Longest flight in DODO?

  • Thread starter Sharker25
New record: 34 seconds.:cool: Got it in the air, flew over the water to Staunton, then I turned too sharp and crashed by Sonic Burgers.:P
I must admit I tend to get bored, and will usually head over to the 'phantom' street at the back of Shoreside Vale - I'll usually cruise around there and eventually wander somewhere that locks the game. I think my record's about 10-15 minutes, trying to get at that other place at the south end of Portland.

I must say, you can get that little plane into some pretty crazy angles and still recover.

I still haven't mastered getting it onto the top of buildings yet. I got on to the roof of the Casino (just under where Kenji's garden it) - that was good, if a little high above the street.
teh plane is only fun for the fact that u can get on buildings. try sticking the handling cheat on for landings on buildings and hold the handbrake. the plane stops dead.

there was some guy who flew for 8 days (our days, not gta3) in a single flight. obviously he paused it to sleep and eat though. still, what sort of life did he have.

i think it would be fun if you could drop things on people.
My best was 1280 seconds, i even wrote a guide to flying it a while back... Seems nobody cared though :(
Originally posted by danpollard

was that a glitch? Im not saying its not possible because i know it is but i dont understand why you would fly around for nearly two hours doing jack$hit.

Dude... If you think that's long, there's some guy who flew for 176,488 seconds. That's almost 49 hours! He really wanted to be the best, but all he got was a little 2 minute praise before people realized that he needed to get a life. :lol: . My record though is 84,923 (I was seriously bored, and needed something to do overnight before I ran to Gamestop at 5:00 AM to get SOCOM.).
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
Can someone tell me how to get to the ghost town? Is it by the cartel mansion where that road is blocked off?

No, actually if you fly north, you'll see a large land mass. You can fly through it though, and continue onward. It's to the left (I think) after you've passed through the land mass. You can't land on it, but supposedly it's where the opening cutscene took place. Only problem is that it gives me a sense of being hopelessy lost, and that sorta gives me the creeps, especially when all I see is water left and right.
Hey I found it. It doesnt appear until you get really close. It is a pretty pathetic site, because the buildings are only flat one sided panels but I saw the bank front and the American Flags and stuff. But not worth spending any time looking for it.

The Dodo is now very easy to fly. If you are having trouble, just go to www.gamefaqs.com and there is an FAQ about it. After reading it, I garantee you will be able to fly the Dodo for as long as you want and explore everything.

The City looks really cool from the air and I love doing flybys of the inner parts of Staunton because it is very hard to get a clean line without hitting a building...