Is the negativity ever going to end?

  • Thread starter Boxster
Of the three cars I wanted most in this game I find the price of the McLaren F1 at an eye watering 18 million. That would be a long time project in GTS. In GT7 no chance for me at all. Incidentally the last time McLaren put one up for sale it was £3.9 million in race form with an offer to convert it to road form which would make it the ONLY long tail road F1 in the world.

Once it's gone we have no idea when it will be back.

Those of you that think there's nothing wrong with this game defend that.
No, PD and SIE in general seems to don't care about the complains, you can notice it on the bland answer from Kaz and the silence of Playstation (ironically they still posting marketing posts for the game on their social media), so the complaints will continue until the game is dead, I am frankly impressed on how it seems that SONY/SIE are ok with killing their biggest franchise
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Of the three cars I wanted most in this game I find the price of the McLaren F1 at an eye watering 18 million. That would be a long time project in GTS. In GT7 no chance for me at all. Incidentally the last time McLaren put one up for sale it was £3.9 million in race form with an offer to convert it to road form which would make it the ONLY long tail road F1 in the world.

Once it's gone we have no idea when it will be back.

Those of you that think there's nothing wrong with this game defend that.
The last one actually went on Auction for about €18.5 million, which is exactly its price in game as well.
And there are also a few roadgoing longtails out there.
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I did some research and looked through the whole GT7 car list and I sorted cars to 3 different categories :

  • Must buy. Cars I want and I know I'm going to buy when I get GT7. This category has 83 in it.

  • Meh. Cars that really don't interest me so much, but I might buy if I have money and nothing else to buy or do. This category has 144 cars in it.

  • No go. The ones I already know I won't be buying. Only reason to buy these is that they are crucial to progress in game. This category has all the rest cars in it.

So basically this game has 227 cars for me.
Money needed to buy the cars I really want (83) is 13,266,260cr so far. 22 cars price is still unknown.
And you also get fair amount out of these 83 cars as a prize for winning races. Not so much cars to enjoy after all but still I don't feel it's badly lacking cars for me.

So far it doesn't seem too bad grindfest for me.
Still I won't defend PD for ingame economy as I need plenty of money to upgrade and customize those cars. I work 4 days in week away from home, so it lefts me with 3 days per week to balance with wife, kids, friends, this game and everything else in life. Considering all that, it will probably take years to even own those cars I really want, but so what? It will also probably take many years to release GT8 so I have plenty of time to do everything until that.

I won't be using MTX, so I really won't care about their pricing and such at all, as long as they don't shove them to my face in every possible turn.

It's good to have discussion and arguments, especially now when there's so much controversial things happening in GT7 by PD/Sony, but it's getting a bit frustrating when almost every thread is filling with all these same arguments, subjects and ranting even they are completely offtopic.

It would be nice to, lets say, check for legendary cars dealership thread for new car updates or something like that, but as I open the thread first new posts are about how ridicously priced they are or the rotation sucks and whatnot. Same rant that has filled plenty of threads already.

And let's say it again, it's good to have discussion and people share their opinions. But man, filling so many threads with this same ranting..

If the game is so bad and all, maybe you should take few days off and do something else? Come back after some time and see if something has changed. Play for a while and see what you think about it. Rinse and repeat. Even if you repeat aforesaid many times and it still makes your blood boil, take a moment to think that is this really worth it? If it makes you angry and disappointed time after time, maybe it's time to move on? No point on spending time with thing that makes you mad all the time. Some people just take it way too serious.

This is just my take on all of this discussion about GT7 that has taken over GTPlanet lately. And it's my opinion, no one elses. And after all we should remember that this is just game not question of life and death. We have so much other more important things in life than this single game.

I really do hope things turn to better and you guys find a way to enjoy the game.
I did some research and looked through the whole GT7 car list and I sorted cars to 3 different categories :

  • Must buy. Cars I want and I know I'm going to buy when I get GT7. This category has 83 in it.

  • Meh. Cars that really don't interest me so much, but I might buy if I have money and nothing else to buy or do. This category has 144 cars in it.

  • No go. The ones I already know I won't be buying. Only reason to buy these is that they are crucial to progress in game. This category has all the rest cars in it.

So basically this game has 227 cars for me.
Money needed to buy the cars I really want (83) is 13,266,260cr so far. 22 cars price is still unknown.
And you also get fair amount out of these 83 cars as a prize for winning races. Not so much cars to enjoy after all but still I don't feel it's badly lacking cars for me.

So far it doesn't seem too bad grindfest for me.
Still I won't defend PD for ingame economy as I need plenty of money to upgrade and customize those cars. I work 4 days in week away from home, so it lefts me with 3 days per week to balance with wife, kids, friends, this game and everything else in life. Considering all that, it will probably take years to even own those cars I really want, but so what? It will also probably take many years to release GT8 so I have plenty of time to do everything until that.

I won't be using MTX, so I really won't care about their pricing and such at all, as long as they don't shove them to my face in every possible turn.

It's good to have discussion and arguments, especially now when there's so much controversial things happening in GT7 by PD/Sony, but it's getting a bit frustrating when almost every thread is filling with all these same arguments, subjects and ranting even they are completely offtopic.

It would be nice to, lets say, check for legendary cars dealership thread for new car updates or something like that, but as I open the thread first new posts are about how ridicously priced they are or the rotation sucks and whatnot. Same rant that has filled plenty of threads already.

And let's say it again, it's good to have discussion and people share their opinions. But man, filling so many threads with this same ranting..

If the game is so bad and all, maybe you should take few days off and do something else? Come back after some time and see if something has changed. Play for a while and see what you think about it. Rinse and repeat. Even if you repeat aforesaid many times and it still makes your blood boil, take a moment to think that is this really worth it? If it makes you angry and disappointed time after time, maybe it's time to move on? No point on spending time with thing that makes you mad all the time. Some people just take it way too serious.

This is just my take on all of this discussion about GT7 that has taken over GTPlanet lately. And it's my opinion, no one elses. And after all we should remember that this is just game not question of life and death. We have so much other more important things in life than this single game.

I really do hope things turn to better and you guys find a way to enjoy the game.
Tuning up your car and paiting/modding it is expensive too, which is another issue as you cannot really enjoy the cars you own while trying to save for new cars for your collection.

Hopefully this is all patched out by the time you get the game though, but in it's current state you really cannot avoid a lot of grinding.
Tuning up your car and paiting/modding it is expensive too, which is another issue as you cannot really enjoy the cars you own while trying to save for new cars for your collection.

Hopefully this is all patched out by the time you get the game though, but in it's current state you really cannot avoid a lot of grinding.
And after very expensive tuning you have tuned car and you need stock one too. So it's better to buy at least two F1s.
This is a full-price video game. They should have put it out with 424 cars on the assumption that those cars were 'gone' - given away with the ticket price of the product - that players had 'bought' those cars within the price of the game.
They should then have had another 500+ cars they'd kept back, making them available in paid-for DLC. That way players could get everything in the game, having a fun time, not grinding too much, enjoying everything that game has to offer, but with the option to add to that fun experience with extras.
Trying to re-monetise content included with the title at launch is just pure greed. And cynically watching players interacting with your game for two weeks, then punishing them for playing it 'the wrong way' by nerfing every means they were using to obtain the in-game at-launch content is frankly disgusting.
Tuning up your car and paiting/modding it is expensive too, which is another issue as you cannot really enjoy the cars you own while trying to save for new cars for your collection.

Hopefully this is all patched out by the time you get the game though, but in it's current state you really cannot avoid a lot of grinding.
Yeah I know, as I said on my post. It's a bummer that the payouts were nerfed. Atleast for a casual gamer like me who has only so limited time to put ingame, but it is what it is for now. Let's hope things get better on that matter.
This is a full-price video game. They should have put it out with 424 cars on the assumption that those cars were 'gone' - given away with the ticket price of the product - that players had 'bought' those cars within the price of the game.
They should then have had another 500+ cars they'd kept back, making them available in paid-for DLC. That way players could get everything in the game, having a fun time, not grinding too much, enjoying everything that game has to offer, but with the option to add to that fun experience with extras.
Trying to re-monetise content included with the title at launch is just pure greed. And cynically watching players interacting with your game for two weeks, then punishing them for playing it 'the wrong way' by nerfing every means they were using to obtain the in-game at-launch content is frankly disgusting.
It's a bit absurd. I bought the cars and can't use them? What?
I started my GT (and GTPlanet) journey when I bought a PS3 and got GT5 Prolouge (I was a PC player for years before that). GT5P was a rather small, but focused and extremely high quality title. Most folks here had been around a lot longer and they remembered the bar that was set by GT4; they combined that bar with the excellent presentation and quality of GT5P and expected this to translate into GT5: E.g. GT5 being an improvement over GT4 combined with all the slickness of GT5P.

Well, it wasn't, even after many updates. So they got their hopes up for GT6. Which turned out to not be that either. So they got their hopes up for GT:Sport. Which wasn't that either. So when finally GT7 was announced, folks assumed that GT:Sport was kind of a prologue to GT7 so surely it would improve on this and finally the community would get what they have been asking for for many, many years?. Oops, also nope.

All folks wanted is something that has the same vibe/scope of GT4 (and that's already dropping the bar given that so many years have passed and the racing genre and a whole has evolved in several interesting directions) with todays splendour. As long as that doesn't happen, there will be negativity. And it's very unlikely at this point that it will, so I don't expect negativity to stop. Slap some further insult on top with the whole microtransactions debacle and it's easy to see that this is something that need some serious backtracking from PD/Sony in order to silence the critics.

Can it be done? Surely, just look at games like No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 which were villified at launch but turned out to be alright over time. But it does require a developer/publisher to show some serious introspection with regards to their own choices. And that requires action, not words. Something I haven't seen yet with PD. So negativity will continue to persist.

Just keep in mind one thing: the folks being extremely negative still care! They care enough to want things to change. It's the folks moving to other pastures and not returning in silence that will kill the sales and the franchise eventually. Most folks are not on a forum posting stuff, they simply stop playing/buying.
I started my GT (and GTPlanet) journey when I bought a PS3 and got GT5 Prolouge (I was a PC player for years before that). GT5P was a rather small, but focused and extremely high quality title.
Same story here! I decided to give it a chance after all GT4 reviews. And GT5 Prologue was pretty great to me in that time. I played on a wheel.
Yes - we paid full price for this game. We bought all the in-game content. We've paid for it. Now they want to make us pay for it again?
If the game was free and we were asked to pay real money to unlock the content, that's really fair enough. But I paid full price and I want to be able to play the game a little and unlock what I paid for that way.
There's really no excuse for not including casual modes where everything is available from the start. It's a great racing game and it would be nice if people were just allowed to enjoy that aspect if it.
There doesn't need to be any excuse.
It's the way the game is designed they can design it as they please.

It is the same discusion as putting a easy mode in Dark souls or Elden ring.
These games are meant to be hard, if you don't like it, it's not for you. (they're not for me)

If you want ervery car available from the start maybe the original Gran Turismo concept is not for you.

That said I do agree that it is not a good thing nerfing the payout, and not being able to sell cars for credits.
But being gifted a car every day as in GT sport wos also not the way to go.
For a few days now I have been reading nothing but negativity on this forum. Do you guys never get tired of being outraged?
It's almost as if PD designed their entire game around multiple predatory business practices that have been hugely controversial for a decade, and the director of the company putting out a statement largely blaming those people for feeling upset about it (after his company's own incompetence caused the game to be unplayable for over a day due to one of them) threw water on a grease fire.
It's not that I don't understand the disappointment, I just can't stand the constant raging. Literally thousands and thousands of posts repeating the same complaints. I get it, you are not happy. I just don't want to read the same thing repeated at nauseam.
So don't.
And what is hilariously funny: everyone is complaining about the grind so much, that reading this forum is becoming a grind. Wow!
I know where Carlos Mencia gets his material, I guess.
We all know now what your complaints are. Can we also post about something else?
As soon as PD turn the game into something other than a Gacha sim that you pay $70 for the privilege of playing, I'm sure the complaints will drop down dramatically. Until then, this is something that is just getting started; because every update where they don't basically do what Turn 10 did with Forza 7 and every tone-deaf Legendary car pricing they drop on their FOMO dealership is going to restart the fire.
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There doesn't need to be any excuse.
It's the way the game is designed they can design it as they please.

It is the same discusion as putting a easy mode in Dark souls or Elden ring.
These games are meant to be hard, if you don't like it, it's not for you. (they're not for me)

If you want ervery car available from the start maybe the original Gran Turismo concept is not for you.

That said I do agree that it is not a good thing nerfing the payout, and not being able to sell cars for credits.
But being gifted a car every day as in GT sport wos also not the way to go.
Metacritic shows how great this logic is. It's a complete nonsense.
Metacritic shows how great this logic is. It's a complete nonsense.
Metacritic lost it's vallue long time ago (for me at least) it's mostly the vocal majority review bombing.

But what I basicly wanted to say I still enjoy the heck out of GT7 😉😉
Metacritic lost it's vallue long time ago (for me at least) it's mostly the vocal majority review bombing.

But what I basicly wanted to say I still enjoy the heck out of GT7 😉😉

It's your problem. The game is broken and score shows it.

In the price of any racing game you pay for car/track licenses and models. It's not about buying to see some boss in a fantasy game. You can't block that content. If you do, you will end badly like MC shows.
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There's really no excuse for not including casual modes where everything is available from the start. It's a great racing game and it would be nice if people were just allowed to enjoy that aspect if it.

Metacritic shows how great this logic is. It's a complete nonsense.

We already paid for the 424 cars. They belong to us. They are ours. Unlocking them all - every last one - should be a fun experience, possible to complete in, say, six months of fairly regular gameplay.
If they want more money they should offer more content - that wasn't in the game when we paid full price for it. Would I pay $16.99 for a car which WASN'T in the game at launch? Maybe, maybe not, but I would not feel in any way cheated by that offer. It would be fair and square and I'm sure many people would pay it.
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It is the same discusion as putting a easy mode in Dark souls or Elden ring.
These games are meant to be hard, if you don't like it, it's not for you. (they're not for me)
The game isn't hard. The game is time consuming. There is a difference, and that difference is why Dark Souls and Elden Ring are critically acclaimed and why GT7 is getting torn to shreds.

Hell, Elden Ring runs like crap on PC and people are still willing to put up with it and call it a masterpiece because FromSoft got the game design right. It rewards you for time spent, it rewards you for skill, it gives you plenty to do and makes sure that you feel like you're having an adventure. What makes Elden Ring great is not that it's hard (it's not actually that hard and there are multiple systems that adapt the difficulty if you're struggling), it's that it's incredibly well put together in such a way that an easy mode would undermine the point of learning how to conquer the world provided to you.

Meanwhile in Gran Turismo 7, it's time to do Fishy Ranch for the hundredth time. Woo.
We already paid for the 424 cars. They belong to us. They are ours. Unlocking them all - every last one - should be a fun experience, possible to complete in, say, six months of fairly regular gameplay.
If they want more money they should offer more content - that wasn't in the game when we paid full price for it. Would I pay $16.99 for a car which WASN'T in the game at launch? Maybe, maybe not, but I would not feel in any way cheated by that offer. It would be fair and square and I'm sure many people would pay it.
Arcade mode works for me. Just custom race with any stock car and I can play this mode forever. I don't need more. Current status is not possible.
How about no

They deserve all the negativity.

But also I hope some fans behave. I dont want to hear death threats to Kaz and the staff of PD. Because this is going to make us look bad.

It IS just a game after all. Death threats? Ridiculous and pointless. GT7 is meant to be a fun diversion from the stresses of daily life - and it is. No need to get quite so worked up about it. It's fair to say that all the negativity will have no effect whatsoever. Me saying that we already own the 424 cars and should have access to them for a reasonable (as opposed to unreasonable) expenditure of our time is going to fall on completely deaf ears.
I did try to get my money back from Sony during the 'outage' but the 'outage' happened juuuuust outside the 14 day window for returns, after launch. So the answer was 'no'. If I were inclined to conspiracy theories I would say that was deliberate.
There doesn't need to be any excuse.
It's the way the game is designed they can design it as they please.

It is the same discusion as putting a easy mode in Dark souls or Elden ring.
These games are meant to be hard, if you don't like it, it's not for you. (they're not for me)

If you want ervery car available from the start maybe the original Gran Turismo concept is not for you.

That said I do agree that it is not a good thing nerfing the payout, and not being able to sell cars for credits.
But being gifted a car every day as in GT sport wos also not the way to go.
Elden Ring isn't a multiplayer sports game. It's a legacy single player RPG. The reason 'easy mode' is disputed is because the core gameplay requires the game to be 'unaccesible' to work.

Buying a racing game and being able to enjoy it from day 1 with friends should be a pre-requesite of the genre imo, and a casual mode is an easy way to allow this. Ofcourse the devs can decide that isn't the case if they want, I just think it's a terrible idea that adds needless requirements to some who just want to enjoy racing cars.
It's a natural reaction and will die down in intensity, although the sentiment will remain and complaints will continue until the majority are satisfied.

Many of us are deeply, deeply disappointed as we've been waiting for a definitive GT title for years now. GT6 wasn't it, Sport was taking a different direction that eventually became something to enjoy, but GT7 was packaged as 'the most complete GT ever' and it has fewer cars, used car models are mostly locked off, desirable cars are priced out or on a FOMO incentive, it's more grindy than ever, fewer events, fewer competitions, the Career mode leaves a lot to be desired and the less said about the MTX's the better.

When people are this passionate about something, and it turns out to be a disappointment, expect outrage, overreaction, hyperbole and inflammatory comments. This is the internet after all. Just ride the wave, wait for the majority to pass, and hope future updates will assuage many of us making these criticisms. Doesn't mean i'll begrudge peoples anger over this. We all love GT with a passion, it hasn't met expectations, almost insultingly so, and people just feel the need to rant about it for a bit.
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Many of us are deeply, deeply disappointed as we've been waiting for a definitive GT title for years now. GT6 wasn't it, Sport was taking a different direction that eventually became something to enjoy, but GT7 was packaged as 'the most complete GT ever' and it has fewer cars, used car models are mostly locked off, desirable cars are priced out or on a FOMO incentive, it's more grindy than ever, fewer events, fewer competitions, the Career mode leaves a lot to be desired and the less said about the MTX's the better.
It'll be interesting to see what the ultimate legacy of GT7 ends up being. All the components are there for it to be the best GT game ever by some margin, but at the moment the career, economy and microtransactions are threatening to drag it down to be at least perceived as the worst GT game.

It's very possible that Polyphony turn this around entirely, but you have to wonder about the mindset of people that created a game like this in the first place.