Need For Speed Payback General Discussion

  • Thread starter Ameer67
It is also weird that the only SUV/truck available to reach 399 is the derelict Chevy and X6M, doesn't make sense to me that G65 and Raptor cant reach 399 for off road.
It is also weird that the only SUV/truck available to reach 399 is the derelict Chevy and X6M, doesn't make sense to me that G65 and Raptor cant reach 399 for off road.
The X6 I can understand for it's crossover origins, and I suppose the Chevy for similar reasons. The G is a tank and while capable off road, isn't the fastest means of transport. I'd agree with the raptor though. Trophy Truck should be faster.

In all cases though we aren't talking realism as most of the antics going on would cripple an elephant (massive jumps, cutting brush).
Enjoying the Runner missions with Jess especially with her Audi S5. Although part of me wished I was in GTA when one was being rammed off the road by the Enforcers in their Dodge Challengers, oh for some firearms haha. Especially when Lina jumped in the car for one mission-lets go for a nice one way drive into the desert somehwere. Sitll can't take her seriously, she's no Razor. That was a good villain.

Im glad that Ghost doubled the payouts, its less of a grind now for me and Im enoying the game even more.
So I beat the game tonight.

The Outlwaw's Rush was pretty underwhelming. I was expecting a huge race around the entire map, but sadly it’s just three races back-to-back. I even played on Hard, but in my maxed out Diablo and a 911 RSR for the off-road portion, the AI wasn't much of a threat. And with how much build up the game was creating for the Outlaw's Rush and how dangerous the House is, I was expecting something bigger than just the leaders of 1% Club, Hazard Company, Diamond Block and the usual cops trying to stop me. There were no rhinos, helicopters, or even any spike strips. No House minions either. However, judging by the ending, the story is exactly over since there is still the unanswered question about the Arkwright files. We'll see if the Story Missions DLC goes into that.

Now that the campaign is done, I'm going to work on getting 100% completion.
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Found a nice method to farm parts for off road vehicles, maxed my evo very quickly!

Edit: Forgot to include this in the video but every time you finish the race, just fast travel to the tuning shop from the beginning then you are ready to go again.
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That's the same one I use when I need to level up off road cars. Along with the first drift challenge for drift cars and the first drag run for drag cars since the tuning shop is along the way back. Only one I need now is for runners and racers.
Found a nice method to farm parts for off road vehicles, maxed my evo very quickly!

Edit: Forgot to include this in the video but every time you finish the race, just fast travel to the tuning shop from the beginning then you are ready to go again.

This is the event I use for grinding off road parts 👍
Based on support for the previous NFS, I'd really be surprised if Ghost didn't add some vehicles and more vanity items or some such.
Based on support for the previous NFS, I'd really be surprised if Ghost didn't add some vehicles and more vanity items or some such.
I would have liked to snark about 2015 getting just about three new cars after release, but Payback's already getting more than three in an update
Because Ghost has to fix the non-derelicts that are valid for all classes to be available in dealerships

So what's your guys take on that? Oh and the comment section is about as toxic as it can get.

I agree fully on BlackPanthaa's video, sums up exactly how I felt after watching reviews which failed to mention a lot and the good points mentioned were spot on. The final part of the video with the pros and cons is a perfect list besides progression made easier, I think it's fine as it is including the payouts to cater those who cannot play a lot. (Won't even check the comments for fear of terminal illness)

My main con towards the game is the limiting of some cars to lvl 299. I just want to be able to drive any car at any point, some would argue that it is so you actually buy the supercars but whats to stop one from finding a derelict in the beginning and bringing it to the end.
I agree with the 299 thing. Most my favorite cars in the game are lower teir cars. So I'm forced to buy and progress with cars i do not care about.

My main hatred after a few days of play is the grind. Especially for off-road cars. It seems no matter what i do i cant get my level up high enough, even with the game on easy i cant win thus, no speed card i have invested all trade ins, about 50 parts and a good 50k at tune uo shops, then go race the air field to win second or 3rd every time. Even though i seem to beat my own rwcord every other race.. hahahaha

Sadly this problem arose when i decided i wanted to change to a new off road vehicle and started from scratch. It's seems they don't want you to buy and build up new cars in this game.
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I have had the exact opposite experiance. Finished the game on medium with the five derilcts. Never found myself "grinding" to get my level up, i did need to get my level up a few times but never needed more than a few races to get it. There is a lot to do other than the story missions, if your stuck on one just do something else for a little while so the game is still enjoyable. Also, if i dont get something i want within two rolls on a specific item i try again later, as to not wast my tokens. I dont know.... when i finished i had like 300 tokens and 1.5 million cash and i am still earning faster than i am spending as i build my garage.....
Yeah money comes easy, parts just hurt at the beginning, i think that c10 is just really slow at first for off-road. Once i got it up over 200, through cash and parts spins, It became pretty beastly.

This map though. It's one of two games where i just don't wasn't to fast travel, id much rather explore it.

My opinion time, this map puts fh3 to shame. just the city alone is fast supior to its competitors. Over all I'm really enjoying the game.
Kinda related, BlackPanthaa said he would get a Lina Navarro style haircut if a tweet hit 200 retweets. Predictably, it did and this was the result....
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There better be a Vlog video if that haircut was done by someone close to him. It would be hilarious to see how it happened.

Actually not a bad haircut tho.
Excellent stuff. It grinds my gears a little to see so many people on Twitter ignoring the patch notes and immediately jumping to messages saying "ADD COPS AND FREE ROAM IMMEDIATELY!1!!1"

They're reacting to feedback really really quickly and they still don't get any thanks. Unbelievable.
This was a pretty quick install, I see.

~20 minutes for an 18GB game.

@Moglet: It's nice to see that Ghost is trying to make this game's loot box system less painful by increasing the levels of the parts you get, but I'm not going to ignore what EA did with Star Wars Gamblefront II...if anything, the bad rep EA has gotten from that game alone seems to be affecting this game as well (if Metacritic is anything to go by). Yet because of my open-minded nature when it comes to playing a game, I won't let SWBF2's bad rep cloud my judgment of this game.
When they add cops to the single-player free-roam, that's when I stop playing the game. The cops are simply brutal, just as brutal as Rivals only without that much fancy weapons tech. At least, let me free roam in peace in single-player. If people want to be smashed to bits for every minor offense online, so be it.
^^^ I hear ya. That's why I'm a proponent of NOT putting cops in free-roam in a random sense. My personal idea is to have the option to toggle free-roam cops on or off. I mean, why not? Just like we can change graphics options in the menu, or lens filters in snapshot mode, why not just give us the ability to say "Yeah, I wanna do some free-roam chases," or "No, I don't want to be bothered." And I don't mean doing this at the start of the game and locking it in, but make it something we can change at will at any time.
A toggle would be nice, or just switch bait crates to where you can drive wherever you want to get away without a time limit. That's my biggest problem with the cop chases.

Speaking of cops I'd been using the Charger for a runner but it maxes out a 299, so I bought a 2015 Z/28 Camaro, upgraded it a bit, and then discovered the ability to add weight to the car in the live tuning... I added all the weight I could which slowed down the car's acceleration quite a bit, but once that thing gets rolling it's a beast on the road. Takes care of cop cars pretty quick.
Hey all so I got sucked in and bought need for speed payback deluxe edition on sale on my Xbox one S. it’s not bad but..... lol well trying to get used to handling it feels delayed in a way. It’s not like a crew or horizon handling. Visually it’s nice I wish I had a cockpit view so on the old bumper cam ahhh lol. I’ve only done prologue so early days but yeah it’s a improvement and I hope ghost continue to support it and work on it. For a fun arcade game it’s alright, story meh whatever. Hate how the game takes control a lot. Early days but yeah.
@Moglet: It's nice to see that Ghost is trying to make this game's loot box system less painful by increasing the levels of the parts you get, but I'm not going to ignore what EA did with Star Wars Gamblefront II...if anything, the bad rep EA has gotten from that game alone seems to be affecting this game as well (if Metacritic is anything to go by).
If it wasn't for SWBF2 backlash, I sincerely doubt any major changes would have been done to NFS: PB. ''We've been listening to your feedback'', yeah, nice try saving face.