NCGT5 Drift Competition (01/08/2011)

  • Thread starter aeconklin
United States
San Francisco, CA
(Be patient, more info coming soon)

This competition is going to introduce a lot of the newer GT5 drivers as well as seasoned past GT drivers to my competition style of drifting. This even specifically is directed towards learning overall. Lower horsepower cars, possible instructors on hand, and unbiased judging should make the experience worth while. This is simulation competition on the driving simulator. The event will be live on ustream, it should be fun for everyone!

Tech Information:
Horsepower Limit: 300
All driving aids: OFF
Tires: Comfort (HARD-SOFT)

Track layout:

There are four clipping points set on the map (marked with the orange C1-C4). You will be judged on each point individually. The first two corners are pretty basic, it will get tricky when you have to make your way around the top of the teardrop. This will help drivers learn more dynamic drifting techniques and provide a little bit of a challenge on a small simple course layout. -

Event Layout (please note all times are PST):
You could say "Gates open" at 10AM on 01/08 there will be open practice from 10:15AM - 1:00PM this is optional. There will be a 30 minute break from then and the first qualifying will start at 1:30 PM. You will be judged your best out of 3 consecutive runs. Depending on the amount of drivers registered, the top qualifiers move on to tandem round. I will go more in depth about the competition rules in a few days, please bear with me.

There will be a total of three judges including myself. We will be looking most importantly for overall car control, but we will also be factoring speed and angle (Since this is a game we do not look for smoke or crowd reaction). You'll be judged on 4 clipping points. You will receive a score for each point which collectively will be averaged together with your overall score (how well you look managing the entire course) to make your runs final score. Spinouts or more than two full wheels off the track will result in a 0 for your run. Minor corrections will be accepted (with a resulting drop in score) major corrections will result in a 0.

Tandem judging will run about the same. If there is a lower horsepower car following a higher horsepower car with about the same run, if the lower horsepower car is close to the higher one more points are give on the lower horsepower car. The same goes opposite if the higher horsepower car falls behind. I'll be looking for early initiations for the higher horsepower cars as well. If the match is too close the judges will discuss the possibility of a "One more time"

Since this will be broadcasted live on ustream. If there is enough people in the crowd There is a possibility we will consider their reactions.
That option is still being decided.

Prizes: (the points refer to the "NCGT5 Super-AM Ladder Rankings"
1st Place:
Most Recent issue of "Drift Tengoku" Magazine, a special drift car tuned by me, and 20$ PSN card. +100 points

2nd Place:
Most Recent issue of "Drift Tengoku" Magazine, a special drift car tuned by me. +90 points

3rd Place:
A special drift car tuned by me. +80 Points

4th Place:
+60 Points

5th Place:
+50 Points

6th Place
+40 Points

7th Place:
30+ Points

8th Place:
+10 Points

Registered Drivers 20/20:
teh luckinator

Reserve List 6/10:
Thad Castle
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Ive never met you on Forza3, but i wasent much into drift battles. I was on team sideVibe for a while though..

Id like to enter your comp eventhough im not sure about the times and all (im GMT+1) simply to learn how to drift in GT5..

Ill add you on PSN; my GT is ZSPaulus. You can add me too if you want..
Gt: DntRmmbr
Car: Nissan S13 coupe.
HP: Tba
Team: Slide*America
Time zone: eastern Usa
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If there is going to be judges, I suggest stating what you will be judging on. I don't really know if promoting other sites on this site is not a good idea.
If theres room ill be down to do it.
PSN: BadEtiquette
Car: 350z
Hp: 301 (If thats acceptable) :P
Ill take some parts off if necessary to lessen the hp.
nk4e?! I remember your name somewhere maybe from Xlink? I didn't know you were so close (-ish)! Hahaha.
Anyway I removed the links if its an issue. I just did it for giggles. I apologize.

I'm having some local drifters help me with the judging. There will be a total of three of us.

The basic judging just like any other drifting competition around. I'll go into detail on the top post in about 30 minutes. I have to step out for a bit.

Like I said I still need time to put together everything, I just posted the thread up early to give a heads up. Thanks for pointing that out though its a very important piece of information!
nk4e?! I remember your name somewhere maybe from Xlink? I didn't know you were so close (-ish)! Hahaha.
I was into FM2 drifting for awhile and possibly Xlink.
im going to have to try this out. played forza for a while and did a little drifitng. gonna have to try and get my skill up for this. not confirming just yet though. need more "seat" time.
Hi Bomb,

I'm going to form up a team at GTPT and maybe we'll be able to enter in time.
Can you tell us if its gonna be section or full lap ? We need practice 💡

I have 2 or 3 people interested. I'll catch up on this and will confirm all PSN ID's in a week or so.

Nice iniciative ;)
I've just checked that the 18th is on a Saturday, I won't be able to make it unfortunately, I have to work that day. Good luck to everyone else though, specially to Drift Family! :sly: 👍
There will be more information coming today regarding judging, prizes, track information.
I'm putting it all together right now.

For now I updated the competitors list.

It will be a section of about 3 or 4 corners. I'm still working things out with that.

I wanted to thank everyone thus far for putting faith and interest into this. I'll work hard to me it a great event. If you could, I'll need the drivers that posted in this thread to double check the list on the first post. Please PM me if your chances of showing are definite, maybe, or not at all (I might have added you by accident). Also if you posted previously and your name is not on the registrant list, please let me know as well. (This applies to everyone before this post only.)

New drivers! Don't worry about space. I have 7 spots remaining on the registrant list and an additional 10 spots available on the reserve list. Often times registered drivers end up flaking, or having other things to do. Then the reserve list comes in to play.
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