My GT5 has been dispatched

  • Thread starter DC9990
Did anyone who ordered from Play not get their Stealth Codes yet? Mailed them over the weekend and they are saying something like it's on a first-come-first-served basis - except I placed my pre-order on June the 22nd...
Just curious if anyone ordered their collector's edition from gamestop online...I never saw an option to change the shipping speed after I ordered it so I got stuck with the basic shipping method and no option for in-store pickup.

Just curious if anyone is still waiting for their copy? Mine finally said a long time ago that it was scheduled to be delivered on the 30th....however this morning it said it was "out for delivery" at about 7 am local time. Does that usually mean I'll receive it the day it was sent "out for delivery", and that I should expect it today (a day early) or should I just expect it tomorrow?
When does it say yours is scheduled to arrive? I know for me at least it's only one more day of waiting if it stays on schedule, but I was really really hoping for it early.
Just an update...

Got my CE from eventually on the 3rd of December...

After chasing (several messages and a few calls) I FINALLY got my Stealth pre-order codes.

So, if you ordered the CE from play, don't give up on chasing the pre-order bonus cars as they will send them if you pressure them.
