Lewis Hamilton challenge - which club are you in?

  • Thread starter AlexDB9

Which club are you in?

  • Noob here - haven't even bronzed them all

    Votes: 22 8.9%
  • All-bronze

    Votes: 16 6.5%
  • All-silver

    Votes: 57 23.2%
  • All-gold

    Votes: 90 36.6%
  • Pfft that was easy - All-diamond baby!

    Votes: 61 24.8%

  • Total voters
Interestingly, Lewis said in a recent interview that he's having trouble beating his own laps. And this is probably after the update that reduces the understeer. So don't worry guys, even the man himself is finding this hard :P

See here from 9:00
Mount Panorama done now, just Willow to turn to Diamond and the big Nurb where I just have to not drive all over the grass to improve my current bronze there and then I'll have Diamond on all of them on my main account. Still a few more than that to do on my GTP account.

Panorama GTP account lap (2'01.301) here. (-1 BB)

Tough one this, tough track is probably the main reason, if you are good here (I was not) you might find it easier than I did, you've got to be so smooth.

Also Dragon Trail Seaside (1'36.678) here. (+3 BB)

Should be quicker than this but ruin too many laps, especially at the chicane of death. Not so hard to beat Hamilton, as technically at least, you can gain on him everywhere but afterwards it gets annoying trying to achieve your limit, at least for me. ;)

Brands Hatch also done now (1'22.746). (+2BB)

I feel you can lose or gain time on Hamilton in every corner here. :nervous:

Also Lago Maggiore (1'55.107). (it was either +2 or +3BB)

You've got to get in front early in the lap because Hamilton has an advantage in the last part and really gains, although you can do it better than I did here too.:)

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After half a year of just ignoring this mode, I managed to come back with a concentrated effort and slay two dragons tonight with Brands Hatch and Bathurst. Both laps weren’t perfectly clean, so there’s still a bit of time to be found for me. My total is now 6x Diamond & 4x Gold (Lago Maggiore, Big Willow, Suzuka, Nürburgring). Let’s see what the future holds.

EDIT: Something that continues to annoy me is that somehow, I still can’t accurately predict what the front end of the car is going to do while cornering. I’ve found that shifting down later helps in that regard, as it tends to settle the car in a higher gear and thus generate a more stable turn-in, but it’s still not 100% where I’d like it to be.
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Done the Nürburgring GP lap video now. Need to go back to my main account and finish the last two off now. :nervous:

+2 BB, (1'55.227) Should be able to go quicker but it's so easy to lose big time here, every corner is important but in case of beating Hamilton it's the chicane near the end the matters most, cut it like a madman and you'll gain big time if you get it right. ;)

Nürburgring Nordschleife done now, just Willow Springs to go but I've forgotten how to drive there again. :lol:

Not the best but good enough. -1 BB, (5'38.706).

Not sure I'll ever bother to beat this, far too many corners to get wrong. :dopey:

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Second and third diamonds last week:

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20200526193356.png

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20200527190354.png
After half a year of just ignoring this mode, I managed to come back with a concentrated effort and slay two dragons tonight with Brands Hatch and Bathurst. Both laps weren’t perfectly clean, so there’s still a bit of time to be found for me. My total is now 6x Diamond & 4x Gold (Lago Maggiore, Big Willow, Suzuka, Nürburgring). Let’s see what the future holds.

EDIT: Something that continues to annoy me is that somehow, I still can’t accurately predict what the front end of the car is going to do while cornering. I’ve found that shifting down later helps in that regard, as it tends to settle the car in a higher gear and thus generate a more stable turn-in, but it’s still not 100% where I’d like it to be.
After trying and failing to Diamond the Nürburgring GP track yesterday, I sat down today and decided to give this another go. And I was successful! In order, I succeeded at Lago Maggiore, Suzuka, Nürburgring & Big Willow in ~ 3 1/2 hours. Naturally, Big Willow took by far the longest, but in the end I got a low 1:11.2 out of it. Probably could have maximised the final corner a bit more, but I was up by roughly 0.150s going into the final corner so in the interest of my steering wheel’s continued survival, I decided to be careful.

After basking in my own glory for a bit, I decided to take the LH Edition out for a spin around the Nordschleife. It’s a lovely car to drive, actually, and beautiful to look at. Almost excuses the lack of a cockpit cam. ;)

And finally, it did feel pretty good being able to change my vote in the poll. :lol:

Bronze easy on everything, silver should be doable, gold will be a big challenge and Diamond feels near impossible for me :(
Sometimes I do think about getting the DLC, but I also feel like it won't offer much in the broader scheme of things to me, other than credits. And I feel like I'm already doing pretty well on credits, between new GT League rounds and often doing Sport Mode races. I feel especially good about the rate I'm saving credits when it comes to cars that I may need for specific events, as I think I'm largely all set, barring another race that requires an expensive garage car, like that one Nations Cup round that required the vintage Aston Martin racecar.

In fact, I don't know if I remember the last time I had to buy a car specifically for Sport Mode or GT League. I think all that's mostly left at this point is some Gr.1 cars, VGTs, and the vintage stuff like the Ford Mk.IV, but I already bought the Ferrari 330 P4 if they add more rounds to the Nostalgic 1979 event. It's not like you can really use your credits for much other than simply buying cars, and I don't think you get much in the way of experience points, either, unlike the other campaign events. So I might ultimately pass on the DLC, unfortunately.

I don't know if I'd spend half, or maybe even a quarter of the total prize money, if I bought all the cars I didn't have yet. The possible total, I think, would barely break 100 million in costs. Like I said, it'd mostly be Gr.1 cars, VGTs, and the most expensive Gr.X cars, even though I already have all the Red Bull cars and a Ferrari 330 P4. It's not like we could use the LH Edition Mercedes-Benz VGT for anything, either - except maybe put it in a scapes photo to exhibit our mastery of the time trials. But I think if I could get those wins/poles trophies, that'd be an even greater demonstration of skill, especially since I'm trying not to purposely tank my ratings.
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Downloaded the DLC last week. Really enjoying the challenge. Three gold and seven silver so far.

I found that revisiting the Circuit Experience missions, and their sector instructional videos, to be pretty helpful. It was also encouraging to see how much my times had improved since I had first completed those missions about 6 months ago.

And thanks @ASH32 for posting your comments, videos, and BB settings for each track. I am finding those to be very helpful. :cheers:
Nurb GP is one of my weaker tracks but after putting in a good number of laps in the Zonda for yesterdays Nations race thought I'd give this one a quick go. A good 1 hour later and....

View attachment 932869

That's 3 diamond and 7 gold. The time and effort needed for me to upgrade these golds in immense!
I did find that seat time in the Zonda made jumping back into other cars seem like driving Camrys... nice and benign and easy to squeeze 10/10 out of the 'normal' car... Maybe I should try my hand at the LH challenges again, to see if I can start knocking out some diamonds.
I'm getting tempted to buy the DLC, how hard are the gold/diamond times compared to the gold times in circuit experience?
I'm getting tempted to buy the DLC, how hard are the gold/diamond times compared to the gold times in circuit experience?

Don't underestimate it, the LH DLC is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than any other single player content in GTSport.

The poll on this thread shows how few people have achieved all gold or all diamond. As a direct comparison to Circuit Experience, for Dragon Trail Seaside the gold time is 1:44.4 In the LH DLC the gold time is 1:38.0 and the diamond time 137.094

They're in different cars but both are Gr.3 so the times are comparable.

For me the DLC is well worth the cost of entry as it will make you a better driver at those tracks.
I'm getting tempted to buy the DLC, how hard are the gold/diamond times compared to the gold times in circuit experience?

Harder and that's better because the circuit experience target times are far too slow and won't be a challenge for most players.

I don't think the Gold times are hard to get but the Diamond times will take a bit of practice, could be hours upon hours for some and others will never get them. Some tracks are much easier than others too, Willow Springs stops me from having all Diamond and I'm a few tenths off too. :ouch:

I'll probably give it a go, think diamonds will be beyond me for a while, took me a while to get golds in CE when I first started, but the more recent ones (Spa, Laguna Seca) I've done on the first attempt, hopefully it'll make me quicker, and be a challenge on weeks where I don't fancy any of the sport mode races!
My aim is to get all gold for the Credit limit cap increase and I tried to do this right when the DLC came out but had my spirit broken by Willow. However I noticed recently that I have become quite a bit more competent with race cars and decided to try it again. This time I beat the Gold time on Willow in about 30 minutes 👍 Mount Panorama was an effort as well but 60 minutes later I'd pocketed that one too. Now I only have Interlagos, Nurburgring and Nordschleife to go. I'm not too worried about the first two as you can be over a second slower than Lewis and still get Gold (for comparison: you can only lose 0.692 seconds on him at Willow).
Nurburgring however has me worried, despite people saying that it's really easy. I'm very familiar with the track but with the sheer speed of the car things are bound to go wrong.

I'll report back. As for now I would have to pick the first poll answer since I haven't gotten any medals in the last three challenges :P
I recently completed three time trials again, in part because I wanted to improve my times, and in part because those were the ones I didn’t have replays of. Managed to improve by a healthy margin at Monza and on the Nordschleife, but couldn’t get close to my previous best in Brazil. In the end, I settled for a 30.7 – my best being a 30.5. No idea how I even managed that one… :grumpy:
3 diamonds to go. All within .4. Suzuka drives me bananas every lap within .2. Gonna throw something lol

Suzuka/Willow/Mt are all I have left.
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Finally it's done! I'm all gold now :cool: That credit limit cap increase is just so good!

I was surprised by how slow Hamilton was on Nurburgring. Doesn't look like he put in much of an effort. While he pulls away immediately on the other tracks I was still ahead of him by the time we were coming out of Karussel. It was only then that I started to fall behind. Crossed the finish line about 2 seconds behind him which was still over 3 seconds below the target time for gold. Still, it took me about an hour before I actually made it to the finish line without crashing. That car/track combination is quite a handful.
Nurb GP is one of my weaker tracks but after putting in a good number of laps in the Zonda for yesterdays Nations race thought I'd give this one a quick go. A good 1 hour later and....

View attachment 932869

That's 3 diamond and 7 gold. The time and effort needed for me to upgrade these golds in immense!
Congrats man! Immense for sure. Are you going to do them all?
Congrats man! Immense for sure. Are you going to do them all?

Thanks! And yes that's the plan. Whether or not I manage to get them all remains to be seen. I've since got the diamond at Lago Maggiore so now at 4/10. Had a good go at Mount Panoroma but couldn't quite manage it. Yet :lol:
So after reading GTPlanet for years I finally made an account here just because this topic is very interesting to me. So hi toeveryone here first of all :D

I'm wondering if anyone did platinum on all of them with a normal Dualshock controller? I have done 7 / 10 on platinum with the controller and after a really long break from GT sport (gaming overall) I think I'm ready to try the last 3 events again.

The one's I have left to do are (if I remember correctly) :

- Brands Hatch
- Willow Springs
- Suzuka

It will be a pain in the you know where but let's see how this goes.

Were these challenges easier in an earlier version? I think getting gold on any course here will be impossible, let alone getting all-diamonds. Oh well, at least I supported the game with my money, and the mode’s always there if I wanna take another crack at it. It’s just that if the guide says Dragon Trail Seaside is only ranked 2/5 for difficulty, I can’t imagine how much harder the other courses would be. And this is coming from someone using a DS4 - but is also the 7th-best player in their state, (out of at least 60) at least as far as the Nations Cup goes.

EDIT: Also, even just getting silvers makes for some easy credits.

EDIT2: Just got my first gold this morning at Monza - I feel like that's likely gonna be my first diamond, too. In fact, I'd say I often come pretty close to getting gold on a lot of the courses I've tried so far - I'm less than half a tenth to gold at Big Willow, for example. But I think I'll try to get all silvers, first, then see how I feel. It's just that this week's daily races look like genuine fun, and the FIAGTC rounds for this next stage look great, too, so I might try to wrap up the challenge once I'm done with the 2020 FIAGTCs.
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Which club I'm in? The Red Bull Racing one. I've never been a Hamilton fan and won't spend a cent on this DLC, as I'm sure a small part of our payments go into his pockets.
Got my fourth gold on Maggiore. Moving onto Brands Hatch. I think getting all golds will be the more realistic goal for me, especially considering my silver times in general are much closer to the gold times than the cut-offs for silver.
I am really enjoying the challenge of this DLC. Gold at eight tracks and silver at Mr Panorama and Nurb GP so far, using DS4. I have been working on the gold at Panorama when I get the time, last weekend I managed consecutive laps of 2.03.02 and 2.03.03 before my right hand started going numb and slowing me down (I'm no spring chicken). This morning I had another try and got down to 2.03.11 before my son started hassling me to play Mario karts with him. Then, to my amazement I got gifted the '66 xj13 on the daily spin, so a good morning after all!
I actually managed to get a few more golds over the past few days, with Mt. Panorama and Nurburgring GP being the latest. Now, all that's left is the Nordschleife. I managed to get my first diamond, too, at Monza. But I think getting all golds will be the more realistic goal. I don't plan to get all the diamonds, haha. But I think getting all those credits for getting all-golds, plus the credit cap increase will be worth it alone. In fact, I'm thinking that I'll get the Miura prototype with the credits I'll be obtaining.

EDIT: Got the last gold at the Nordschleife. I’m thinking that’s gonna be it, for me.
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Got my first golds, so that felt very nice. It exposed everything I was doing wrong, which was mostly a vision issue. I actually had to look behind the kerbs to make sure I had the car in right direction.

It felt really weird using as much track as I did and I'm not sure if the lines are ideal for actual racing.
... It felt really weird using as much track as I did and I'm not sure if the lines are ideal for actual racing.

It is not racing though, it's hot lapping. Use as much track as long as you can and even more.
Obviously you're not one of these persons who don't even realize there's a difference between the two modes ;) 👍 !

Congrats for the golds.
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