It's time for a change.

  • Thread starter Dan
Great idea. We should try and have a drift lobby thread. Say someone starts a lobby, they can reply to the thread with the lobby number then edit it when it is closed. Hopefully this will cut down on the amount of rude randoms.

Or you can only join lobbies that have people from the gtp community.......
I have opened a room caled
GATEBIL (DONT Crash in ppl) 2
And i the car limits i have had was Max 1200Hp, and Any tire. (NO Redbull X1)

- All aids OFF except for ABS
- Grip Reduction: Real
- Tyre and Fule: Normal
- Mecanical Damage: Light
- Visiual Damage: ON

And those to times i have had that room up, i have not had any problem with ppl. Those who have Joined have respected other Players. But the main rule is (DONT Crash in ppl)

I have had race drivers, Drifters and just ppl that want to have fun on track. Race drivers on Comfort to Racing tires, AWD sliders on Comfort to race tires and Rwd Drifters on Comfort to Racing tires. (I hardly never see AWD and Rwd Drifters On racing tires, most on Comfort and sport tires)

But don't do things you would not don in Real Life :)

I drift on Comfort hard, when i need to.
But when my "Comfort hard friends" don't see me i drift on Comfort medium, that's because those tires feel more Realistic to me. I feel it's easyer to make a Nice setup/Tune on Comfort hard tires, because i can easyer feel whats wrong with my tune :)
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So it got me thinking, shall i start up a Track Etiquette Thread? I'll put down, what i think is essential for the track. Then other members of the GTPlanet community can kindly project their thoughts upon it, and work together so we can have track etiquette rules that everyone can agree on? It'll knock down one issue of the current time, and improve lobbies. If we follow it, non-GTPlanet drivers will most likely follow it too. As we are from many different reputable teams. The community won't change by its self, why because we are the community!

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Respecting others will get you far. Sure some will lash out, but that's because they have not learned this concept yet.

Sums it up. Thank you President Lincoln.
A few of the more established drifters in the community have come together to help shape and prepare the next generations. The drivers that made this choice have a great amount of experience in the Real world of Motorsports Racing. We are going to give the community a visual class on "Track Etiquette" Racers, Drifters, Rally to NHRA Drivers will show the new and even the experienced the ways of "Track Etiquette.".
Treat others as you would like to be treated. Respecting others will get you far. Sure some will lash out, but that's because they have not learned this concept yet.

Sums it up. Thank you President Lincoln.

i have this on VHS...........just showed my age......
I do not want to sound rude, but Dan if a room is restricted to RWD only there is no need for the people whining about regulations. I personally set my rooms to RWD and Comfort Hard because that is what me and my team see as realistic. Sure it may seem rude to say "no" to someone, but when they see a room that very clearly says "RWD/CH drifting" there should never be the question of restrictions. When a room is made it is up to the hosts decision, not the other 15 people in the room.

I personally do not know what rooms you all join that these problems arise, but I can assure you that RSM is staying out of it. The only reason this section is a "laughing stock" is the fact that threads like this one always end in a huge argument. When you go to a drift event in real life I do not care what series, track, etc. you do not see any arguments.

How about we all just do what we are in this section for and enjoy it. I am not even going to end this with KDF because everyone around here seems to not know the true meaning.
And RWD= FR, MR and RR