Need for speed gets "serious".....confirmed!

  • Thread starter Hereward
I think i'll buy this. Looks good in my opinion. I just hope that it has good physics to match.
I think i'll buy this. Looks good in my opinion. I just hope that it has good physics to match.

The problem with buying a game is you can't return them if they're crap, in case you burnt it or something stupid. $80-100 is quite a lot these days.....
The problem with buying a game is you can't return them if they're crap, in case you burnt it or something stupid. $80-100 is quite a lot these days.....

Don't you have EBGames in QLD? 7 day money back guarantee (for console games anyway). Rather than if and umm about whether to get a game I just buy it and see how it is for 3-4 days. If i don't like it I can return it and get a full refund. They also price match any other retailer.
I won't buy it straight away. I'll wait for it to come down in price a bit. I don't think I can trust that EA will make a good game. Lately I've been disappointed with NFS UC and NASCAR 09. Alright games, but it just seems like they didn't quite give it 100%.
Don't you have EBGames in QLD? 7 day money back guarantee (for console games anyway). Rather than if and umm about whether to get a game I just buy it and see how it is for 3-4 days. If i don't like it I can return it and get a full refund. They also price match any other retailer.

Really? I didn't know EB did that money back deal,thanks for the tip.👍 (I wish I bought Tiger Woods 09 from them now :ouch:)

I won't buy it straight away. I'll wait for it to come down in price a bit. I don't think I can trust that EA will make a good game. Lately I've been disappointed with NFS UC and NASCAR 09. Alright games, but it just seems like they didn't quite give it 100%.

At least that's one good thing about EA games though, is they start really cheap in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised to see it start at $80, which is pretty cheap for a PS3 game.
Really? I didn't know EB did that money back deal,thanks for the tip.👍 (I wish I bought Tiger Woods 09 from them now :ouch:)

No problem. Double check before you do buy in case it is different in qld. But I have a receipt right here and on the back it advertises the price matching and 7 day guarentee.
The game is 95% pure racing simulation, with a bit of arcade feel thrown in....

This worries me a bit but I'm keeping my hopes up that the 95% is indeed correct. The screen shots are very impressive and if this game really does have a proper physics model I will certainly buy it. 👍

Available end of September...I can't wait.
I'm willing the give the game the benefit oof the doubt. It looks good to me. hopefully it will have a nice variety of cars and tracks.
I was interested till they said all the cars could go through Paddock Hill Bend flat chat....

Yeah Jambo mate, if you look at the wording of the article it's clear they had all the assists on as well as steering assists, so basicly they were hands on in arcade mode. I'm really looking foreward to someone publishing a report on the game after playing it on pro phsics. Games not due out for about 6 months so theres plenty to do yet. the interview at GT was quite interesting, sounds like there aiming for realisim with the enthersis on track racing, Like the sound of the engine swap outs as well!
I would be lying if i said i wasnt now seriously interested in this game! I love that there's a london track! :)

Looks like we may have a new game to compliment Ferrari Challenge eh fellas? Lets hope the online mode is up to scratch, and of course the car models/physics.


The graphics on the Porsche are very interesting, same livery as the BMW in NFS Prostreet!
Some more interesting stills (towards the end) definatly in game, if nothing else it certainly looks stunning, get the physics right and get the game out before the GT5 hype realy kicks in then EA could have NFS back to it's roots and a big hit!.....Before this hits we have supercar challenge, and towards the end of the year theres GT5 and F1, noy yo mention Forza 3.......Looks like FPS are on the fecline and the racers back in favour this year......oh apart from the new COD title and KZ2.
It was noteworthy that the video mentioned they have been working on this title for over 18mos. I like most NFS fans hope this puts EA back "In the Game" because many of their titles have just been down right disappointing.
Summaries from all the major articles not mentioned.


"As for the feel of the vehicles, I'd put the game somewhere around the level of PGR in terms of realism, though it's admittedly been a while since I've played PGR so that might not be a perfect match. Regardless, it's certainly a far more realistic experience than pretty much any previous game in the franchise, and for my money, more fun to drive as well. To be sure, while it's not as demanding as Gran Turismo, you'll still need a fine touch on the accelerator, knowledge of whatever track you're on and, most of all, a large amount of respect for whatever vehicle you're in."


"Shift is all about your experience as a race driver. The action will take place on existing, licensed racetracks, on new racetracks created for Shift, and on street circuits. There is no open-road racing this time around, and we were promised you won't be pursued by the police or have to take part in old-fashioned street races. Instead, Shift will feature 15 real-world locations in addition to fictitious tracks. The game will feature more than 70 different cars in total, including hatches, classics, and exotic imports. Though we didn't get to experience Shift's multiplayer, the game will support 16 players in online races. Need for Speed: Shift combines impressive real-world locations and cars, solid simulation gameplay, and some interesting additions to help immerse you in the racing experience. It's currently set for an autumn 2009 release on the PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PSP."

In my opinion this looks to confirm an almost exact clone of GRiD. Some articles say its like a sim but IGN clearly states that the cars drive like in PGR and not Gran Turismo. So in other words it is not a sim and only looks and feels like a sim which is exactly what GRiD was. Unless this game has realistic driving physics it will be a pass for me (as a fan of GT and sims in general). To think I actually got excited. Well when I rent it I hope I am proven wrong.


Found some promising opinions from

"The realism doesn't end in the cockpit though: as soon as the race starts you notice that at full gas, your tires will start spinning and the car will not move like you're used to in an NFS game. The physics engine is completely new and never before seen in an NFS game. They say it's about as realistic as the one in Forza 2 or Gran Turismo and I have to agree. Having tried several different cars (Lotus Elise, Audi RS4, Chevrolet Corvette Z06, Porsche 911 GT2 and Pagani Zonda) I can say that each car handles very differently and mastering a powerful car like the Zonda will take a lot of effort and preferrably an analogue controller. Flooring the acceleration at low speeds in turns with a Zonda will end in spinning out and with bad luck hitting a wall. And crashing is not a good idea - your car will get damaged and your vision will be blurred for a while - like hitting your head hard into a wall. But once you get used to the car and start messing with the assists (turn off ABS and traction control to go hardcore, or turn on the driving line to go a bit casual), all the frustration will be gone and you'll start enjoying the demanding but genuine driving engine, the great sense of speed and the incredible detail in everything - the cockpit, the world and the AI controlled cars (or your car if you use the chase camera). Now if you are getting worried that this is not the Need for Speed you are used to, you'd be correct; it's not. It is completely different, but the core features are still here: great sense of speed and a large selection of top cars.
There is always reason to be concerned when a game is in early stages that it won't come out as good as the developers hope or say. In the case of Shift it might be natural to doubt based on the last few NFS games. Once you learn more about the game and developers though, you'll stop doubting. EA is publishing this game but they have only a few people involved in the development. The lead EA person is a car lover/race driver so hopefully the fact that EA signs his paycheck won't overwhelm all his experience on track.

More importantly, the studio that is making Shift (Slightly Mad Studios) is full of simulation developers with a rich tradition of excellent games with excellent physics. They do not take a back seat to Polyphony's best (GT5P) when it comes to physics in their past games. GTR, GTR2 are legends in PC sim racing (GTR2 is still played heavily to this day)and the Shift team developed those games back when they were with Simbin. The physics will not dissappoint like Grid's did. Shift will, I'm sure, have plenty of aids available to make things easier for newbies but turning them off will mean you're playing a sim.

Graphics have been praised by all who have viewed the engine they have developed for this game. The screens are from the game--but running on PC. It is possible the console versions will not look quite as good as the pc version but my guess is the screens are still fairly representative of the console product. From all I've read (including a few dedicated sim racers who have seen the engine in person) the graphics are a legitimate challenge to GT5Ps graphics. This is based on the pc version which is the only version that has been shown.

Last big thing, AI. Always hard to get right but these developers have a good track record. It is a better track record than Gran Turismo has in this regard. The initial hands on have praised there is little reason to doubt it when you combine the hands on with the track record the development team has earned.

If you love racing games in the sim end of the spectrum (and why are you in a GT forum if you don't?) this title should end up as a must play based on all available data points. It won't stroke you car collector gamers out there but it should hit the mark for people who love to race. Yes, like you, I've been burned before by games that were hyped before release but I think Shift looks solid.
People who buy this game for realism might be disappointed, personally I expect nothing other than fun from NFS. If this new game is a lot of fun I'd get it.

Looks Nice

best NFS game is NFS Underground 2

That's the first time I've ever seen anyone say that.:) My fave is HPS2.
That's the first time I've ever seen anyone say that.:) My fave is HPS2.

Hey, NFS:U2 wasn't all that bad as a game. Sure it had some pretty 'ricer' things tied into it, but it means that you could make some nice creations...👍
I doubt final graphics will look like that. As well it will be like GRID, and I hate grid. oi Pass for me.. Why can't need for speed go back to old roots? Best NFS game was Need 4 Speed (4th game) Then the PS2 hot pursuit came about which was decent too, and after that the TUNER versions kick in and destroy the NFS name. We want Sexy Super Sports Cars, no tuners, no racing.. NFS go back to its roots!

Apparently that is the final graphics:
"...I don't know if you saw the first screen shot, we were quite chuffed when people were going "that's blatantly a render, that's definitely a render, there's no way it's in game". It was like, well we know it is. None of our screen shots are edited in any way. If people out there think it's a render and we know it's in game, my boss was quite happy with that. That went down quite well! It's been really good."- Suzi Wallace, Slightly Mad Studios, Producer NFS: Shift.

When EA announced this title, there's also two other NFS game NFS:Nitro- Arcade-oriented racing game and NFS World Online which focused strictly on online racing.
To me, SHIFT already looks better than GRID and because it's being developed by the team responsible for the highly rated GTR2, I know that my G25 wheel will work fine with this game.
The screenshots look really nice! 👍 (although they are from PC version)
I hope the final product (PS3 version) would look similar to that! :)
PC version? says who? these were touted as PS3 and 360 shots by relervant sites who put them out. If they are PC shots I doubt there will be any signifigant differences regarding screen shots. I say this because there isn't usualy a diference.
People who buy this game for realism might be disappointed, personally I expect nothing other than fun from NFS. If this new game is a lot of fun I'd get it.

Well said Paulie, sometimes its just plain fun to pop in a game and have fun. Although GT5P is fun, It is all too often serious and very competitive. Not that that is a bad thing, but sometimes it is nice just to relax and "goof" off. Just depends on the mood at the time.
PC version? says who? these were touted as PS3 and 360 shots by relervant sites who put them out. If they are PC shots I doubt there will be any signifigant differences regarding screen shots. I say this because there isn't usualy a diference.

PC versions of games are known to have better graphics 90% of the time than their console counterparts due to the higher resolution and processing capabilities of a PC (not that the consoles are that far behind)
Don't know if someone already posted this, but here is an interview from Gametrailers:

Personally, this is the first NFS I've wanted in a long time. I have absolutaly despised the street racing image NFS has had and now that this will be circuit based game, I look forward to it.