Need For Speed Payback General Discussion

  • Thread starter Ameer67
I recall reading one of F8RGE's comments on Reddit and he said that Airbags have the same drop rate as any other individual item - so for instance, Air bags will only appear as frequently as a "jingle bells" horn. Because there are many horns and coloured items, this makes the singular Airbag seem relatively rare. There is a fix in the pipeline for this.

Exactly this. They're aware of it being a problem as the drop rate is set to be the same as the other items, there is just 1 of them so it's not showing up as frequently. Apparently.

In other news this game is on offer in the Xbox Black Friday sale which has started early for Gold members:

It's £35.99/$35.99.

EDIT: I may have purchased it. ;)
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As far as I remember there was some pre-order car pack? If I buy ulitmate now do I get it or can it be bought separately?
Thanks in advance for helping me out!

As far as I remember there was some pre-order car pack? If I buy ulitmate now do I get it or can it be bought separately?
Thanks in advance for helping me out!

If you buy the deluxe edition, you have instant access to the following five cars that were available with pre-orders:
o Nissan 350Z 2008
o Chevrolet Camaro SS 1967
o Dodge Charger R/T 1969
o Ford F-150 Raptor 2016
o Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport 2016

But do note that these cars can be obtained in the regular edition of the game too.
^^^ Three of those cars are ones I was planning to permanently keep in my garage, but I don't think the $10 premium is worth it.

I think the OP was asking if the standard edition can be purchased and then the "booster pack" purchased separately at a later time. - I don't know the answer to that question.
I think the OP was asking if the standard edition can be purchased and then the "booster pack" purchased separately at a later time. - I don't know the answer to that question.

Isn't he referring to the deluxe edition when he said he wants to "buy the ultimate now"?

But the Platinum car pack only comes with the pre-order or Deluxe edition, you cannot buy it seperately (at least on Xbox Store)
Isn't he referring to the deluxe edition when he said he wants to "buy the ultimate now"?

But the Platinum car pack only comes with the pre-order or Deluxe edition, you cannot buy it seperately (at least on Xbox Store)

Not sure honestly. I was looking at the last part of his question "If I buy ulitmate now do I get it or can it be bought separately?"

AR12 ran into a little bit of a grind-wall yesterday in his "Let's Play." And he bought the deluxe edition to get the extra shipments for cash and roll tokens... now that I remember that, I don't think he bought a separate 'booster pack' but it was the whole game. Which I guess the save games would work if you bought the standard edition first and then bought the deluxe separately? I dunno.... all I know is that he did it and used the same saves.

.... Also just pointing out to anyone who reads this that the grind-wall he hit wasn't because it was unavoidable, but rather, he's trying to do meaningful "let's play" episodes every day, and so he's blowing through the story and not racing ("grinding") a lot otherwise. If someone is all-in on the story and just bounces from one story mission to the other, they are going to run into problems. If someone is taking the game at a more normal pace however, and doing all the races on the map, it shouldn't be as big of a deal.

Edit: Okay now I'm clear Trapez.
I was given a full refund. But the game is already in the hardrive, will it still play?

It shouldn't play, no. They revoke your license to the title so you still have the download but you won't be able to launch it until you purchase it again. I had the same thing with the trial, the game was still on my hard drive but it couldn't be accessed as I hadn't purchased it. I purchased it this morning and I was able to carry on playing where I left off in the trial.

It may still work for a short while but it will eventually stop.

EDIT: A server update has been applied with quite a few progression changes. The details are on reddit:

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..I've got to hand it to Ghost, amid all this Gamblefront II slaughtering, they've gone and doubled all the payouts while doubling none of the expenses. In other words, they're doing things more properly than any other part of EA.

Good on you, Ghost. Even you are sort-of joining us in letting EA know of their 🤬 business. And this is a significant step to making Payback better. Still not perfect, but I'll take cutting the frustrations in half.

And the fact they even acknowledge Part Flipping is a viable strategy, too. More now than ever before.
Makes no odds at all, As long as Loot Crates are part of the game I won't be buying it, Which is a damn shame because, Yes NFS 2015 had terrible handling but it was fun and didn't feature this god awful business practice, If I want to gamble I will do so with a reputable company that has rules in place about what is and isn't unjust to the public.
..I've got to hand it to Ghost, amid all this Gamblefront II slaughtering, they've gone and doubled all the payouts while doubling none of the expenses. In other words, they're doing things more properly than any other part of EA.

Good on you, Ghost. Even you are sort-of joining us in letting EA know of their 🤬 business. And this is a significant step to making Payback better. Still not perfect, but I'll take cutting the frustrations in half.

And the fact they even acknowledge Part Flipping is a viable strategy, too. More now than ever before.
Might want to slow that mustang down their sally. NFS is an EA property and such game changes wouldn't be 'permitted' without EA's nod. Ghost were the technical team behind the game, not the ones who own it. EA have oversight with the game and are likely the ones buffing the game (in responce to latest embartassments).

In any case Like what they're doing with the buffs :)
Might want to slow that mustang down their sally. NFS is an EA property and such game changes wouldn't be 'permitted' without EA's nod. Ghost were the technical team behind the game, not the ones who own it. EA have oversight with the game and are likely the ones buffing the game (in responce to latest embartassments).

True, hence the "sort-of".

One way or another, it's a win for the consumers, and with the gaming industry as it is today, that's a once-in-a-lifetime thing.
Makes no odds at all, As long as Loot Crates are part of the game I won't be buying it, Which is a damn shame because, Yes NFS 2015 had terrible handling but it was fun and didn't feature this god awful business practice, If I want to gamble I will do so with a reputable company that has rules in place about what is and isn't unjust to the public.

^^^ Sounds like a sound strategy.
1) Refuse to play a game that doesn't require you to make in-game purchases for any reason whatsoever.
2) Continue to play a game that was not as fun.
3) Gamble in an establishment that is known for always putting their patrons first.

Just remember, the house always wins ;)
I knew they had to have done something when i got two set of air bags out of like 5 crates toay. All earned. I will never buy one....
^^^ Sounds like a sound strategy.
1) Refuse to play a game that doesn't require you to make in-game purchases for any reason whatsoever.
2) Continue to play a game that was not as fun.
3) Gamble in an establishment that is known for always putting their patrons first.

Just remember, the house always wins ;)

It might not require that you purchase them but its still a shady business practice that is there to milk the players who either can't say no or have more money than sense.

I dunno about the house always winning, Brexit resulted in quite a nice pay day for me :D
It might not require that you purchase them but its still a shady business practice that is there to milk the players who either can't say no or have more money than sense.

These "shady business practices" which involve paying to reduce time spent progressing in a game has been around for a long time, in the form or "Time Savers" add-ons. Back when Time Savers packs were replacing cheat codes, there was an uproar from the gaming community who said customers should "vote with their wallet" to stop the death of free cheat codes - but do you know why that never took off? Because people appreciate progression in games and spending time to play games in order to unlock stuff, as long as everything is still obtainable to complete the main story without the need to pay extra.

Now what I'm trying to get at here is that NFS Payback provides two options for its users: Pay to access in-game content instantly or spend time playing the game to access that content over time. Now the first option could prove more expensive than time savers packs did in the past, but you seem to be the sort of person who actually enjoys playing games so that shouldn't be an issue for you.

Rest assured, Payback does not feature any paywalls and progression shouldn't require too much grinding if you balance the use of part tokens and cash when it comes to upgrading cars. With the increased rewards, I wouldn't be surprised if the need to grind has gone completely.
True, hence the "sort-of".

One way or another, it's a win for the consumers, and with the gaming industry as it is today, that's a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

True, but imo it's best to give credit to whoever earned it and while Ghost has done a good job with this game, credit needs to go to EA for trying to undo some of their less than desirable deeds.

These "shady business practices" which involve paying to reduce time spent progressing in a game has been around for a long time, in the form or "Time Savers" add-ons. Back when Time Savers packs were replacing cheat codes, there was an uproar from the gaming community who said customers should "vote with their wallet" to stop the death of free cheat codes - but do you know why that never took off? Because people appreciate progression in games and spending time to play games in order to unlock stuff, as long as everything is still obtainable to complete the main story without the need to pay extra.

Now what I'm trying to get at here is that NFS Payback provides two options for its users: Pay to access in-game content instantly or spend time playing the game to access that content over time. Now the first option could prove more expensive than time savers packs did in the past, but you seem to be the sort of person who actually enjoys playing games so that shouldn't be an issue for you.

Rest assured, Payback does not feature any paywalls and progression shouldn't require too much grinding if you balance the use of part tokens and cash when it comes to upgrading cars. With the increased rewards, I wouldn't be surprised if the need to grind has gone completely.

No game is every without grind (even Idle games). Some just happen to have enough distraction and extra content to take attention away from the grind and make the experience of extended play enjoyable. Others require repetition for deminishing or low returns, something that only adds to the agony of grinding. NFSP is graciously a well balanced game with little grind and a more suitable payout (credit and exp) to allow customising and general dicking about with even less need to grind out races. Others, like GTAO, the need to bust a gut for even the little things and, while not as bad as over a year ago, still demands hours of play for any new content that gets added.
I pulled the trigger and bought it. Can't really go wrong for 35 bucks. I skipped FM7, and for now, im not sure about Pcars2 because I haven't heard much that intrigued me for xbox one.. I have had an itch for a new race game.

This will be interesting as it will be my first game ever without my coveted favorite car. (Yes im one of those guys.) But atleast I can still drive my current car in the game and I get to start with it. Woohoo!

Thanks everyone for the reviews, you guys are the ones that sold me on it.
Thats pretty much what i have been telling people. It's not perfect but i am having so much fun it's almost unbelievable
They weren't kidding when they said "24 Seconds" :P

After tracking the challenge, I discovered that it was standing at 1.43 seconds, not over a thousand. Perhaps use a decimal point to avoid confusion, Ghost...
I've been doing some grinding to level up some other cars I wanted to play with. I keep grinding the first drift event, which is pretty short and easy, and since it's a ciruit course when the race is over I'm at the start point again so I don't have to spend time finding it again. Made quite a bit of money that way and got a lot of shipments through leveling up my rep.

Anyway, just today I finally spent some real time with the wrap editor. It's pretty great, but had a couple of disappointments. Wanted to get some old American performance stickers to put on my 55 Chevy drag car. Edelbrock, Holley, Hooker headers, some Mooneyes, that kind of stuff. But the only brand like that I found was Champion spark plugs. :confused:
And then the fact that there are only three fonts and they're all very basic.
I'm not trying to crack NFS, but can anyone sell me on this game? There's only a single question I need answered.
What does it offer me that FH3 doesn't?
I'm not trying to crack NFS, but can anyone sell me on this game? There's only a single question I need answered.
What does it offer me that FH3 doesn't?
More customization options compared to 2015? Unless you're not a customization guy.
Regarding the whole tuning limitations (performance wise) I personally see reasons as to why cars would be limited in upgrades but I think I'd prefer if all could reach 399 but there was some sort of 299 and 399 class system and maybe the bosses aren't limited. I liked that in 2015 it was like that, or in MW 2005. I sort of find it ridiculous that a BMW X6 can reach 399 but a Nissan Skyline R34 cannot