asking me for episodes ^_^.but yeah,Kazaa is your best source to get them from..that's where I got mine anyways =P,hehe,good luck with finding and downloading them everybody!hey Spidey,remember in First Stage,"they're like chocolate and ****,they don't go together!hahahahaha!" ?that's what makes Initial D First Stage funnier than the Second Stage,lol =D


you know i meant to say HE'LL but i was too lazy to add the apostrophe :)

what i thought was funny was when Iketani took Itsuki's quote of being a lonely driver and both agreeing that they would be lonely drivers :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: