Is it time to let go?

  • Thread starter robbyf
Dear OP,

My situation is exactly same with you right now. I think it is the time to let go of GT6 (or maybe the whole GT series).

Forza 6 is looked so amazing, and I am tempted to buy X1 with FM6 bundle.

Meanwhile there is no GT7 info or at least one screenshot. I dont understand what are PD doing all the time.

Forza has 2 games on X1 and upcoming FM6 so it counts as 3, but PS4 still only have Driveclub (which is also excellent and exclusive to PS4). But still no GT.

I dont really care about any excuses about development or something, but PD is not delivering anything right now. If PD seriously want to make GT rise again, there is so much work to do and there is a lot to catch from other sim racing games. With current Yamauchi working style with PD I doubt GT will come back like its golden times.

TL;DR: just get x1 with fm6 when its launched and let it (GT) go.
Well, I read all your stories, I have a similar connection to GT since I only stuck with playstation for GT after growing with the series, but I feel GT tries to take itself way too seriously as of late, gone are the fun fantasy tracks, hundreds of race mods, long career modes and now we have a game that tries to be a sim, but is far from it, which is why i've let go and left to the PC, because if I want to play sims, I may as well do it right.
Yeah, but realistically GT is unlikely to add all the features that Forza has. So there will always be a trade off between what GT does better and what Forza does better. Static time and weather is likely good enough to make Forza not a total write off for most people just because of that (and there's always Horizon if you really need your weather fix), and I'll be very, very surprised if GT gets anywhere near the level of customisation and the breadth of car choice that FM6 will have. Or the detail of physics and tuning, to be perfectly honest.

As with FM4 vs. GT5, it'll be swings and roundabouts. In any given area one can point out which game is better, but which game is better overall will depend on how important those things are to each individual.
I completely agree with you, but there are higher chances for dynamic weather in FM7 than there are chances for GT7 having a customization system just a little bit close to FM6.

That being said, we don't know anything about GT7 but I'm not sure they'll do much in that area even though they've done a pretty nice job with GT6 but it's still far off what FM is doing.

GT has the features (cars, tracks, etc.) while Forza has the visuals. I know which one I'd rather have.
I don't think GT has the best tracks compared to FM (I'm only talking about real life race tracks) but it isonly based on tracks I like and the last couple of tracks FM6 listed are pretty awesome, especially Sonoma and Hockenheim, COTA. In terms of cars, sure GT has a huge amount of cars but I'd rather have less cars with a lot more interesting race cars than 1000+ cars that has duplicates and standards and mostly Nissans.

I'm pretty sure GT7 will come out at the same time as Forza 7.
Kaz said that we will not have to wait until 2017 to get GT7 and FM6 isn't even out yet so FM7 is not going to come out until at least 2017/2018.
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GT just doesn't impress me anymore, in the 90's-00's it had little competition and for it's day it was advanced but now there are too many better games which come out quicker and have more content and modern features. After GT5 I gave up and the fact that Standards will probably be also in GT7 was the final nail in the coffin. I bet it won't even have a livery editor.

They don't do themselves any favours with the prolonged periods of silence either, how can you go years without releasing information or even showing any progress and expect to keep peoples attention?!
Yes, it is very much time to let go of GT now which is why GT6 will be my last GT. The inconsistencies of 5 and 6, coupled with growing competition have made it a complete laughing stock. The complete silence over the most basic of communication shows that PD simply do not give a hoot about the competition or it's fanbase. The Q&A was a disaster and the course maker and FIA Online thing are looking like a pile of smoke and mirrors.

I won't be getting GT7, or any PS4 sims in fact, due to the wheel support debacle and will be mainly be using FM6 as my car game and arcade racers for the actual racing part.

If this is meant to be a "Golden Age" for sim racing, I'm not seeing it.
I think a lot of why people invest so much time into the series - even after all of the discrepancies of 5 and 6 - is because of what the older games did for them. I would not know the vast majority of the cars I do now if it weren't for these games, nor would I have an appreciation for racing cars, historical classics, fine tuning and just the thrill of driving itself, as cheesy as it sounds. I mean GT even influenced the choice of my first car; I bought one that was the same model (albeit not the same trim) as the car I'd inexplicably chosen as a starter car in older GT games as a kid. It's like I felt it was a tradition I had to keep going.

Forza is a great series. What you can do and the liberties it gives you are far more enticing than GT's right now. It has a whole host of cars you know you want to drive as well as a few surprises. You can do anything you wish with them and the stuff you can do just seems limitless. And yet, GT6 still has a certain charm to it, something I don't think any of the Forza games have ever had. It's great being able to build up a car, spend time meticulously painting it and setting it up right and having a close race for a few minutes at a time.

But being able to buy a crap box, taking it as far as you can go before upgrading it up to eleven to run against supercars and purpose built racers just comes across as a lot more enjoyable in GT for whatever reason. There's a sense you actually own the car rather than just pretending to. I have cars in the Forza games that have thousands of miles racked up on them and countless wins, and have used as much as I can. But I don't ever feel that I'd want a car just like it in real life. Whereas my 900HP, absolutely filthy Bayside Blue R34 on BBS wheels from GT3 feels like the sort of thing I've had plenty of good times with and would want in my garage as it is - even if I have really just been sat in front of a TV.
It's not letting go, things co-exist for a reason. I believe, since we have yet to hear, anything in regards to GT7, I'll be getting a Xbone for that exact reason, then again there are also some exclusives I'd like to play anyway. But Forza, over all from everyone I've heard and talked to about it. It's just generally better than GT, they put time and effort into all their cars and so on. It may be time, but by no means am I leaving the GT series. Taking a leave, most likely.

Forza is a great series. What you can do and the liberties it gives you are far more enticing than GT's right now. It has a whole host of cars you know you want to drive as well as a few surprises. You can do anything you wish with them and the stuff you can do just seems limitless. And yet, .

That is what is drawing me to it, everything you said is what I was pushing towards, expanded lol. I want a game where I can create my car, from a minuscule point. Steering wheel, interior seats, fenders, trim, aftermarket parts, everything. I know that will probably never happen, but hey. I can dream.
This thread is really great I appreciate all the responses. I forgot to mention I have a high end gaming PC I just don't have any racing Sims on it besides Dirt 3 . I was going to get Pcars during the steam summer sale but I am running an AMD card and read it doesn't work well with those. I have always prefered racing on consoles anyway. I use the PC for strategy, shooters and flying Sims. The computer is also why I can't justify having both xbox1 and ps4.

I guess I'll just wait and see what the final verdict is Forza 6 when it comes out. I just have a feeling as as soon as I swipe my debit card for a Xbox a gt7 annoucement will come and it will have 1600 cars, new sound egine, quarter mile drag strip with top fuel and funny cars,, bonneville salt flats , pikes peak, Used car dealer , motorcycles , track maker, egine swaps and livery editor.
This thread is really great I appreciate all the responses. I forgot to mention I have a high end gaming PC I just don't have any racing Sims on it besides Dirt 3 . I was going to get Pcars during the steam summer sale but I am running an AMD card and read it doesn't work well with those. I have always prefered racing on consoles anyway. I use the PC for strategy, shooters and flying Sims. The computer is also why I can't justify having both xbox1 and ps4.

I guess I'll just wait and see what the final verdict is Forza 6 when it comes out. I just have a feeling as as soon as I swipe my debit card for a Xbox a gt7 annoucement will come and it will have 1600 cars, new sound egine, quarter mile drag strip with top fuel and funny cars,, bonneville salt flats , pikes peak, Used car dealer , motorcycles , track maker, egine swaps and livery editor.
Then Please, pre-order the bundle now. And then when they announce all that. Cancel it...👍

I'm gonna do it. That's a really pretty console.
I'm gonna do it. That's a really pretty console.

I'd instantly buy an xbox, too. If it would support my already resident G27...

But not like this, buy another steering wheel for either PS4/XBOX ONE..

Thanks, haha, no way never..
This thread is really great I appreciate all the responses. I forgot to mention I have a high end gaming PC I just don't have any racing Sims on it besides Dirt 3 . I was going to get Pcars during the steam summer sale but I am running an AMD card and read it doesn't work well with those. I have always prefered racing on consoles anyway. I use the PC for strategy, shooters and flying Sims. The computer is also why I can't justify having both xbox1 and ps4.

I guess I'll just wait and see what the final verdict is Forza 6 when it comes out. I just have a feeling as as soon as I swipe my debit card for a Xbox a gt7 annoucement will come and it will have 1600 cars, new sound egine, quarter mile drag strip with top fuel and funny cars,, bonneville salt flats , pikes peak, Used car dealer , motorcycles , track maker, egine swaps and livery editor.

I highly recommend you try Assetto Corsa and Dirt Rally on PC.
Has any of us in our early to late 30's ever considered the age at which we felt such passion and interest in Gran Turismo?
I've played as you all have since my mind was very young and impressionable.
At 38 years old, I feel much the same as the conversation in this thread.

You ask is this the end?
I ask... Is it possible we felt the "magic" because of our young years doing what they were supposed to do?
We were all a bunch of kids just realizing how cool Gran Turismo was back then.
I see it in my sons eyes with GT6.
He looks like me with GT1.
Our minds have matured beyond the magic, we still love to play, but will never experience it again through a ten year olds eyes.

I said it in my last post and I'll say it again.

The magic began because of the age we played the games, yes. But for me, the magic hasn't gone away since then as you say. I felt the same magic when putting in the GT6 for the first time after preordering. The difference was I got bored with it quickly, and never got bored with the first 4. (I got bored with 5 even faster than I did with 6, but the course creator kept me entertained for a few hours.) There are probably many reasons not related to the game why that is, such as how much time I had to play video games (a lot less with GT6), how many ways besides GT I could spend my free time with (a ridiculous amount, including other games like GTA V, with GT6 - contrasted with the early games being all I wanted to do with my down time besides my other choice racing games like Burnout), and so on. But although I got pretty far in GT6 and was very happy with it, I do think I got bored with it quickly and don't really play it anymore for a reason. Not so much the game being worse, but the game matching my personal interests in a GT game less.

I'm in my 40's and I'm more interested than I was 15 years ago. I know people will disagree, but the modern GT's are leaps and bounds better than the early titles which were still great in their time.

We will disagree with your opinion that the new games are better just as you will disagree with ours.

You are correct that the new games have significantly more content. That is an indisputable fact, and a natural product of the series' chronological progression. But for a game to be truly better than an another it has to transcend the sum of its parts - just like there are many cars that we would pick over other cars that, on paper, beat it in every single detail. It's about the game's soul, not just what cars or customization it has to offer.

There's no denying that every GT game from 1 through 6 has soul, but different players want different things. To me, 5 lost a lot of soul and 6 gained a little bit of it back, but for someone else GT5 might be the most soulful of them all, and nobody is more right than the other. There's no definitive answer to which GT is the best, or what group of GTs is better than another, because it's different for every player. What has been pointed out is that for those who have played every game in the series, it seems like the vast majority prefer and have a favorite in the first four, and there must be some merit in that conclusion.

As someone who's played all of them, I don't claim that any of them aren't good games - just that I prefer the first four, and particularly the 4th. I'd put GT6 after that, and it's really not that far behind. It's still a great game. GT5 is my least favorite for a variety of reasons that prevent me from having the opinion that it's a good Gran Turismo, but I can't deny that objectively it's still a good game.

I don't think GT has the best tracks compared to FM (I'm only talking about real life race tracks) but it isonly based on tracks I like and the last couple of tracks FM6 listed are pretty awesome, especially Sonoma and Hockenheim, COTA. In terms of cars, sure GT has a huge amount of cars but I'd rather have less cars with a lot more interesting race cars than 1000+ cars that has duplicates and standards and mostly Nissans.

Again, just a difference in what you and I prefer. Neither of us is more "correct" than the other, we just gravitate towards different things in this context. I personally much prefer GT's car and track choices, but there is nothing wrong with preferring Forza's and certainly many good reasons why you would.👍 I actually have sort of a minority opinion in this regard, in that I actually like all the different Nissans and Miatas and such that are in the game. I'm much more a fan of taking a normal car you can actually buy and turning it into a giant killer than having the choice of many different race cars that you don't have to do anything to for them to be competitive with others in their class. What's great about GT and its enormous car lists is that you can do both!

I prefer racing slower cars in general, which is why I'm not upset that I can't race a Ferrari 458 or a McLaren P1, and happy that I have so many options to pick from when I decide I really want to duke it out in early-90s JDM sports cars on SSR 5.
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Same here, looks like FM6 has finally caught up with GT6 due to having better tracks and having weather and time change. Looks like I'm tempted to buy a XBone.

But GT is still my favorite having played all titles(including PSP version, Prologue titles and Concept Tokyo Geneva). This is also the reason why I love racing games. When I got GT2 along with NFS Porsche Unleashed for the PS1, I was astonished by its graphics and its total commitment to cars and now both of these games have a different path, GT being a good game but not like its past years while NFS on the other hand has its last chance to redeem itself by releasing NFS 2015.
I remember the magic of playing GT3 with my cousin every time I'd go to his town on summer holidays. His PS2 had just one controller and no memory card, so every time we'd have to start the career all over again and see how far we can progress before his parents would take over the TV. And it was great, we started over well over 100 of times and yet still found it fun and engaging, hell we even played split-screen with one controller, giving each a go and then plugging the controller into the other slot. Now that I'm mature I'd find all of that obtuse, I want my progress to remain and I can afford multiple gamepads. I've transitioned exclusively to single player racing and that's where I found GT5/6 lacking, the career is very short and most of the races are unrestricted, so I can bring X1 prototype and completely dominate them, if the game lets me abuse itself without any cheats then I don't consider it very good or balanced. Basically once I've randomly discovered Forza 3 back in 2009 I became a fan, it's a very straight up no BS approach to career, the menus are sleek and quick, the roster is huge and everything has a high level of polish and quality. Compare that to GT5 with it's painfully slow menus, ps2 cars, horrible sounds, wonky framerate and graphics, obtuse leveling gates and other obstacles that prevent me from taking any car I want to any track I want at any time, I quickly fell out of love with the franchise. I appreciate the work of the artists and programmers, but as a game it's again very obtuse and unwelcoming. While forza may not be pushing tech to the same level, I can appreciate the focus on solid 60 fps in the age when most games fail to achieve even solid 30, the car list and track list please me greatly and with forzavista it satisfies my needs for car pornography.
Has any of us in our early to late 30's ever considered the age at which we felt such passion and interest in Gran Turismo?
I've played as you all have since my mind was very young and impressionable.
At 38 years old, I feel much the same as the conversation in this thread.

You ask is this the end?
I ask... Is it possible we felt the "magic" because of our young years doing what they were supposed to do?
We were all a bunch of kids just realizing how cool Gran Turismo was back then.
I see it in my sons eyes with GT6.
He looks like me with GT1.
Our minds have matured beyond the magic, we still love to play, but will never experience it again through a ten year olds eyes.

It's not nostalgia.

Gran Turismo 1 was legitimately a great game in it's time. There was nothing else like it, it was truly new and exciting.
Gran Turismo 2 was Gran Turismo 1 multiplied.
Gran Turismo 3 and 4 were GT1 and 2 with pretty graphics. They were good, but they were still just refinements of the original formula.

Come to Gran Turismo 5 and 6 and we've been 15+ years with the same game with minor upgrades. People who see it for the first time are naturally enthralled, even though these days there are legitimate competitors and GT is no longer unquestionably the only choice. But people seeing the same game for the sixth time are naturally starting to get fatigued.

Most games develop, change and improve. Look at the differences in gameplay between MGS 1 and MGS 5. Between FF 7 and FF 13 (admittedly not necessarily change for the better there...). Gran Turismo has been paddling around the same pool with upgraded physics and graphics for 15+ years. That's all very well, but it shouldn't be surprising that some people are bored of the gameplay and want to see that Gran Turismo magic taken to the next level.

Gamers never grow beyond the magic, but it's not magic if you've seen it before and you know how it's done. Gran Turismo 1 was a great game, but I have no desire to go back and play it again. I've done that. Why should I want to play Gran Turismo 1 HD?
It's not nostalgia.

Gran Turismo 1 was legitimately a great game in it's time. There was nothing else like it, it was truly new and exciting.
Gran Turismo 2 was Gran Turismo 1 multiplied.
Gran Turismo 3 and 4 were GT1 and 2 with pretty graphics. They were good, but they were still just refinements of the original formula.

Come to Gran Turismo 5 and 6 and we've been 15+ years with the same game with minor upgrades. People who see it for the first time are naturally enthralled, even though these days there are legitimate competitors and GT is no longer unquestionably the only choice. But people seeing the same game for the sixth time are naturally starting to get fatigued.

Most games develop, change and improve. Look at the differences in gameplay between MGS 1 and MGS 5. Between FF 7 and FF 13 (admittedly not necessarily change for the better there...). Gran Turismo has been paddling around the same pool with upgraded physics and graphics for 15+ years. That's all very well, but it shouldn't be surprising that some people are bored of the gameplay and want to see that Gran Turismo magic taken to the next level.

Gamers never grow beyond the magic, but it's not magic if you've seen it before and you know how it's done. Gran Turismo 1 was a great game, but I have no desire to go back and play it again. I've done that. Why should I want to play Gran Turismo 1 HD?
Very Valid point
It's not nostalgia.
Gamers never grow beyond the magic, but it's not magic if you've seen it before and you know how it's done. Gran Turismo 1 was a great game, but I have no desire to go back and play it again. I've done that. Why should I want to play Gran Turismo 1 HD?

I mean, I just started a fresh GT4 save. Admittedly I don't think about going back and replaying GT1 that often, but I have thought about it. Some people don't tire of the formula, and tire of the newer games for other reasons.

I'm not disagreeing, though, that the series needs some new life injected into it. While I would fall over in happiness if they literally just made Gran Turismo 4: Hyper HD Remix, I realize I'm not everyone. And if we're are talking about new directions the game could take I have many ideas. But that's for another thread.
I mean, I just started a fresh GT4 save. Admittedly I don't think about going back and replaying GT1 that often, but I have thought about it. Some people don't tire of the formula, and tire of the newer games for other reasons.

I'm not disagreeing, though, that the series needs some new life injected into it. While I would fall over in happiness if they literally just made Gran Turismo 4: Hyper HD Remix, I realize I'm not everyone. And if we're are talking about new directions the game could take I have many ideas. But that's for another thread.
Same thing with Call Of Duty, Same formula. But I always go back. But I hope that GT7 just shocks and awes us all.
Come to Gran Turismo 5 and 6 and we've been 15+ years with the same game with minor upgrades. People who see it for the first time are naturally enthralled, even though these days there are legitimate competitors and GT is no longer unquestionably the only choice. But people seeing the same game for the sixth time are naturally starting to get fatigued. Most games develop, change and improve. Look at the differences in gameplay between MGS 1 and MGS 5. Between FF 7 and FF 13 (admittedly not necessarily change for the better there...). Gran Turismo has been paddling around the same pool with upgraded physics and graphics for 15+ years. That's all very well, but it shouldn't be surprising that some people are bored of the gameplay and want to see that Gran Turismo magic taken to the next level.
THIS, this so much. My first Gran Turismo was 4 (but I did play all others after I discovered it's a popular franchise) and when I first saw its review on Hyper (Polish gaming TV channel) in 2004, I was beyond amazement. It was great to get my hands on GT5. In case of GT6 I was just like "Oh cool, a new GT! Imma play it for a long time for sure!"...

Gamers never grow beyond the magic, but it's not magic if you've seen it before and you know how it's done. Gran Turismo 1 was a great game, but I have no desire to go back and play it again. I've done that. Why should I want to play Gran Turismo 1 HD?
Admittedly I don't think about going back and replaying GT1 that often, but I have thought about it. Some people don't tire of the formula, and tire of the newer games for other reasons.
I'm not disagreeing, though, that the series needs some new life injected into it. While I would fall over in happiness if they literally just made Gran Turismo 4: Hyper HD Remix, I realize I'm not everyone. And if we're are talking about new directions the game could take I have many ideas. But that's for another thread.
I think there simply are games out there that people will always want to come back to. We just remember these old games as great and will eagerly come back to them. Some of us can't explain it and I'm not blaming them.

In my case it would be be tons of old-ish PC games or the stuff I had going for my PS2. Like, I recently bought Knights and Merchants, Roller Coaster Tycoon 1&2 or Age of Empires 2 HD on Steam. Or Shadow of the Colossus & ICO for PS3. I'd kill to play Nightshade or Black or Final Fantasy XII again.
I miss my old games grossly because they truly were amazing and felt like nothing else back in the day. KaM was frustrating beyond belief with its slow-paced gameplay, but it was SO great to watch your economy grow and watch enemy soldiers perish as their funny death animations (little black skeletons burning away in white fire) played.

Who knows, maybe in 10 years we will feel the same about good old GT5 or GT6, although personally I went all the way from loving GT6 at release to hating it now. Or maybe my problem isn't with the game but with PD's ways.

I would love it if PD made a rival to Forza Horizon 2. Think of FH2 made by PD. Great slection of cult AND modern cars, great physics... An open world Gran Turismo would be a game I'd have no trouble playing for many hours straight.

Come to think of it, there are very few modern games that manage to keep me entertained for longer than 2-3 hours at a time. Older games just seem to have so much replay value! Now I'm not saying that newer games don't have it, but I can think of far more older than newer games that I could play for a long time.

I realize I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed (though I sure as hell AM a tool in one way or another*), but I know this for a fact - if one misses something they used to love once, they might be willing to go to great lengths to feel it again and will always reminisce about it fondly. Letting go would be when you find yourself not thinking about this special thing anymore. You still have yet to let go if you keep thinking about it.

*Yes, I'm fully aware what that means.
I would love it if PD made a rival to Forza Horizon 2. Think of FH2 made by PD. Great slection of cult AND modern cars, great physics... An open world Gran Turismo would be a game I'd have no trouble playing for many hours straight.

I've said it before in other threads, but the standard cars were perfect to be used for an open world game. I think PD could have followed T10s example and used their older assets to make a simply enormous open world game, and kept GT as a premium system seller.

Come to think of it, there are very few modern games that manage to keep me entertained for longer than 2-3 hours at a time. Older games just seem to have so much replay value!

I think you just have to pick your games. There were plenty of awful games way back when as well. Games that I sunk serious hours into on PS1 are probably limited to GT, FF 7 and 8, and Resident Evil 2. Games that I've sunk serious hours into in the last couple of years are probably The Witcher 3, GTA V, pCARS, and Assetto Corsa. Probably Heroes of the Storm too, I have about 250 hours in that over the last six months. Playing 30 minutes a day adds up.

Maybe your mileage varies, but I find it about the same as it's always been.
Again, just a difference in what you and I prefer. Neither of us is more "correct" than the other, we just gravitate towards different things in this context. I personally much prefer GT's car and track choices, but there is nothing wrong with preferring Forza's and certainly many good reasons why you would.👍 I actually have sort of a minority opinion in this regard, in that I actually like all the different Nissans and Miatas and such that are in the game. I'm much more a fan of taking a normal car you can actually buy and turning it into a giant killer than having the choice of many different race cars that you don't have to do anything to for them to be competitive with others in their class. What's great about GT and its enormous car lists is that you can do both!

I prefer racing slower cars in general, which is why I'm not upset that I can't race a Ferrari 458 or a McLaren P1, and happy that I have so many options to pick from when I decide I really want to duke it out in early-90s JDM sports cars on SSR 5.
Exactly, it might not look that way but I completely agree with you I understand and respect why you and many other people like what GT has to offer. Actually, I really like being able to "build" cars in GT adding rear wings that we can adjust how we want visually, painting brake callipers, adding flat floors, etc... the only thing missing from that, is one of the feature that makes me lean towards FM, which is the livery editor. It just happens that FM is much likely to attract someone like me because of its more interesting motorsport content and a bit more advanced painting tools so we can recreate historic liveries on any cars we want.

They both have their strengths, but GT's weakness compared to FM's bothers (bother might be a strong word, but I don't have a better word right now) me more than FM's weakness compared to GT's hence why I would tend to go to FM if I had to only pick one. But I really like both because they're so much fun in their own areas.

Standards might be a weakness in itself (because these are low poly cars from old GT games) BUT it also is a strength. You're much more likely to be able to use cars that you really enjoyed from the previous GTs in futur GT, than you're going to in FM. The only downside to standards is that they're standards, but if we trust Kaz's words they're working to make as much as these cars premium for GT7 but it's likely that there's still going to be standards in GT7 but probably less then in GT6 which is always a good thing.
The early gran turismos were life changing because they were something completely new and nothing else to compete with them. Before gran turismo I was captured by the colin mcrae rally, v rally, toca touring cars and other games of the time frame. But as PD came to gran turismo 3 or gran turismo 4, new hardware PS3 and continued to not really advance in any way except frame rate or graphics, standard models with no interior detailing, have crappy sounding engines, and too many Japanese models instead of variety, poor tuning shop, poor livery editor on no livery editor at all, no quality paint shop. To this day PD continue to use old tools, old methods, old content and same old ways with new games on newer hardware and they failed to advance with the new hardware their software.

For me GT5 was my favourite because it brought the ability to share cars, play online with friends, and it brought Speed Test. And since then I have wanted Speed Test in every gran turismo after this. GT6 let me down in this area. I liked how in GT5 you could see the physics at work and change car performance figures with speed test measurment tool and I could 1/4M test my car tool and tweak gearing down to small increments. The whole tuning system felt more complex and had provided more detail and information on where your cars maximum speed and gearing and suspension and aero were affecting other areas of the cars performance. This is what I love most and is what GT5 for me is the best gran turismo.

The older gran turismos were great in their tracks, content and career and fun factor with the way the game play elements were presented. And of course the games were still fresh back then. But using the same old ways with the newer games has meant gran turismo has shown its age and you see the elements from the old gran turismos brought to the new gran turismos and this is what starts to get a bit old for me now after having been with the franchise since day 1. Modern gran turismo might look a bit better or feel a bit better in the simulation. On the outside this can seem like a big change but on the underlying foundations the game modern games are built upon too much of the old infrastructure used for the old games.

With GT4 and GT5 PD had their chance to get rid of standard cars and have all cars premium and have detailed exterior and interiors. The cars could have had better sounding engines, the game could have had better tuning, customization and painting tools and variety of cars. The game could have not have had as many cars as 1200+ and would have given PD a chance to go back and make all cars premium but now they can't go back and their are too many problems PD have failed to correct and make right. They have had plenty of time to do this. Now they are too far behind and it will take forever to sort this out.

What I like about Forza is the detail on the cars all cars modeled in the same consistent super high detail resolution and the sound of the engines goes a long way in the driving experience. I love the customization in Forza and painting tools available. I could only wish and dream gran turismo does this as well as forza one day. The only problem with forza was more of a boring and less engaging career. The real down side for forza is its hit and miss love and hate physics handling simulation which with many cars feels better than gran turismo to drive. Its what stops me playing Forza to the full more than gran turismo.

But gran turismo 6 physics to me seemed to get a little too arcady and unrealistic especially version 6. Cars are too easy to drive and you don't get the sense or feel of the cars like you can in say project cars for example and some cars in forza. In gran turismo 6 you don't seem to feel the unique handling or character of each car very well. Forza at least manages to grasp this even though the handling isn't quite right or doesn't feel quite right, it still manages to grasp some of the character of the cars. Gran turismo hasn't managed to do this for me.

I'm not saying you can't feel the difference of say MR to FF or 4WD. But that they all feel to an extent like a 4WD feel. Its just the cars unique character isn't there because otherwise in gran turismo all MR cars appear to feel like a generic MR car and same for all 4WD feels like 4WD in gran turismo etc etc so on and so on. So what I'm like saying here is that at least forza gets some of the unique character of the car and every handling character of same drivetrain feels different. Not every 4WD feels the same to drive in forza, and I feel the difference between driving an r34 to say a 4wd ford escort rs cosworth to say a ford rs200 road car. Forza simulates the unique character and feeling of various cars and or their drivetrain mechanics better than gran turismo.

For me Gran turismo 5 had a physics simulation that not only appeared to work well but felt better and a little bit more sim like than 6 does and you could see it work when you changed something in the tuning setup. Its like 6 has lost something despite its supposedly superior physics model, to me it doesn't always feel like it. When you don't see the tuning setup making much of a difference on the cars character or performance again talking about the speed test measurement tool helping here. And the more helpful transmission tuning. The only difference I see in 6 is car roll on corners and certain tiny physics elements.

Despite all of this I still go back and play gran turismo to interact and engage with and play with friends met on playstation network since gran turismo 5, as in my opinion - gran turismo provides the best online experience over forza.

If Dan Greenawalt's main objective focus for him is driving physics simulation forwards, then I hope forza 6 is finally a step forward over previous forzas to the point the handling and general driving physics of cars are more likeable and somewhere on the line of project cars or better or a pc sim and more likable than gran turismo. If Dan Greenewalt can nail the physics simulation of the forza motorsport game, then it just might keep me engaged and hooked on forza rather than me being put off from playing it.

One other thing forza needs to compete with gran turismo is a more engaging online user experience, with lobbies where you text chat to other friends and not just use a microphone, and forza needs the option to have lobbies that are free roam or free drive. Plus it needs to have the same version or same track layout of indianapolis road course tracks that we use for drag racing on gran turismo.

Like some people have said - it all comes down to what people personally prefer. For me both games need to have what the other game has or lacks if that makes sense. I would like to be able to do all the things I can do in forza and have the gran turismo experience out of it. This may never happen but Turn 10 may well get close with 6 or 7 but I guess we will find out.

I also agree with a lot of what other people have said and my opinions of both games sometimes change and my mind is never fully made up.
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It's just an Xbox 1 is a big investment.

Too bad I just saw your thread, I only found out about this deal today though so I'm not sure if you could have gotten this amazing deal. It was an Xbox one plus a 40" Samsung TV for 500 bucks.

I jumped ship last year, it was hard but I had had enough with the standard cars and all the other crap. When Kaz said they would be back for GT7 I said enough and bought FM5, maybe out of spite but now a year I already have "memories" with Forza. I feel great with it, In just a year I've been able to see the announcement for two games (the other one being the spin-off Forza Horizon 2), what's more important is that they don't disappoint, Turn 10 doesn't leave you waiting for news. They communicate to fans and also there is this unwritten rule that they will get a Motorsport game every two years so if you are bit of an impatient OCD kinda bastard like me then Forza is godsend. No more waiting 18 months like an idiot crossing your fingers hoping that the next "Scheduled maintenance" will bring a feature that was supposed to be on launch day.

Jump ship, you won't regret it. By the time GT7 comes out you will be able to find a PS4 slim at half price any way. If you ever feel like going back that is which I doubt.
unwritten rule that they will get a Motorsport game every two years so if you are bit of an impatient OCD kinda bastard like me then Forza is godsend. No more waiting 18 months like an idiot crossing your fingers hoping that the next "Scheduled maintenance" will bring a feature that was supposed to be on launch day.

On the flip side, I've only paid for a single GT title rather than multiple FMS titles just to obtain more tracks and cars. I'll stick to the cheaper slow and steady format.
On the flip side, I've only paid for a single GT title rather than multiple FMS titles just to obtain more tracks and cars. I'll stick to the cheaper slow and steady format.

Depends how you see it. I mainly bought GT6 for the promised course maker, it never came. So in a way it was 100 Australian dollars down the drain. Not cheap.