Mapping "Zahara de la Sierra" (new GT6 track)

  • Thread starter Amac500
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Its not a circuit though.

That doesn't defeat its possible usage online to me. It's just one of those things that I find odd by PD, why add a driving area only usable in a very small portion of the game? Can't even use it in free run from your garage with single player.

I was only pointing out that they do things how they want not how people may want things.
I thought I could see names above cars in the screen grabs, implying it's "networkable". Can't imagine why it wouldn't be if it's made as a course maker circuit, never mind an ordinary circuit. A free roam area, like Ronda could potentially be, is a very different prospect.

Some good points. I could see these as CM locations, I don't buy they mapped Sierra/Zahara using the said to be coming to the game GPS feature (as to what kicked all of this off). Nurb if I'm not mistaken is not a "tunnel" track and has a lot of off track detail so new tracks not being tunnel tracks doesn't surprise me, and in itself is no connection.

How could the GPS tool make the landscape? PD have modeled the area (like they did with Toscana, Alaska etc.), the theory is that we can run routes over that area as we see fit - either by choosing routes through the existing road network (which they'd have got with whatever reference material they used to model the area in the first place), or by "generating" a track like in GT5, or by feeding that same mechanism with a trace from a GPS device...

Look at this image:

Notice how the terrain is largely featureless, except for localised clustering of "interesting scenery" (like wooded areas, or villages etc.), and the comparatively high-detailed track "ribbon" is laid over the top; there is no intersection between the terrain and the ribbon. In ordinary circuits, the ribbon is carved and stitched into the surrounding terrain, and there is no terrain geometry (under) where there is ribbon geometry.

What's the benefit of modeling a large open area when you can only stay on the track area that PD provided? I'd be less surprised if Eifel (eventually) returned as a course maker theme than if Sierra Time Rally turned out not to be built on one...
Also the rocky edges that run alongside the track look rather 'cosmetic', they drop down on the opposite side instead of looking like the earth was excavated out for the road to run along. And even if that's debatable, you can go to some of these places on Street View and see there was no rocky edge in real life.

I seriously think if the GPS feature ever comes out it'll be limited to people in Andalusia, and any other locations they specifically build for it, so I'm not sure it's something I'd ever get to use anyway.
Yeah, the specifics of the scenery aren't up to the highest detail / fidelity we're used to for a static, single course; not like PD's other work (e.g. Nurburgring, Goodwood etc.). It implies that a lot of the detailed, up-close geometry is generated / procedural, such that it could be put anywhere... If that's the case, it's a clear improvement over GT5 (unless PD have hand-placed the "procedural bucket" assets).

The GPS feature shouldn't be restricted like that; I imagine the datum will be adjustable, like it was shown to be with the circuit / data logger demos (you have to line the trace up on an outline of the circuit). That means I can go and do laps of my back garden (assuming the precision in the measurement is there :dopey:) and import the trace into Andalusía, placing it by the reservoir, or up in the hills etc. :D
Never said GPS tool made the landscape ;) I'm saying the in game feature said to be comming IMO was not what they used to establish the track layout for the upcoming Track Sierra/Zahara that the FT-1 video showed long ago.
That doesn't defeat its possible usage online to me. It's just one of those things that I find odd by PD, why add a driving area only usable in a very small portion of the game? Can't even use it in free run from your garage with single player.

I was only pointing out that they do things how they want not how people may want things.

Are any non circuit locations used online?

Oops DP my bad
Never said GPS tool made the landscape ;) I'm saying the in game feature said to be comming IMO was not what they used to establish the track layout for the upcoming Track Sierra/Zahara that the FT-1 video showed long ago.
It's kind of irrelevant; the system is agnostic as to where the overlaid track ribbon geometry came from. It could be hand-shaped by PD, it could be generated, it could come from a GPS trace - it all gets drawn in the same way, if it's a course maker location.

As has been said, it does look an awful lot like GT5's generated curves etc., which could happen even if GPS data were used, depending on how you join the dots together (smoothing etc.).
The GPS feature shouldn't be restricted like that; I imagine the datum will be adjustable, like it was shown to be with the circuit / data logger demos (you have to line the trace up on an outline of the circuit). That means I can go and do laps of my back garden (assuming the precision in the measurement is there :dopey:) and import the trace into Andalusía, placing it by the reservoir, or up in the hills etc. :D

I might just be being too pessimistic, but I'm thinking of the other incredibly niche GPS features of GT6 which were announced with a similar level of fanfare.
And tracing out your own circuit would work well for a flat track in a flat countryside area, but a lot of famous track designs have famous hills, if you imagine Spa or Nordschleife layed out onto completely unrelated landscape it would be very strange, if you traced a road running along the ocean but the game places you in the middle of a desert, etc.

Of course, if they have the entire globe available to play with, it might be doable in that way anyway. I remember an old sponsored browser game which let you design a circuit anywhere on the world and drive around it using google maps data. But most towns and cities not looking much like towns and cities would be one of the obvious problems.
The 'bar' that splits the map in two is the writing in the logo for the Sierra Time Rally, as I proved on page 50.
Doesn't resemble the Sierra logo at all... btw, you can see how this bar is filled before they pass through that sign with the Sierra's logo on the last video uploaded by TurismoBad

I wasn't (that) wrong after all lol
Special Event - check!
Bar in the middle of the mini-map - check!
Seems like each section of the track has a number of cars you have pass as well as the countdown before the next section arrives, interesting ....

The sheer scale of this track is crazy, can't wait to drive on it :D
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