Is the negativity ever going to end?

  • Thread starter Boxster
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lying fox tv GIF by Gotham
Literally, anything to blame anyone other then PD themselves. And even with proof, deflection on other titles doing it - with PD and GT7 coming out even worse every time.
I agree it is wishful thinking, with some basis on their previous history

*Increased car prices - the XJ13 is down from 20m to 12m, I guess that there are other examples? Gr1/2/3/4 and VGT are the same?
*Reducing payouts at this time does look poor - I agree, and I mentioned the payouts for custom and sport mode races
*We couldn't sell gift cars in GTS, but we should be able to sell cars we've bought
*Roulette - I hate that it is as rigged as the daily spin in GTS, I've still won 4 cars inc Ruf and GT Spec II, and 700,000 credits
*Ignoring the bug - I don't know the system they have to use for updates, so I don't know if they did ignore

I don't disagree with the negativity, just think it is a bit over the top. But each to their own.
I go think that GT7 is a very good game as it is, but absolutely agree that it could have been a great game
I think if you look back you will see that complaints about not being able to sell reward cars existed about for GT5 GT6 and GTS.
Good on ya new guy. /s
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Can you believe this? A guy makes a thread about... complaining about other people complaining. The irony.

Jesus. You are annoyed at it, or like the way the game is now? Then it's simple, don't post in here or avoid threads about complaints, like read the titles. Or... just play the game and don't post here. Works both ways.

Besides, all these complaints should be posted to bring people's awareness of the miserable state this beloved franchise is setting itself into.
I just have a problem believing Sony and PD want to tank one of their most iconic franchises on purpose. Clearly most of their decisions short term right now are financial based. I could take a deep dive into talking about their reasoning, but the short of it is….the metrics work out in their favor. Although I don’t think they expected quite the backlash as they’ve gotten (no doubt enhanced by the 30 hour blackout), PD and Sony have already baked the initial popularity spike, and the corresponding drop off, into the financial models and prospective futures. And they’ve also weighed In the MTX revenue of the current vs. the projected MTX revenue 6 months from now.

The sheer scope of this tile left a HUUGE financial hole they had to dig out of, come launch.

For every 3000 people wining about the IG and MTX economy of this game RIGHT NOW….there’s 30000 people (on the low end) not whining about it. For every 1000 people who threaten to delete the game, 100 people actually do.

It’s all a numbers game in the end people! PD is recouping as much of their investment as the metrics have suggested they’ve could at launch, and then they’ll settle into a more stable and financially feasible plan for the future.

If you understand basic business principles…and can separate the “fan you”, from the business side of things….this stuff isn’t too hard to figure out.

FWIW, I think this is waaaaaay more Sony’s doing than Kaz and PD’s doing.

Granted, Kaz is on Sony’s Board…. But he’s only one member of the board. It’s very easy to get overruled in that position when $$ talks..

AND NO…. I’m not trying to defend any recent choices (which i don’t agree with btw). Just trying to provide a little “real world” context
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But every racing game has been moving to this model. Especially with Forza Horizon's success. Roulettes, timegating, credit income slowdown, everything bad about GT7 right now was taken from there. Turn 10 tried the same stunts on the Forza Motorsport players with FM7 and the game TANKED, to the point they were literally begging for an apology and had to drop support with it still being a broken mess, because few people played. EA on the other hand pushed through with NFS Payback and the game was dead on arrival and never recovered despite updates greatly toning down the lootboxes.
Good grief, how many times are you going to twist & fib about what Forza went through. As has been told to you multiple times now, whether myself, @Scaff, @Terronium-12, or @Silver Arrows, Turn10 got out ahead of the backlash and removed the issues before the community retaliated in the way GT7's has. There is no such thing as "credit income slowdown" in Forza's games, once again, an argument only from you that completely contradicts what everyone else speaking up for PD has said when it comes to mentioning Forza's game design (that it throws cars & cash at you, which yes, it does).
A wise CEO would've seen what happened with FM7 and wouldn't have repeated it in GT7. But neither Jim Ryan nor Kaz Yamauchi strike me as particularly wise when it comes to business. Because gaming executives' reaction to something that doesn't work is not to avoid it in the future, but try to sell it to a different audience hoping that this new audience will fall for the trap.
It's almost like I specifically told you this days ago.
And now Gran Turismo could be in a position to kill itself because PD may or may not learn from Forza's own mistakes when it came to greed....
I've read through dozens of pages of the most recent threads regarding the current issues and haven't seen a single comment that could be considered as "weakly disguised racism towards Japanese people".

Not one.

Not one that is even remotely similar in tone to that sort of thing, nor have I seen any "wishing of violence towards PD staff".

These are pretty serious things to say, so perhaps you could provide evidence?

I'm not saying they aren't there, I'm telling you I've seen nothing like it at all.
Maybe Mercia is Jussie Smollets GT tag. He just can’t stop himself.
In this state, never hope it ends.

Still, I enjoy playing the game despite the flaws so the negativities here didn't bother me since they makes sense, just hopefully PD read enough of all of these to make a change. They kinda deserve it with their weird decisions.
It is also how you build echo chambers that create fanboyism. Seeing someone will a total different opinion of point of a view on a subject is primordial to an healthy communication
"Healthy communication" by slinging emotion driven, corrosive vitriol by outraged people who might poo your post if you disagree with them? No, online communication is half-bullying today.
Nope, even when the payout is 'fixed'. Because keep the noise going on, even nitpicky ones, so there are more chances for them to fix the bugs which is PD itself or other franchise's flaws. There are almost zero chance but it's what they deserve.
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Subject: Is the negativity ever going to end?
PD need to take action if, those of us unpleased with the collective negativity, want it to end quickly.

I'm glad to see it honestly, the more feedback that goes out the more people are aware of the issues and the justifications for them.

I don't like unconstructive comments, but suggestions everyone should welcome imo, such as one I'm a fan of "PD please make GT7 not always online" or "PD please increase the awards for races", these are useful suggestions and if PD made official announcements that they had heard the comments and were working on solutions, then if anyone hadn't heard of that progress and continued to complain, these announcements could be used to reply to them and say 'Chill, PD are listening and are taking action' short of that, I don't see it ending quickly, no, and that's completely fine by me.

I am totally on board if mods would like to pin a thread, each, for each major topic so it doesn't spawn dozens of threads though, that's also a useful suggestion.
There's a worldwide pandemic. And multiple wars raging. Even though I was slightly bummed about the issues with the updates, I can still play the game and I love it. It's a beautiful game. I really think the phrase "first world problems" might be applicable here, in terms of the complaints folks have (and I say this as someone who paid the premium for the 25th Anniversary Edition).
The ultimate first world problem is probably being offended over people critisising your favourite computer game.

There's a war going on, lad, get some perspective...
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the “don’t talk about a video game on a forum dedicated to said video game” cause there is a war going on is an interesting take

Like why are people so upset that others have different opinions of the game than them? You can’t just pretend that other ideas don’t exist.

Yeah I don;t get it when people say that. Of course perspective is useful in certain situations, but its not like anyone on here (I assume) is driving to Ukraine, picking people up and starting a rant right away to them about what a mess GT7 is.

Ex father in law used to get on his high horse about stuff like that sometimes. Recall saying about yogurt we had going mouldy before its best before date and he went off one about being grateful we don;t have to make our own food from scratch or how they struggle in Africa :D.

Same thing with money, with some of my mates who have their own business as well, we talk quite openly about finances, investments, assets etc, I wouldn;t bring up anything like that if talking to most of my other mates/acquaintances/family etc.

Comes down to knowing your audience.
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Maybe when the tuning nonsense ends.

I had two minutes to enter a race and couldn't because I had the wrong tires and no engine limiter. Backing out and adjusting made me miss the entry period and then I'm onto other stuff. I don't have time for this nonsense, just let me race.