No GT6 till 2015?

  • Thread starter monildan
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If they will do that and rls. the PS4 so late, they will again do the same mistake as with the PS3 and fall way back behind X720 and the new Wii. I think we will see the PS4 on the E3. And an release on 2012/13.

It´s time because the RAM (256MB?) problems with the PS3 drives game developers crazy. And it is definately on its limits. Uncharted 2/3, God of War III and GT5 has shown what the PS3 can but now it´s on its end.
I don't understand why you would want GT6. It would be the same as GT5 at this point.. -_- I mean honestly what do you expect them to do differently? Have them add the things that weren't in GT5? Guess what. That can be an update for GT5! Kaz's idea for GT6 clearly pointed out it would be for the next gen console because it would be something the PS3 clearly cannot do. That would be full rendering of the car models and more weather affects and car affects. Right now it would be pointless for another GT on the PS3. This generation of system is much different from the old generation. The ps2 didn't have the full internet system like the PS3 does. So the games were just updates.

I totally agree, could not have put it better myself.
I doubt very much gt6 will be on ps3, I hope its a ps4 launch title. Sony will want a console selling game at launch and they don't come much bigger than gran turismo. I did not realize just how far back the current gen of consoles have fallen compared to pc gaming until I had a blast on my brother's alienware laptop, all I can say is WOW!
KY is on record saying that GT6 would have a shorter development period than GT5. GT5 was built from the ground-up, or close to the ground-up as they had GT5: Prologue as the groundwork for GT5.

If Sony is planning for the PS4 to still be released in 2016, I would expect GT6 to be on the PS3. (Full disclosure: I would prefer this to be the case, I don't want to spend top-dollar on a new system just yet, I got the PS3 in 2010. Also, from what analysts say, the next generation of systems aren't going to be revolutionary, more evolutionary from the current generation). I wouldn't expect PD to continue updating an older game (GT5) for over 4 years. It is just unrealistic, PD is a business and they need to sell games, not update previous purchases. That would be great for their fanbase, but not great from a business' perspective.

Now if the PS4 is slated to be released in 2014... The whole situation for GT6 changes.
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Guess new PS4 will enable realistic ladies at the start :)
But probably 4k resolution, air in tires, better crasheffects, more detailed tracks probably with dirt/tire leftovers. Perhaps even qualifying, more tirechoices, nicer shadows, changable view, faster loading, co-op rally, realtime challenges, driverstory and so on.
I've said in other threads we have no reason to expect the PS4 before 2014, at the earliest.
I've also said I expect GT6 to be a PS3 title.

Nobody wanted to hear it though.
I doubt very much gt6 will be on ps3, I hope its a ps4 launch title. Sony will want a console selling game at launch and they don't come much bigger than gran turismo. I did not realize just how far back the current gen of consoles have fallen compared to pc gaming until I had a blast on my brother's alienware laptop, all I can say is WOW!
Exactly and Games like Project Cars and Rfactor 2 are just Miles ahead of what we console Race gamers have.Doubt GT6 will be a launch Title we will probably have Prolouge First .In Any Case PD really need to put their Magic into it Alot of People have been converting to PC Games lately.
KY is on record saying that GT6 would have a shorter development period than GT5. GT5 was built from the ground-up, or close to the ground-up as they had GT5: Prologue as the groundwork for GT5.

If Sony is planning for the PS4 to still be released in 2016, I would expect GT6 to be on the PS3. (Full disclosure: I would prefer this to be the case, I don't want to spend top-dollar on a new system just yet, I got the PS3 in 2010. Also, from what analysts say, the next generation of systems aren't going to be revolutionary, more evolutionary from the current generation). I wouldn't expect PD to continue updating an older game (GT5) for over 4 years. It is just unrealistic, PD is a business and they need to sell games, not update previous purchases. That would be great for their fanbase, but not great from a business' perspective.

Now if the PS4 is slated to be released in 2014... The whole situation for GT6 changes.

Sony will not wait to 2016 that is For Sure .
Frankly, the graphic engine is already too advanced for a PS3 (look at all the shadow and smoke and flickering compromises to make it run at 60FPS and with insane amount of polygons per car).

With the power of a PS4: they keep the GT5's core and add full Anti Aliasing and anti-flickering, High def & better polished shadows and smoke which could bring GT5 photomode quality to INGAME gameplay GT6... so, at PS4 launch in 3 years they could believably release GT6 (ingame gameplay GT5 photomode quality) with 500 premium cars!
Since GT1 and 2 were on PS and GT 3 and 4 were on PS2, maybe they will stick to this formula resulting in GT5 and 6 on PS3. GT5 still has a long life ahead of it and some really promising DLC plus updates coming but I think GT6 will come sooner than 2015, and I'm sure Sony doesn't want to arrive to the next gen party too late if GT6 is going to be a potential launch title for PS4.


I'm expediting GT6 to look like GT5, but with a topping of GT4. Just look at GT4, it's like GT3, but with a topping of GT2 on it.

I'm also hoping that GT6 will be release in 2014 then 2015, cuz it takes about 3 - 4 years for a PS3/Xbox 360 game to be made before release.
I don't care if they don't release GT6 anytime soon. i'm more than happy with gt5 as long as they keep updating it, and i will happily buy the DLC! I consider gt5 an evolving form of videogame, work in progress searching for perfection!
Well, yeah. But not right now, obviously...

On paper. Neither of those games exists in a final form, certainly not one that we can accurately "judge".

Yes of course but They are really shapping up to be Quite a Treat .

That is of course only the Racing Genre ,last Year PC Gaming was just Astonishing and this year is the same thing.

Will the PS3 and 360 be selling enough in 2/3 Years time (I for one doubt it).

PD have a big decision now Do they keep updating GT5 (the 3 dlcs now cost half a game).or they Work on GT6 which will have new features like Livery Editor in what not.
PS4 will be released in 2013 November EU. They say they will still have firmware updates, bug fixes and support for PS3 for ten years (a ten year cycle).

GT6 will be a headliner release game with the Playstation 4.
PS4 will be released in 2013 November EU. They say they will still have firmware updates, bug fixes and support for PS3 for ten years (a ten year cycle).

GT6 will be a headliner release game with the Playstation 4.

Any references to back that up, or are you misrepresenting your opinion as a fact there?
I wouldn't bet even 1 dollar on that happening. GT5 is still in development stage and is terrifyingly far from being a finished product. There is no way that GT6 will hit shelves next year. No chance whatsoever at all. :lol:

Even if they may announce it for 2013, but we all know better than to believe that by now right?
Agreeing with Chqr

With the third XB(720?) anounce for the next E3, no doubt Sony want to stay in the race. So forget GT6 for the PS3, it won't happen! GT5 is already bottlenecked by the PS3 power: too much compromises had to be done: low def shadows and smoke, no AA, etc... GT6 will need all the power of the PS4 to shine.

You also forgot:
1/ the ever increasing of development costs of videogames!
2/ Sony will want to show off the full power of the PS4 and will be less patient with Kaz production delays.

3 reasons which make GT6 on PS3 very unlikely.
It's quite simple really. :) (Speculations: )

This June 2012 at the E3 conference, Sony will announce the Playstation 4.
Depending how Microsoft handles the news and tries to release the new X-Box earlier than the PS3, the PS4 will either be released simultaneously with the new X-Box (aka Mark 2, 720 ...) in 2013 or if Microsoft hold their horses, the PS4 will be released in August/October 2013 whether or not there will be a new X-Box at that time.
Finally, Kaz and the people at Polyphony Digital will be satisfied enough with their successor of GT5 and, in December 2015, a whopping 2 years later, Gran Turismo 6 will be released on the Playstation 4.

In the meantime, we are merely looking at a continued 3 year span of GT5 fun (2012-2015). Let's make the most of it until GT6!
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Except that SONY have already said they aren't announcing the PS4 at E3...
It's quite simple really. :) (Speculations: )

This June 2012 at the E3 conference, Sony will announce the Playstation 4.
Depending how Microsoft handles the news and tries to release the new X-Box earlier than the PS3, the PS4 will either be released simultaneously with the new X-Box (aka Mark 2, 720 ...) in 2013 or if Microsoft hold their horses, the PS4 will be released in August/October 2013 whether or not there will be a new X-Box at that time.
Finally, Kaz and the people at Polyphony Digital will be satisfied enough with their successor of GT5 and, in December 2015, a whopping 2 years later, Gran Turismo 6 will be released on the Playstation 4.

In the meantime, we are merely looking at a continued 3 year span of GT5 fun (2012-2015). Let's make the most of it until GT6!
Retaliation speculation.
Sony will wait until they know exactly what their competitors release, knowing full well their planned release dates, to make sure they one up them and return to being clearly "the best" gaming console on the market like PS2 was at it's release.
I thought the new XBox was all speculation as if yet. I don't follow them closely, and last I remember it was all rumor. I see the PS4 coming out late 2014, with a year and a half of over lap with the PS3. This could led to a GT6 Standard Edition. with downgraded graphics, and an HD Edition for the PS4.
Bollocks. Sony will release the PS4 before the 10 year life cycle of the ps3 is up, and GT6 will be a release game for it. GT3 was proof enough to show how important it is to at least release it with initial consoles.

If Sony launch with Uncharted 4 and GT6, it could quite possibly set a very stern tone for the new console.

It would also take the wind out of Microsofts sail. They could probably match GT with Forza, but unless they do something drastic with the Halo Franchise, they'll struggle to match the double whammy.
Bollocks. Sony will release the PS4 before the 10 year life cycle of the ps3 is up, and GT6 will be a release game for it.

That could get me to purchase a PS4.... as long as my wheel/pedal hardware is supported on launch.

Alternatively, I could say the same for the X-Box and Forza, but Microsoft and Logitech don't seem to get along too well.
I'll through in one of my race drawings/paintings you pick what car you want if you win. I'll prepare it before the time you've come up with. Oh and I'm entirely serious :sly:.

Me too, although I'm interested in one of the paintings regardless of outcome. PM me more cuz if you've got the talent (I dunno but my wife will), I'd love to have a Stealth McLaren F1 or something else hanging in my living room.

Expect GT6 in Spring or Christmas of '14. Mark my words.

Me too, although I'm interested in one of the paintings regardless of outcome. PM me more cuz if you've got the talent (I dunno but my wife will), I'd love to have a Stealth McLaren F1 or something else hanging in my living room.


Well I'm finishing up a Team Lotus (now Caterham) TL128. However, I'll message you later when I'm done so you can see my abilities

Back on topic though it'd be nice to have a gt game that was a debut game on the next gen console. We will have to see though if PD and sony make this come true.
Well I'm finishing up a Team Lotus (now Caterham) TL128. However, I'll message you later when I'm done so you can see my abilities

Back on topic though it'd be nice to have a gt game that was a debut game on the next gen console. We will have to see though if PD and sony make this come true.

It'll definitely be nice and be a good system seller, but I'm not sure how many of us can afford a PS4+ GT6 at launch prices.

I mean, if the PS4 is priced at the PS3 launch price, I'm going to have to live with GT5 for a couple years until PS4 gets the $399 price tag. Hence I'm kinda sitting on the fence whether GT6 should be a PS4 launch title with major improvements or a late PS3 title.
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