Is anybody thinking about making the switch

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In the Kart challenge on Autumn Ring Mini. I was doing 75-80 mph and it felt like I was flying. I have never had that much fun on that little track before. The sense of speed is there. In fact having played forza 2 and 3 in depth and having played GT5 I see no real difference in sense of speed.
Then you must sense it differently to how I do, because arriving at a corner in Monza felt really pedestrian and despite braking where I felt the speed required, it just overshot the corner majorly, as I hadn't judged my entry speed.

I'm not going to write it off, as I was playing on a demo pod with a racing line, so I image TCS and STM were on as well and it already felt an improvement on GT4.
If the game is rubbish on the pad, then no dice. I don't like gaming steering wheels and have no room for one anyway.

Say what you like about FM3, but it's fantastic on the pad.

I don't have the space or cash for a dedicated wheel setup, so I have to use the controller for both games. While I like the xbox controller much more than the PS3's, I had no problem playing GT5 with a controller. I would recommend picking up the triggers that attach to the R2 & L2 buttons and configuring the gas/brake to them if you're used to Forza though. They make it much easier to modulate the gas & brake.

Both games have their faults, but are equally fun to play if you ask me. If you own a PS3 GT5 is definitely a must have game. I have both consoles, so I'll continue to play both games 👍
I agree if you have both consoles and enjoy racing both are must have games no doubt about it.

I also much perfer the Xbox controller over the PS controller but now using the same wheel on both systems is more even. GT5 is better in this department as it adjusts the wheel in game where Forza does not so you have to set the wheel to what you want and all cars will have the same turning radius in Forza.

The big advantage of Forza or should I say Xbox over PS is the chat and party system. Having been on Xbox live for the last 2 years I hate not being able to talk to my friends while I am browsing the car lot, running career mode, playing another game or whatever. In fact over the weekend we all had our Xbox running and was using the party chat on there while playing GT5.

That first corner on Monza is a trip. It seemed like I had to almost stop to get around it in some cars.
The big advantage of Forza or should I say Xbox over PS is the chat and party system. Having been on Xbox live for the last 2 years I hate not being able to talk to my friends while I am browsing the car lot, running career mode, playing another game or whatever. In fact over the weekend we all had our Xbox running and was using the party chat on there while playing GT5.
I did the EXACT same thing over the weekend. Had my PS3 on playing GT5 and had the 360 on. Used the 360 to chat with friends. Every few minutes the room would get quiet. Then I looked over at the 360 controller and noticed it was in sleep mode. :lol:
I should have just used a hair tie to hold the analog sticks together. I think that would have kept the 360 controller from shutting off .
In the Kart challenge on Autumn Ring Mini. I was doing 75-80 mph and it felt like I was flying. I have never had that much fun on that little track before. The sense of speed is there. In fact having played forza 2 and 3 in depth and having played GT5 I see no real difference in sense of speed.

The sense of speed the bumps on the Nordschleife in GT5 gives can't be beaten, in my opinion. You really feel every input you give through the steering wheel.

Agreed. The ring is AWESOME on GT5!

On the controller going to sleep. If you plug in the charging cable it will not go to sleep. Of course then you have the wire to deal with but it works. I just laid the controller down next to me and hooked it up to the usb port on the xbox and did not have that problem anymore. Before I hooked up the cable I was havign the same thing happen. I'd be talking away and realize no one can hear me LOL.
I could sit playing with the rev range for ages in this game. The Impreza S204 unicorn for example sounds divine. I'm not sure if the standard STI sounds the same.
I could sit playing with the rev range for ages in this game. The Impreza S204 unicorn for example sounds divine. I'm not sure if the standard STI sounds the same.

The sound in FM3 is gorgeous, I love the sound of the roaring 5.0Cammer in my 93 Mustang, screaming it's way to 8K rpm. The sound of superchargers and turbo's are all well done too.

The Carrera GT sounds exactly like in real life....👍👍
I'll try and sum up my feelings, I'm not disappointed too much in GT5 itself. It's much like other GT games in the series (of which I have played, and enjoyed, every single one). However I've played Forza... And to have played Forza and then go back to GT is a bit like having been allowed out in a big playground on the swing sets, see saw, roundabout, slide etc. then to go back later and all that is left is the see saw. It's very limited in terms of modding, plus the fact the cars (for the first time) actually handle like cars is hardly apt offset for the shoddy graphics, ultra short career, tiny premium car list, crap sound, limited tuning, error packed menus and descriptions and non existant damage. All of which are painfully inexcusable on what is supposed to be the most powerful console presently available, with 5 yrs of development time. Particularly when Turn 10, supposedly a lesser developer, have turned out two cracking games in that time in FM2 and FM3.
Actually I like the sound of many of the cars better in GT5. I also like the fact that you can hear the intake, turbo or SC when in a forward view and hear the exhaust when in rear view. Some cars have a major difference between front and rear. Forza is pretty much the same no matter which view you use though some of the cars in Forza do sound very good the same can be said for GT5. I could do without the whine of the race tranny but that is what they do for real so the sound is correct.

As for game play. GT5 offline mode is so much better than Forza that I do not think it fair to even compare the 2.

Online mode Forza has the benefit of Xbox Live so you get party chat and invite to race options and thier private race system is top notch aside from the lack of competive cars in various classes. The public mode however is horrible in Forza 3. GT5 will prove to be much better in public mp races due to the fact that someone is actually in control of the lobby rather than having T10 guess what we want to run and how we want to run it. Something that they have failed to do on a grand scale.

Modding and tuning in Forza has many more options for sure. The livery editor is very good and it is nice to be able to swap out an engine in an older car to get some more beef under the hood. That said the way this is actually rated in the game makes it not work out so well. Some cars can end up with huge amounts of power in low classes where other cars can not get much power at all without being 1 or 2 classes higher.

The AWD swaps should have been left alone, They were reasonable in Forza 2 but in Forza 3 they have pretty much ruined the game imo. This combined with the poor public online experience makes Forza 2 a much better game to me.

As for damage imagion if full damage was on in career mode in GT5. The way the AI drives it would take a year to get enough cash to win the higher ranked races due to your car constantly being trashed by the stupid AI drivers.

I think we will see more features enabled as the weeks go by. There is a very good chance that some things were not ready and were disabled on the intial release so that they could get us the game and let us start playing it. I for one would much rather have the game as is than to wait 6 more months for more stuff to be tweaked.

As for graphics have you looked at the Nurburgring on a replay yet? It is hard to take it it while driving but on the replay it is amazing. so much more detail than Forza, so much more true to life there is no comparrision GT by a mile. The same can be said for every track in the game.

Forza also has some graphic issues, sometimes on Lemans the tarmac will become a mirror and show the sky where the road should be. Been that way since day one and they have still not corrected the glitch. Livery editor has been to dark in rear bumper mode from day one, numerous complaints and requests for patch but still the same as ever. In MP races cars will appear 20 feet in the air or with just the roof sticking out of the pavement again they have had a year to fix this and it is still the same as ever and don;t even get me started about those stupid blinding white screens. I could go on and on about the graphic issues in Forza that they have never did anything about.

All that said you must keep in mind that GT5 has been out less than a week. Forza has been out for over a year. Unlike Forza 3 over the next few weeks/months we will see the online system improve and bugs/glitches corrected and may even see more content possibly even free content.

FM3 was build on the back of FM2 and while they improved the graphics and the livery editor they went backwards in other areas. PD also cranked out GT PSP and Tourist Trophy as well as GTHD, GT5P during the span between GT4 and 5.
Having gone a little deeper into GT5 now, I will say that it is getting more convincing. The physics really are VERY good. Some of the tracks are just superb - most obviously the Nordschleife, which, just like in GT4, is the jewel in GT5's crown. I do notice that the graphics vary not just from car to car, but also from track to track. I just ran some races in arcade mode at Tsukuba - although it's not the most spectacular track visually, the graphics are absolutely flawless.

The TOD & weather effects are extremely realistic - perhaps even too much so, meaning driving in heavy rain in cockpit view is VERY challenging - all goes towards GT5 being very sim oriented. I think Forza will have a hard time matching GT5 in these respects.

The poor AI, quirky & often boring offline game, & less than exciting engine sounds remain the weak points of GT5 however.
Actually I like the sound of many of the cars better in GT5

No offence intended, but then you must be deaf. No car sounds better in GT5 than Forza, regardless of what they sound like from different views. You can only race from one at a time anyway. No V-tec step, V8s sounding like hairdryers regardless of tune level or exhaust, no proper blow off sounds, the list goes on and on. There are maybe 4 or 5 cars they seem to have put the effort in on, and they are not quite right. The rest are tragic.

GT5 offline mode is so much better than Forza that I do not think it fair to even compare the 2.

Negative. A proper career mode with seasons in Forza with closely matched class cars is far better than the mish mash of often irrelevant, boring and restrictionless processions that are apparent in GT5. They only get exciting when the ridiculous rubber banding and exaggerated slipstreaming mean that your skyline has a presumably standard Mazda 4 pot N/A zooming up it's ass, presumably to not bother braking at the end of the straight, plowing you off the road.

Stuff about on-line

Don't play either on line, never have, never will. Therefore irrelevant to me, and I am not alone in this. Games should be played single player foremost, multiplayer is alright but there are many who don't go on-line. And would rather not have their single player affected by the limited server capacity apparently available to GT5, cheers.

As for damage imagion if full damage was on in career mode in GT5. The way the AI drives it would take a year to get enough cash to win the higher ranked races due to your car constantly being trashed by the stupid AI drivers.

So the single player game is comprehensively broken? Rightttt... Nothing like a bit of balance in a game.

As for graphics have you looked at the Nurburgring on a replay yet? It is hard to take it it while driving but on the replay it is amazing. so much more detail than Forza, so much more true to life there is no comparrision GT by a mile. The same can be said for every track in the game.

Both are games, I doubt very many people on these boards have actually driven on the Nurburgring, so I don't pretend to know what it's like and am not prepared to comment on whether either game is closer. What I will say is that I have been on numerous tracks in the UK on a motorcycle, and for the most part, tracks are extremely wide and very smooth.

I would also like to point out at this point, that the lower detail of tracks and cars in Forza allows for a smooth, high framerate. In GT5 I have experienced severe slowdown due to my vehicles reversing light lense having 1,000,000,000,000,000 polygons, despite the fact I can't really see this as I'm driving from onboard.

I could go on and on about the graphic issues in Forza that they have never did anything about.

For GT5 to be what was promised, they would have to premium every car in the game, fix the crappy rain/shadow effects and introduce them on all tracks, make the headlights work properly, sort out the online, rewrite the AI, provide more tuning options, install a mechanical damage system, up the HP cap and tweak the physics so certain cars don't handle like balls, such as the Elise 111s and Murcielago. Bit of a steep slope. I don't see them ever doing that.
You are entitled to your opinion but I asure you I can hear quite well and the cars in GT sound good, many of them are more realistic than Forza in many ways and is a giant leap forward in the sound department from previous Gt games.

I have watched a full lap around the ring via an in car camera and GT nails it. Forza leaves out a lot of detail and almost all of the bumps. It actually feels like a smooth track in Forza but in real life it is anything but.

I have not experienced any lag at all in GT5 I have experienced it in Forza as well as mirror road and other graphic issues and Forzas frame rate is not that high even though they only put 8 cars out, no smoke to speak very little if any dust, no weather effects.

Again having played Forza a great deal I firmly believe that GT is a better game.

And btw if you never played online and you think Forza has a good career mode I think you may just get trashed online as Forza AI is horribly slow even on hard.
Forzas frame rate is not that high even though they only put 8 cars out, no smoke to speak very little if any dust, no weather effects.

Forza's frame rate is a constant 60fps. GT5 racked anything from 18-120fps in the digital analysis, which is amazingly inconsistent and it is incredible that they did not try and cap it. The only point I am trying to make is that in general, GT5 isn't designed very well, and is unfinished. Both these points make it inferior to Forza 3, which is really quite well designed and a solid, consistent game.

And I'm never going to go online. So I don't care. All I use online for is vinyl designs.
You are entitled to your opinion but I asure you I can hear quite well and the cars in GT sound good, many of them are more realistic than Forza in many ways and is a giant leap forward in the sound department from previous Gt games.

I have watched a full lap around the ring via an in car camera and GT nails it. Forza leaves out a lot of detail and almost all of the bumps. It actually feels like a smooth track in Forza but in real life it is anything but.

I have not experienced any lag at all in GT5 I have experienced it in Forza as well as mirror road and other graphic issues and Forzas frame rate is not that high even though they only put 8 cars out, no smoke to speak very little if any dust, no weather effects.

Again having played Forza a great deal I firmly believe that GT is a better game.

And btw if you never played online and you think Forza has a good career mode I think you may just get trashed online as Forza AI is horribly slow even on hard.

If you say the cars sound better in GT than in Forza you seriously have never ever driven a real car before, excuse me.

Have you actually read the tech thread about GT5? How much the frame rate slows down? FM3 stays on 60 pretty much ALL the time, tested by the same Eurogamer. Your facts are totally wrong and colored.
I've spoken to a lot of people around who have now got GT5, and they are quite disappointed with it - It's fair to say I am a little, and I've been suggesting Forza as an alternative. I only have a 720p xbox, but I have to say I am considering getting a new 1080 one and going over to the dark side. Anyone else feeling this?

I am. Told my wife to buy me an Xbox for Christmas. Forza is the the only game I plan on getting. I wouldn't call it "going over to the dark side" though. I'm really enjoying GT5, but it's missing so much. Kaz just isn't listening to us. I'm looking for Forza to do what GT5 doesn't, and vice versa.

When I hear the cars in Forza, I get so jealous. Why does GT continue to suck at engine sounds?...and customization? It's almost like PD doesn't care about that stuff. They'd rather waste time putting in stupid cars like the 1970 Honda Z I just got rid of. It's like I'm playing GT just for the photo mode.

So I've come to the conclusion that I need both games in my life.
I'd say that, other than the PS3 pad being horrible compared to the 360 pad in my opinion, GT5 works as well with the pad as Forza does. The feel for pad driving is hugely improved over GT5P. The handling is different - FM3 and GT5 each have their own strengths and weaknesses - but they're close enough in terms of quality and enjoyment that I haven't yet been able to decide which I actually prefer.

Edit: Oh, Jeff beat me to it. Hi Jeff!
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I'd say that, other than the PS3 pad being horrible compared to the 360 pad in my opinion, GT5 works as well with the pad as Forza does. The feel for pad driving is hugely improved over GT5P. The handling is different - FM3 and GT5 each have their own strengths and weaknesses - but they're close enough in terms of quality and enjoyment that I haven't yet been able to decide which I actually prefer.

Edit: Oh, Jeff beat me to it. Hi Jeff!

That's a very interesting post and it's good to hear pad gamers aren't being treated like second-class citizen.
I'd say that, other than the PS3 pad being horrible compared to the 360 pad in my opinion, GT5 works as well with the pad as Forza does. The feel for pad driving is hugely improved over GT5P. The handling is different - FM3 and GT5 each have their own strengths and weaknesses - but they're close enough in terms of quality and enjoyment that I haven't yet been able to decide which I actually prefer.

Edit: Oh, Jeff beat me to it. Hi Jeff!

Same Khaddar from AG??
That's a very interesting post and it's good to hear pad gamers aren't being treated like second-class citizen.

Using the controller for GT5 while driving the race cars, I did have to turn on a couple assists. You just cant modulate the gas well enough with the triggers on the PS controller. That said, I have to use TC for the race cars in Forza too. So it might just be that I suck :lol:
You are entitled to your opinion but I asure you I can hear quite well and the cars in GT sound good, many of them are more realistic than Forza in many ways and is a giant leap forward in the sound department from previous Gt games.

I have watched a full lap around the ring via an in car camera and GT nails it. Forza leaves out a lot of detail and almost all of the bumps. It actually feels like a smooth track in Forza but in real life it is anything but.

I have not experienced any lag at all in GT5 I have experienced it in Forza as well as mirror road and other graphic issues and Forzas frame rate is not that high even though they only put 8 cars out, no smoke to speak very little if any dust, no weather effects.

Again having played Forza a great deal I firmly believe that GT is a better game.

And btw if you never played online and you think Forza has a good career mode I think you may just get trashed online as Forza AI is horribly slow even on hard.
Amazing how we got completely different games burned to our disks. :ouch:
You are entitled to your opinion but I asure you I can hear quite well and the cars in GT sound good, many of them are more realistic than Forza in many ways and is a giant leap forward in the sound department from previous Gt games.

I have watched a full lap around the ring via an in car camera and GT nails it. Forza leaves out a lot of detail and almost all of the bumps. It actually feels like a smooth track in Forza but in real life it is anything but.

I have not experienced any lag at all in GT5 I have experienced it in Forza as well as mirror road and other graphic issues and Forzas frame rate is not that high even though they only put 8 cars out, no smoke to speak very little if any dust, no weather effects.

Again having played Forza a great deal I firmly believe that GT is a better game.

And btw if you never played online and you think Forza has a good career mode I think you may just get trashed online as Forza AI is horribly slow even on hard.

Sorry but watching a video of the ring isn't going to allow you to say which is more accurate. I've driven the 'ring and plan on going back as soon as the weather gets warm enough. I found GT4's rendition of the track far too narrow - the track in real life is actually very wide. I haven't played GT5 yet so I cannot comment. And actually, a lot of the track is smooth - especially up the back straight from Bergwerk. Very wide there too.

And Forza's frame-rate isn't that high? It's over 50fps at all times. That's perfectly acceptable.
That's a very interesting post and it's good to hear pad gamers aren't being treated like second-class citizen.

Well, we might be I guess - I don't have a wheel for either game to compare. But at least it's no worse in one game than the other. For comparison, in GT5P I felt that there had been no consideration for the pad in the overall design, unlike previous GT games.

Same Khaddar from AG??

You think there are two of us stalking you online? Having said that, someone else did get this as their PSN ID :(

Using the controller for GT5 while driving the race cars, I did have to turn on a couple assists. You just cant modulate the gas well enough with the triggers on the PS controller. That said, I have to use TC for the race cars in Forza too. So it might just be that I suck :lol:

Well, you said it... You're right though, it is a little harder to modulate the throttle on the DS3, but I think that's a failing of the controller rather than the game. How did you get on with those trigger extensions? Do they make any difference for fine control, or just stop your fingers sliding off? I've been thinking I should get some to try out.
You think there are two of us stalking you online? Having said that, someone else did get this as their PSN ID :(

ha.. same thing happened to me, PSN name is JeffKill77. There's a JeffKill impostor out there somewhere....

Well, you said it... You're right though, it is a little harder to modulate the throttle on the DS3, but I think that's a failing of the controller rather than the game. How did you get on with those trigger extensions? Do they make any difference for fine control, or just stop your fingers sliding off? I've been thinking I should get some to try out.

The triggers definitely helped a little with modulation as well as keeping your finger on the button. Easily worth the $3 I paid for them.
Went from Forza 3 to GT5 and now i'm back to Forza 3 and i'm not missing anything at all from GT5. I gave GT5 a solid week of heavy playing. Like 8+ hours a day because I have a lot of time on my hands right now. I got to level 25, did an endurance race and called it good. I have over 125 cars in my garage. Forza 3 i'm still playing a year later.